The Viscount (Part Four)

Night Fifty Three

Age 1991

The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri...

The Underground Cave System...

"We're falling to fast!" The elder man yelled.

"I know! Give me a moment to think of something!" The little girl yelled as the tumbled down.

"We don't have a moment!"

Zoru and Luna both let out loud yells as they dropped down a large pit falling into the underground caves that rested below the city as they attempted to get away from both the Bestia Macht, and the Enforcers... They were falling fast tumbling down a massive hole falling faster and faster as they fell into the darkness below.

Luna managed to wrap an arm around Zoru as she stabbed her hand into the ground as they slid down the wall ripping it down as she did her best to try and slow down their fall. t might have worked if she had thought of it earlier but they were going just way to fast. There was a loud crack as her entire hand was snapped off of the wrist ripping it off and sheading her left arm, and they fell back into the darkness.

The two of them smacked into the wall at a high speed and hit the stone floor as they both yelled out in pain slamming into the ground with a loud smack. Luna's right leg exploded on impact shattering into several small droplets of wood which rained down. Zoru hit the ground and there was a loud snapping sound as he let out a yell and went quiet as he rested in a pool of his blood.

Luna managed to sit up shaking her head for a moment as her eyes drifted over to Zoru who was still groaning. "Oh God! Zoru are you okay?" She asked. Small droplets of blood were coming out of Zoru as he groaned and set up.

"Ahh... I am fine..." He nodded trying to stand back up but collapsing into the arms of Luna as he let out a loud groan once more. "Thanks to you, you managed to slow down the fall, and it was easier to crash into the floor... I will be alright but I feel as if something inside of me has snapped... I will live though whatever the case."

"Thank Goodness..." Luna smiled. "I don't want you to leave me."

"Luna... What of your hand and your legs."

Luna didn't say anything covering up the dented and snapped wooden arm that she had. "It's fine. It does not matter. I am nothing more than a mere doll. As long as you my host keeps on living so to will the Equation that rests within me..." Zoru looked as if he was about to say something for a moment but stopped falling over and breaking out into a coughing fit and spitting up globs of blood. "Zoru!"

"I am fine! I am fine!" He gasped out clutching at his chest. "One of my ribs have pierced something." He groaned. "I fear I don't have long... We must get you out of here Luna... Before the Devils, and the Soldiers, can take the Piece of God that lies within you. If they pull it out of you, you'll come undone. All the memories... All the hope. All the love. It will all end... You must live."

"...Zoru..." She said quietly. "You can't leave me... You promised you would never leave me." She said quietly.

The elderly man shook his head as he managed to get back up to his feet lifting the doll up with him holding her small form in both of his arms gently rocking her back and forth. "Come Luna... We still have a long way to go, and very little time... We must go..."

"...Right..." The doll nodded. "We'll escape. Together..."

"Yes..." Zoru said nodding his head. "...Together..."


The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri...

The Streets...

"W... Where are we!" Hero yelled kicking a wall over and over again. "We're lost!"

"Calm down." Irene said rolling her eyes and hitting the boy over the head.

"We'll do you know where we're going?" Light asked cocking his head to the side.






Irene didn't say anything as both boys stared at Irene and she looked back at them. "Okay..." She said slowly. "We may be lost..."

"I knew it!" Hero yelled.

"We are lost..." Light nodded. "And it's dark-"

"Your blind."

"Oh yeah."

Over with Hero he was running back and forth letting out loud yells as he kicked the wall. "Ahh! I shouldn't have been walking around so carelessly! Why did I think following Irene and Light around would have been a smart idea! This place is a freaking maze! Of course a blind jackass with brother problems, and some hillbilly girl, who also has brother problems wouldn't know where we are going! I can't get lost in here like some kind of lost child! What are Ken, and Kitsune gonna say when they finish the mission without us!"

"Wow..." Light said blinking a few times as he listened to his big brother walk back and forth as he ran around wildly. "I've never seen him freak out this much..."

"Why the hell am I stuck with you two assholes!" Irene sighed.

Hero pouted in a corner as he shook his head. "And my right arm is screwed up..."

"What?" Irene asked.

Hero raised his right arm up as it morphed and shifted. The right arm was heavily dented covered in cracks and no longer had any feathers or heat coming off of it. "That monster broke it!" He cried.

"Can't you fix it with your metal?" Irene sighed.

"I'm out of metal! And I ate all my iron blocks!"


An idea seemed to form on Hero's head for a brief moment. "I know! Light. Give me your gun!"

"Yes big brother-"

"No." Irene sighed waving her arm out. She let out an annoyed hum as she folded her arms. "Alright..." She walked over to Hero yanking the boy back up to his feet. "Come on..." She said. "You to Light. We need to find Ken and Kitsune. I'm sure we can find some blocks or iron or something on the way there."


"Alright!" Light announced. "Let's go!" The Light suddenly stopped as he frowned suddenly. "Hey do you guys hear that?" He asked.

"Hear what?"

There was a loud metal on metal sound as the stone next to them began to crack and a small metal ball flew out. It landed on Hero's head as the teens eyes lit up.


"You named it Droney..." Irene said flatly.

Hero stuck his tongue out at the blonde girl as he took it off of his head and stared down at the small metal drone. "Droney why are you here?" He asked. It let out a loud clicking sound as Hero nodded his head. "Yep. It's official. I don't speak clicking." The drone seemed to almost roll its eyes as it flew up and turned pushing into the wall.

