Clear Skies No More Tears

Night Fifty Six

Age 1991

The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri...

The Underground Cave System...

'Where am I?' Hero thought as his eyes began to open. His head hurt and he could see Light was dragging him into a large cave area.

"Luna?" The old man asked in shock. "You..."

"I'm your doll..." She said hugging him tightly. "The Equation within me picked you to bond with. Because you pulled me out of the darkness. I'm your doll." She said again smiling.

'What's going on?' Hero wondered.

Zoru reached up running his old hands through her hair. "And I am your human Luna... We'll be together forever... Always..."

The doll smiled as she nodded her head. "What song should I sing next?" She asked softly as the Equation within her began to glow and she got ready to use her Cursed powers once more.

"That's a pretty song!" The old man and doll suddenly froze as they turned to see Kitsune, and Light. Kitsune gave a small smile as they stared at him. "So you're the doll? It's in you huh? That's pretty neat." Kitsune smiled. "You're an Equip type who's power is producing musical notes that have various effects based on the songs you sing right? That's great. If we can wake up Ace, Irene, and The Devil Prick, you can heal them and they can keep fighting!"

"Yes." Light said nodding. "So who this? I don't think I met them yet?"

Hero's mind began to race as he remembered everything that happened.

"The old man is named... Well... The young girl is... Oh I uh... Huh now that don't know their names? I guess I was to busy to learn it... Whoops..." Kitsune said shrugging his shoulders. "But I thought that the old man was the doll but it is actually just the little girl I guess Weird right? I guess we need to take the Equation out of her."

Light let out a small shrug for a moment as he nodded his head. "Hmm I think I get it kind of... Yeah. So how do we pull the Equation out of her? Do we just rip her apart or-"

'I gotta get back up!' Hero thought.

"Take this! I won't let you hurt me or Zoru!" Luna yelled ripping a stone pillar out of the ground and swinging it at the two Enforcers recruits who stared in shock as the pillar was hurled at them at an insane speed.

'I need to save-' Hero jumped up and his eyes went wide as a massive stone pillar flew through the air. "Oh God No!" He managed to get out right as the pillar slammed into him with a loud bang and he was sent flying back slamming into one of the walls. "Ow..."

Kitsune, and Light, who had both ducked down, set back up and stared at Hero's body. "So Hero's conscious?" Kitsune said blinking a few times.

"It would seem so..." Light nodded.

"I'll kill all of you!" Luna yelled standing on one leg as she raised up another stone pillar she ripped out of the ground.

"Wait!" Hero yelled jumping out of the way as she threw the pillar at him once again. Kitsune and Light both watched as he jumped around. "We can be civil adults and talk about this!"


"See! Progress!" Hero yelled jumping over a third pillar. "Let's all just- GOD DAMN IT! IF YOU'RE GONNA THROW THEM, THROW THEM AT LIGHT AND FOX!"

"Hey leave us out of this." Kitsune yelled as the doll threw more stone pillars at Hero.

Hero cursed as the doll ripped out another pillar and threw it forward as hard as she could. "Damn... She isn't listening." Hero jumped forward bringing his right arm up as it morphed showing off a heavily dented and cut up angelic, demonic arm. Even injured he threw his arm out opening his palm up and catching the giant stone pillar stopping it mid air as he smirked and shocking Luna. "Now I'm gonna throw it at you!"

"Don't hurt me!" Luna yelled ducking down.

"I was talking about you!" Hero yelled turning and chucking it at Kitsune and Light. "How do you like it jackasses!"

"Real mature..." Kitsune sighed resting Ken's body on the ground and slashing the pillar in half with his bare hand.

Hero turned back to the girl as his right arm morphed back into his normal fleshy human arm. "Now... Let's stop throwing pillars at each other and everyone just calm down... We got some injured and-"

"Oh Hero..." Kitsune said letting out a small shake of his head. Hero turned to look back him questioningly as the fox noble held up the body of Ken making Hero's eyes go wide as he ran over to the teen. Light slowly shook the body of Irene making her let out a groan as she set up shaking her head.

"Irene... You should be up for this..." Light sighed.

"What?" Irene jumped when she heard Hero let out a loud pained cry. She turned and her eyes went wide when she saw Hero running over to Kitsune, and in Kitsune's arms was the unmoving body of Ken.

"Ken!" Hero took the small girl from Kitsune as he held her body. He stared down at her with wide eyes. He reached up feeling for a pulse but found nothing. "She's... Ken is..." Hero said in a broken tone.

"She's dead Hero..." Kitsune said quietly.

"What..." Irene said shocked. Light patted the woman on the shoulder as she processed the fact that Ken was dead.

"Oh no..." Zoru said in a sad tone wobbling over to the kids and carrying the body of Luna since she couldn't walk. "I liked that one... She was nice to us."

