The First Mission (Part 2)

Night Forty Three

Age 1991

"Hero quick!" Kitsune announced. "Hit me to-" Hero immediately slapped Kitsune across the face making the boy hiss out. "Damn it! I meant hit the armor part to test it out."

"I know." Hero smirked.

Before anyone could say anything else a loud metallic ring echoed out as a red flash could be seen.

"Uh oh..." Santa said looking around.

"What does that mean!" Irene asked.

Jackson gave a small smile as he pulled out a small black tablet. "Well... Looks like it's time for the first mission!"


"So wait what quest are we doing?" Ken asked. "Are gonna fight something strong, and cool!" Ken asked excitedly.

Jackson stared down at his tablet for a few moments. "Ahh. Apparently some high level Bestia Macht got through the wall of this city, but Hannah dealt with them before they could harm anyone or cause to much damage so nobody got hurt."

"Wait?" Ken frowned. "But if the Bestia Macht's are already dead than what exactly is our mission-"


One hour later...

"Community service..." Ken said as her eye twitched slightly. "Our first big mission is to do community service." She said again... The group now stood in front a massive destroyed stone wall covered in rubble and cracked buildings. Tons of trash littered the floor, and a few corpses of several of the large Bestia Macht's could be seen.

"Yep!" Jackson announced as he stood on a massive pile of trash, with crossed arms. "Being an Enforcer isn't just about fighting monsters. It's also about going and doing good in little ways... Also we beat up monsters..." He stated.

Kitsune also had a bit of an eye twitch. "You want us to pick up trash..." He said slowly.

"Uh-huh!" Jackson reached up and clapped his hands together as he stared down at all the recruits from the mountain of trash he stood on. "So start cleaning!"

"God damn it..." Irene said slowly as she let out a sigh. "Okay. Well, we can probably do this quickly if we just destroy the trash..." She said as she raised her hand up.

"No!" Jackson announced causing the girl to jump back slightly. "No Cursed Life Powers! All of you have to do this by hand because I said so!"

"But why?" Hero asked.

"Cause I said so!" Jackson announced. "Now get to work!" He stated snapping his fingers.

Light let out a sigh as he walked up and began to stretch. "Well, guys. Let's get this over with." He stated. "If we all five get to work now we should be done in a few hours..."

A few hours later...

"Oh God damn it, we're not even halfway done!" Hero yelled out. "Why did we think it was a good idea to trust the blind boy!"

"Well if you guys actually worked maybe you would be done by now!" Jackson yelled out. The man still stood on a massive pile of trash as the teens picked it up throwing the trash into large buckets. "Just work for a few more hours and maybe you guys can take a break," Jackson said shrugging slightly.

Ken let out a sigh as she grabbed a chunk of trash throwing it in the bucket. "This sucks..." She sighed out. "When I joined the Enforcers I thought they would be a lot more-"

"More over the top?" Jackson questioned smirking slightly.

"Yeah..." The short girl said sighing again. "I wanted to fight something strong and look cool while I'm doing it..."

"Relax." Hero stated. "You have to start small before you start big."

"I know but-"

"And in your case you're starting small." Hero said placing a hand on the tiny girls head. "Really, really, really small-"

Ken bit down making Hero yelp and yank his hand back as she glared at him. "Don't make fun of my height! I'm a growing girl! I'll be tall one day and then you'll-"


A bottle of soda flew through the air landing on Ken's head soaking the poor girl. Ken stood there with wide eyes as sticky soda dripped off of her and shake began to shake as the cold hit her body. Hero slowly stepped out of the small girls reach in case she decided to have a melt down. "S... So cold, and sticky..." Everyone turned to see a random citizen walking away nonchalantly. "Hey!" Ken yelled out in anger as she raised her fist up in pure anger. "You asshole! Look at what you did?" She shouted out wave her arm at the man.

The man turned slightly as he raised an eyebrow. "So?" He questioned.

"Oh boy..." Hero said slowly moving behind Irene. "I'm just gonna hide back here."

"So! You threw a bottle of soda at me you prick!"

