Meanwhile (Part Two)

Night Fifty Two

Age 1991

"Fuck you!" Viper grunted out as she pulled herself out of her partner's arms, and off the floor after he dropped her. She gritted her teeth as she glared at the red demon in front of her. "You asshole! That hurt! That was the worst pain I ever felt!" She yelled out rubbing her broken, and twisted arm as she gritted her teeth. "I'm gonna rip you apart!" She hissed out holding her now very broken arm up.

"You can't fight me with one arm..." Dawson stated as he crossed his arms. "Just give up... We don't have to fight..."

"Oh... I assure you. This won't be a problem." Viper said smirking slightly. Cracks began to cover her body as her skin began to fall off of her... She reached up pulling her body off of her. No... Not her body. Rather she pulled her flesh off of her.

"What... What the hell..." Dawson said blinking slightly.

A young girl suddenly pulled its way out of the flesh suit. Well... Girl was the wrong way... That implied that the thing that crawled out was human... This was not human...

"Ahh... Much better..." The girl said wiping off orange slime that coated her body. "I was so tired of being in that shell..."

The girl had powerful animalist red eyes, and long flowing white hair that dripped down to her waist. She had pale nearly pitch white skin that was almost as white as the snow that was around her. A short white dress, that looked to be made out of powerful scales seemed to be molded to her body. It almost looked like a wedding dress and she even had a veil around her. Two small black horns poked out of the top of her head, and several scales covered her body in an arrangement of beautiful patterns and large black claws stabbed out of bother her hands as red and black energy came off of her body and she licked her lips.

"It is always so uncomfortable being in that shell..." Viper muttered out as several black spikes that looked like the same kind of ones Ken could make, began to jut out of her body. "Let's get this party started right..." She smirked.

"Hmm... This must be serious if you are ditching your shell already..." Turron said eyeing the Captain and the Demon up.

"That... That isn't a power an Equation has... This weird feeling... This is the same I get when I stare down a Bestia Macht or when I look at Ken... What the hell are you..." Dawson said slowly, his voice coming out as a guttural growl due to his demon form. "Are you even really a human? Or are you just some kind of Bestia Macht you freak..." He growled as his body morphed and flames came out of him as he leveled up to his second stage. Level Two!

"Well when I get down to it, and I am ripping out your organs, does it really matter what type my ability is does it? And does me being a human actually matter? We are enemies. Why do you need to know who or what I am. I don't need to know anything about you. Well... That isn't exactly true... I do want to know... I want to know what your bones will sound like when I snap them, and what your flesh will taste like." Viper said speaking in an innocent tone but having such a crazed look in her eyes. "Turron... Don't get in my way... I want to rip this asshole to shreds myself... I want to break him!"

Turron simply let out a grunt as the red demon raised his hands. "I won't allow you to hurt my Captain..." He stated through clenched teeth.

"Before we begin I do have a question?" Viper said pacing back and forth. "If you answer it I'll kill you faster..."

"What's that?" Dawson asked slowly raising his arms as he eyed the monster girl up and down.

"Earlier you mentioned Ken... Is that a black haired fourteen year old girl? Silver eyes and a silver streak through her hair?" Dawson didn't say anything making Viper's lips twist into another smile. This one was way darker though. If she looked murderous before, than she looked like the devil now... "Ahh... I see... Your silence says it all... Sister Ken is still alive." Viper licked her lips for a moment as a guttural growl and almost a moan seemed to come out of her throat as a light blush crossed onto her face. "My darling Ken is still out there. Good, good. I'll find her. And I'll devour her. I'll absorb all that she is and make her mine." She laughed. "She'll be mine. All mine. Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine. Hahahahahahaha!"

"You are one crazy bit-"

"Dawson!" Katrina said.

"What? We're all thinking it..." The demon shrugged. "Anyways... I take back my earlier statement. You two aren't getting away. Not after you threatened a recruit of mine!" Dawson punched his hand as he glared at them both. "You two are going down. Bring. It. On."

Viper simply smirked as she fired forward. Her body twisted forward as she fired a powerful kick out. Dawson blocked the kick easily but the force from the strike was strong enough to push him back and make him grunt as flames erupted out of him.

