The Village Of Lillies...

Night Forty Six

Age 1991

Everyone got back to doing whatever as Kitsune pulled out two books. One was a simple journal, but the other one was an actual book titled 'Enforcers! Book of Heroes!' Kitsune flipped through the book as he opened his journal and pulled a large pen out.

"What are you doing?" Hero questioned curiously as he looked down at the book. It was full of pictures and random words going on about each person in the picture.

"I need to come up with an Enforcer flashy attack." Kitsune said nodding.

"Oh my God you're right..." Hero and Ken both said. "We need over the top flashy attacks."

"Ken you care about this stuff?" Irene asked frowning.

"I mean... I'm not a nerd like Hero, or Kitsune, but I want to be a hero too... It's my goal to find the heart and bring peace to the world." She announced. "So I'll come up with a cool flashy attack that everyone will know, just like my favorite superhero comic book."

"You shouldn't come up with just some random flashy attack though..." Hannah said. "It's okay if it is flashy but make sure it can get the job done. You know like a signature attack. Something that when people see or hear of it they will think you!"

Kitsune scribbled in his notebook writing down everything the girl said with a vigor.

Ken leaned back as she crossed her arms, as she now began to think.

Light simply set there not moving. Was he dead?

Irene let out a sigh of relief as she was finally able to read her book.

And Hero. The young teen set back as he stated at his hand. "A signature attack huh?" He muttered out as he frowned. "I suppose that wouldn't be too hard with my powers... I mean I already have my styles right? I can just use those and work off of them? I even have this new sword thing."

There was a loud skidding sound as the carriage came to a stop...

They had arrived at their destination.

The carriage came to a stop allowing the many tired and annoyed passengers out. "Finally..." Ken said letting out a sigh as she stretched slightly. "I'll be honest that carriage was beginning to get on my nerves..." The small girl stated. "I didn't like being near Hero, and Kitsune that close... At least they finally stopped flirting with me..."

"I'm just glad I'm not cramped between you two bastards..." Hero stated as he glared at Ken, and Kitsune who both gave him a simple innocent smile. "You guys are mean..." He said rolling his eyes as he took the small drone off of his head. "Anyways where is the Village we have to protect? All I see is a shitty wooden- Oh... Oh no..." Hero said slowly as he put it together.

"This... This is the Village we have to protect..." Kitsune said slightly mortified as his eyes widened. "This place is a dump!" He shouted out in horror as he almost fell back.

"Whoa! It's much bigger then my Village!" Irene said causing everyone to look at her sadly. "This place is huge. And look at that massive wall." Hero reached out patting the ice user on the shoulder as he slowly shook his head.

"Is... This really the place..." Ken sighed.

Indeed it was... The Village in front of the group was a broken, and decaying wooden wall. Ice coated over it causing it to be beyond frail. The wall was only seven feet tall and was so frail a piece broke off when Ken lightly ran her hand over it... Up above the wall, a few houses could be seen. None of them were taller than ten feet... The entire village was around the size of a fairly large football stadium so it wasn't even that big...

Around the village was absolutely nothing... It was just ice that stretched on for miles, and miles... Nothing but this Village for as far as the eye could see... It instantly raised a few red flags... In fact the only thing that could even be seen was on the very distance of the horizon. What looked like a giant massive stone city that was in ruins miles away nearly out of sight due to how far away it was. Around the village was also several other carriages and a few other black coats all running around.

"Ace! Fellow Enforcers." A black coat said running up to the group and giving a half bow.

"Mission report." Ace said.

"It's as the Quest listed." The Black Coat said saluting. "Several Miles away from this Village is an abandoned city called Tacca Chantrieri!" The man said. "Our scanners show that there is indeed a small trace of Equation energy, as well as at least six Bestia Macht have been spotted. We lost seven Black Coats, and currently ten more are still at the ruined city attempting to locate the Equation before the Bestia Macht can find it and destroy it."

