A Doll And Her Human

Night Fifty Seven

Age 1991

The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri...

The Underground Cave System...

"Zoru is going to die soon..." Luna said bowing her head down. "He is very old... Far older than any human should be... If not for my Cursed Powers he would have died long ago... But... Even with my powers his body has finally hit a wall. He's dying... So... So until he finally dies please let me stay by his side and let me heal him... Please... When it's over and he does finally pass on I swear you can have my heart."

The entire group, minus Ace who was still knocked out, plus the group kind of forgot about him and left him laid out on the floor, rested around the ice table, sitting in the ice chair, Irene made. They were all staring at the doll and old man as they spoke.

"I'm afraid we can't do that..." Kitsune said shaking his head.


"Shut up Hero." Kitsune hissed shocking the boy since he actually said his name. Kitsune had a serious look on his face and for once seemed to be showing off some intelligence as he folded his arms and shook his head. "I don't know if you have all forgotten but, when the host of an Equation passes on to the other side the Equation is sent out across the world. However if we can remove it ourselves and place it in a sealing container we can make sure that even if the host dies we can keep it safe. This will allow us, or rather the Enforcers to go through its rank of Black Coats, to try and have them bond with the Equation becoming the new host."

"Please..." Luna said quietly as she bowed her head. "I... I promise you can have my heart if you get Zoru out of here... He doesn't deserve to die in a lonely place like this... Please just save Zoru." She said looking as if she was on the verge of tears.

The old man reached up patting the small doll on the top of her head as he bowed his own head unable to meet the Enforcers eyes.

"You really care for him huh..." Light said.

"Once upon a time, long ago there was a village called Lillies. This village like many in this world were attacked by the vile beasts known as the Bestia Macht... However unlike most this village did not believe in the use of using Equations even if they found them... Those who were able to bond with them, and those who were not normal were considered to be the spawns of a Devil... Within this little village a child was born. One who was born with twisted skin and flesh... And like all trash from that cursed and nasty village, they sent them here..."


Age 1797

The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri...

The Streets...

A young boy could be seen walking through the blizzards of harsh snow that rained down on this dark and cold empty city. The child wore a thick coat and had most of their body covered by their cloaks hiding most of their face... All around him were the corpses of several people, all sporting snapped throats and strangled necks...

The child shivered not from he cold, but rather from the thoughts of what might happen to him... He knew the legends of this place...

The Ghost Of Tacca Chantrieri...

An old citizen said to have been left behind, when the yellow man showed up... They say that if you wander the streets she will find you and offer up a song as she snaps your neck...


A low growl seemed to stretch out of the darkness causing the young boy to freeze in his tracks as something began to pull itself out of the darkness. Its body was covered in cracks and bruises, and its limbs were twisted and snapped as it let out a low groan shocking the boy.

"H... Human... It's a human... Another human... A human has come here once again..." The Ghost said staring down at the boy who fell back staring up in shock at the Ghost. A dark black energy began to roll off of the doll freezing the ground around it as something was corrupting the light of God from within the body of the Ghost.

"Y... You're real..." The boy said n shock.

The ghost seemed to twist its head around as its eyes glared down into the boy. "Would you like to hear a song? It's a pretty song. A song able to heal and hurt... People keep coming here and every time I ask them if they want to hear my pretty songs they scream at me. They all say the same kind of nasty things calling me a monster, or a demon, or a ghost... So I squeeze their necks until they die... I was built by you humans to sing and dance. They found the Light of God and placed it within me but none of them could bond with me, and one by one they all died. Each time one tried to bond with me they passed on. I singed and danced and they all died. They all-"

The Ghost stopped as a small tear hit the ground and it realized the child was crying. "You would sing for me? And dance for me? Really? No one has ever done anything so nice to me before..."

"Y... You want to hear me sing?"

A small golden light came out of the dolls chest touching the young boy as a strange golden energy began to form around it for a moment. Much of the dark aura around the doll began to fade and leave replaced by the golden, and white light.

"You... You were the only one who's ever wanted me to sing and dance..." The doll said pulling the small boy in for a hug. "What is your name?"


"Well Zoru... We're gonna be together forever... And ever... And ever..."


Age 1991

"That was nearly one hundred and ninety four years ago. I have stayed with Zoru ever since staying with him in all of his hardships and keeping him alive for as long as I can... However it would seem that my powers are beginning to lose their affect..." Luna said sadly. "Everyday his heart begins to slow and his breathing gets heavier... I would say he has only a few days left... I understand you must remove my Heart but please... Let me be with Zoru when he is taken out of this hell hole..."

Hero's face softened for a moment as he nodded his head. "I think that is-"

"No!" Everyone turned to look at Kitsune who was shaking his head. "That is far to dangerous... We aren't going to wait until he is out of here before we remove the Equation within you. You have my word Luna we will do everything to get this man to safety but we can't afford to just let you keep wandering around. Especially not in the condition you are in. None of us can even fight that thing so I don't trust any of us to protect you, and if that thing gets its hands on you that Equation will cease to exist. Never to be used by anyone." As he spoke Luna and the old man both looked down unable to meet the teens eyes.

