The Twelve Captains

Night Thirty Three

Age 1991

"So... Did everyone had a wonderful time! I hope you all had fun during this years many tests! It was a blast to watch you all, and the entire city was cheering you all on when we showed them the final test! You all did well, but sadly most of you will have your hopes and dreams crushed, but I still hope you all had fun!" The woman asked happily.

"Wonderful is a strong word..." Someone muttered.

"I wanna sue!"

"I think I need to go to the hospital..."

"I'm bleeding..."

"I got third degree burns..."

"Nice!" The girl announced when she heard everyone's cries of pain. "Well, you can all finally rest easy now as it is finally time for the Captains to pick their new recruits. If you look above me you will find the twelve Captains and their vice-captains!" The girl announced. She floated up as she pointed at each of them. "It's time to get this party started!"

"This is it..." Hero said his eyes slowly looking up to the group. "This will decide it all..."

"May I present to you... The twelve Captains!" The woman announced happily. "These twelve are the strongest we have in our army! The leaders, and great warriors every single Captain is worth over a billion nukes, and over a sextillion armed soldiers! They are the ones who hold this Nation up!"

"Get ready..." Kitsune smirked. "I've studied these groups in and out... These are the twelve Captains."

"So who's who?" Hero asked.

In the number twelve seat, a young woman set. She had long pink hair and blue eyes. A smile seemed to be permanently on her face. Next to her, a giant of a man stood with crossed arms and narrowed eyes. 'Squad Twelve. The Clean Up Squad lead by the beautiful Captain Athena aka the Heavenly Mind, and her Vice-Captain Gregor aka the walking mountain! They are the Medical center in the Enforcers fixing bodies, and cities alike!'

The next seat was labeled with eleven. A slightly strong slightly lean man set in this throne. He had a bored look on his face and let out a sigh. A young girl stood next to him. She had a frown on her face and looked extremely bored. 'Squad Eleven. The Perimeter Guard Squad lead by the trapper Captain Solomon aka the Trapper, and his Vice-Captain Kodama aka the Huntress. They are the ones who patrol the Nations boarders stopping armies from the three other Nations from getting in!'

To the left of that set the tenth chair could be seen. In it a buff man set. The man held a smirk on his face as he crossed his arms. His eyes seemed to shine with excitement. A calm looking man stood next to him as he leaned back slightly rolling his eyes. 'The tenth Squad also known as the Construction Squad lead by the talented Leoh Ming aka The Terraformer, and his Vice-Captain Zaha aka The Rumble. They are responsible for building the many cities within the Red Nation.'

Next was the ninth seat where a man in a large lab coat set. Hero, and Ken both decided they didn't like him as he reminded them of Mr. Hyde. A normal looking girl showing no emotion stood next to him. She had a blank look on her face and stared ahead blankly. The man's eyes shined as he scanned the crowd. He smiled when he saw Hero Law... 'The ninth squad and their Captain. Also called the Research Squad lead by Professor Newt aka The Vortex, and his assistant Automata aka The Plome. They are part of the great science division building many tools and weapons for our Nation. It is their goal to find a cure to the Bestia Macht virus...'

The next one was Squad Eight. A man set with a large smirk on his face as he flipped a hat into the air and caught it. He slipped it back on his head and threw his legs up on the balcony as his eyes wandered over the bodies of many of the girls. Next to him a man stood messing with jars of weird liquids. 'Squad Eight, the Exploration Squad lead by Alexander aka The Traveler, and his Vice-Captain Nicholas aka The Alchemist. They explore the world with the Black Coats, and discover new lands finding many Equations and new places to build cities.'

Across from them the seventh throne set. A young girl laid across the throne with her eyes closed as she seemingly slept. A man stood next to her fanning the sleeping girl off and brushing her hair. 'Squad Seven the Support Squad lead by Lady Sif aka The Dark, and her Vice-Captain Nick aka The Living Steel. They are the greatest back up Squad designed to be sent out and help any other Squad, as such they are the most flexible Squad.'

Next to them set the sixth throne where a young woman with long blue hair, and bright pink eyes rested. Next to her stood two people. The first was Jackson Storm, and the second was Dawson Blight. The two of them stood on either side of the throne next to their Captain. 'Squad Sixth the Special Task Force Squad lead by the powerful Katrina aka The Hurricane, and her Vice-Captain Jackson aka The Storm. No one knows why that other guy is there... They are sent out on most missions and many consider them to be a cursed Squad as they face hardship and death commonly losing soldiers and Equations. It's been two years since they passed a mission...'

Next was Squad fifth. A woman wearing a suit of armor set in the chair, next to her a large man holding a massive gun stood. 'Squad Five the Artillery Squad lead by Neil aka The Mistress Of Arms, and her Vice-Captain Miyamoto Mushai aka The Rain Of Hot Metal. They are the ones who master all manner of weapons and build the weapons that Equip types are placed in for later use.'

To the left of them was the fourth, throne and another Captain. A multi colored haired girl set smirking as her brother stood next to her. 'Squad four the Elementals Squad lead by Ela aka The Whisp and her brother and Vice-Captain Feng aka The Howling Fang. Their Squad is made up of only elemental users.'

