The First Mission (Part 1)

Night Forty Two

Age 1991

"So... What's up." Jackson asked calmly. "Did you find anything out?"

Hannah slowly phased through the floor standing at the wall next to the man. "Sorry I was busy chatting with my little brother I forgot to check on everything you asked me to."

Jackson let out a small snort. "It was a shocker when he called you Big Sister. I had no idea you knew Hero. I should have seen it coming what with you both having the last name Law..."

Hannah let out a small sigh as she stared down at the hand which she had ran through her little brothers messy white hair. "It was so long since I saw him... Me and Row, and his little brother grew up in that lab... I was an attempt at creating a third Generation, but they failed, as for Row, and Vil, they were something else. A different project. If not for Hero we would have died. Hero, she... She took care of us. Row still remembers her I'm sure of it." A woman with long silver hair, and silver eyes came, to Hannah's mind for a moment. "Around that time Piero should up and burned the lab down. If not for my power I'd have died. I'm still unsure how Row got out of that place alive... Unfortunately during that lab incident Hero, she... She didn't make it... After that Piero took us in and we grew up in Gladious, a little mountain village. Row took a liking to Piero and started calling him dad. I was always unsure of the man. Around that time we met three people who changed our lives. The first was Piero's brother. That man was... Not good... His death sent Piero over the edge. That was around the time he started calling Row, and me, Hero... The second person we met was Okami Otoko who saved us and inspired us. But the man who made us want to join the Enforcers was Light."

"Light?" Jackson asked sitting up. "As in the Light who is in our Squad?"

"Yes but back then, he was the Vice-Captain to Squad One..."

Jackson's eyes lit up for a moment as he scratched at his chin. "Ahh... I see now... Light is a second Generation isn't he..."

"I believe he is."

"That's interesting." Jackson nodded. "But wait why doesn't Hero know about that or question it? He acts like he knew the boy his whole life?"

"Right..." Hannah nodded for a moment. "Light has memory problems from his dual lives and as such has trouble remembering what memory is from which life. Row though... His problems are different. Part of his memories are blanked out, from Piero, and Piero's brothers tricks... He doesn't even remember he was once called Row. My theory is his mind if filling in the blanks as needed. So he forgot the first Light, and filled in all the pieces with the second Light. When Row, and I were kids Light, the one who was a Vice-Captain, bought us matching Pajamas, and yet Row said he didn't remember that when Light brought it up. I'd suggest watching Light, and Row closely."

"I see..." Jackson nodded his head as a small smile crossed onto his face. "This story is starting to get interesting now... I wonder if that's why Hero was taken in by that Master of his." Jackson turned away from the woman as he began to walk away. "Well. Watch the recruits closely. I'd like to know more about Irene, Kitsune, and especially Ken... That girl isn't a human... And with your power to Transform your body into another Pocket Universe phasing things in and out of your body, you make the perfect person to spy on them."

"You got it." Hannah smile. "I'd also like to know the kinds of people my brother befriended..."



The Next Day...

Early Morning...

The Recruits Common Room...

In the squad six castle, there was a simple room with five beds. In this room Hero, Ken, Kitsune, Light, and Irene all slept soundly in their own beds. Light could also be seen tied down to his bed as he tried to keep sneaking into Hero's bed in the middle of the night. None of them said a word as they all laid down breathing deeply in their sleep...

It was very peaceful and quiet as they all rolled around dreaming peacefully.

It was nice and so peaceful.


"Alright, guys!" Jackson announced kicking the door down as he exploded into the room. "Wake up you assholes! It's time to begin your Enforcer duties!" He yelled out with a large air horn blaring out. "Wakey, wakey!" Lightning exploded off of him shocking all the kids.

All five recruits freaked out as they all jumped up startled from the noise and blaring Lightning which crackled around the room. Hero let out a yell as his back hit the window and it shattered. "Why!" The boy screamed out as he tumbled out the window falling out of the massive tower.


The sound of a body hitting the floor echoed out up to the second story floor.