"I see..." Ace looked around for a moment as he stared over to the village. "Are all the civilians in doors?"

"Yes sir!"

Hannah scratched her chin as she let out a hum. "This got a bit serious if there really is an Equation nearby... Equations are made out of a special energy source said to have come from God... Bestia Macht are made out of a weird form of Dark Matter able to destroy Equations... There used to be a few million Equations but now we have less than one hundred thousand. We have to get this Equation no matter what, but at the same time I'd rather you all try your best on this without my help. I'll step in if you guys really need it or I feel the mission could fail." She giggled as she suddenly sank through the ground vanishing leaving the kids all alone.

"So uh?? We're heading to those ruins?" Hero asked.

"Seems that way." Ace nodded.

"So uh how do we get there exactly?" Irene asked. "Can't we ride the carriage over there."

"No." Ace said shaking his head. "Tech that isn't powered by Equations stop working when near Bestia Macht."

"So we need to..."

"Walk... Yep." Ace nodded. "This is gonna take a while."

"I hate you so much, Ken..." Kitsune stated.

"What did I do!"

"You picked this mission! What are we even supposed to be doing?" The Noble muttered out?

"Weren't you listening... The village is under attack by some Bestia Macht. They apparently can't protect themselves and need our help." Ken said shrugging. "I mean it is just like twelve Baron Class which are pretty weak so we should be able to finish this mission in like... Five minutes?"

"We had a few more guards." The other Black Coat said nodding. "They died so finishing these beasts off would honor them."

"Who dies to a few Baron level?" Irene asked with a frown.

"People without Equations..." Light said.

"Oh... right..."

"Well." Hero sighed crossing his arms. "I guess we're gonna be hiking... Anything else we should know about?" He asked playing with the drone on his head.

Ace grabbed a large black gun which looked cool but wouldn't work on a creature as strong as a Bestia Macht as only Equations, and weapons with Equations could harm a Bestia Macht. He began to load it as he let out a small snort. "Well besides this place being haunted you really don't need to know anything else."

"H... Haunted..." Ken stuttered gaining a pale look.

"What? Scared of a little Ghost?" Ace smirked which couldn't be seen due to his helmet.

"N... No of course not." Ken said turning away. "I'm not scared of anything."

"Ghost aren't real." Hero laughed. "But... Uh... You know just purely out of curiosity because I'm not scared of Ghosts or anything, but what kind of Ghosts are we talking about? Like the death kind or what?"

The Second Black Coat stepped forward. "For around a hundred years now, a Ghost has said to reside within this city. You see before the city was abandoned it was mostly run down. This happened a few hundred years ago before the Red Nation even existed... This city in an attempt to bring joy were said to have made something... That something would eventually lead to their down fall. The Ghost of Tacca Chantrieri... Many people from this village say they can sometimes see it walking around the ruins, and those who are lucky can sometimes hear it sing... Those who dare to enter the ruins are never heard of again... And those who unlucky will hear the deathly wails of the victims the ghost claimed for itself..."

Hero and Ken both gulped backing up as Irene and Kitsune rolled their eyes.

Ace finished messing with his big gun as he gave a shrug. "Honestly the Ghost is likely not real. You see Equations are usually responsible for most of the strange and weird things in this world. When one without a host is left on its own, it begins to send out signals of its powers drawing people to it in an attempt to bond with it. The Ghost is likely a manifestation of its power. Sadly as t draws people to it, it also draws the Bestia Macht to it who will devour and destroy it... That Ghost is likely the power we're looking for. It likely got the title of Ghost from all the people it killed who weren't able to bond with it."

"Oh... Good. No Ghost?" Ken sighed. "Just a murderous orb of God that will kill anything that gets near it... Wait..."

"Alright." Kitsune announced pointing his sword to the ruins as his flaming ears and tail appeared. "The first mission of the New Squad Six Recruits!" He said proudly. "Let's do this!"