Mission Start

Night Forty Seven

Age 1991

"Well." Hero sighed crossing his arms. "I guess we're gonna be hiking... Anything else we should know about?" He asked playing with the drone on his head.

Ace grabbed a large black gun which looked cool but wouldn't work on a creature as strong as a Bestia Macht as only Equations, and weapons with Equations could harm a Bestia Macht. He began to load it as he let out a small snort. "Well besides this place being haunted you really don't need to know anything else."

"H... Haunted..." Ken stuttered gaining a pale look.

"What? Scared of a little Ghost?" Ace smirked which couldn't be seen due to his helmet.

"N... No of course not." Ken said turning away. "I'm not scared of anything."

"Ghost aren't real." Hero laughed. "But... Uh... You know just purely out of curiosity because I'm not scared of Ghosts or anything, but what kind of Ghosts are we talking about? Like the death kind or what?"

The Second Black Coat stepped forward. "For around a hundred years now, a Ghost has said to reside within this city. You see before the city was abandoned it was mostly run down. This happened a few hundred years ago before the Red Nation even existed... This city in an attempt to bring joy were said to have made something... That something would eventually lead to their down fall. The Ghost of Tacca Chantrieri... Many people from this village say they can sometimes see it walking around the ruins, and those who are lucky can sometimes hear it sing... Those who dare to enter the ruins are never heard of again... And those who unlucky will hear the deathly wails of the victims the ghost claimed for itself..."

Hero and Ken both gulped backing up as Irene and Kitsune rolled their eyes.

Ace finished messing with his big gun as he gave a shrug. "Honestly the Ghost is likely not real. You see Equations are usually responsible for most of the strange and weird things in this world. When one without a host is left on its own, it begins to send out signals of its powers drawing people to it in an attempt to bond with it. The Ghost is likely a manifestation of its power. Sadly as t draws people to it, it also draws the Bestia Macht to it who will devour and destroy it... That Ghost is likely the power we're looking for. It likely got the title of Ghost from all the people it killed who weren't able to bond with it."

"Oh... Good. No Ghost?" Ken sighed. "Just a murderous orb of God that will kill anything that gets near it... Wait..."

"Alright." Kitsune announced pointing his sword to the ruins as his flaming ears and tail appeared. "The first mission of the New Squad Six Recruits!" He said proudly. "Let's do this!"


Somewhere In The Empty City That Was Once Filled With Life And Music...

"Fire the sealing weapons!" Several Black Coats yelled holding several large guns that fired out pink beams of heated light.

In front of them several Lion looking Baron Class Bestia Macht could be seen all letting out loud roars. The pink beams hit them and a pink square of energy wrapped around them.

"All right we got it in the seal!" Another Black Coat yelled as they fired more of the energy out trapping more of the beasts. "These guns the science Division made work like a charm, but it'll only slow them down by a bit... I'd say maybe a few minuets of time at most... We just need to hold them off until an Enforcer arrives. And whatever you do don't let them touch you! One touch and we're all dead!"

"Mister Wyane!" A Black oat yelled running over to the oldest looking Black Coat. "I don't know if we have enough energy to trap all the Bestia Macht in this city... Mister Wyane?"

"Look up at that one..." Mister Wyane said pointing up at one of the Bestia Macht. "The one in the middle... It's close to evolving..."

In the center a much large Bestia Macht could be seen. It's fur was stained red, and it's red eyes had changed to a black color. It was larger than the others and small black spikes began to grow out of its body. The Bestia Macht was about to evolve...

"What happens when it evolves sir?"

"If that happens we're all dead... I doubt these guns will work on anything stronger than a Baron. Thankfully it's trapped in the-"

The barrier around the beast exploded as a black spike fired out shooting so fast it let out a sonic boom and impaled itself through the head of Mister Wyane. He shattered into ice before he even touched the ground.

"Shit..." A Black Coat yelled out as the Bestia Macht roared. Its howl shattered the barrier around th others freeing them. "Everyone run! It's evolving!"