Everyone stood there in silence as they all stared at the smashed open window... No one said a word as small groans of pain could be heard coming up from the ground.

"Uh... Whoops..." Jackson said letting out a laugh... "My bad... He might be dead..."

One hour later...

All the recruits set in the mess hall, all of them fully dressed, and showered now. Jackson's eye twitched slightly as he stared at all five of the recruits. "It took you guys an hour to get ready?" He questioned as he stared at them with a deadpan stare. "And you still got glass in your hair."

Hero gave the man a nasty look as he was still pulling out shards of glass from his body. "You're an asshole..." Hero said flatly as he grabbed a drink.

"This foods really good!" Kitsune said as his eyes lit up.

"Still." Jackson sighed shaking his head. "Next time be quicker."

"It's not our fault..." Ken said letting out a huff as she crossed her arms. "We had to go get Hero, then He, Kitsune, and Light spent forever showering, so then Irene, and me had to wait for them to finish before we finally got the chance to shower, and by then all the hot water was used up... God, I hate it here, already..." She complained.

Jackson stared at all the kids strangely for a minuet. "Why didn't you guys all just shower together-"

Hero spat out his drink as he broke into a coughing fit. "Umm... Mr. Storm you know Ken, and Irene are girls, right? I mean they may not be attractive girls, but they are still girls..." Hero said still gasping for air. "I mean it was awkward enough to shower with Light, and Kitsune. Luckily Light is blind and Kitsune and me made a bro code pact before we got in so it was all good there..."

"Yeah..." Ken said sliding away from the man. "I'm not showering with them..." Ken stated.

"Well, why not?" Jackson asked in confusion. "Me and Katrina shower together all the time-"

Hero once again spat out his drink.

"Jackson..." A loud voice announced in a panic. The group turned finding Dawson was suddenly here as he quickly ran over to the man grabbing him by the shoulder. "Look Katrina really wouldn't like you telling these kids what you guys do in your alone time..." The man hissed slightly. "You and Katrina have the most abnormal friendship... Believe it or not, it isn't normal for guys, and girls to shower together..."

"Oh... I think I get it." Jackson said nodding. "They're shy..."

Dawson let out a sigh as he rolled his yellow eyes. "Yes, Jackson. They're shy..." The man said. "Oh. By the way. I won't be here for a few weeks... Katrina, and I are both being sent on separate missions by orders of Master Storm... You, Santa, and Hannah will be the only Squad Six member at the base so it's up to you to show these recruits the ropes. You. Just you... It is up to you alone to train these recruits... Oh God.." Dawson said turning slightly. "Oh. And Katrina specifically said not to let them do D-Class missions or above!" He stated as he turned and began to walk off.

"Don't worry!" Jackson said giving a salute. "They won't do anything over the top on my watch..." He announced. "And if they do, do something crazy and over the top, you can bet I will be there doing even crazier things, that will for sure involve explosions. There's only a 9% chance one of them may die."

"Right..." Dawson said skeptically as he stopped. He reached into his pocket pulling out a small metallic square. "Hey, kid." He said suddenly throwing it towards Hero. "Catch." He stated.

Hero reached out catching the metal box, fumbling with it slightly before he caught it. He looked down on it in confusion as he tilted his head to the side. "What's this?"

"Just an insurance," Dawson stated shrugging. "If you are ever in danger and for whatever reason, you don't think Jackson will be able to come save you guys pull out that box and hit the button," Dawson stated as he began to slowly leave. "Oh... And be careful not to accidentally use it. I don't know how pissed she will be if you wake her up on accident." He stated as he walked off before Hero could ask him what he meant.

Hero stared down at the box than slowly handed it to Irene. "Yeah I don't trust myself with this I already want to push the button..."

"That's probably for the best." Irene said eyeing all the kids up. "I don't think any of you should have this..."

"Alright!" Jackson announced happily as he clapped his hands together. "I hope you guys are ready, because it's time you guys get to do your Enforcer combat outfits!" Jackson announced out in a cheerful tone.