"S... She can't be dead..." Hero said with wide eyes. "K... Ken..." His tone was broken and small tears were streaming out of his eyes as he did his best to try and hold back his tears cradling the girls tiny, and lifeless corpse. "Ken... You can't be dead! Please-"

Ken let out a small yawn as she opened her eyes stretching out her body slightly. "What did I- Ahh Hero! Why are you holding me!" Ken yelled her face flushing red for a moment as she jumped out of the boys arms making everyone stare at the girl in shock. "You pervert!" She yelled hitting him over the head. Her mind thought back to what Labby had told her. She was seeking love- No not that part. The part about Hero. Or as he had called him. Row Law. That name sounded weird.

"K... Ken?" Hero said in shock. Kitsune, Light, and Irene were all staring at the girl as if she was some kind of ghost as she glared daggers at Hero who had been holding her moments ago. She looked like she was about to chew him out more but was stopped when Hero suddenly pulled her into a tight hug once again making her flash flush red. "You're alive! Wait do I have healing powers!" Hero said pulling away from her and staring down at his right arm. "Can my hand heal people."

"Why is everyone being so strange?" Ken asked frowning.

"K... Ken..." Kitsune said gulping slightly. He reached out slowly placing a hand on the small girls shoulder. He stared at her for a moment as if he thought she might disappear. "You were dead... I checked your pulse myself. There was nothing..."

Hero gave a small frown as he wiped at some of the tears that were pouring out of his eyes as he seemed to process everything. "I also didn't feel a pulse... I can see Fox messing up on it, he's kind of an idiot, but for both of us to not have a pulse... Ken you were dead..."

"Oh that." Ken frowned as she stared down at her chest which was covered in her own blood from where she had her heart ripped out. The skin was covered over not even showing a scar. She held her wrist out to Hero allowing him to feel her pulse. "My heart grew back." She smirked.

"How!" Everyone said staring at her in horror and shock.

"Ken your heart was ripped right out of your chest..." Irene said grabbing the small girl and shaking her back and forth. "There was so much blood. So, so, so much blood..." She said pointing down the hall Light had dragged them all down. A massive trail of blood could be seen. "There's healing, than there's coming back from the dead, and you came back from the dead! How? Are you even human..."

Ken's smirk only grew as she folded her Enforcers jacket over the large stab wound. "I guess I can tell you a bit about it... It involves something called a Seraphin though I doubt any of you have heard about it. But in short as long as my brain is intact I can heal. Should I die, it will take a little while, but if my brain hasn't been to damaged then I'll eventually return back to life. I can't die!"

"Hacks." Irene said flatly. "You're cheating."

"If being a cheater means being awesome than I'm a massive cheater!" The girl laughed.

"Huh coming back from the dead sounds familiar..." Light hummed scratching his chin as he let out a small hum. "Who do I know that came back from the- Oh right me before I went crazy and started speaking to clowns."


"Ahh ignore him we're focusing on Ken right now..." Hero said shaking his head. "So you're alive... Good... Good..."

"Yeah I'm alive... What was with all that screaming and crying earlier?" Ken asked placing her hand on her hips as she glared at the group. "And why was I in Hero's arms... I don't like Hero or Kitsune... Though I like them more than Light, and Irene so I guess it was either Hero's arms, or Kitsunes arms..."

"Hey!" Light and Irene both said glaring at the small girl for a moment as she just shrugged. "You're a very rude girl..."

"I prefer devilish..."

"Oh Kitsune was crying like a bitch." Hero said turning around and wiping at his red eyes. "He was a crybaby."

"Smooth..." Kitsune said flatly. He shook his head for a moment. "Well as long as you're alive Ken... I thought we were down a recruit."

Irene reached out placing her hand on the small girls head and rubbing it lightly. "I'm glad you're alive." She said nodding. "Honestly I have no idea how to get people through grief. I was kind of just gonna poke Hero, and Kitsune until they stopped sobbing. This is better though."

"Love you to Irene..." Ken sighed slapping the older girls hand off of her hand. "By the way... Where are we and why does that girl only have one hand, and one leg..." She asked turning to stare at the doll and the old man.

Everyone turned to look at them finding the old man was holding the small girl and had been trying to sneak away in all the confusion. He stopped when he saw that everyone was very clearly staring at him.

"Uh... Hello... Nothing to see here..." The old man said slowly. "You can all just look back at your friend who came back from the dead and not focus on us at all..."

"Zoru I don't have any more pillars to throw..." Luna said in a panicked tone. "Quick carry me over to one of those large boulders so I can throw it at one of them! The one with the white hair is just asking for it!"

"No more pillars!" Hero yelled waving his arms back and forth. "I am badly beaten and in a ton of pain, and we all know you're gonna throw those God damn pillars at me! Please don't try and grab anything else and throw it at me! I will use Ken as a human shield now that I am aware of the fact that she can not die."

"Wait what?" Ken asked in shock. She glared at the boy for a moment. "You're gonna use me as a human shield."

"Relax it was a joke."




Irene folded her arms as she stared at both the man, and the doll. She tapped her foot down as several chairs all made of ice, as well as a desk made of ice formed together. "Why don't you two take a seat... We have a lot to discus..."