The Viscount (Part One)

Night Forty Eight

Age 1991

The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri...

The large beast unleashed a loud roar as more flakes of ice began to roll off of its body like a wave of snow and ice freezing the small room. The two Black Coats let out loud curses as the monster stared past them as it eyed the old man and small girl up letting out a growl as it began to smell the scent of Equations on them.

Since the dawn of the start of this new world, they wagged war. Monster versus the light of the one they call God.

Bestia Macht against The Equation Of Life.

This old dance...

"Shit that's a Viscount!" One of the Black Coats cursed. He jumped in front of the girl and old man as he held his arms out. "Grab them and run!" He screamed throwing his arms out and getting ready to do his best to hold the monster back.

The other Black Coat jumped up to his feet wrapping an arm around the old man, and girl as he slammed his body into the back wall knocking it down as he made a sprint for safety. The screams of the other Black Coat trailed behind them as he did his best to buy them time.

"Da... Damn it..." The Black Coat cursed as he sprinted down the alleyway as fast as he could. "T... That was my best friend..." Before he could morn for long the wall behind him exploded as a large Bestia Macht crashed through several buildings crawling towards the group with its two legs. "S... Shit... This isn't good...."

"Luna..." The old man said in a quiet hiss as he pet the little girl. "You need to run. It's after us first."

"I won't leave you Zoru." The little girl said shaking her head. "I'll never leave your side. No matter what..."

"I'll do my best to buy you guys some time..." The Black Coat yelled dropping them on the ground and throwing a metal box towards them. "This will keep you safe for at least a few seconds. Use it if you have to..." He yelled as he turned back to the Bestia Macht staring down death.

The old man was dragged forward by the little girl as the Bestia Macht charged forward towards the Black Coat...

The Black Coat raised up his mechanical gun, that could barley slow down a Baron level threat, and began to charge it up preparing for his final mission...


The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri entrance...

'What's this cold chill...' Hero thought as he gave a small frown.

"It's quiet..." Ace said.

"Is that a good thing?" Kitsune asked. "No sound of monsters... And all that right."

"I fear my team may be dead..." Ace said slowly.

"You shouldn't say that." Hero said shaking his head. "There's got to be hope. I promise we'll find someone. I'll make sure that not everyone is dead no matter what." Hero called out as he squeezed his arm. "I'll save everyone here. Just call me Super Rescue Man!"

Ace didn't say anything as he pulled out a pair of black binoculars and stared towards the city looking around. "I hear something." Light said using his advanced hearing. He pointed past Ace and down to the city below. "Somewhere around that way I think?" He hummed. Ace gave a nod as thanks and turned his binoculars that way.

"Oh no..." He muttered.

"What?" Irene asked turning to look at the man.

"There are around five Baron Bestia Macht all around a barrier... The Equation must be behind the barrier..." Ace said slowly.

"And?" Ken said frowning. "Baron are easy? I could deal with them easily."

"Uh guys?" Kitsune said looking around as he realized something was wrong.

"That's not the problem..." Ace said as every ignored Kitsune.

"Guys?" Kitsune said again a little louder this time.

"Well what's the problem then?" Irene asked.

"The problem is the big guy near the barrier... The one commanding the other Bestia Macht..." Ace said quietly.

"Guys?" Kitsune said even louder but once again they didn't seem to notice the fox teen who was beginning to panic.

"The one commanding the Bestia Macht?" Irene said slowly. Fear flashed on her face for a moment as she realized what Ace was applying. "Oh God... A Viscount?"

"Yeah..." Ace nodded. "When a Bestia Macht lives long enough, and kills enough people, it'll evolve into a higher form of power. It unlocks new powers, and will either kill anything weaker than it, devouring other Bestia Macht to evolve itself, or it'll command the other weaker monsters itself using them... They are very tricky..."

"Crap..." Light sighed. "This will be tricky then..."

"Guys will you notice me..." Kitsune said flatly.

"What?" The group all yelled turning to look at Kitsune.

"Kitsune... For the Love of The Great One, this had better be important..." Ken sighed folding her arms. "Or so help me..."

"Hero's gone." Kitsune said. "I've been trying to tell you guys for like the last minuet but you've all been ignoring me... I'm starting to think you guys don't like me."

"What?" Everyone said shocked.

"Oh and... Yeah we don't like you." Ken finished nodding her head.

