A Man And His Doll

Night Fifty Five

Age 1991

The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri...

Underneath The Ground...

"This better be good... I swear if you called me out here for nothing..."

Hannah slid through the floor swimming through the ground as if she was some kind of land shark. She was fast heading out of the city as she slowly raised her body up through the snow landing on the ground right on the outskirts of the new city. A man could be seen resting in the shadows of the wall keeping him hidden. In his hands he held a small metal black phone.

"So you actually came when I called for you?" The man said in a low voice. "I was beginning to fear you would just ignore my call."

"I'm surprised you called me out here..." Hannah said as she finished sliding out of the snow. She dusted her body off for a moment as she gave an annoyed frown. "Well? What is it? I need to pay close attention to the recruits. If any of them end up getting hurt..."

"Calm down Law..."

"I'm on a time crunch! Just spit it out. Why did you call me out here? Ward..."

The man stepped out of the shadows showing that it was in fact Ward. One of the four sacred beasts of Master Storm. He had a small frown on his face as he folded his arms and nodded his head for a moment. "I'll make this quick then. I wanted to know about two of those new recruits."

"Let me guess..." Hannah rolled her eyes for a moment. "You want to know about Row, and that strange tiny girl right?"

"No." Ward said catching her off guard. "Don't get me wrong I'll be looking into those two on my own. After all that Jackson Storms, thinks Hero Law could hold the heart though I am unsure about that, as for Ken, it isn't everyday you see a Seraphin running around."

"A Seraphin? What's that?"

"It isn't important." Ward Smirked. "The two I do want to know of though... Kitsune Nine, and Irene Glacious."

"Those two?"

Ward nodded his head. "Yes. Those two." Ward unfolded his arms as he began to flip a coin again and again. "Kitsune Nine... A member of the family of Nine, one of the Twenty Sacred Branches, and younger brother of Jin Nine, who was one of the Former Squad Captains until he died... On his written test he failed every questions, and on the part worth all the points he didn't write anything, instead he drew a picture of a fox in samurai armor with the words 'this' next to it... It was..."

"A dumb answer."

"Yes a dumb answer..." Ward shook his head for a moment. "What do you know about him.

Hannah stood there thinking for a moment as she let out a small hum. "He's an idiot... A big idiot... But... I will say he might be the strongest recruit I've seen... Even compared to that Max boy. Max is certainly stronger but that Fox has a ton of skill and power, and he knows how to use that sword. He takes after his brother for sure. I'd say he's even stronger than Jin was, when Jin first joined the Enforcers. That being said though... While he might not be smart, and might have a lot of potential I'll need to keep an eye on that boy... Every time I look at him I see a darker look in his eyes... He's the kind of person that would stop at nothing to get his answers..."

Ward gave a small nod. "I figured as much..." Ward said. "And what of the girl. Irene Glacious. Twin of North Glacious. Master Storm sent her brother out on a massive mission and in return he said he would look the other way about her not receiving a letter. It makes me wonder though. Why didn't see receive a letter? And why would Master Storm just let her in? It makes no sense... Unless she has the same power as North..."

"Well yeah?" Hannah nodded. "Of course she has the same power as North. Both of them have Ice Based Powers-"

"That isn't what I meant." Ward smirked. "I'm not surprised you don't know. Squad One tried to keep it secret... You see something happened with that boy when he tried to surpass 100% something... Weird... Dark... Evil... I wonder if the same lies within that girl Irene."

Hannah frowned as she stared at the man. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying keep a close eye on that girl. Irene Glacious. She's far more dangerous than anyone knows. But now I'm beginning to understand why Master Storm is letting her in... He wants this game to be interesting... And it's definitely interesting..."

Hannah simply frowned as Ward stepped on the air. A green barrier formed under his feet as it took the shape of various stairs and he simply walked off into the darkness of the world heading back.

"Stay safe Ms. Law." Ward laughed. "Stay safe..."

"...Right..." Hannah said slowly as she began to sink back into the ground. "I'll do that... So these are the kinds of friends you managed to make Hero..."


The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri...

The Underground Cave System...

Light stood there carrying everyone as his eyes twitched. "Is that... Music? Someone is singing?" Lights body seemed to glow as several of the cuts and bruises on his body began to heal as his eyes widened. "Wow! I feel way better!" He noted. "All my wounds are gone!"

Kitsune was the first to stir as his eyes began to open. He let out a small groan as all his wounds healed. "What?" He stared down at his hands as all the burn marks he received from the heated blast the Bestia Macht spat at him.

"My body is healing?" The Fox Noble noted as he got out of Lights arms. He shook his head and looked around. "What happened to- Ken!" Kitsune grabbed the small girl pulling her out of Light's arms.

