Welcome to your new home

Night Forty

Age 1991

Rafflesia City...

Within the city of Rafflesia a large stone castle could be seen just on the outskirts of the dark gothic looking building. The castle was pretty large and had at least four floors, and several side rooms. A large six could be seen on the castle showing that this was the Squad Six Enforcers building.

And in one of the many rooms...

"Ouch!" Hero yelled hissing in pain slightly as he tried to drag his body away from the small tiny girl.

"Oh relax..." Ken said rolling her eyes as she rubbed the ointment on his cheek. "It'll only sting for a little bit... You want the bruising to go down right?" She questioned. "You can't heal like I can right. So you need this Life Gel to heal yourself quicker right. Still... Even with the ability to heal I took one hell of a beating. All of us did. Damn you, Dawson..."

Hero simply grumbled as he crossed his arms. "It still hurts..." He whined out. The five now official Enforcer Recruits set around in the Squad Six Common Rooms, in the city Squad Six resided in. Turns out Squad six rested in a badass castle. With them was Dawson who set in a corner quietly munching on crackers. Each of them were currently recovering from their insane over the top battle in which they got the snot beaten out of them. Thankfully they had plenty of Life which could heal bruising's, and even broken bones within only a few days.

"Speaking of you being weird Hero..." Kitsune pipped up as he turned to look at Hero.

"Who said anything about me being weird!"

"During your fight with Max, you mentioned a trump card. And when you fought Dawson you pulled out a short rusty sword which was like an Equip type Equation. What was that?"

"No clue."

"And as usual Hero is weird." Kitsune nodded.

"Screw you fox boy..." Hero said. "Besides. I wanna know whats up with Ken? I mean how the hell does she hell, fire lasers, create bone spikes, and also have super strength."

"That's a good point..." Irene nodded turning to look at Ken. "Even with regeneration based abilities yours is above average... You can even regrow limbs which not even Life Gel can do, and yet your Equations synchronization Rate Limit is super low. You shouldn't be able to do that? What are you? It's like you aren't even human?"

"No comment." Ken said cheerfully as she jabbed her finger roughly into Hero's side making him yelp and jump away from her.

"I'm more interested in Dawson's powers anyways." Hero said shrugging slightly as he turned to look at Dawson. "That Red Demon mode was really cool and powerful! And what was that level up thing? Max did something similar to."

Dawson smirked slightly as he raised an arm up. "It's a little hard to explain, but basically inside of my body, there is this substance made out of carbon that resembles muscles... These tiny carbon fragments are just like muscle fibers...My Equation is inside of my Muscles and it allows me to control and pull them out of my body." As he spoke his arm was suddenly wrapped up by what looked like muscles as it became a muscle red color. "I can coat my entire body in it or just a small fractions. These carbon fibers are extremely dense, as well as freakishly strong. And as you might have noticed I happen to look like a Demon while my entire body is covered... That was Jackson's idea... After about three years of fighting like that the Red Demon became a legend. As for that other thing you saw. The Level Two Stage. Any person can do it if they get strong enough. When the Equations synchronization Rate Limit gets too high it'll evolve past the limitations of a normal power... This makes a power gain new abilities and strength..."

"That's a really cool super power..." Hero said nodding his head as he folded his arms. "I wish I had that. I'd be such a cool superhero... Actually people would just call me Super Devil Man or something and think I'm evil so maybe it's for the best."

"Well now that I've told you how my power works, I can't let any of you get out of here alive if you aren't a part of our group." Dawson said blankly.

"Wait are you serious!" The kids said with wide eyes.


"Oh thank the Great One..." Ken sighed.

"In all seriousness." Dawson said calmly. "I'd actually like to know a bit more about your powers Hero. You can use the metal in your body to make claws, and feathers, as well as generate sound and heat. Typically some Transformation Types can have multiple powers so I get that part, but what I don't get is how that short sword works. It's by all accounts the same Equation as the one inside of your right hand, but it is an Equip type. What's up with that? I know you said you didn't know either but how about you tell me what you do know?"

