Meanwhile (Part One)

Night Fifty One

Age 1991

Some where In The City Of Daffodil...

The wandering streets...

Daffodil was a small city built in Age 1000... It is a simple city filled with very simple people. Usually, crime doesn't happen in Daffodil. Or at least that used to be the way... Recently in Age 1989 a new mysterious group has seemingly appeared... It is still unknown who this group is, and what their goals really are.

Going from family to family, kid to kid, boy to girl... They promised to fulfil their wishes be it give them power, bring back a loved one who was taking to far, or gaining a vast wealth unlike any other... Those who have a wish within this world will eventually run into the unknown mysterious group.

The group who goes by the title of Organization...

The group who curses the name of God...

The group who were visited by the metal man...

The group who dreams...

Down in the streets of Daffodil, two figures stalked the streets at a slow pace. The first was a girl dressed in all black, and yellow. She had long flowing crazy blonde hair that fell down her back, with specks of black in it and snake like eyes. Her teeth were filled with fangs and her tongue was forked and filled with lies... She had a large nasty smirk on her face, and a crazy look in her eyes as she turned to her partner flashing the man a crazy smile as her fingers twitched back and forth bending in an bizarre and painful looking way.

"-So anyways Turron," The girl said as she placed her hands behind her head. She had a casual look on her face, but a dangerous glare in her eyes as she stared at her 'partner' who simply let out a silent hum to show he was still listening. "I ended up cracking her skull open and ripping her apart, with my bare hands! Somehow she didn't die right away though so I ripped her legs off and fed her to the Bestia Macht that we keep around... You should have heard the things she was saying. She acted so cute and innocent, but the moment that monster bit down on her, she broke out into screams, and cursed up a storm!" She said gleefully. "So you know Turron. I would be more careful if I was you... If you go and make me mad you'll end up like my last partner..." The girl said smiling again. "I hate people who pretend to be someone else. That's why I fed her to that monster. I especially hate that damn fucking fox we have..."

The man apparently named Turron let out a simple grunt. He wore a long black, and light blue trench coat. He had a long flowing scarf around his body as he twisted it around his head covering his face up, and globes that covered his flesh. He was hidden from sight. He wasn't much for talking either just grunting and nodding...

"Freaking edge lord..." The girl muttered out as she hissed slightly. "Honestly Turron can't you do anything other than stay silent." She let out a sigh as she crossed her arms. "I don't know why that freaking Jester teamed me up with someone like you after I killed my last partner..." She rolled her eyes as a large smirk crossed its way onto her face once more. "So... What exactly is our mission?" She asked.

"Viper..." The man said slowly as the spot where his face should have been, but was just a scarf, twitched slightly as he smacked her over the head making the girl let out a loud yelp. He seemed to let out a heavy sigh as he spoke in a deep, and calm voice. He reached slowly into his pocket pulling out a small picture that he tossed over. "Look at that then please stop talking to me." He said pulling his clothing over his body and covering himself up even more. He seemed to pull out more scarfs which he began to roll around himself tying them and hiding himself behind a thick layer.

The girl who was apparently named Viper reached out catching the photo he tossed to her. "Hmm..." She said humming slightly as she stared down at the picture. "What is this?"

It showed a twenty-two-year-old woman with long dark blue hair, and yellow-colored eyes, she had tanned skin, and in the picture, her arms were crossed as she stared at the camera in annoyance. She wore a white combat suit that looked like an ordinary dress mixed with armor.

"That woman... I know I've seen her before..." Viper said hissing slightly.

"Her name is Katrina Aristotle..." Turron said quietly as he took the picture back. "She is the Sixth Squad Captain... Apparently, she has recently been sent out on what we are guessing is a solo mission..."


"And... She apparently has the Ruby ring..." He said quietly. "According to our inside guy in the Enforcers she has the thing we are looking for... The game is starting now... And I look forward to getting the high score..."

"What? Why the hell would they just give such a thing to a Captain to run around with!" Viper asked. "They are just asking for us to come steal it... Right? Hm... Weird... Why would they ever do such a thing?"

"For several reasons... The first is it could be a taunt at us to try and get us to come out." Turron stated. "The second. It could be a way to prove that they are better than us. By having a Captain run around in the open with such an artifact and yet none of us are able to even get it... And the third..." He trailed off.

"The third?"

"Their leader could be batshit insane..." Turron muttered out as he shook his head. "Wouldn't be the first time..."

"So our plan is to kill this girl..."

"If we can... Our actual plan should be to get the ring no matter what. Killing her is a side objective..." Turron stated quietly. "She is a Captain after all... We may not even be able to get the ring... This level will be hard. A high chance one of us, or even both of us will die. If I pray hard enough it will be you." He hissed out.

Viper pouted slightly as she crossed her arms. "That is pretty lame... How are we going to do this anyways? Do we even know where she is? I don' see her and this city is to big to search. I'm bored. Let's go home. I'm hungry. What's the plan? STOP STARING AT ME AND DO SOMETHING! So are we gonna find her?" She asked cocking her head to the side as if she didn't have a mini freak out attack.

"No... But we can draw her out pretty quickly..." Turron said letting out a sigh as he brought both his hands together. A small flickering blue aura suddenly coated his body as his watery blue eyes glanced at many of the civilians that were around. "Wero..." He said speaking softly. "Drowning Guilt..."

