The Fallen One

Night Fifty Eight

The light of God can be found within every Equation allowing it to use one of the many cursed life abilities that exist within this world. Equip, Transformation, and Caster... The three main types...


Legend has it that there is a forth type.

The Fallen Type...

When an Equation loses the light of God from within it, and is replaced with the Sin of mankind the Equation will break...

This is the Equation of the humans...

The sinful Equation.

Age 1991

Back over with Irene and Hero the two were still glaring at each other as Irene gripped his shoulders glaring into his red eyes. "Hero... Please... I already thought I lost Ken... I don't want to lose you either..."

"If this is what being an Enforcer means... Than I don't want to be an Enforcer!" Hero announced shocking all the recruits. "That's why..." He raised his right arm up and despite it being heavily dented and scarred up it glowed with a faint black energy. "I'll kill that Bestia Macht!"

"What?" Kitsune, Irene, Ken, and Light are asked staring back at Hero.

Hero clenched his hands for a moment as he turned away. "Just look at them. I'm not going to attack two people who looks like they are filled with so much despair." For a moment Kitsune turned away from Hero and saw Luna, and Zoru... The two of them were huddled together staring back at all the Enforcers, waiting on what the final verdict would be. They weren't even attempting to run anymore.

Kitsune turned away from them unable to meet their eyes. "Hero... Listen... I get it. You want to be the good guy, well all joined the Enforcers to be good, and do what's right. But this isn't the time for that. We already have a lot to deal with. We need to get this old half dead man out of here, while also protecting the Equation. If the old man dies while that thing is still inside of the doll then that's it. We lose and we're in big trouble."

"Well then I'll just kill the Viscount." Hero said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "If you're doing this because that monster then it shouldn't be a problem if I just kill it right?"

"Hero stop being an idiot it doesn't look good on you..." Irene sighed.

"I'm serious." Hero said in an angry tone. "I'll take it upon myself and kill that beast so everyone gets their wish. If that thing is dead then there won't be any problem with us waiting to take it out right?"

Kitsune gritted his teeth as he bowed his head for a moment. "Hero you're beaten black and blue barley standing, and your right arm is mangled and dented up. Also you don't have any metal to eat so you can't even heal it. What the hell are you going to do."

"I... Kind of agree with that..." Ken said slowly. "Hero you aren't in any kind of condition to fight... Can you even do anything to that monster?"

"Hero just listen to Ken." Kitsune said calmly. "You can't do anything-"

"Then I will find a way-"

"You always do this!" Kitsune yelled punching Hero across the face and sending him tumbling back.

"Kitsune!" Irene yelled. "Why the hell would you do that!"

"He always does this!" Kitsune yelled back angrily. "He always thinking that he can just somehow save everyone even though he never tries! He goes through some of the hardest things in life only to instantly throw it all away the moment he wants to play hero wasting all the time, and damage he does to himself, then when it comes to the thing he wasted all the effort on he fails on that, because he didn't put effort into that. This is gonna be the same God damn thing. He did all this work to join the Enforcers just to throw it all away once again, and he's not going to be able to beat the Bestia Macht. This isn't the first time I've seen him do this, and it isn't going to be the last. He always does this. This is Hero Law. The biggest failure when it comes to being a hero. And he always does it for no reason!"

"I do have a reason." Hero said. He brought his right arm up, which had shifted back into a normal fleshy human arm. "It's a pitiful reason and not very Noble. I just don't want to see something like this happen... That's all." Hero smiled.

"Hero..." Ken frowned holding her hand down and pulling the boy back up to his feet.

"Uh guys..." Light said again as his ears began to twitch. "I hear something-"

"Hero... Please don't do this..." Irene sighed reaching out and placing her hand on the shorter boy as she patted it slightly. "Stop worrying me you idiot..."

"Guys..." Light said again.

"I just... I just can't help but want to save everyone that is in front of me." Hero said giving a sad and pathetic smile to the two girls who were staring back at him. "I'm just the kind of idiotic person who thinks they can save everyone. That's just who I am."

Irene stood there for a moment as she let out a sigh. "Alright fine... One try." She said.

"What?" Hero asked.

