The Girl Who Only Wants To Dream Of Love

Night Fifty Four

Age 1991

The Bestia Macht open its mouth unleashing a massive wave of red and black energy which slammed into Hero, Kitsune and Ken throwing them back through the wall. Ken jumped through the beam her body healing faster than the beast could melt it. She spun around slashing the head of the beast clean off.

Only for it to have turned into snow at the last second.

"What-" The beast back handed her back as she crashed into the brick wall.

Irene stomped onto the ground firing out a wave of ice spikes which bounced off of the monsters flesh which turned into stone withstanding the spikes. Ken jumped back into the air dropping down onto the beast as she let out a loud cry stabbing at it with her black spikes. Irene punched forward shooting a large ice spike but the beast shifted back into snow causing the spike to stab through it and impale Ken who was on its back.

Ken let out a gasp as she fell back staring at the frozen spike that was through her chest. "Ow... God this hurts..."

"God damn it this thing is a massive cheater!" Irene yelled only to be smacked in the face by the creatures tail which slammed her into the wall with a loud thud.

The beast turned back to stare back at the small girl as it raised its claws up stabbing a hand into Ken's gut causing her to yell out. It did it again and again, stabbing through the girl as it began to impale its black spikes all along her body as she screamed out in pain. Then it stabbed one more claw down straight through the girls chest as it pulled back ripping her heart out. Ken's eyes went wide for a moment then she stopped moving falling silent.

No heart...

No life...

She was so cold...

So dead...



"God damn it!" Ken cursed kicking out. "How long has it been since I've had to see this damn place." She sighed.

All around the girl was an ocean of red... She rested in it on her back just slightly above the surface staring up above at the endless black void darker than anything in this world. White liquid dripped down from the black void as the small girl let out a sigh.

"Damn it... I died..." She reached up rubbing at her chest were she had been ran through and had her heart literally ripped out of her chest. "That pain had felt really bad..." She sighed shaking her head. "Worse than anything I've ever felt before... I'm lucky it didn't take out my brain... I doubt I could heal from that..."

The entire ocean of red she was in began to suddenly rise up making Ken let out a loud yelp as something massive began to pull its body out of the ocean letting out a loud buzzing sound.

"Why have you returned here girl!" A loud voice announced shaking the void that Ken rested in. The voice was so loud and strong it began to blow Ken and the water back. The red sea split as Ken fell still screaming as she smacked into the bottom of the parted sea. "Why have you returned!" The loud voice cried once again.

"Ow! You jerk!" Ken hissed rubbing at the top of her head from where she had fallen and landed. "This is why I gave you your stupid ass nickname you bully! You're so rude Labby!"

Standing before Ken was a massive white lab coat. As in a giant white lab coat... It was made out of some thick white liquid flowing together giving its shape. No one was in the lab coat. Instead it was as if the thing was alive flowing and resting up on its sleeves as if they were elbows. It seemed to look down at Ken, where a head would be as a growl came out of the lab coat.

"Screw you Labby! Don't growl at me."

"Stop calling me Labby!" The lab coat exploded.

"Whatever." Ken huffed sitting down as she folded her arms and crossed her legs. "What do you want-"

"Why have you-"

"Stop yelling!" Ken yelled even louder than the lab coat. She let out another huff as she sighed. "It's not like I want to be here. I hate it here... This place sucks, and is creepy... And you always do weird crap when I am in here like showing me all those memories. I'm only here because I died... Again!"

"I believe that makes this the tenth time you've died..." Labby the giant talking Lab coat said letting out a small hum that shook the void. "I see... Your body will heal and bring you back from the dead in a matter of time... Until then-"

"Oh boy... Here we go..." Ken sighed.

"I think it's about time I do what I always do when you are in here. Let's go through your memories... What have you done since you last came here..." The Lab coat announced in a loud growl as several red and black lights shined out of him. The floor began to glow and change as what seemed to be several images could now be seen showing off various memories of Ken's recent events.

The girl looked away from it muttering out a few choice words. "Do you have to do this every time I come here..." She mumbled.

"Yes..." Labby said nodding, which looked very weird since he didn't actually have a head... "You are a Monster Ken red..." His words made the small girl flinch and look away. "At any moment your feeble mind could snap under the pressure of the beast and you could give in to that animalistic power of yours going mad... Need I remind you of the last person who gave in..." As he spoke the image of a girl appeared before Ken.

"...Viper..." Ken said feeling her heart beat faster and faster as she stared at the image.

Labby let out a loud hiss as the image vanished. "It is my duty to be the kill switch. Ken Red... Should you ever go mad and give in, I will be the one to stop you. I'm the kill switch that will blow your brain to bits. I will be the one to save the people you try to kill..."

"Whatever..." Ken huffed. "I'm not some insane monster like Viper is..."

"Yes but I wonder... What would you do if Viper was to ask you to drop everything and join her once again..." Labby had moved standing behind Ken peering over her shoulder. "Will you be able to resist her pulls... You've fallen once... That was why he placed me in you." The Image changed this time becoming a massive black shadow. Mr. Hyde... "I wonder what that new boy you're hanging around will say if he learned of your ties with him."

The image changed once more showing off Hero Law.


