The Viscount (Part Two)

Night Forty Nine

Age 1991

Hero was flung back crashing through the snow and ice as he flipped around and caught himself. The drone on his head kept on buzzing as Hero let out a small hiss and looked around.

He had been thrown pretty far and was on the other side of the city at this point. Several black spikes were stabbed along his body and his vision seemed to be going in and out as he shook his head and let out a small hiss.

"This one is different from the other Bestia Macht..." Hero sighed pulling one of the spikes out of his shoulder. "It's bigger, stronger, and really, really, really freaking hurts!" His eyes slowly drifted down to his right arm seeing several cracks, and dents, as small flicks of black energy poured out of his right arm. "Oh I get it now... This thing isn't a Baron it's a Viscount right? One of the stronger ones." Bits of metal seeped out of his right arm folding around the cracks and fixing them as he used the metal in his body to fix the damage. He placed his short sword back in his jacket as he pulled out a slab of iron and began to bite into it chewing on it and swallowing it.

One of the nearby buildings exploded turning into bits of ice raining down on Hero, and the drone as the Bestia Macht came crashing forward unleashing another roar as it fired out its red beam once more.

Hero side stepped the beam as it blasted the building behind him. Hero pulled his blade back out as his eyes darkened.

He raised his right arm up as more feathers, and waves of heat came off of it, mixing blessing and curses alike. "You were the one that killed all the Black Coats right?" Hero asked as the beast ran towards him.

From up above Irene jumped from building to building, followed closely by Light, and Ace, as they followed the path Hero had been thrown in. It wasn't hard. They just had to follow the path of destruction.

"Idiot... Rushing in before thinking it over..." Irene sighed shaking her head. "At least Ken, and Kitsune can hold off the other Barons."

"So what are we dealing with exactly..." Light asked. "I've heard of Viscounts before... It sounds familiar?"

"A Baron that's evolved." Irene explained. "It's stronger, faster, and has new powers... Who knows what it could do now." Irene looked back for a moment over to where Ken, and Kitsune were seeing the barrier. "The Equation we came to find is likely in there... Ken and Kitsune should be able to handle a five Barons... We'll do our best to back up Hero."

"Right!" Light announced whipping his large cross shaped gun up as it began to glow.

"Ace!" Irene called back to the Black Coat.


"You should go back up Ken, and Kitsune. It's to dangerous here." She called back.

Ace gave a small nod. "Yeah... You're probably right..." He sighed. "I'd just slow you guys down... Good luck. Try and keep the idiot from dying... I think I've started to like you brats..."

Hero let out another groan as the beast slammed into him once again. "This thing is starting to really hurt..." Hero noted. "My heart is pounding faster, and faster... It's like I know something bad is gonna happen..." Hero slashed his short sword out deflecting a black spike. He smashes his right hand over the beast as it lets out a loud roar. "Yeah I bet that hurt huh!"

The Drone on his head let out a small clicking sound as Hero's grin grew wider.

"You tell him Droney!" Hero turned back to the beast as it slid back and its tail slammed into the ground sending up a wave of snow. "You foul beasts feel nothing but hunger, hatred, and pain! So much pain, that you have no choice but to take it out on others! Well come on then! Hit me with everything you got because I can take it! I can save them all!"

The Beast roared and charged forward as its jaws opened and it tore its way towards the boy.


"Frost Giant Stomp!"

From up above Irene slammed down into the beast delivering a powerful ice based kick exploding the monster into the ground as a massive tidal wave of ice slammed into the monster and a shock wave blasted out.

"Whoa she's strong!" Hero said with wide eyes. "And uh... Did you name your attack Frost Giant Stomp? That's lame."

"I don't wanna hear it from you-" Irene began but was thrown back as the beast she was standing on stood back up knocking her off.

It jumped at her about to devour her but was cut off when a golden beam of energy slammed into it and the creature was thrown back as Light came sliding in. "Hero Beam!" The Blind teen said happily firing his Golden beams out.

"I don't like that name..." Hero said flatly as his right arm reverted back to normal and he caught the falling Irene.

The beast hit the ground and erupted into snow as it fell apart.

"Hell yeah final kill!" Light said happily.

"Can you put me down now..." Irene said flatly.

"Sure. You're to hea-"

"Think of your next words carefully."

Hero silently set the woman down as Light moved over to them. "We should hurry up and go check on Ken, and Kitsune." Light said. "While we-"

Blood splattered out onto the ground as a black spike jutted through Light's gut and he was thrown into the air. "What?" Irene said shocked. Before she could react a giant arm slapped her across the face as she was sent slamming straight through a stone building collapsing on the ground.

Hero's eyes went wide as he stared up seeing the Viscount literally rising out of the ground. "What! But it turned into snow! We killed it though?"

