The Carriage Ride, And Bad Teachings.

Night Forty Five

Age 1991

"Uh... So what is this exactly?" Hero asked cocking his head to the side.

"Ahh yes! A carriage fit for the King of Samurai!" Kitsune announced loudly pointing his Katana at the thing in front of them.

In front of the five recruits was a small and tiny wooden carriage with old rickety wheels, and a single robotic horse up at the front of the carriage. The carriage was small and looked like it could fit around three, maybe four people at most. Standing in front of the carriage was a man dressed in the same swat uniform as the other Black Coats, who was letting out a small hiss.

"Not you kids..." The man moaned out.

"Wait a second..." Hero frowned. "I know that voice. You're Chase!"

"It's Ace!" The man yelled. He was the guard in front of the gate when they were tying to get into Oleander. "Why did you all have to get onto Squad Six..." He moaned.

Hero, Irene, Ken, Kitsune, and Light all shrugged uncomfortably as Ace who's face couldn't be seen due to his helmet, was still clearly frowning at them all. Behind the kids, an amused looking Jackson, and Hannah rested.

"So Big Sis?" Hero asked turning away from Ace. "Why are you here?"

"I'm going with you guys." She smirked.

"Big Brothers, Big Sister is coming." Light said excitedly.

"Why are you coming?" Ken asked cocking her head to the side.

Hannah let out a laugh and reached out patting the small girls head making her cheeks flush slightly as she jumped away from Hannah. "I'm going on this mission to help you guys out."

"So Jackson, and you are both going..." Irene muttered.

"Nah..." Jackson said raising up a small iron briefcase. "I'll be here. I'm not going. Hannah will be following you guys around in order to observe and make sure things don't go south."

"Neat. So what's in the briefcase?" Hero asked.

Jackson smirked tossing the case over to Hero who caught it. "The new gear for you guys. Science lab whipped it up a few months ago. It's for new recruits like you guys."

Hero clicked open the small case and stared down at the small item that was in the box as he cocked his head to the side. It was a tiny silver ball, small enough to fit at the very edge of his finger. The ball had a black eye symbol on it and let out a quiet clicking sound as the ball raised out of the case. Small thin metallic wings, and a single metallic tail poked out as the thing began to fly around letting out small hissing sounds.

"Whoa? What is this thing?" Hero asked as the tiny iron ball landed on his head as if his hair was a nest, and it was a bird.

"It's a mobile Drone, with sensors all along it's body allowing it to see in all directions." Jackson said casually. "It isn't very strong and can't fight anything, but it is constantly recording everything it sees. It'll be with you guys always following you all around and recording you all as you go on missions. This allows us to get more data on Bestia Macht without the weak guys going out onto the field, but also in the event we get a new recruit in the future we can show them all that data so we can use it to teach them eventually."

"Cool." Kitsune said making a grab for it but Hero swatted his hand away as he jumped back.

"Dibs. It's mine now." Hero said.


"I called dibs."

"He's right Kitsune." Jackson nodded. "He did call dibs."

Ace let out a small sigh as he slowly got into place on the carriage. All the recruits began to break out into fights as he shook his head. "So these are the new Enforcers huh..."


A Few Hours Later...

"Will you watch it!" Ken shouted out in annoyance as she slammed her elbow into Hero's side as hard as she could.

"Oww! Why'd you hit me!" Hero shouted bringing his arm up and slapping it into Kitsune's face, also as hard as he could. The drone bounced up and down still in Hero's hair.

"Damn it! Watch it you asshole!" Kitsune yelled shoving Hero causing him to slam into Ken again.

Hannah, Light, and Irene all watched the kids with a simple deadpan stare as they watched the three teens all yell at each other, and hit each other again, and again. Currently, the six of them were all in the small horse-drawn carriage that was taking them to their destination. Unfortunately, the carriage only had four seats. Hannah, Light, and Irene managed to claim their own but Hero, Kitsune, and Ken were all cramped in one seat repeatedly smacking into each other as the very, very bumpy carriage rode along. Hannah was sad for whatever Enforcer recruit would have to watch the drone footage in the future as most of it was just Hero's hair and a bumpy ride...

They were heading to Lillies. The village that was under attack by a few Bestia Machts. As for why they were riding in a carriage instead if a nice cozy, and warm, car? Well, apparently the village didn't like techknowledge and requested that the Enforcers personally come in their carriages. Their very, very cold, small carriage that Ace was leading with a robotic horse.

