Squad Sorting

Night Thirty Four

Age 1991

"T... That's a Bestia Macht..." Irene hissed out now having a cold look in her eyes.

Hero let out a hiss of his own as his left arm began to badly sting as ice slowly covered it. "Irene please calm down. I need my left arm. That's arm is half as good as my right arm."

Irene let out a small sigh as the cold slowly pulled back into her body. "Sorry... I just really hate the Bestia Macht..." She hissed out.

"...Yeah... Me too..."

"This little guy is Raiju! He will be performing a few exams on you all..." The woman announced as she floated down and now stood on the beasts back. She reached out patting him. "He is Master Storm's friend, and partner." She stated. "Every new Age when we have these test we use him to judge where a new recruit should go... Each of the Captain's have had a chance to talk to Raiju already and tell them who they want ahead of time. They also have buttons they can push at any time to tell Raiju that they want you. If someone has claimed you Raiju will send you to them, and if several people have claimed you, he will decide which is the best fit for you out of the ones that have claimed you. If someone hasn't claimed you he will figure out if there is any squad you should go to. When I call your name please step up!" She said. "Raiju will look into your mind and soul and figure out the best squad for you... Of course if he feels like you aren't worthy to join the Enforcers he'll show you... If that happens then please leave the building through the exit door which is now unsealed! Please step up when I call your name!" The girl said proudly.

Ken and Shelly gulped slightly as they shifted nervously. "Uh oh..." Both girls muttered.

"I... I don't like this..." Irene hissed out in an angered tone. "Being judged by a Bestia Macht... This isn't fair..."

"Relax." Hero said patting the small girl on the head. "I'm sure it's fine. She said if we are claimed than we are already in. You have a brother who's already in the Enforcers right? Squad One? I think his name is North or something. I bet he asked someone to pick you."

That seemed to make Irene even more pissed off as she threw his hand off of her head. "I don't need North to get me into the Enforcers." She hissed glaring at Hero was now using Emma as a shield. "I'm just as good as him. I'll get in through my own strength. I trained harder than anyone else."

"Right forget I said anything... Oh.. Umm. Ahh it's starting! Let's focus on that and forget I ever said anything scary Ice Girl." Hero said turning away from Irene as names began to be called out.

"Chase Sturm!" The flying girl called out. A young boy nervously walked up. All twelve Captains peered down at him as the boy flinched nervously.

Slowly the boy reached out and placed his hand on the monster's head. A few seconds passed as the monster stared at him. Then its eyes flashed red.

"Sorry, Chase! You are disqualified. Please turn around and walk to the exit where you will be kicked out of our building never to be seen here again!" The girl announced cheerfully.

"What just like that!" Ken said horrified. "We can just lose like that..."

"Okay maybe now we panic..." Hero nodded.

The girl continued to call on names none of which were picked until finally... "Lucy Case!" A tall blonde girl walked up. There was a brief silence as the monster stared at her. Then its eyes turned green.

"I-I saw the number seven..." The girl said quietly. "Do-Does that mean I'm on squad seven?" She questioned.

"Congratulations!" The flying girl announced. "You are one of the first to get in. If you turn to your right you will find a door. Please walk through it and head to hall seven!"

The girl nodded before quickly running off.

From there a few more names were called out. Hero basically blanked most out as they were just random nobodies. One got picked by squad eight, one got picked by squad nine, and one by eleven. Hero honestly didn't care though. Not until a particular name was called out.

"Emma Vibes!"

The group wished Emma good luck as she slowly walked towards the creature. Her hand came out slowly as she gently placed it on the monsters head rubbing it slightly. All was silence as the monster did whatever it was doing... Finally its eyes flashed green almost instantly. "Umm.. Seven..." The girl said sheepishly.

"Good for her..." Light said nodding. "I was hoping she would be allowed on some kind of Squad... Now here's hoping the rest of us are placed on a Squad."

"Light, No last name!" The flying girl announced.

"Wish me good luck big brother."

"Good luck on not getting into a Squad you creep..." Hero muttered.

"Light huh..." Up in the balcony, Jackson tapped at the wooden balcony as he stared down at all the recruits. "What do you think?" His Captain questioned. She stared down at the young teen. "He got a zero on the written test as his handwriting was just scribbled... And he didn't get a single knock out... He passed all but the vision test on the body exam test, he was able to harm the metal block on the Equation Test, and he did mediocre on the physical fitness test."

"Take him..." Dawson said quietly. "He has skill."

The Captain simply smirked as she shrugged. "It's not about what I think... Its all up to that beast..."

The monster's eye's flashed a bright green for a moment. "Squad... Six?" Light said shaking his head. "That's a really weird feeling... I'm glad it made me remember some stuff."

"Way to go Light." Hero said patting the boy on the shoulder.

"You're happy for me big brother!"

"Of course I am. If you got on a Squad it means I'm a shoe in for a high Squad!" Hero announced.

"Yes of course! Big brother must be on the first squad!" Light nodded walking off to the sixth door.

"Kitsune Nine!" The woman announced.

"Kitsune fail." Hero ordered.

"No." Kitsune walked up instantly getting the creature to flash green. "Six!" He said instantly.

"Well damn... That was fast." Irene muttered.

"How did fox teen!" Hero began but was stopped by Irene who began to pat his head.

"There, there..."

Kitsune quickly left before a scene could break out. Once again the room went silent. Nothing of to much interest really happened. By now at least each squad had taking on one new recruit. All except for the first squad which continued to not raise any hands. Mostly because the Captain wasn't there.

Everyone all began to get bored until a name that caught Hero's eye was called up.

"Shiki Gold..."

