The Angel

Night Thirty Two

Age 1991

"I'm going to kill you." Max said calmly.

"I completely believe you..."

Max raised his hand up forming a gigantic ball of flames and lava and-

A loud bell echoed throughout the room.

"The matches are now over..." A feminine voice announced. "Please stop fighting..."

Hero collapsed to his knees as his eyes went wide. "Oh thank God... I wasn't religious before but I think I'll join Ken, and Emma's religion after that..."

Max sighed as his power vanished and his bracelet reverted back to normal and he dropped out of the level two state. "You got lucky..." He said slowly walking away. "I don't intend for that to happen next time we fight..."

Hero gulped slightly as he watched Max slowly walk away.

"Oh my God I think I wet myself-"

"Big brother!"

"Oh crap-" Hero was tackled to the ground by Light as the blind teen threw himself at his not older brother. "...Damn it Light..."

"Hey Hero!" Hero looked up seeing a heavily beat up Shelly, and Ken walking towards him, and Light. Ken held up the Wolfs-Bane sword as she frowned. "What the hell is this thing, and why the hell was it in your jacket?" She asked cocking her head to the side. "I mean I get that it's a sword but like why do you have it? A person can only have one Equation, and yours is in your right arm so what's up with it? It feels weird? Kind of burns my hand when I'm holding it."

Hero sighed throwing Light off of him and grabbing the sword away from Ken. "That was gonna be my secret weapon against that God damn cheating prick Max! But I gave it to you by accident..."

"Sucks to be you." Shelly laughed.

"So were you two just fighting each other the entire time, because you know the goal was to take out as many people as possible?" Hero asked.

Shelly and Ken both looked at each other for a moment as their eyes went wide. "Damn it!" Both girls yelled.

"We were both to busy trying to kill each other!" Ken cried.

"Why didn't you just burn to ash when I threw a fire ball at you! Now we're gonna lose to Hero!" Shelly whined.

"Well it sucks to be you two." Hero said flatly.

"I took out like five people after Emma and I stopped fighting?" Light shrugged.

"Yes our battle was quite long wasn't it." The group turned seeing Emma was now standing next to them startling the group.

"Oh yeah why don't all the idiots just show up." Ken sighed.

"Hey guys!" Kitsune yelled running over being followed by Irene.

"God damn it I was kidding!" She cried.

"So how many people did you take out?" Kitsune asked throwing his arms behind his head as he gave a large smirk. "Me and Irene beat on each other until we realized it was getting nowhere."

"I knocked some asshole out before I fought Max, and a few others on my way over to Max?" Hero shrugged. "I guess all we can do now is this hope we did good enough in the other tests to make up for it... Not very good odds but who knows... Maybe we'll get in. I mean we are the main characters so? From this point on it will be decided by fate..."

"Well... I don't like fate... Fate's a prick!" Ken said stubbornly, as she kicked at the ground. "How many people did you beat anyways Hero?"

"Ahh... Only like twenty?"

"What!" The group said looking at the boy. "That many!"

"There were a lot of people in my way when I was heading to Max..."

"How about you Ken?" Irene asked. "How many did you get? Someone as strong as you was bound to get a lot right?"

"She got zero... Same as me." Shelly let out a heavy sigh as she slid a hand through her pink hair and twirled her twin tails around one of her fingers. "We were both so busy fighting each other we totally forgot to attack anyone else. By the end of it, we wasted the whole ten minutes trying to kill each other rather than anyone else..."

"Well if you hadn't been so stubborn and just let me beat you, then we wouldn't be in this mess now would we!" Ken yelled out in annoyance as she tried to punch Shelly only for the girl to side step it. Both girls quickly broke out into a slap fight as everyone watched them shaking their heads.

"Well maybe if your regeneration wasn't such a hacked ability I wouldn't have been busy fighting you!" Shelly yelled.

Ken flicked Shelly on the nose as she hissed. "Maybe if you fought someone else we wouldn't be in this mess."

"Should we stop them?" Irene asked.

"No." Hero, Light, and Kitsune both called out quickly. "Cat fight!"