The Bestia Macht crouched down as it was covered in a thick black energy which spilled out turning even the other Bestia Macht into ice and shattering them. All the Black Coats were frozen in mere seconds as its body morphed and changed. It's jaw stretched out of its mouth and it grew a large black fin out of its back. All the white fur on its body changed to black, and black spikes sprouted out of its body. Its back legs morphed together forming a fish like tail and the beast grew larger as it began to sink into the floor, as it started to swim...

Threat Level Viscount...

When a Bestia Macht lives long enough, and kills enough people, its body evolves past the limit gaining more power and abilities.

This is the ultimate power the Devil gave them...

The terror that was the Bestia Macht...


Meanwhile at another point in the city...

Several terrified looking black coats could all be seen resting in an old run down building. Next to them was a radio which allowed them to hear the roars of the evolved beasts, and the screams of terror from the last Black Coats who were near it as it ripped them apart.

"M... My Great One..." One of the Black Coats said saying a quick prayer as his body shook.

"W... We just need to wait for the Enforcers..." Another black coat said looking up. He slowly turned to a corner where two figures could be seen. The first was a young ten year old looking girl, with long red hair, and a single blue eye. She wore long brown robes covered in filth. Next to her an elder man could be seen covered in the same brown robes covering his entire body up and keeping him hidden from sight. If not for the bits of his grey withered beard he could have remained unseen.

"H... He's right." The Black Coat who had been praying said nodding his head. "The Enforcers will be here soon.. Until than we must keep the Equation safe." He said as his eyes turned to look at the elder man and little girl. "We must protect you two. Even at the cost of our own lives... We will make sure that Equation is safe. No matter what-"

The ground behind them exploded as an aura of cold came in. Slowly raising from the ground was the Viscount Bestia Macht as it let out a low and hungry growl...


Near the village of Lilies...

"The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri. It was once a beautiful an majestic city, but now it is nothing more than a ghost attraction." Ace said as the group ran towards the city that was in the distance at a fast speed.

They were all running to the city heading to the destination as fast as they could. Kitsune was ahead of the group running on all fours covered in his flames and melting a path to the city. He was an orange blur as his fox ears wiggled and his flaming nine tails moved back and forth. He was running so fast there was an aura of wind around him. Behind him Hero and Ken were next. Than Irene, followed by Light who was carrying Ace since he was just a normal human and didn't have super speed like the Enforcer recruits did. While they did this Ace had began to tell them more about this mission report he had been given before they arrived.

"The Investigation into it started from the eerie legends that were started from those who lived in the village of Lilies. Long ago this city was filled with life and music, but due to the harsh cold it was unable to grow proper crops. It is said an evil lord placed a curse on this city for not paying the proper taxes. It now rests near the newly built village of Lilies. The Ghost of Tacca Chantrieri... It is said to have once been someone who lived in the city but was left behind. Over the years it grew jealous and scornful becoming ugly and brutal. It is said to kidnap children who wander to far..."

"You keep bringing up Ghosts..." Ken said shaking her head as she shivered.

"Yeah I'm with Ken..." Hero nodded. "I mean I'm fine with fighting deadly ice monsters able to render me down to fragment of ice in a single second. That's normal. But Ghosts... I gotta draw the line somewhere..."

"Chickens..." Irene said rolling her eyes. "But if you two are really scared I protect you both."

"Mr. Law, and Ms. Red due have the right to be afraid of the unknown, however these are likely nothing more than a superstition. It is more likely that this 'ghost' is actually an Equation longing to be bonded to someone." Ace explained.

"That's good..." Hero sighed.

"Yeah..." Ken nodded. "The least this mission has to do with Ghosts the better... Still I wonder how the other Black Coats are doing."

"They should be fine." Ace said giving a nod. "Our Guns can't kill or harm a Bestia Macht but we can slow them down slightly. So long as it's just a Baron they should be able to hold out."

"So on the off chance it isn't just a Baron what happens then?" Hero called back.

"Then I fear my team may be doomed..."