"Easy Ken." Kitsune said slowly. "I'm sure it was-" Ken punched the fox boy sending him flying back as he crashed into Light.

"That's why I hid behind you..." Hero nodded.

"You made the right decision." Irene said patting Hero one the head. "I'll protect you unless she threatens me than I won't hesitate to let her beat you."

Over with Ken she was still glaring at the man who looked at her in confusion. "I was aiming for the pile of trash." He said shrugging. "Sorry I hit you?"

"Why didn't you just throw it away then!" Ken yelled out soda still dripping down her body.

"Because you guys are cleaning? I figured you could handle it?"

"You're a very rude man..." Irene stated slowly.

"You shouldn't throw trash at people." Ken hissed slightly. As in she actually hissed like a cat.

"You guys are Enforcers, right? Well, that makes you the public's servants, so you got to do what we want." The random citizen stated shrugging. "You would have had to pick up the soda anyways so why does it matter that you got splashed?"

"It matters because I got splashed!"

"So? You're a very loud girl-"

"Well guess what asshole!" Ken stated pulling out one of her black spikes out of her wrist as she pointed it at the man. "I'm gonna kick-"

Before she could do anything she felt a hand on her shoulder as she was stopped in her tracks by Jackson who held onto her. "Ken!" Jackson said letting out a sigh. "Don't. Some battles just aren't worth fighting. This man is an asshole, not a villain." He said simply.


"I know," Jackson said nodding. "He deserves it but as Enforcers, we are sworn to protect the lives of other humans to the best of our abilities." He said as he crossed his arms. "Even pricks..."

"Hear that girl?" The man said smirking slightly. "You can't touch me." He said smirking.

Ken grumbled slightly as Hero reached out patting the girl on the shoulder. "It's okay Ken. Jackson is right. It just isn't worth it. This guy is just a big old jerk."

"You're right..." Ken hissed slightly as she turned away in anger.

The man let out a laugh as he turned walking off. "Well since you guys are picking up trash anyways..." He stated chucking a second bottle of soda over his shoulder.

Ken watched as the soda soared through the air then. 'Splat!'

Hero's eyes twitched slightly as he stepped in front of the girl allowing the bottle of soda to hit him.

"What a petty asshole..." Hero sighed as the soda dripped down his body. "And's Lemon flavored so it burns my eyes and nose..."

"Okay... Now it's worth it!" Ken said going to step past Hero.

Hero reached out grabbing the girl's shoulder. He simply shook his head. "It's fine. It's just soda." Hero stated calmly. "No need to get so worked up? A simple shower will fix it for both of us..."

"Speaking of showers!" Jackson announced. "Why don't we head back?"

"Head back?" Light questioned. "But we aren't done?"

"We're heading back anyways!" Jackson said simply.


"Cause I said so. Also this is super boring... I thought it would have been fun to watch you all pick up trash but it isn't..." The man said simply. "Now come on kids. Let's head back before the soda on Hero, and Ken begins to freeze..." He stated.

A few hours later...

Hero let out a sigh as he stared up at the roof to their shared room. Light, and Kitsune were off in the corner playing Bisoa, while Irene was off to the side reading a book. The bathroom door suddenly opened as Ken stepped out wearing a large and fluffy bathrobe that covered her body completely.

"Thanks for not using all of the hot water," Ken stated. Hero gave a simple nod but still didn't say anything. "Hero?"


"Why didn't you just punch that jerk?" Ken questioned.

Hero shrugged. "I felt like he wouldn't be able to handle a punch?" Hero said simply. "He looked like a weak guy who couldn't take one of mine, or yours punches. So I decided not to hit him. Even if he was a jerk. Plus what Jackson said made some sense."

"Some battles just aren't worth fight..." Ken said nodding.

Hero smiled slightly as he shrugged. "A battle that isn't worth fighting. I don't really know what it means but it sounded cool!" Hero said as he reached his hand out suddenly. "And besides. We're really Enforcers now..." For a brief second a girl with white hair, and silver eyes flashed through his mind. "Real Enforcers..."