"Having fun back there?" Ace asked. He was at the front of the carriage and was the one who was driving it. "Just a few more minutes until we arrive!" The man announced. "Just bare through it a little longer." He laughed out.

"Damn it, I hate this!" Kitsune shouted out punching Hero in the face again.


"Tell me about it..." Irene muttered out. "I've been trying to read, for this entire carriage ride and you three won't shut up." She stated as her eye twitched slightly.

"It's their fault!" All three teens shouted at the same time. "Is not! You take that back! How dare you blame me!"

"You three were made for each other..." Light stated letting out a sigh. "Big Brother try to calm down... Sorry they are so loud Clown."

"Shut up Light!" They all yelled.

"Exactly my point..."

Hero let out a sigh as he tried to cross his arms. "Why did I think it was a good idea to be in the middle? On one side I have the nerd hitting me-"


"-On the other side I have the pissed off midget-"


Hero's eye twitched as he ducked his now bruised head down. "This sucks..."

"You were the ones who complained about not getting to go on a mission!" Hannah announced letting out an evil laugh. "Although I am starting to agree with you kids. This could be a great way for you to all improve. A person gets stronger after every battle. The more you are pushed, and the closer to death you get the more your body will be forced to grow in power in order to deal with the threats."

"What exactly do we need to improve with?" Light question. "I have no doubt that we do need to improve but in what categories?" He questioned. "I mean I've spent a few years learning how to fight after all."

"That's a good question, and one that is kind of hard to answer..." Hannah said shrugging. "I guess the basic thing would be that all of you need to work on... Well just about everything? I dunno..."

"Everything?" Hero questioned in confusion. "That is kind of... A broad subject..."

"Well yeah..." Hannah said shrugging slightly. "It's a bit hard to explain... You guys are still so young so you just need to improve on a lot of your stuff? Like training up your body, and learning an actual fighting style, as well as how to use your powers better."

"I know how to use all my powers..." Ken muttered out crossing her arms.

"And I'm a long-range fighter?" Kitsune said shrugging. "I'll just blast someone with my flames. Easy peasy. Or slice them with my badass Katana."

"I think I get it..." Hero said nodding his head slightly. "You're saying we should all get badass weapons too!" Hero said pulling is short sword out as it began to glow.

"No!" Hannah said hitting the boy over the head. "Not even close. Using a weapon is dangerous if you aren't trained for it, that's why Equip Types have to work so hard. I'm saying you should develop a style. The point I'm getting at is just... I don't just improve in a simple way, unless you have an idea of where you want to go..."

"You're a bad teacher..." Ken said simply.

"Get off my back I've never had to teach recruits before!" Hannah yelled out throwing her arms up in the air. "Look I'm just as new as you guys are okay? Just try to do something. Make some type of new attack or something, I don't care. Just learn something new by the end of this mission."

The carriage ride went silent as everyone tried to take the bad teachings of Big Sis into account. She clearly had no idea what she was talking about...

Everyone got back to doing whatever as Kitsune pulled out two books. One was a simple journal, but the other one was an actual book titled 'Enforcers! Book of Heroes!' Kitsune flipped through the book as he opened his journal and pulled a large pen out.

"What are you doing?" Hero questioned curiously as he looked down at the book. It was full of pictures and random words going on about each person in the picture.

"I need to come up with an Enforcer flashy attack." Kitsune said nodding.

"Oh my God you're right..." Hero and Ken both said. "We need over the top flashy attacks."

"Ken you care about this stuff?" Irene asked frowning.

"I mean... I'm not a nerd like Hero, or Kitsune, but I want to be a hero too... It's my goal to find the heart and bring peace to the world." She announced. "So I'll come up with a cool flashy attack that everyone will know, just like my favorite superhero comic book."

"You shouldn't come up with just some random flashy attack though..." Hannah said. "It's okay if it is flashy but make sure it can get the job done. You know like a signature attack. Something that when people see or hear of it they will think you!"

Kitsune scribbled in his notebook writing down everything the girl said with a vigor.

Ken leaned back as she crossed her arms, as she now began to think.

Light simply set there not moving. Was he dead?

Irene let out a sigh of relief as she was finally able to read her book.

And Hero. The young teen set back as he stated at his hand. "A signature attack huh?" He muttered out as he frowned. "I suppose that wouldn't be too hard with my powers... I mean I already have my styles right? I can just use those and work off of them? I even have this new sword thing."

There was a loud skidding sound as the carriage came to a stop...

They had arrived at their destination.