"I think it wants us to follow it..." Irene said nodding her head.

"I can't go through walls." Hero shrugged.

"Me either." Light said.

Irene rolled her eyes as she walked to the wall and placed her hand on the wall covering it with ice and shattering it into shard of powdered ice. She turned back to both of the boys. "Let's go."



"Kitsune!" Ken said alarmed.


Ken pointed forward making Kitsune slowly turn. He stopped when he saw the Bestia Macht standing around the corner its right arm still morphed into Hero's form. Ace backed up when he saw it as Ken ripped one of her spikes out.

"Oh..." Kitsune said slowly. "Well... Crap..."

"Looks like we're fighting!" Ken announced.

"It would seem that way." Kitsune gave a smirk as he drew his blade igniting his ears and tails as the aura of flames crackled around his body and his tails swished back and forth. "You're an incredibly stupid beast fighting me. You face Kitsune Nine, of the Sixth Squad, the greatest Samurai who has ever lived! I am a brave and powerful warrior and I will spell your doom! I am way better than that lame ass Hero of Justice with his stupid Devil Arm..."

"God do you and Hero have to always one up each other." Ken said rolling her eyes.


The Bestia Macht in front of them let out a strange groan as it began to move forward walking in a strange way? Kitsune slashed his blade down sending out a wave of flames right as the wall next to them molded freezing over and shattering.

"Freedom- oh God no!" Hero yelled flying out of the hole in the wall only to be slammed down by the flaming slash.

"Whoops..." Kitsune said blankly.

"And that's why I let him walk out first..." Irene sighed raising her hand up and freezing the flames off of Hero Law.

Hero jumped up shaking his head as he saw the Viscount. He stared at it for a moment before he turned away from it and back to Ken and Kitsune staring past them. "Behind you guys! That's the Bestia Macht!" Hero announced pointing at Ace.

"Uh what-" Ken began only to be grabbed by Kitsune who jumped back as Ace's body shatter turning into the Bestia Macht and slashing out firing out black spikes. "What!"

"I knew it!" Hero announced. He reached up grabbing the fake Bestia Macht and pulling back showing the unconscious body of Ace. His armor was mostly torn off leaving only his helmet hiding his face. He didn't seem to be hurt though just knocked out.

"How did you know?" Kitsune asked dropping Ken down as he turned to fight the real monster.

Hero gave a small smirk rubbing his nose as he pointed his short sword towards the beast since his right arm was busted. "Elementary my dear Fox!" Hero announced. "You see Ace was harmed which made no sense, as he is a normal human and if he had been hurt, he'd have gotten the virus and died! There for I used my-"

"He's lying the Drone told him." Irene said flatly. "You only watched the footage of Hero fighting the Viscount so you missed the part where the Viscount took on Ace's form..."

"Oh come on..." Kitsune sighed. "Oh well. It's five on one. Let's do-"

The Bestia Macht open its mouth unleashing a massive wave of red and black energy which slammed into Hero, Kitsune and Ken throwing them back through the wall. Ken jumped through the beam her body healing faster than the beast could melt it. She spun around slashing the head of the beast clean off.

Only for it to have turned into snow at the last second.

"What-" The beast back handed her back as she crashed into the brick wall.

Irene stomped onto the ground firing out a wave of ice spikes which bounced off of the monsters flesh which turned into stone withstanding the spikes. Ken jumped back into the air dropping down onto the beast as she let out a loud cry stabbing at it with her black spikes. Irene punched forward shooting a large ice spike but the beast shifted back into snow causing the spike to stab through it and impale Ken who was on its back.

Ken let out a gasp as she fell back staring at the frozen spike that was through her chest. "Ow... God this hurts..."

"God damn it this thing is a massive cheater!" Irene yelled only to be smacked in the face by the creatures tail which slammed her into the wall with a loud thud.

The beast turned back to stare back at the small girl as it raised its claws up stabbing a hand into Ken's gut causing her to yell out. It did it again and again, stabbing through the girl as it began to impale its black spikes all along her body as she screamed out in pain. Then it stabbed one more claw down straight through the girls chest as it pulled back ripping her heart out. Ken's eyes went wide for a moment then she stopped moving falling silent.

"No!" A beam of golden light fired out slashing off the monsters arm and it let out a loud roar of pain as its right arm flew off crashing into the wall.

The beast whipped around only to be blasted in the face again as it crashed into the wall. Its body morphed into snow as it began to hide from whatever was trying to harm it. Seconds later it reformed as it stared out letting out a loud hiss. It looked around finding the room was empty.

The beast stared down at the ground finding a massive trail of blood leading down an alleyway where a hidden hole rested. It cocked its head to the side as seam poured off of the creatures body as a new arm sprouted out of the wound and it healed.

"Damn they are heavy..." Light sighed walking down the hall way. In one hand he dragged the unconscious body of Hero, and Kitsune. In his other hand he was dragging the body of Ace, and Irene. And thrown over his shoulder was the lifeless body of Ken who wasn't moving, and resting on top of his head was the Drone. "Damn it..." He hissed shaking his head. "I'm so lost... I have no idea where I'm going... What now-"

Light suddenly stopped as his ears began to twitch.

He could hear...