Emma and Irene both sighed as they were reminded of the fact they were the only women since Hero, Kitsune, and Light were all men, and Shelly and Ken were both fourteen, and judging from their flat chests, and cute faces neither of them had hit puberty yet.

"Men..." Both women sighed out shaking their heads.

There was a loud clang sound that echoed out in the room making everyone in the room suddenly stop as they looked around. A red light began to shine out casting everyone in a glow as the walls seemed to slowly change and the room once again began to shake. Everyone looked up to find that the ceiling itself was rising up suddenly. The ceiling began to fold back and slide back as a massive balcony suddenly slid out staying above all the shocked recruits.

Everyone began to whisper slightly when they saw the balcony. Or more correctly they began to whisper when they saw who exactly was on the balcony.

There were twelve thrones all labeled with numbers ranging from 12 all the way down to 1. Up on the balcony, twenty something people could be seen either standing or sitting in one of the many thrones. An aura seemed to roll off of them all.

It was like looking into a dark tunnel and seeing the flash of an oncoming train, or staring into the eyes of a hungry beast. The feeling seemed to grow like a bottomless pit trapping all the young naive recruits who were finally getting a taste of what power felt like... Even Max seemed to bucker as his eyes went wide.

It seemed like it was finally time to meet the Captains...

What would they be like?

How would they act

What would they say?

"Good evening!" A loud cheerful voice announced out as a girl suddenly appeared up above everyone. She had massive white wings that were like those on an Angel... They flapped in the air causing her to float above everyone else and sending out powerful ripples of wind. Long blonde hair flowed behind her as she placed her hands on her hips and gave a bright smile showing off a row of perfect teeth.

"Wait a minute..." Light, Kitsune, and Ken all said in shock.

"I've seen her before!" Ken, and Kitsune said in shock.

"I've heard that voice!" Light said also in shock since he was blind.

"That was that weird blonde girl that was always in every town I went to!" Ken said stepping back slightly. "I just thought she was some kind of stalker following me and my Church around..."

"She was the girl who gave me my letter!" Light said nodding his head. "I recognize her voice. I heard her when I beat up a bunch of jerks and she gave me a brail letter..."

"And I know her from the Enforcers 'Five Hottest Enforcers' magazine!" Kitsune said in shock. Everyone stopped suddenly as they turned to look at the Noble teen. "I- I mean... She was on the roof of my school..." Kitsune cleared his throat looking away awkwardly. "Uh... She got number three... Just... Just in case anyone was wonder..."

"You're a pervert..." Ken, Irene, Shelly, and Emma all said staring at him flatly.

"Can I borrow those magazines?" Hero asked.

"You are also a pervert..."

"A sexy pervert!"

"Hello everyone!" The girl yelled out loudly speaking in a very cheerful tone. Her white wings flapped out as she flew above everyone waving her arms back and forth. "How is everyone doing?" She asked.

"That asshole lava guy gave me terrible burns!" A voice yelled out in the crowd.

"And some unstylish loser punched me in the stomach!" Another voice yelled out.

"And I want your autograph!" Kitsune yelled out pointing at the girl.

"I too would like your autograph." Hero yelled.

"They're hopless..." Emma and Irene said staring at the two boys.

"So... Did everyone had a wonderful time! I hope you all had fun during this years many tests! It was a blast to watch you all, and the entire city was cheering you all on when we showed them the final test! You all did well, but sadly most of you will have your hopes and dreams crushed, but I still hope you all had fun!" The woman asked happily.

"Wonderful is a strong word..." Someone muttered.

"I wanna sue!"

"I think I need to go to the hospital..."

"I'm bleeding..."

"I got third degree burns..."

"Nice!" The girl announced when she heard everyone's cries of pain. "Well, you can all finally rest easy now as it is finally time for the Captains to pick their new recruits. If you look above me you will find the twelve Captains and their vice-captains!" The girl announced. She floated up as she pointed at each of them. "It's time to get this party started!"

This was it...

This would decide everything...

Would they get in or would they fail...

It was all up to Fate now...