The blue aura suddenly exploded as it expanded out blowing up! A heavy force suddenly filled the area as every person, besides Viper, who was in a two-mile radius suddenly collapsed to the ground. The blue aura got brighter, and brighter as screams suddenly rang out from everyone who was forced to the ground. Many people passed out instantly while others began to foam from the mouth, and gain terrible nose bleeds...

"Ahh, I get it..." Viper said smirking smugly. Her foot came out slamming into a downed man. "An Enforcer has a duty to protect people... I doubt they would be fine with us killing an entire city block..."

"That's the plan... Now we wait... My emotional water based Cursed Life Technique allows me to drown people in emotions. Guilt, anger, sadness, hatred... Emotions are like an ocean of thick water. No matter how much you kick and scream you'll never swim out of this depth-"

"God you're edgy..."


A massive dust pile kicked up suddenly as something up above the two slammed into the ground shaking the entire street as crackling blue and pink energy came off of it.

"Speak of the devil and she will appear..." Viper said smirking once more. The two villains turned to see a twenty-two-year-old girl step out of the dust cloud, she had kicked up when she landed.

'She was on the other side of the city last I checked... How did she get here so fast?' Turron thought as he separated his arms. The blue aura around him vanished as the pressure suddenly stopped, and people stopped screaming.

Katrina stared at the two people in anger as she bent down turning a civilian over. She inspected the body but let out a sigh of relief when they breathed in. "Good... They aren't dead... More importantly." She stood up as she glanced at the two bad guys... "Who the hell are you guys... Why did you turn those powers on, and harm all these people? Were you trying to call me out, because if you were you made the wrong choice..." She said punching her hand and sending out a mini blast. A small ring could be seen on her finger as she glared at the two.

"Well, apparently we are here for that ring on your finger?" Viper said cheerfully as she cocked her head to the side. "I also want your finger. Actually... I'd take your whole hand. Oh who am I kidding. I'll take the entire damn arm!"

"Are you an idiot or something?" Katrina said scoffing at the two villains. "You called me out here to try and kill me? You realize I'm a Captain right? I'm one of the twelve strongest people in the world... And you thought this was a good idea why..."

"Don't get cocky..." Viper said inching forward as her eyes stared back at Katrina's. "It is two on one after all... Captain or not, you are all alone out here!" She announced. Suddenly she rocketed forward towards the Captain as she held her arm out. "That'll be your mistake."

Katrina smirked slightly as the figure flew towards her. "You really think they would let me walk around by myself?"

"Viper wait!" Turron said just slightly raising his voice as Viper reached for the girl in front of her.

There was a flash of red as a sonic boom seemed to go off. A dust cloud was kicked up as something caught Viper's hand. Katrina stood with her arms crossed smirking. Viper gritted her teeth as her hand was still held out being gripped by whatever it was that had landed in front of Katrina.

And in-between the two girls, a massive Red Demon now stood! The demon's body was made of a thick layer of red muscle with two long red horns, and a mouth full of grinning white teeth also made out of the material. In the hands of the demon, the fist of Viper could be seen, as the thing clutched it holding her entire hand easily. The Red Demon let out a quiet hiss as it began to slowly squeeze down on Viper's hand...

"Bad guys..." Katrina said smirking slightly as she held her hand out towards her body guard. "Meet Dawson Blight... You guys are so dead."

"Let go of my hand!" Viper screeched out in anger.

Dawson let out a grunt as he suddenly pulled the arm back and punched straight into it with his other hand! There was a loud crack as the arm was bent and snapped in half. Viper let out a horrible yell of pain and wailed as her entire arm was bent and snapped the bone jutting out of the limb. Dawson swung out slamming the girl around with her broken arm, as he just started slamming her around with her own broken limb! He turned around tossing her towards the other one.

"You can have this back." Dawson said cooly as he threw Viper towards her teammate. "This is your last warning... Leave."

Turron grunted as he reached out catching the girl. "That bastard!" Viper screamed out staring down at her arm which was bent twisted and snapped. "It hurts! It fucking hurts!" She cried and hissed.

"You were careless..." Turron hissed out dropping the girl. "Fool..."

"Fuck you!" Viper grunted out as she pulled herself out of her partner's arms, and off the floor after he dropped her. She gritted her teeth as she glared at the red demon in front of her. "You asshole! That hurt! That was the worst pain I ever felt!" She yelled out rubbing her broken, and twisted arm as she gritted her teeth. "I'm gonna rip you apart!" She hissed out holding her now very broken arm up.

"You can't fight me with one arm..." Dawson stated as he crossed his arms. "Just give up... We don't have to fight..."

"Oh... I assure you. This won't be a problem." Viper said smirking slightly. Cracks began to cover her body as her skin began to fall off of her... She reached up pulling her body off of her. No... Not her body. Rather she pulled her flesh off of her.

"What... What the hell..." Dawson said blinking slightly.

A young girl suddenly pulled its way out of the flesh suit. Well... Girl was the wrong way... That implied that the thing that crawled out was human... This was not human...

"Ahh... Much better..." The girl said wiping off orange slime that coated her body. "I was so tired of being in that shell..."