"Combat outfits?" Ken asked curiously.

Jackson reached up placing a hand on the skin tight black jump suit he wore. "This here will be the outfit all of you will be wearing." Jackson explained. "These are your undergarments and you'll be wearing these when off duty. As an Enforcer we have our own combat uniform you'll have to wear. Now if you'll follow me I'll show you Santa!"

"Santa? What an odd name..." Hero said rubbing his messy white hair.

Jackson was already on the move so they didn't have long to consider what he said as they all quickly followed after him. He led them out of the mess hall and down a flight of stairs. "This is the basement of our castle." He called out as they went down the steps. "We keep Santa down here."

"So who is Santa?" Kitsune asked curiously.

"Oh you all met him yesterday. He was next to Hannah." Jackson said casually.

As the group walked down the stairs they all noticed it began to get hotter and hotter as an intense warmth came up. They could smell smock, and here loud banging as well. They stepped down into a large open stone room filled with vents. A large forge could be seen, as well as several looms, and an anvil. The same old man from yesterday with his red jacket could be seen.

"Ha, ha, ha!" He announced loudly.

"I feel like he should have said ho, ho, ho-"

The man's eyes twinkled as he stared at each of the new recruits. "So I guess it's official now huh?" He asked giving a small smile. "Looks like it's time you all get your own uniforms right?"

"Yep, Santa!" Jackson announced. "It's time to get them ready!"

The old man reached under the desk he was working out and pulled out several black boxes that all looked similar to the one that Irene now had. "Here we go." He announced. "Let's see..." He looked down at a small piece of paper. "First up. We're looking for Light."

"That's me!" Light announced happily. Santa tossed the black box over to the blind boy who caught it surprisingly.

"Go ahead and press that button there." Santa nodded.

Light pressed a button on the black box as it glowed and formed around his body. His other outfit vanished as a new set of clothing formed on him. This one was the same black jumpsuit that Jackson, and the other Enforcers were wearing, just like all Squad Six members it had a 'six' written out on the right shoulder. Seconds later a second set of clothing appeared around it. This one was a long white jacket that looked like a mix between a heavy snow jacket, a military uniform, a fire fighters coat, and a set priests robes. There were bits of armor along the heavy coat, and several blue lines, that looked like veins all along the coat could be seen, all of which were lit up with small wisps of blue light. The outfit also had heavy metal boots, and gloves, as well as a neck bracer.

"Cool..." Hero, and Kitsune both said with wide eyes.

"The Enforcers outfit." Santa announced proudly. "All Squads wear this. The first layer is a simple jumpsuit which is designed to keep most of the body warm during close up encounters with the Bestia Macht. It offers some defense but it's the coat that is the real deal. Made out of bullet proof material lined up with heaters, and bracers to help you take hits, the coat is covered in blue lines that give off a faint energy that can slow down the Bestia Macht virus, but not stop it, it also is able to attract Bestia Macht to you when they see you. This means that in the event that there are civilians in the area the Bestia Macht are more likely to target you allowing the civilians time to get away. It's extremely durable designed to take hits, and keep the Enforcer fighting. In the event you do take damage while wearing the outfit, small tubes will release some Life Gel across your body to help pick you back up faster."

"Cool..." Hero, and Kitsune said again.

Santa tossed several of the boxes to each of the remaining kids who call caught them and clicked the buttons as they all got their own outfits.

"T... These are kind of heavy..." Ken muttered staring down at her outfit. "It's take some time to get used to... Still I wonder how-"

"Hero quick!" Kitsune announced. "Hit me to-" Hero immediately slapped Kitsune across the face making the boy hiss out. "Damn it! I meant hit the armor part to test it out."

"I know." Hero smirked.

Before anyone could say anything else a loud metallic ring echoed out as a red flash could be seen.

"Uh oh..." Santa said looking around.

"What does that mean!" Irene asked.

Jackson gave a small smile as he pulled out a small black tablet. "Well... Looks like it's time for the first mission!"