"It's been a while since I've seen Row Law." Labby chuckled making Ken frown when she heard the man called Hero, Row for some reason. "You know... I'd say that boy hates Mr. Hyde more than anyone in the world. Well besides maybe Doctor Jekyll... Oh and there are more..." The image changed showing Kitsune. "A member of the Nine family?" Then it changed into Irene. "Oh and she's cute. I see why you're hanging around these people." It shifted again showing Light. "And him... Light huh. I see that project rebirth worked on him. Shame his new form lost its sight." Then it shifted again showing Emma, Hannah, Jackson, Dawson, Ace, and Shelly. "You think any of these people are gonna be the ones to bring you back from the edge. Do you even know any of them."

"I don't need them." Ken hissed throwing the Lab coats arm off of her. "I don't need anyone to do that. I'm strong... And I don't need you to try and pick me apart."

Labby let out a snort as he moved across the floor and the image once again shifted to Viper. "Still... I'll need to keep an eye on you... If she shows up once again who knows what could happen. Will you be able to control yourself." Ken still didn't say anything as she turned away from the lab coat and crouching down as she covered her ears with her hands. "What are you doing?" The sentient lab coat sighed.

"I don't want to hear you speak anymore!" Ken said loudly. "You're making me mad digging into my past and trying to put me down... You're just a big jerk."

"No... I'm trying to be prepared." Labby hissed. "Just so you know should you die, I die. I'd rather avoid that. As such I'd much rather you come up with some way to avoid the inevitable that is Viper. If she asked you to come join her right now would you be able to ignore that?"

"Of course I-"

"Think carefully on this answer girl..."

Ken went silent as the Lab coat went through more of her current memories.

"I'm worried for you." It told her. "I also don't think this is the right crowd for you. Kitsune Nine, Row Law, Irene Glacious, Light... That is quite the weird team you got there..."

"Why does it matter to you."

"What were those goals of yours again?"

Ken's silver eyes lit up for a moment. "I'm going to find the heart and end this whole pointless war with the Bestia Macht! I bet something that strong can even fix me and get rid of this stupid curse my bastard father turned me into! I finally won't be a weapon, and I can just be a normal girl, and join the Red Church again!"

The sleeve of the Lab coat came out hitting the girl on the head and making her let out a loud yelp as it knocked her to the ground. "That isn't what I meant foolish girl..." The Lab coat said shaking the closest thing it had to a head as a deep sigh came out once again. "I was referring to that other goal. The personal goal. The very personal goal."

"I don't get it?"

The lab coat let out another sigh. "I'm referring to that need all you humans have. The love life." Ken's face became red for a moment as she covered her face up. "After you escaped Viper you have been looking for someone have you not? In order to spite her so she can't have you?"

"Don't say it like that!" A very embarrassed Ken yelled throwing out a black spike which went through the white lab coat since his body was made of liquid. "Saying it like that sounds bad... It's just... The girls at the Church always talked about love stories. They were kind of perverted... And with Viper it was something like how the Bestia Macht were... Both her and I hated each other and kept trying to kill one another... Absorb one another and kill them. Literally. There was no love, but I wouldn't say it involved hatred either... It was like two beasts who wanted what the other one had. If not for the church I would have come undone and have been devoured by Viper... I came to join the Enforcers for the thrill of fighting and the challenge. I was made to be a weapon for Lancelot of the Order, my father... He didn't want a daughter he wanted a weapon. A pet monster. And that was me." She said staring down at her hands for a moment. "I tried to be good when I was in the Red Church but I made plenty of mistakes and sinned more and more. Part of me wanted to find someone though... Someone who wouldn't view me as a weapon, or an animal. Someone I could actually love, and they could love me. I mean I know that love doesn't work like that and what the girls at the church told me were just fantasy's in romantic novels. Still wouldn't that be a wonderful dream?"

The Lab coat let out a small snort as he flew up higher. "A wonderful dream that will never come true huh? You sounds exactly like him."

"Who?" Ken asked frowning.

"He's not to important." The Lab coat said. "His name is Orion. You've never heard of him and I doubt you'll ever meet him. Well actually sorry that was a like. You have heard of him. Then again who hasn't heard of Orion. You've just never heard him be called Orion."

"You're not making any sense..." Ken said flatly.

"Whatever the case... The healing is done. You can leave now. Please get out."

Ken stood up as she folded her arms. "Right..." She was silent for a few moments before suddenly letting out a heavy groan. "Before I go... I uh... I need your help..." She said in an embarrassed tone as she turned away.

"I beg your pardon?"

Ken kicked at the ground for a moment as she shook her head. "That damn Bestia Macht is a big threat! We can't hit it or hurt it! It keeps turning into snow... Just wanted to say its powers are totally bs!"

Labby let out a small chuckle for a moment as he gave off what seemed to be a half shrug. "The beast can turn into whatever it touches right? Well? Just stop it from touching things."

"That's way easier said then done... Whatever I'm leaving..."

"Oh before you go..." Labby moved back over to her getting right up in her face as he seemed to move towards her ear. Finally he whispered. "Beware the one called Row Law... Someone like him will either kill the Heart you seek, or kill the one you call God..."