Hero smirked as he brought his hand up. "So basically the thing about it is that I have-"

The door to the room suddenly burst open as Jackson came running in. "Alright, everyone! Get up! It's time I show you guys around."

"But Hero was just about to tell us about his Attribute!" Ken objected.

"Nobody cares about Hero's lame-ass superpower! Come on!" Jackson said.

"Well, actually Jackson I kind of care," Dawson said frowning.

"Dawson some of our squadmates are back! I wanna show them that we got some new recruits!" Jackson stated. "We hadn't had any new recruits in like four years!"

"What!?" Dawson said in shock as he stood up. "They're back? Then yeah let's go. Forget about Hero's lame-ass superpowers! Let's show these guys around our building!" He announced out.

"Oh well?" Hero said shrugging. "Guess I'll tell you guys next time?"

Jackson turned vanishing as Dawson let out a sigh. "Dumbass forgot to slow down... Okay, kids follow me... I'll lead you to where we should actually go-"

The group quickly left as they walked to a flight of stairs. "-This is the stairway. This building has around fifty floors but only a few of them stand out-"

Up the flight of stairs was floor two. This was a long hallway lined with several doors. A few of the doors were simply white doors with nothing on them. A few of the other doors had what looked like bronze badges. Farther into the hallways there were silver badges on the doors. Finally, there were gold badges on the final doors. And finally, at the end of the hallway, there were two doors. One labeled Captain's room, the other one labeled Vice-Captains room.

"-This is our rooms. Since you are all new you will all be sharing room one. One of the rooms without a badge on it..."

"We have to share a room!" Ken said in a panic. "Aren't you against this Irene?"

"Why would I be? Back home I had to sleep in the same bed with all my siblings?" Irene shrugged.

"Yeah but... Hero, Light, and Kitsune are al boys..." Ken said turning away. "Do we all really have to share a room?"

"Of course you do," Dawson stated. "After all you are all squadmates now. The Enforcers want you all to live together and get to know each other. Of course, You, and Irene will get certain unique benefits to give her some privacy from all four of you boys..." He stated.

"Yeah roommates!" Hero announced placing his hand on Ken's head only for her to instantly elbow him in the gut and knock him over. "Never mind... I hate this now..."

"In your rooms, you'll find most of what you need. Beds... Bathroom... That's it actually."

"What no T.V?" Kitsune stated in horror. "But my anime!"

"Nope. No heater either. If you want to add anything you'll have to add anything else to the room yourself..." Dawson stated. The teen turns as the group walked up the flight of stairs.

They arrived to the third floor which was a massive open room filled with several long wooden tables. Jackson stood in the room talking to two people as he waved his arms around wildly. Hero's eyes instantly lit up as he recognized one of them.

"Big Sister!" Hero announced running up, past his group who all stopped when he said that.

"He has a sister!" Ken asked.

"I'll kill her!" Light announced. "Only I can be the sibling to Hero!"

"Easy Light." Irene said hitting the blind boy over the head.

"Oh! Row! Is that you?" One of the people Jackson was talking to said slowly as she stared at the kid. It was a young woman in her early twenties who had long brown hair, and light brown eyes. She had tanned skin and looked surprised when she saw Hero. She turned slightly looking at Jackson. "So two things... One. He actually got in? Two. He actually got in? How have you been Row?" She asked patting Hero on the head.

"You know Hero already?" Jackson asked with wide eyes.

"Hero?" The girl said cocking her head to the side.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." The other man who was standing next to Jackson said. He was a tall pale, heavy man. He had grey hair, and a long grey beard, as well as bright blue eyes. He looked very old. He was dressed in long red pants, and a red fur jacket with a black belt, and a weird red hat. "Who are these kids."

"That's what I was trying to tell you!" Jackson said excitedly. "We got not one, not two, but five new recruits!"

"Five!" The woman exclaimed out in shock as her eyes went wide. "You guys got five new recruits! Yes! We might not be considered such massive jerks anymore!" She said smiling.

"Yep!" Jackson exclaimed nodding his head. "It was pretty cool watching them fight Dawson."