Dawson punched out in an attempt to hit the girl but she fired down ducking underneath the attack. As soon as she hit the ground she fired back up slamming a fist straight into Dawson's gut and firing out a beam of black energy into it.

The Red Demon let out a grunt of pain as he was pushed back by the mighty blow. Viper's hands stabbed into his stomach and pulled back ripping off some of the red tendrils and some of his flesh.

Dawson let out a hiss of pain as he placed a hand over the hole in his stomach. From the hole, his flesh and skin could be seen. "I'm impressed..." Dawson said speaking in a calm tone as the hole began to seal itself. "It isn't easy to break past my armor... It is harder than steel... Not to mention but a few centimeters further you would of hit my stomach... Clearly, you two are no random riffraff off the street... Who are you? Tell me now, and I'll be sure not to break every bone in your body."

"Sorry," Turron said as he gave a slightly bored shrug. "I am afraid that I can not tell you that..." The man said as he tightened the scarf around his face covering up more of it.

"That's a shame..." Dawson said letting out a sigh. "Guess I'll need to get you two to talk..."

'He's getting more aggressive?' Turron thought as he crossed his arms.

Viper's arms fired out becoming a blur. Her arms bent a twisted in various ways as each strike echoed out in a loud boom as the punches bounced off of Dawson's arms. Her arms didn't move naturally. They were like a whip bending and twisting but not breaking.

Dawson let out another growl as he raised his fist up to the air. "You're finished!" He announced punching down.

Viper smirked as her body seemed to bend and twist around Dawson's fist as she coiled around the punch. Her entire body folded as she suddenly appeared behind Dawson wrapping her arms around his throat! Her arms bent around his throat like a rope as the arms tightened.

"Looks like you let your guard down!" Viper said smugly as she squeezed down on the throat of the Demon. "My body is able to bend, and twist, and twirl almost every part of my body. I can even snap my own neck back in and out of place. Now I'm gonna strangle the shit out of you, you freaking-"

Dawson. reached up ripping the girl off of him! Viper's body twisted and hit, and kicked at the man. Dawson remained standing as Viper's body twisted all around him snaking her way across him as her claws dug into Dawson.

The man's hands wrapped around her waist but it simply got smaller and squeezed out of his hands sliding out. Her fist slammed out hitting the man over the head. Dawson wrapped both his arms around the girl as she tried to squirm away.

Dawson let out a loud grunt as he brought his entire body down clutching the girl in his arms as he slammed her straight into the ground dropping himself on her. Viper let out a hiss of pain as Dawson began to violently punch her into the ground.

He brought his right arm up as it became a giant meaty muscular fist. He let out a yell as he slammed it down into her gut causing Viper to scream out in pain.

Dawson didn't give her a chance to recover as he slammed his fist down again, and again attempting to pound her into the ground. Viper gasped out as she was jammed into the ground getting deeper and deeper. He hit her with everything he had as she stopped moving.

"Good. I think she-"

Steam exploded out of Vipers wounds as her body healed the exact same way Ken's did. She shot forward slashing her claws into the top of Dawson's head slashing through it and making Dawson scream out in pain as her claws grazed the top of her head. She let out a mad laugh as he jumped away from her clutching at the top of his head which had blood pouring out of the wound.

"Shit! A few inches more and she'd have hit my brain..." He gasped as his vision began to blur.

"Dawson look out!" Katrina yelled suddenly.

Dawson looked up seeing a massive blue whip coming towards him. He raised his arms up as the blue object slammed into him hard enough to throw him back and crash straight through a building. The tendrils covering his arms instantly explode as a large gash appeared across his arms as blood began to pour out from the two gashes.

"Th-That's tough..." Dawson said hissing slightly as he stared at both his arms which began to bleed pretty badly from the two gashes. "If I hadn't blocked that would have torn my head off..."

"Viper you fool..." Turron said letting out a sigh as he shook his head. He now stood next to the body of the monster looking girl. In his hands, he held a blue saber-like thingy? Whatever it was it continued to flow slightly. It made a loud hissing sound as the air around it was actually bent around it. "You shouldn't play with your food."