Everyone turned at the spot where Hero had been and saw that he was gone for who knows how long.

"Oh no..." Ken sighed. "This can't be good..."

"Big brother Hero?"

Down near the glowing barrier the old man and girl could be seen resting behind it. Several Baron's all rested around it slamming into it as the barrier began to glow.

"Luna..." The old man said calmly as he pet the girl on the head. "If the barrier drops you should run as fast as you can..." He warned. "You need to run-"

"No..." She said shaking her head. "I'm not leaving you... I never will..."


The Viscount rested in front of the barrier glaring into it as it let out a small hiss and its many eyes glared into the two inside of the barrier as it walked back and forth trying to figure out the best way to get into the barrier. Small black spikes began to slow jut out from all along its back, and two paws forming black spikes, and claws. Its jaws began to open, and a crackling black, and red light seemed to slowly pour out of its mouth seeming to drip down as if it was some kind of liquid, as it got ready to bite into it when it stopped suddenly.

It's ears twitched for a moment as it seemed to hear something. The creature got what seemed to be an odd look on its face as its tail swished back and forth slowly as it tried to figure out what it was hearing.

It stopped as the creatures eyes began to wide and it figured what it was.

Than suddenly Hero Law came crashing down slamming his right arm down into the Viscount throwing it into the ground. As he sent out a massive wave of sound and heat right into the face of the beast as he unleashed a loud cry clawing into the beasts face as his energy began to pour out of his hand.

"Take this! Lot's Salt!"

The black energy smashed into the Viscount throwing it through several rows of buildings causing all the buildings to erupt into salt and rain down as the beast was thrown back. The salt was like a tidal wave dropping onto the beast and pushing it down.

"That felt really good." Hero smirked. All the other Barons stared at him as Hero turned to the old man and girl giving a small wave. "You two just sit back and wait. I'm gonna save the day and-"

"The Viscounts still alive-" The girl tried to warn only for it to rocket forward slamming its jaws around Hero's gut dragging him through the ground as it jumped forward whipping Hero around.

The beast threw Hero around throwing him back as Hero slammed into a few buildings. The beast opened its jaws as it fired out a beam of red and black energy making Hero's eyes go wide.

"That's the same thing Ken does-" The beam slammed into Hero as the beast roared slamming Hero back as hard as it could.

Several black spikes, that looked just like the ones Ken could make out of her body, began to stab out of its body as it glared at the human who dared to stab it. It launched its black spikes into the spot where Hero crashed attempting to kill the human.

Hero's body was pressed deep into a large stone wall that was around the city. Blood dripped down his body and several black spikes were stabbed through his body causing his blood to pour. Part of his flesh began to become pale and white as he began to slowly turn to ice, only for Hero's arm to glow with a small golden light as he used his power to vanquish the curse around his body curing himself of the curse as he healed his body. His red eyes glowed slightly as he stared at the beast glaring back at it. The two had a staring contest for a moment as Hero's left arm reached into his jacket and several black spikes began to sprout off of the beast as it seemed to grow in size...

The small little drone on Hero's head began to buzz slightly as it twitched and let out a few buzzing sounds flapping its wings and smacking Hero on the head. He ignored it though as his eyes bore into the growing monster he was about to face.

"Okay..." Hero said letting out a small hiss as more of his blood dripped down his body. His right arm began to glow as more metal from his body began to pour out of it wrapping it around the arm and increasing it. "Let's do this..."

The beast roared as Hero let out a battle cry of his own pointing his short sword at the beast.

"I'm gonna kick your ass!" Hero yelled jumping at the beast.

Over with the main group Irene felt a nasty look cover her face for a moment.

"That idiot..." She hissed. "He's gonna get himself killed... Okay... So here's the plan-" Irene shook her head for a moment as she turned to the rest of the group only to stop when she saw that only Light and Ace were standing there. "Where did Ken and Kitsune..."

Both Ace and Light pointed forward as Irene turned seeing Ken, and Kitsune had already jumped off of the wall they stood on, falling down towards the large city as they jumped into the fight.

"Fire Fox Fight On!" Kitsune laughed slashing his flaming sword down and sending out red hot fire cuts.

Ken spun around as two black needles stabbed out of her back which she pulled out. Red and black energy began to flow out of her eyes and hands as she gave a smirk. "Yeah! Finally a fight!" She laughed showing off a few fangs in her mouth.

"I really hate everyone in this team..." Irene sighed.