"That reminds me?" Hero exclaimed. "How did we pass the test? We weren't able to touch Dawson once he activated his power, much less beat him?"

"The test was never really about beating me," Dawson announced as he folded his arms. "As it stands the way all five of you are now you stand less than 0% at stopping me even at using a quarter of my strength-"

"You were only using a quarter of your power!" Ken said in shock. "That's so dumb..."

"About half a quarter yeah... Anything else would have killed you all in one attack. But that's not important." Dawson said brushing the question off. "The point is you stood no way of stopping me. The test was actually about not giving up. As an Enforcer the odds will almost never be in your favor. You will usually only have a 1% chance of winning a fight, maybe even less. But even despite those odds, you are required to stand back up. Being an Enforcer means getting back up no matter what happens to you. Even if you used up all your power. Even if your legs won't allow you to stand up. You haven't truly lost until you have given your final breath!"

"Don't worry about what any of that means..." Hannah said pushing past Dawson and shoving the man over. She held her hand out to Ken as she smiled. "I'm Hannah." She stated as she shook Ken's hand. "I'm one of your Squad mates. I am a Gold Badge so you can consider me your teacher! Feel free to ask me anything. But don't expect me to answer you guys as I don't like helping people unless I get something out of it. But feel free to still ask. And also as Ro- Err... As Hero may have told you, I'm like his Big Sister so feel free to call me that!" She smiled.

"I immediately like her." Light said nodding. "I will not kill her."

"You're very easy to please..." Kitsune noted.

"I have something to ask you," Jackson said. "Give me back my pet!" He demanded.

Hannah let out a sigh as she rolled her eyes. "Are we still arguing about that?"

"You stole him without asking me at all!" Jackson yelled out. "Just give him back! I'll lend you him if you ask nicely! Just stop stealing him!"

Hannah rolled her eyes again. "Whatever. I'll give him back." The girl closed her eyes and all the recruits stared in shock when a pair of black wings appeared out of her back. Then slowly a Bestia Macht pulled its way out of her body.

"A Bestia Macht is your pet!" Irene exclaimed jumping back.

The flying Bestia Macht flapped its wings as it let out a loud kaw! Then it flew over landing on Hero's shoulder and began kawing loudly in his ears making his eyes twitch. "It seems like Fulminous likes you," Jackson said as he held his hand out. The Bestia Macht let out another kaw as it flew over landing on Jackson's arm.

"You're keeping that thing as a pet..." Irene said scowling as she frowned heavily. "I can't believe you."

"Why? What's wrong with it?" Jackson asked curiously?

"It's a Bestia Macht! It kills and eats people!" Irene shouted out like it was obvious.

"Oh... Well if you don't like Bestia Macht's you should probably know that there is one on your shoulder." Jackson said shrugging slightly.

Irene glanced down and instantly let out a loud yell in panic as she jumped back knocking the thing off of her. As she jumped she landed in Hero's arms who let out a grunt and fell to the floor unable to carry her.

"T... To h-"

"If you say I'm to heavy I swear to whatever God may or may not exist-"

"Uh... T... To weak... Yeah I'm to weak..." Hero said looking away from Irene.

"Okay you can get off of him now... No need to keep resting on him..." Ken said frowning.

A long slithery Bestia Macht fell to the floor from where it had been resting. The thing looked like a large white snake? It had massive eyes that glanced around the room as it slithered towards Dawson and wrapped itself around him.

"Hey Silky..." Dawson said slowly as he patted the monster on the head. "Have you been a good girl?"

The Bestia Macht hissed slightly as it opened and closed its jaw.

"Well fine then! No treats for you!" Dawson said turning away from the creature. "Go to your corner and think about what you did..." The Bestia Macht hissed slightly as it slithered off of the man and slowly made its way over to a corner.

"What the hell did I get myself into!" Irene said horrified still resting in Hero's arms.

"The Enforcers!" Hannah stated reaching out air patting the girl on the shoulder. "Welcome to your new home... Or as I call it! Hell."