"One try." Irene said again. She turned to Kitsune and Light. "You all stay here and protect the old man and doll. Hero and I are going to give this one try and attempt to fight and kill that beast but if we even begin to lose then take the heart out of the doll, and get the old man out of here."


"No ifs, and or butts." Irene said stomping her foot down. "I'm the oldest and the smartest, I'm in charge."

Kitsune sighed as his eye twitched. "Okay... How will we know if you guys lose."

"Guys..." Light said raising up his gun as he looked around but once again everyone ignored the blind boy.

"I got it!" Hero said as an idea seemed to come to his mind all of a sudden. He reached up and pulled off the small drone that rested in his hair. "Droney!"

"You named it Droney?" Ken asked.

"If Irene and I are beaten then Droney will fly back here and you'll know. In the mean time of us trying to fight the monster you three can carry the old man and the doll out of here." Hero said happily. "It's a full proof plan."

"Except for the part that if we fail then we die..." Irene muttered. "But will that work Kitsune?"

Kitsune stared down at the ground for a moment as his eye twitched. "Fine. But I'm coming to. Ken and Light can carry the doll, and the old man."

"But I wanted to come-" Ken went silent as all the older teens all glared back at her and she stopped. "Yeah carrying the doll sounds good right Light?"

"If it's what Big Brother Hero wants then I'll do it, but just so you guys know I can hear something coming so we might-"

"Great!" Hero clapped his hands together for a moment. "Then let's do this! We likely don't have long until the Bestia Macht catches up."

The old man bowed his head for a moment as he picked Luna up holding her up in front of him as he walked over to both groups. He held his other arm out to Ken shaking her hand for a moment as he gave a small smile. "I thank all of you from the deepest part of my heart..." He said.

Ken stared at them for a moment before she cocked her head to the side and gave a small smile. "Don't mention it-"

"Ken move!" Light screamed.

Before anyone could react the snow from behind the doll and the man fired up as a large spike thrusted through the old mans chest, as well as the dolls, and impaling straight through Ken's chest for the second time that day. Everyone's eyes went wide as the beast rose up lifting the three out off of the ground and slashed its arm out sending the body of Ken, the doll, and the old man flying. Ken slammed into the wall face first as she fell down to the floor laying in a pool of her own blood as she gasped in pain. The doll hit the ground and fell down lifelessly and Zoru slammed into the ground as ice began to cover his body and the virus took affect.

And in the hands of the Viscount was a small white orb. Its jaws seemed to shift into a smile as it squeezed down and the orb shattered. There was a brief flicker of a white light, as well as an angelic cry as the Equation broke...

"L... Luna..." Zoru managed to get out as the ice covered his form and he shattered into a fine powder.

Kitsune and Irene both stared at the monster in shock, as Light grabbed the body of Ace and began to run over to check on Ken. And Hero... Hero looked like he was about to snap as a black aura seeped out of his right arm and he grinded his teeth hard enough the crack them as a red light began to seep out of his eyes.

"Y... You..." Hero growled as the glowing got brighter and his right arm shifted into its heavily dented shape. "You damn monster!" Hero yelled. "I'm gonna kill you!"

"Hero you can't fight it with an injured arm-" Irene began only for Hero to slap her back with his right arm sending Kitsune, and Irene flying.

"D... Damn it... I was afraid this would happen..." Kitsune hissed out as he stared back at the mass of red and black energy that was wildly crackling around Hero. "Last time he got like this the Master had to step up and knock Hero out..."

"What the hell is happening!" Irene yelled.

"A Fallen Type..." Kitsune said trying to get up but was stopped when the black and red energy exploded out of Hero pushing everyone even the beast back. "W... When an Equation is filled with sin and darkness it begins to lose the light of God replaced by something else and it changes... Usually this is bad but there are rare cases, such as you and Ken."

"K... Ken and I are Fallen Types?" Irene asked.