The beast let out a loud roar and Hero quickly transformed his arm once more as he got ready to continue the fight.


"Take this!" Ken yelled slamming a black spike down onto the head of one of the Baron's and ripping it off.

Kitsune spun around splitting another beast in half. He jumped back moving back to back with Ken as the three other Barons let out low growls. "I got a question."

"Are you going to try and flirt with me?" Ken asked flatly.

"N... No..." Kitsune gulped. He shook his head getting back on topic as a Baron jumped at him and he stabbed his blade through its head. "What's the deal with that energy and those black spikes?" Ken didn't say anything staying silent as Kitsune's flaming fox tail moved back and forth. "Now that I've seen Hero fight that thing, and now that I think about it... All Viscount, and higher levels, Bestia Macht have the ability to produce those Black Spikes and same red and black energy... On top of that you can freeze things, like Irene, and like a Bestia Macht can. Ken... Why do you have the powers of a Bestia Macht?"

Ken still didn't answer him as she raised her hands up pointing them at both of the last two Bestia Macht. Her hands glowed as she fired out two last beams splitting them apart and ending the fight.

Kitsune frowned as he sheathed his blade and his flames went out. "Ken?'

"It's a secret." She said giving a cute smile as she cocked her head to the side.

"Oh good." A voice called out as Ken and Kitsune both turned seeing Ace jumping down towards them. "You guys did it..." He rushed past them both as he moved towards the barrier seeing the old man and the little girl. He frowned seeing the two of them. He pulled out a small silver cube and hit a button as a red scan went over them. "Only one of them has an Equation... The other is a human?" He shook his head and hit a button as the barrier went down. "Grab them both. It's only a matter of time before another Bestia Macht comes for them."

"What about Hero?" Ken asked. "And Irene, and Light, I guess..."

"They can handle themselves." Kitsune said grabbing the old man and girl. "We need to get these two to safety first. That devil arm prick would never let us hear the end of it if we let anything happen to one of them."

"R... Right..." Ken said. "I still don't like that though..."

"Thank you Enforcers." The old man said.

"Don't mention it." Kitsune announced. "I'm a brave and powerful Samurai!"

"You're certainly something..." Ken muttered. She slowly stared down the large ripped up, and frozen path, that Hero had been thrown down. "Don't die you idiot... Don't die..."


"Just freaking die you damn cheater!" Hero yelled raising his right arm up. He threw the sword up catching it and pointing his sword towards the large Bestia Macht. The entire blade glowed and wrapped around his transformed arm. His feathers flew off of his arm covering the blade as flames ignited around it and he fired out a beam of flaming feathers. "Devil's Feathers!" As soon as he fired off his attack and placed his short sword back down.

The flaming Feathers hit the beast like a cannon ball throwing it back as it crashed through a building. It shook its head and looked up and the beasts eyes went wide when it saw Hero was wrapping his right arm around a building and ripping it out of the ground.

Hero stomped his foot into the ground as he threw his large chunk of the building at the beast.

It let out a loud roar and brought one of its arms up shattering the massive chunk of the building, however it realized to late that was Hero's plan as it saw Hero dropping down towards it from above. He had used the building as his distraction.

"You're through!" Hero yelled slashing his sword through the beasts head and splitting it open. The creatures head turned into snow and it stopped moving. Hero stared back at it for a moment as he felt as if something was wrong. "Something about that still doesn't fell right... It was like hitting a snow man-"

The snow from behind Hero rose up at a fast speed as the creature reformed its body and slammed a massive spike into Hero's gut ripping into him and making Hero gasp out.

Hero spun around and tried to stab into the beasts head. Tried to being the key word... As soon as his blade stabbed down into the beast it was deflected as the monsters skin turned into stone. The creatures arm came up wrapping around Hero's right arm and its flesh morphed and changed as the monster turned into metal. It raised its own right arm up which changed becoming Hero's own right arm. The Bestia Macht had a copy of Hero's Equation on his arm shocking Hero. Small jets of heat came off of the beast as it slapped Hero away sending him flying back. As soon as Hero was out of its grasp the creature reverted back to normal.

The beast let out another loud cry as it began to crawl towards the boy swimming through the snow with its fish like tail and two arms.

"Shit!" Hero cursed as he realized what was happening. He tried to jump back up to his feet as he readied his blade. "It's not regenerating. It turns into whatever it touches... Every time we try and hit the damn thing it just turns into snow..."

The beast opened its mouth firing a red and black wave slamming into Hero making him let out a loud yell. Hero hit the ground unmoving as the beast moved slowly towards Hero. It placed its large arm on the boy pressing him deeper into the snow.

The Bestia Macht began to glow as it shrunk down and changed becoming Hero Law...