The teen in question walked up. The teen in question was a young cocky looking boy. He had an aura of power about him as he crossed his arms. The monster looked at him for a moment then its eyes turned golden. Its tail came up as it placed it at Shiki's neck. Everyone went quiet as they stared in surprise. Then. The monster pulled its tail back. Shiki smiled slightly as he reached out patting the monster.

"Squad one..." Shiki stated shocking everyone in the room.

Hero frowned slightly. "Why didn't I notice that guy in the fighting arena... That look about him... He's got to be as strong as Max, maybe even stronger? How did I not see him? I should have fought him!"

"Better question..." Ken stated. "Why the hell did that thing almost attack him?"

"Alice Wonder!"

A girl nervously walked up as she shivered slightly. "H-Hello..." The monster cocked its head at her as its eyes flashed green. "E-Eight?" The girl stated.

"So far things seem to be going well..." Irene said a bit nervous... "Who knows for how much longer though..."

"Relax... It'll be fine." Hero said.

A few more people were called none of which got in. It quickly became apparent that the chances were quite low unless this thing saw something in you.

The woman continued reading her notes before stopping on a name that made her let out an annoyed sigh. "Irene Glacious."

"Strange..." One of the Captains said quietly looking over their list. "I don't recall her name... But a Glacious... If she's even half as strong as her brother than she's a shoe in for Squad One..."

Irene was nervous as she reached out placing her hand on the monsters hide. Her eyes widened when she began to see various memories from her past life. She gasped out slightly as the creature stared at her with curiosity.

"Squad six..." Irene finally said moving her hand away from the creature.

"Wow. Just us three left..." Hero said shrugging when he saw Ken and Shelly. "Wonder if we'll all end up on the same squad?"

"I kind of hope we do at this point..." Ken said letting out a sigh. "Then again... I just want to get into a squad... Or at least in the same squad as you..."


"Oh hey look someone else that's interesting!" Ken said quickly as she pointed forward.

"Tsun Mai!"

A young girl walked up as she crossed her arms. The creature stared at her for a moment. Its eyes flashed golden as its tail came out placing it at her neck. The girl simply smiled slightly. She reached out patting it. "Squad four." She said.

"There it goes doing that thing..." Shelly said frowning. "Why does it almost attack some people?"

"Max No last name..."

Hero took a quick intake of breath as he watched what he was now calling his rival walk up to the stand. Just like with Shiki, and that girl the thing almost attacked him. And just like with those two Max simply smirked as he reached out patting it.

"Squad one," Max said shrugging. "Looks like we'll be on the same Squad after all Hero. I mean... You can get onto this Squad can't you." Max smirked making Hero grumble slightly.

"That guys an asshole..."

More names were called and it didn't take long before the room began to get thinner and thinner as people were either accepted or left. Only around a small percentage of all recruits would even be allowed in after all... Each time a person was accepted Hero, Shelly and Ken all got more and more nervous as they realized their chances were becoming smaller, and smaller.

By the very end of it, only 5 recruits were left to be sorted.

"Okay... This is getting really bland now..." Hero sighed out. "Its been almost an hour now."

"Shelly Kaen!" The woman announced making Shelly flench.

Shelly took a deep breath as she walked towards the beast and slowly placed her hand on it. All was silent until finally its eyes flashed a green.

"S... Squad One..." Shelly said shocked. It was like she couldn't believe it. She got onto the Squad she was hoping for."

"Way to go!" Hero and Ken called out. Shelly smiled and walked towards the door.

"...Kind of wished she didn't get in though..." Ken sighed.


"What?" Ken shrugged. "It makes our chances smaller bite me?"

"Ken Red!"

Ken gulped slightly as she nervously stepped forward. Hero reached out squeezing the girl's hand in an attempt to reassure her. She thanked him as she quietly walked up to the creature. There was a moment of quiet that ticked by. Then another moment. Then another moment.

At least a full ten minutes passed of absolute silence.

"Ken Red huh..." Katrina the Squad Six Captain said under her breath as she read a small paper. "On the written test her answer for the final question was that she wanted to fight strong things, and find the heart... For the body exam she did fairly well but the Doctor noted some scaring around her chest area and arms. During the physical exam she didn't stand out. During the Equation exam, Ward requested he be allowed to put her down deeming her 'no better than a filthy Bestia Macht' in his reports. And in the final test she knocked zero people out. This should be interesting."

The monster's eyes flashed green. "Six..." Ken said smiling slightly.

"Congrats!" Hero announced patting her on the shoulder.

"Hero Law!"

"Law..." Katrina said quietly as she raised an eyebrow. "As in Piero Law? And his name is 'Hero' as in Hiro a powerful Ex Enforcer member? Guess I know where this kid will end up. Through name alone all the Squads are bound to want him... And his tests are... Odd... On the written test it was blank, not even the final answer was answered, on the body exam, his body was noted at being in top physical state and full of scars showing a hard trained life, he did above and beyond on the physical test going longer and harder than anyone else, on the Equation test he was one of the few people to destroy the iron block fully, and in the final test he fought several people and then spent the rest of the test fighting Max a recruit who was in Squad One. That's quite the resume this kid has."

"You need to hit the button." Jackson stated.

"What? Why?" Katrina looked at her childhood best friend with surprise. "I'm sure every Captain will hit their button simply for his name? If that happens Raiju will have to decide himself which squad he goes to. Do you really think he would pick our squad?"

"Just try it." Jackson stated.

"You should listen to him..." The Captain and Vice-Captain both turned to look at their third member when Dawson began to speak. "That boy... I'm not sure what but, there is something about him. We need him. Trust me."