"That's just what I'm assuming." Kitsune shrugged. "Your powers are similar to North's and Ken's are busted up... I'm not sure how but you and Ken have a broken Equation... Normally a Fallen Type breaks the body and corrupts it. The user turns into something else, not a Bestia Macht, but not a human anymore either... If Hero's kind does become a Fallen Type he'll likely kill us all! I'm guessing that you and North both actually have the same Equation. As in the Equation within you guys is the exact same but has been split apart and placed inside of you guys likely making it a fallen type. It likely became a Fallen type when it was divided and that's why you guys can have the same divided Equation as well as likely the reason you two are mostly unaffected by the downsides as your Equation is just a shard. As for Ken... Well Ken's body is a freak of nature and does not work... The point is both of your Equations are busted and broken... And currently Hero's is breaking..."

"Well what do we do then!" Irene yelled out. "We need to stop this right!"

"Not really sure." Kitsune yelled back. "I fought Hero once when he was like this. On the verge of becoming a Fallen One."


"He broke both my legs, almost ripped my arm off, impaled me with my own sword three times, and tore out two vital organs. If not for a powerful healing based Equation from this one guy, I'd have died..." Kitsune tried to get back up but was slapped down by a red tendril that seeped out of Hero's chaotic aura. "It requires a lot for an Equation to fall over the edge and become a Fallen one but Hero has kind of gone through a lot. Honestly not to sure what could happen though I've only met one other Fallen type before you and Ken."

Hero let out a loud yell as more of that black and red energy began to crackle around hissing away at all the snow and burning everything around him. His right arm seemed to grow and morph as the angelic feathers on it seemed to morpho becoming more demonic like.

A Fallen one was filled with dark powers brought on by countless sin! Chaos at its limit. Very few could actually use it and always required rare moments, such as Ken and Irene...

"Well what did your Master do to calm him down!" Irene yelled back.

"He knocked Hero out and then split his Equation in half and placed on half into the Wolfs-Bane."

"Can any of us do that?"


"So we're screwed!"


Irene gritted her teeth as she shook her head. "I refuse to accept that..." She slowly managed to stand up and began to push against the crackling energy pushing her way through it. She gritted her teeth using all of her energy to walk forward. For the briefest of moments the outline of what seemed to be a large white beast seemed to twist around her body shocking Kitsune who saw it. "Hero! You idiot! Stop worrying me!" She yelled making it over to him and slamming her hand down into Hero's head knocking him down to his knees.

Hero let out another yell as his aura hissed out. "Leave me alone!" Hero yelled back.

"You're doing something dumb!" Irene yelled back.

"I need to do this! I need more power! I'm always falling again, and again! Kitsune was right. The Master was right. Vil was right. Okami was right. My father was right! Why the hell did I ever think I could be a hero of justice-"

"Will you shut up." Irene said quietly. Her arms wrapped the boys head for a moment making him stop as the aura began to become less chaotic. "I asked you for one thing..." She said running her hand through his white hair. "One thing... Please stop making me worry for you..."


"Please..." She said again. "Do it for me... There's no need to give into despair Hero... You look better when you smile, and give off so much hope."

Hero's eyes went wide for a moment as the aura around him died down and it returned to its less demonic glow and back to the more soothing angelic white and his right arm returned back to normal still heavily dented and covered in scratches. He let out a sigh as he got his emotions back under control and pushed that dark power back down. For a moment he remembered his Masters words about his Equation...

The Master always said his was a chaotic power more similar to a Bestia Macht than an actual Equation.

"Good..." Irene said running her hands through his hair still. "Now... What are we going to do about that..." Irene said gesturing up.

Hero looked up seeing the Bestia Macht for a moment as he reached into his jacket pulling out his small short sword. The Wolfs-Bane. "I have an idea..." Hero said staring down at the blade for a moment.

"Oh yeah?" Irene asked raising an eyebrow. As they spoke the Bestia Macht seemed to fully heal as steam rolled off of its body and it stood back up letting out a loud roar. "Let's hope its a good plan."

"It's a great plan!" Hero announced. "I just remembered that thing Jackson, Dawson, and the Master all said about this blade! My Equation was split in half! Half in this hand and half in this blade."

"Right? And?'

Hero's smirk only grew. "I'm gonna merge them back together! Back to when my arm was whole, and before the Master split it in half!" Hero announced.

"And how are you going to do that-"

Irene was cut off as Hero's jaws opened and he placed the blade to his lips and shocked the girl when he dropped the blade down his throat and began to eat it...

"What the hell..."