Last Attack

Night Thirty Nine

Age 1991

"You have an unhealthy obsession with Hero..." Ken said flatly. "But... Being buried next to him isn't such a bad idea now that I think about it."

"I want to be cremated now..." Hero said bluntly. "And launched into space. Yeah... Space ash... Do that to me after you killed us Dawson."

"Sure thing." Dawson said cracking his knuckles. Several of his red tendrils wrapped around his body forming his demon armor once more. The armor began to change though as a wave of uneasiness passed through all the kids who watched Dawson. "Level Two..." He said in a calm tone. Long red claws stabbed out of each of his hands and a bladed tail formed out of his back. A pair of long red demonic looking wings stabbed out of his back. Flames poured out of his mouth, and eyes, forming around his red armor and casting it in powerful heat.

"Yeah we're dead." Hero said flatly.

Jackson let out a small hum as he watched the three kids stare down a flaming Dawson. "I'm shocked they managed to get Dawson to turn it up a notch... Level Two. When an Equations synchronization Rate Limit surpasses 100% it steps into a new stronger realm. Able to turn up and evolve their power they gain new abilities that are far stronger than their typical powers. A person in this form is basically one hundred times stronger than normal... They for sure lost the moment he managed to turn that power on. Still... There's always time for something to happen."

Over on the other side of the city Irene slowly opened her eyes as she set up from where she had landed. She looked up seeing the out stretched hand of Kitsune.

"Hey." Kitsune smirked. "Need a hand."

Irene shoved past the man sitting up herself as she let out a small hiss. "How hard did he throw me?"

"I don't know..." Kitsune shrugged. "But I'm pretty sure Hero, Ken, and Light, are dying."

"Why?" The Blonde girl asked raising an eyebrow. Kitsune simply pointed ahead further into the city.

Loud screaming could be heard on the other side as massive waves of flames hit the air and several of the buildings began to fall over crashing down to the floor below. The terrified voices of Hero, Light, and Ken could be heard. "No, no, no! That's not suppose to bend that way!" Irene and Kitsune let out a loud hiss as they heard the panic yells of Hero followed by a loud snap.

"We should help?" Irene said slowly.

"Yeah... Let's go." Kitsune nodded.

The two kids quickly ran down the street at a fast speed. Kitsune activated his flame based power activated forming his tails and ears as his speed and increased and Irene used her ice based powers surfing down the city on a wave of ice. The two turned a corner just in time to see the body of Hero fly past them at fast speed.

"HeyKitsuneheyIrene-" Hero yelled flying buy super fast and slamming through a building.

"What the hell did we miss!" Irene yelled with wide eyes.

Dawson Blight, the red demon, who was now on fire, stood before them. His red armor now had flames pouring off of it and one boot was placed on the head of a downed Ken, while his right hand was wrapped around Light's throat squeezing down. Both kids looked pretty beat up and it was unlikely they would be getting back up. His head snapped over to the two new teens who just entered his vision of the battlefield.

He tossed Light away and raised his leg up kicking Ken in another direction.

He then began to slowly walk towards Kitsune, and Irene who looked pretty terrified now. "We're dead... We are very, very, very dead." Kitsune nodded. "Nice knowing you."

Irene rolled her eyes and brought her arms up creating a large bladed icicle the size of a massive bus. "It isn't over yet." She announced. "This the largest ice construct I can make. I'll give it everything I have with this one attack!" She stepped forward thrusting her arm forward sending the large blade of ice forward towards the demonic man, only for Dawson to reach up and catch the massive ice blade. The force of the massive ice hitting him pushed him back sliding him across the stone floor of the training room but his arms wrapped around the blade and began to squeeze down on it as hard as he could. Large cracks began to cover the blade as it shattered into a fine powder breaking into dust. "Okay... Okay now it's over..." She sighed.

"Well if we're throwing out our final attacks." Kitsune brought his sword up. "Get ready! My strongest attack! Faiafokkusu no abatā!" He announced loudly slashing his sword down and sending out a massive fox made of flames that was dressed in flaming samurai armor, wielding a massive samurai sword made out of flames. "Fire Fox! Fight On!" He yelled sending the massive flame construct forward.

"You know you should really come up with better attack names." Irene sighed. "In fact why do you even yell out attack names! That's so dumb!"

"Screw you my attack names are cool! Way cooler than Hero's! And attack names aren't dumb!" Kitsune yelled swinging his sword down sending his fox towards the man.

Dawson simply let out a small grunt as he raised both his arms up pointing them towards both of the teens and the massive flaming fox that was swinging its blade down towards him. His red tendrils wrapped around each other forming his arms together as they took on a weird square shape he held in front of him. A massive red barrel made out of his muscles thrusted out of the square as his arms formed into a gun. A bright orange glow formed out at the tip of the barrel.

"I hope you guys don't die from this." Dawson said calmly.

"Die from what-" Kitsune managed to get out only to be cut off as a massive beam of heat exploded out of his arms washing over the giant fox, the fox teen, and the scary ice girl. The beam tore most of the buildings down as the entire room was caved in.

Jackson's eyes were wide as he looked around the mostly destroyed room. "I think we're in trouble... Pretty sure another Squad was suppose to take this room after we were done but looking around..." The ground next to him shattered as Dawson landed next to him.

The flame around Dawson turned off as his red tendrils slowly pulled back into his body reverting him back to normal. He looked pretty beaten up from the earlier attacks he had taken before he took the fight seriously.

"So..." Jackson asked giving a sly smile. "How'd they do?"

Dawson slowly folded his arms as his eyes slowly stared at the unconscious bodies of Ken, Light, Kitsune, Irene, and Hero. All of the kids were done. "Well..." Dawson said slowly giving the smallest hint of a grin. "I guess they did good enough. It's been a while since I got hurt by a bunch of recruits... It's true I didn't take most of them seriously but for them to cause me harm and even tear through my red armor..."

Jackson also gave a smile. "So they pass?"

"Yeah..." Dawson nodded. "They pass..."