The next one was squad three. A man so clean he sparkled set in the throne. He wore a pair of loose-fitting white robes and his feet was in a bucket of soapy water. Next to him, a man stood with a large smoke pipe, however instead of smoke, bubbles came out of his. 'Squad Three, the Raid Squad lead by Soap aka The Leader of a Billion soldiers, and his Vice-Captain Lave aka The Cleansing Wave. They are sent in to fight not Bestia Macht, but rather entire fortresses.'

Next to them was the second throne, Squad two. A gruff looking man set in it, and a shy looking girl stood next to him. 'Squad two The Slayer Squad who excel at dealing with the Bestia Macht's. They are lead by Kong aka The Human Beast, and best Transformation Type, and his Vice-Captain Mary aka The Nightmare. They excel at slaying Bestia Macht.'

And finally there was one last throne. In it nobody set leaving it empty. A single piece of paper could be seen with the words 'Don't wanna be here, so I'm not.' written on it. Next to the throne a girl wearing a wooden mask, and long black robes, and a black hood stood. 'The Number One Squad also known as The Nukes, The Last Line of defense, the heavy hitters, the Strongest Squad. lead by the unknown Captain aka The Enigma, (Some say he doesn't exist) and his Vice-Captain Tomoe aka The Laijutsu Master. Some say she's the one that runs Squad One since the Captain is never around. This Squad is made up of the best of the best. Every member is designed to fight on the level of a Captain and should the Enforcers fall, they will be the last line of defense.'

Hero folded his arms as he raised an eyebrow. "Yo Fox teen. You're smart. Okay I take that back you aren't smart, but... What Captain is which exactly?"

Kitsune rolled his eyes slightly as he looked up at the Captains. "Well Devil Arm I guess I'll-"

"I'll tell you Hero." Irene cut in pushing Kitsune out of the way as she stood next to Hero now. "It's pretty simple. Everyone of the Captains are strong... Really strong. Each of them has their own jobs, powers, and purposes... However, the strongest one would definitely be the number one Captain..."

"You mean the one who didn't show up?" Hero asked as he stared at the empty number one seat. "I heard some stuff about that guy."

"Yeah... The Number One Captain this time is a bit of a mystery... Even still though that position is only held by the absolute strongest individual in the Enforcers. Someone even stronger than the Master's Four Sacred Beasts... The previous Squad One Captain was Okami Otoko, but well... He's dead now so."

"This all sounds kind of complicated..." Hero said sheepishly.

"Its really not," Irene said shrugging. "Basically you have twelve squads in total and each squad does something different. Squads 12 to 7 are the support role squads. They aren't sent out on massive missions often and usually do little side missions or go with another squad to back them up. 6 to 1 is focused on the battle squads. Those square are the ones sent on solo missions. Each squad focuses on something else that they do that makes them stand out. Then you have 3 to 1. Those three squads are the absolute strongest squads. They are the ones you want to shoot for..."

"I don't really care where I end up." Ken said letting out a bit of a laugh. "Just as long as it's fun and I can get stronger and fight strong people!"

"Unlike you Ken, I do care." Shelly said flipping her hair. "I'm going to be placed in one of the top three Squads."

"Shh!" Emma hushed. "It's starting..." She said softly pointing to the balcony once again.

The flying woman lifted her arms up as she pulled out a massive scroll. "Alright, everyone. It's time for you all to be sorted into your squad she announced out. We have a very special way of doing this! If you look behind you, you will see the exit door. If you look to your right, and left you will see six doors on each side!" The girl said cheerfully. Twelve doors could be seen now on the left and right hand side. Six on each side. Each door had a number on it. Left had one through six. The right had seven through twelve. "And now... It's time to get this sorting started..."

"Ominous." Hero and Kitsune both said.

The flying girl reached up placing two fingers in her mouth as she let out a loud whistle. A loud click could be heard as the roof to the building unfolded opening up. Everyone looked up now seeing the grey and blackened sky of their world. Many let out a loud gasp when they saw something flying down from the sky at a high speed landing down in the room so hard it knocked several of the recruits back.

"T... That's!" Someone said in shock.

Hero looked up and felt his eyes widen with shock. He felt a cold intense feeling through the room as Irene gained an angry look on her face as ice began to slowly come off of her skin when she saw what was in the room. She was about to pounce but was stopped when Hero grabbed her hand and held her in place shaking his head.

"A Bestia Macht!" A random recruit yelled out in fright. "A Bestia Macht landed!"

A massive Bestia Macht came crashing down as it landed in front of the recruits. Everyone one of the recruits froze up as they stared at it. Its body was large but lean. It was around the size of a large car. It walked on all fours and its two front legs had two powerful wings coming out of them that were molded into its body. White fur covered its body as sapphire blue eyes stared back at the recruits. Its mouth was like a beak as it folded open slightly. A large spiked tail flicked back moving left and right. White electricity sparked off of the thing flying around the room causing several people to panic.

"T... That's a Bestia Macht..." Irene hissed out now having a cold look in her eyes.

Hero let out a hiss of his own as his left arm began to badly sting as ice slowly covered it. "Irene please calm down. I need my left arm. That's arm is half as good as my right arm."

Irene let out a small sigh as the cold slowly pulled back into her body. "Sorry... I just really hate the Bestia Macht..." She hissed out.

"...Yeah... Me too..."