The Wolfs Bane!

Night Thirty Eight

Age 1991

"He's strong. You'll never beat him in head on attacks." Jackson nodded.

"Guess I have no choice then." Hero said reaching into his pants.


"It's time for my secret weapon!" Hero announced pulling his short sword out and pointing it towards Dawson. "Wolfs Bane!" He announced.

"Uh Hero?" Jackson asked frowning. "That's just a normal sword? What are you going to do with-" The entire blade suddenly exploded in a bright light as a massive energy seemed to spill out of it as Hero held it with his left arm. Jackson's eyes went wide as he stared at it. "Wait? A person can only have one Cursed Life Technique. And a person can only be bonded with a single Equation? What's with that blade?" A look of realization suddenly covered Jackson's eyes as he figured it out. "Wait. I get it now. His Equation... Someone's split it in half... He only has half his power... One half is in his right arm and the other half is in that blade... But has it always been like this or did this recently happen? And if he's only using half the Equation in his arm what's making up the other half. He must be powering his abilities with his own will..."

"Get ready!" Hero yelled lowering his blade. "I'm going to give this everything I got!" He yelled launching forward and stabbing out with the blade sending a beam of energy out towards the demonic red man.

Hero slammed his right arm down using his wings to throw him into the air. He flew through the air slashing out more heated beam waves as he flew across the city finally landing on the other side of the massive training room far, far away from the rest of the group. The entire time he sent his attacks out at the demon who began to chase him down.

Dawson swung from the buildings avoiding it as he twisted around and dropped down towards the ground hitting it so hard he sent out a massive shock wave in all directions. He launched towards Hero bringing his arms up and blocking the strikes. The energy slashes tore away at his tendrils revealing his arms underneath them all.

"Damn... Those attacks hurt..." He hissed out side stepping one of them and throwing out a punch. Several red tendrils covered his arms reforming his armor. He whipped it out using it to slap Hero across the face with so much force it whipped Hero's head around and sent the boy crashing into the wall again.

"Well..." Hero groaned sitting up. "That dream was short lived..." Hero looked up only to see the red abs of Dawson Blight who stood directly in front of him. "...Uh oh... This is gonna hurt-"

"Enough with this playing around!" Dawson announced punching Hero in the gut and sending him further into the wall denting it around the boy. "You showed off way more in your fight with that other kid Max. Take this seriously and stop goofing off or you will lose. I've already figured out how your powers work."

"As if." Hero said still indented into the wall. "Light!"

"Yes Big Brother?"

"Can you pull me out I'm kind of stuck..."

Light ran over to his brother still holding onto Ken. He dropped the girl making her yelp as she crashed to the floor. He grabbed Hero and pulled back yanking the boy out of the wall and causing him to land on the body of Ken.

"Ow..." Ken sighed.

"Sorry..." Hero hissed out. "It could be worse though-"

"I too want to be a part of this Dog pile with Big Brother!" Light announced jumping onto the body of Hero and Ken.

"S... See..." Hero groaned out. "Now it's so much worse."

"I think you're both crushing me..." The small, and tiny, girl gasped out.

Hero stood up throwing Light off of him as he raised his sword, and anti-Bestia Macht arm up. "As I was trying to say... As if you actually understand my powers! I don't even know how my powers work! I kind of just do things..."

"Your Equation is in your arm and maybe that sword but I'm still unsure... With it, you can generate heat, sound, and metal claws as well as feathers to a certain extent. You also have a higher output of strength with that arm, and that strange sword of yours is able to send out several energy slashes that are extremely hot and that really hurt. Of course, there does seem to be more to you, that I still haven't figured out, but I am confident I at least understand your style as it is now."

There was a brief silence that passed over everyone as they stared at Dawson than back to Hero.

"Lucky guess..." Hero mumbled out.

"Although that still leaves me with more questions," Dawson admitted. "Like how exactly are you able to- " The man brought his arms up in a flash blocking a powerful red beam of energy from Ken that was actually strong enough to slide him back slightly. "Jesus!" Dawson gritted out as his yellow eyes widened in surprise. "You're-" He was unable to finish as the entire beam flew over his body burning the ground and throwing him back.

"I'm tired of everyone talking!" Ken announced raising her other hand and shooting another beam of red energy out at the smoking body of Dawson. The second beam washed over him as he let out another scream of pain. Two black needles stabbed out of her shoulders which she ripped out and pointed them forward as if they were swords. "I'm going to bash your head in." She promised.