"Kitsune she's-"

The Fox Teen ignored the blind boy. He already knew what he was going to discover but he had to check on it just to be sure. Kitsune slowly placed his hands on the girls small neck and felt his body shake as a small hiss came out of his lips. He couldn't feel a pulse... Ken was dead.

"D... Damn it!" Kitsune cursed slamming his fist down into the ground and smashing it. "Damn it... It's not fair..." Kitsune reached up slowly as he closed the girls blank silver eyes and picked her up again holding her small form in his arms.

"We need to keep moving..." Light said picking up Ace, Hero, and Irene once again.

"Y... Yeah... You're right... Let's go..." Kitsune said bowing his head. "Let's get Hero, and Irene to safety... They aren't healing for some reason..."

"I think it's the music..." Light said. "I heard it and it healed me, you heard it when you woke up and it healed you, but Big Brother, Irene, and Ace are all knocked out so they can't hear it. I'm guessing this is the Cursed Ability the Equation has. A song of healing that will restore whoever hears its music."


"Not really... It's kind of obvious... Still... We need to go. Before the beast catches back up to us..."

"Yeah..." Kitsune looked down sadly for a moment staring down at the cold corpse of Ken. "When I get my hands on that beast..." His fox ears, and tail ignited as it began to wag back and forth.


Meanwhile further down the underground caves...

A beautiful song came out of the small dolls throat as it echoed around the underground caves that were beneath the city. Her voice healed all who heard it causing the elderly man who rested on the ground to let out a calm sigh as her song healed him.

"Ah... Thank you Luna..." Zoru said in an easy sigh as he gave a small smile. "Your song has healed me. If not for your Cursed powers I think my body would have given out long ago... I've been alive far longer than any of my other kind... Humans are gross and disgusting... But your songs have kept me going for nearly two hundred years now... Thank you Luna..."

"Good." Luna smiled. "I'm glad." Her body however was still missing a hand, and a leg, since she was a doll and couldn't heal. "Zoru?" She asked cocking her to the side for a moment. "Will you be able to join me?"

The old man cocked his head to the side as he stared down at the little doll before him questioning what she meant with that phase. "Join you? I am old Luna?"

"You told those Enforcers you were the Doll in order to try and save me?" Luna said calmly. "Why?"

Zoru gave a small nod. "Yes... The Enforcers will take out the Equation that rests within you... Doing this will surely reset you making you forget all that you know... Not only that but I am the one that has bonded to you. When I die, your Equation will be sent out across the world, and you'll forget who I am. All the pain and suffering you went through will end. You'll forget me Luna, but you'll forget all the suffering you had to go through as well..."

"But I don't want to forget you Zoru!" Luna cried out. "Please... I want to spend forever with you... That's why... I don't want you to die and me be sent off across the world, and I don't want the Enforcers to crack me open and remove me resetting me... Zoru. When you die I want you to destroy my Equation. I want to die as your doll by your hand."

"Luna?" The old man asked in shock. "You..."

"I'm your doll..." She said hugging him tightly. "The Equation within me picked you to bond with. Because you pulled me out of the darkness. I'm your doll." She said again smiling.

Zoru reached up running his old hands through her hair. "And I am your human Luna... We'll be together forever... Always..."

The doll smiled as she nodded her head. "What song should I sing next?" She asked softly as the Equation within her began to glow and she got ready to use her Cursed powers once more.

"That's a pretty song!" The old man and doll suddenly froze as they turned to see Kitsune, and Light. Kitsune gave a small smile as they stared at him. "So you're the doll? It's in you huh? That's pretty neat." Kitsune smiled. "You're an Equip type who's power is producing musical notes that have various effects based on the songs you sing right? That's great. If we can wake up Ace, Irene, and The Devil Prick, you can heal them and they can keep fighting!"

"Yes." Light said nodding. "So who this? I don't think I met them yet?"

"The old man is named... Well... The young girl is... Oh I uh... Huh now that don't know their names? I guess I was to busy to learn it... Whoops..." Kitsune said shrugging his shoulders. "But I thought that the old man was the doll but it is actually just the little girl I guess Weird right? I guess we need to take the Equation out of her."

Light let out a small shrug for a moment as he nodded his head. "Hmm I think I get it kind of... Yeah. So how do we pull the Equation out of her? Do we just rip her apart or-"

"Take this! I won't let you hurt me or Zoru!" Luna yelled ripping a stone pillar out of the ground and swinging it at the two Enforcers recruits who stared in shock as the pillar was hurled at them at an insane speed.

"Oh God No!"