Viper stuck her tongue out as she spat out a glob or green liquid at Dawson. Dawson side stepped it and stared in shock when it began to melt the ground next to him.

"Acid! What are you!"

"The devil!" Viper laughed.

"Is that water!" Katrina said shocked as she stared at the weird blue blade in Turron's hand.

"Indeed it is..." Turron said letting out a sigh. "I can manipulate water to an extent. What you see here is a sword made of water. I have trained this blade to work like a hydro pump. Water flowing at such a speed with so much force it can cut through even steel... This blade functions like that but condensed down into a smaller, faster, strong, form..." He stated simply. "With it..." He sliced the blade to the left suddenly. There was a brief moment of silence as a line slowly appeared across the building next to him. Then suddenly the entire building was split in half. "...I can do that..."

"I'll admit I am impressed..." Katrina said nodding her head slightly.

"As am I..." Turron nodded. "But your friend is in no condition to fight..." As he spoke Dawson pulled himself out of the building he had crashed through. More tendrils came out of his body covering his arms as he cracked his knuckles. He stood tall but he was very badly hurt. "And I still have the Devil to help me out..." He said as Viper licked her lips and more acid dripped out of her mouth.

"You're right..." Katrina sighed stepping forward. She closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them once more as everything around her was suddenly blasted back. "I'll fight you both."

"It would seem the odds aren't in our favor..." Turron said letting out a sigh. He opened his hand as the sword dropped down causing a splash. The man bent down wrapping an arm around Viper's waist. "We shall retreat for now..."

"I wanna fight though!" Viper yelled.

Turron let out a snort as he eyed the girl. "Viper. If you let us run I promise I'll find that cute girl you want. What was her name? Ken? yes I'll find the one you call Ken and give her to you."

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!"

"Like hell, you two are getting away!" Dawson yelled out firing forward. Turro. switched his head as the water on the floor suddenly fired out hitting the Demon square in the chest and throwing him back as they stabbed through him making the demon gasp.

Turron turned holding the body of Viper as he jumped into the air. Then... He stopped. His body suddenly froze up as he remained standing in the air unmoving.

"Wh-What the hell..." Turron grunted out. "I can't move?"

"No, you can't..." Katrina said with a smirk on her face as she slowly walked forward. "It's over for you now... You are both so screwed..."

Turron let out a grunt as he closed his eyes... Then suddenly a blue Aura exploded around him. And with that, his body became free again as he shot through the air.

"What!" Katrina said shocked. "What the hell did you just do!"

"I drowned the kinetic force you used on me." Turron smirked as Viper spat globs of acid at Katrina who easily dodged them. "We are both Casters, you and I Katrina... You control Kinetic energy so I drowned the concept of Kinetic energy and for just a few moments, only a second, Kinetic energy died, and it no longer existed. However I can not kill a concept for long and it came back during the next second... But I only needed one second to get out."

"How the hell does that even make sense!" Katrina asked.

"Yeah I don't really get it either." Viper snickered. "But if it makes you mad that's all I needed to see."

Turron stopped once he stood on a building as he turned looking down on the girl. "Oh... There is still so much to learn about Equations and how they work..." He said simply as he turned away and ran off into the darkness.

"Damn it!" Katrina yelled.

"Do you want me to chase after him?" Dawson asked as his entire armor was pulled back into his body leaving him back in his normal fleshy human form.

"No..." Katrina sighed out as she shook her head. "It's too dangerous... Those two are beyond you Dawson... I don't even know if I could beat them..."

"What now?" Dawson asked.

"Now. Now we head back to the city. We need to talk to Master Storm immediately... If things turn sour, we'll need Jackson to help us to. I hate to do this, but we'll probably have to hold off on training the new recruits. We may have to take them into battle if things get bad enough..."

Dawson let out a sigh as he crossed his arms. "I'm sure they won't mind too much. They probably hate all the boring missions Jackson has been having them do..."

"Right... Well, for now, we should head back... I'm worried that Jackson might do to those kids if we leave them alone with him for more than a day..."