The smoke cleared showing the body of Dawson. His red armor had burned off and his flesh had become red slightly from the burn marks. His arms were still held out in front of him and his eyes were wide and filled with pain. He barley had time to register the fact that Ken suddenly appeared in front of him swinging her weapons down.

"Light..." Hero said slowly watching Ken.

"Yes Big Brother?"

"Next time I go to say anything that could Piss Ken off please stop me..."

"...I'll try..."

Ken brought her arm back as she swung her weapons again, and again, and again. Over and over again, still in the air as each strike was strong enough to keep her up above the man. Dawson kept his arms up blocking each powerful swing. Dawson's feet began to slide back again as he gritted his teeth. With one last mighty swing she hit the man's arms so hard she actually caused his arms to fall down just a small bit leaving his belly exposed.

"Light! Do the thing!" She yelled.

Light raised his gun as the barrel began to glow with a powerful golden light firing out a beam that slammed into Dawson's stomach and making him grit his teeth. Dawson spat out a glob of blood as the golden beam began to pierce his stomach. Red tendrils barley had time to form around his gut defending it just in time.

"My turn!" Hero yelled raising his right arm up. He threw the sword up catching it and pointing his sword towards the man. The entire blade glowed and wrapped around his transformed arm. "Get ready for my new move! I'll give it a cool name!" His feathers flew off of his arm covering the blade as flames ignited around it and he fired out a beam of flaming feathers. "Devil's Feathers!" He announced.

"That's a dumb name!" Ken yelled.

"D... Damn it!" Dawson growled as the wave of feathers, and beam of Golden light dug into his body more and more. "They're starting to hurt... I'm still holding back, but or them to push me this far..."

"Get ready!" Ken yelled dropping both her weapons and bring her entire arm back. The entire limb lit up with a bright red light forming a black clawed glove around the limb. Several black pipes stabbed out of her elbow firing out a massive wave of red energy which she launched directly into he face of Dawson so hard a massive sonic boom exploded out and every building around her erupted from the force of the attack.

Ken let out a loud hiss as she gritted her teeth and held her arm. Smoke rolled off of it from how hard she had hit with it. The arm was bruised and battered now as she clutched it to her chest. Her sleeve was melted and badly torn, and the arm had become black and bruised. Steam slowly rose from it as the limb began to slowly heal and mend.

"That hurt... Pretty sure I blew out all my veins in my arm... Thank The Great One I can heal so well..." Ken sighed.

"Thank... God... She... Didn't... Do... That... To... Me..." Hero stated slowly as his eyes slowly widened in horror. "Also... That was so God Damn cool! The wind, and the big boom! Why didn't you do that earlier?"

"Have you seen my arm!" Ken shouted out in annoyance. "My body can't handle that power unleashed that much. I only used it to finish him off in one blow. Besides... It's true I can heal but if I push that to much it begins to slow down. Using that attack would tire me out to fast if I used it more than once..."

"Now that you mention it..." Hero said eyeing the girl up and down. "You do look like you're about to pass out... Bet I could take you now." He announced raising his sword up.

"Shouldn't we focus on Dawson?" Light asked.

"Nah..." Hero and Ken both said shrugging. "That last attack for sure took him out."

Hero slowly rested his blade back in his belt as his right arm changed back to its normal fleshy human form. "We should go get Kitsune and Irene... I flew pretty far and this place is around the size of an actual city so they're probably still on their way over here right..."

"I'm actually impressed..." Everyone froze as they turned finding Dawson pick himself back up. The man smiled slightly as he dusted himself off. "That punch you threw forced me to use my Level Two for a single second in order to protect myself..." He admitted as he reached up placing a hand on his stomach. His shirt now had a massive fist-size hole in it as flames came off of it slightly. His skin, however, was perfectly intact other than the precious burn marks. He didn't even look that injured. "Those are some powerful Abilities you all have. I might have to get serious soon."

"Wait you mean you weren't serious yet!" Hero said with wide eyes.

"No..." Dawson smirked. "I wasn't. But allow me to show you what I can really do. From now on this just got serious!"

"We're dead..." Ken sighed. "I'm going to die at the age of fourteen. I'm so young... I wasted my life..."

"I want to be buried next to Big Brother." Light nodded. "In fact just throw me in his coffin."

"You have an unhealthy obsession with Hero..." Ken said flatly. "But... Being buried next to him isn't such a bad idea now that I think about it."

"I want to be cremated now..." Hero said bluntly. "And launched into space. Yeah... Space ash... Do that to me after you killed us Dawson."

"Sure thing." Dawson said cracking his knuckles.