"That's enough Fox!" Hero said.

Kitsune gritted his teeth and once again shook his head. "No you devil armed idiot. It isn't. We weren't even suppose to do this mission. Can you imagine if we somehow fail it... We've already done a poor job by letting all the Black Coats die. We can not afford to fail this mission... They could even kick us out-"

"Who cares!" Hero yelled.

"I do!" Kitsune yelled back. "And so do you! For Gods sake Hero you and I spent years going through literal hell with the Master! Your entire body is covered in God knows how many scars at this point, all for the sake of joining the Enforcers and you just want to throw it all away!"

"Damn it I joined the Enforcers to be a cool hero of justice! A superhero! This would go against all my moral codes-"

"Your moral codes are already loose as hell, and aren't even yours! You copied them from your father and the Master!"

Hero gave a small frown as he shook his head. "Well everyone else agrees with me!"

"Hero's right." Ken nodded. "I don't think this is right... I say we let Luna, and Zoru, stay together until we get Zoru out of here, then we can pull the Equation out of Luna. At least until then we should let them rest together."

"I'll go with whatever Big Brother thinks is best." Light said wrapping his arm around Hero's only for Hero to smack him on the head and knock him down. "As I was saying..." The blind boy said face down in the snow of the stone floor. "I agree with whatever Big Brother thinks is right. No matter how much of a bad idea that is..."

"What?" Hero shook his head as he sighed. "Well whatever the case it's four against one-"

"Three against two." Irene said bluntly. "I'm with Kitsune."

"Irene!" Ken said shocked.

The blonde girl let out a small sigh as she shook her head. "Kitsune is right- Holy hell that isn't a phrase I'd thought I'd ever say- we can't fail this mission. No matter what. Hell we shouldn't have even gone on this mission but no you guys just had to whine and moan to Jackson until he let us go on this mission before we were supposed to and now here we are fighting a monster that none of us even know what to do against it..."

"Irene you can't be serious!" Ken hissed out as she glared back at the ice based girl. Meanwhile Kitsune, was doing the same glaring at Hero.

"I am serious." She nodded.

"You frigid bitch!"

"Whoa Ken!" Hero said with wide eyes placing a hand on the tiny girls head. "No need for that kind of insult."

"No it's fine." Irene said calmly as she closed her eyes giving a calm look. Despite that though the air around the muscled girl began to grow colder as everything around her began to freeze.

Light frowned slightly as all the recruits began to yell at each other and glare daggers at one another. His frown grew as his ears began to twitch. "Hey guys?" He asked.

No one listened to him as they all kept glaring at each other. "Look..." Hero said finally as he let out a small and calm sigh. He raised his hands up and squeezed his right hand into a fist as it seemed to glow and morph back into his weapon. It was still heavily dented and scraped up. "Everyone, but Light, and Kitsune are in rough shape. Irene, and I both haven't healed yet, and Ken came back from the freaking dead which I'm guessing can't be good... Not to mention there is a monster that none of us knows how to fight. Let's all just calm down..." Hero said slow. "Sound good..."

"No." Kitsune said. He pulled his blade out about to jump past Hero, and Ken. "It's to risky-"

Kitsune stopped suddenly when an Enforcer jacket was thrown over him. He turned seeing Hero had ripped off his Enforcer cloak.

"D... Devil Arm?"

"Hero what are you doing!" An alarmed Irene asked. "Put that back on! Those things have built in heaters and armor designed to go up against Bestia Macht! There are no heaters out here and its freezing! You're gonna kill yourself running around like that-"

"I don't care." Hero yelled.

Irene let out a hiss than shocked everyone as she reached out slapping Hero across the face and making him recoil back slightly. "Listen you selfish asshole! I care what happens to you!" She said through gritted teeth grabbing him by the front of his black bodysuit that was underneath the Enforcers jackets. "I care what happens to you. So stop whining, and put that jacket back on-"


Hero slapped the girls arms off of him as he turned away from Irene. Ken, and Kitsune just kind of watched Hero as Light continued to frown wondering what the sound he kept hearing was.

"A... Are they having a moment?" Ken asked.

"Man I really hope so." Kitsune said.

"You do?"

"Well yeah. If Hero gets with Irene than you'll have no choice but to get with me!"

"Or Me!" Light announced.

Ken's eye twitched as she stared at both boys. "Yeah no... I'd rather end up with who ever else joins the Enforcers before I even consider you two. In fact I might just date the next person who joins Squad Six to spite you two."

"Aww..." Both boys said.

Back over with Irene and Hero the two were still glaring at each other as Irene gripped his shoulders glaring into his red eyes. "Hero... Please... I already thought I lost Ken... I don't want to lose you either..."

"If this is what being an Enforcer means... Than I don't want to be an Enforcer!" Hero announced shocking all the recruits. "That's why..." He raised his right arm up and despite it being heavily dented and scarred up it glowed with a faint black energy. "I'll kill that Bestia Macht!"