Don't Hold Back! Hero's New Power

Night Fifty Nine

Age 1991

"Ahh! Shit this hurts!" Hero yelled suddenly slamming his head into the snow hard enough to crack the stone floor underneath it.

"Hero!" Irene yelled alarmed.

"Why did you let me eat that sword!" Hero let out a terrible cry of pain as he clawed at his right hand. The marble in it was glowing as it began to change. The Equation from the sword began to mold with the one inside of him as his power began to reform becoming whole once more. His Equation was getting stronger. Way stronger. Stronger than his body could keep up with as Hero yelled.

"Why would you eat it!" Irene yelled.

Hero gritted his teeth as his red eye began to bore into the soul of the Bestia Macht as he glared at it. "E... Even if Wolfs-Bane didn't have any powers in it I would have still eaten it for the metal... I'm gonna kick that things ass- Ahh!" Hero once again slammed his head into the ground. "It hurts! This is the worst pain ever!"

Every nerve in his right arm was igniting with pain as his powers began to remold. The Drone on Hero's head let out several clicks as it flew up and began to record everything that was happening. Master Storm would want to see this.

Over with Ken the small girl let out a groan as she set up with a blank look on her face. "Good damn it twice in one day. Fuck that annoying ass lab coat." She sighed as the hole in her chest closed.

"Uh what?" Light asked curiously standing next to Ken's side.

"Nothing- What the hell is happening to Hero!"

Hero let out one more yell as his vision faded in and out. For a flicker of a second he was no longer in the underground caves. Rather he now stood in the same black void he had been in when he talked to the Bestia Macht that sorted him. Hero's yells got louder as it brought his right arm up and he was back in the real world as the beast charged at him.

"Arm Of Miracles! Break Apart!" Hero's right arm shifted into his anti Bestia Macht weapon as it glowed. Then shocking everyone his entire right arm shattered.

"Hero your arm!" Irene said shocked.

Hero gritted his teeth as his vision began fading for a second and once again he was standing back in the void as his mind faded in and out of the real world and the void. He saw the vision again. Him as a kid talking to his father.

"I'm not sad I saved you... Row. This just means I'll have to give my dreams to you."

'Do you really believe you could one day create a world like that?'

'In your dreams there is a girl with silver hair... Do you wish to save her?'

'Well then. On your left you could save her. On your right you could save a thousand people. Which do you chose?'

Hero gritted his teeth and stared ahead as the void began to vanish and for a second he saw it. He saw his Equation. A massive white marble the light of God, and the Hope he held onto. And he heard her words, the one that dragged him out of his moment of despair. "Do it for me... There's no need to give into despair Hero... You look better when you smile, and give off so much hope."

In front of the white orb he could see several weapons. One looked like his right arm. The mix of an angel and a demon. And next to it there was several other weapons all covered up by the darkness. There seemed to be four other weapons next to the image of his arm. And behind them he could see more. The outside of what seemed to be a massive hand, and even further he saw the outline of what seemed to be a small glass like mask, the same his father always more, the mask of a clown... But it was even further back that he saw it...

His goal...

His power...

All the way at the edge of the void was a massive hill. And resting in the hill was a sword. A sword that a hero of justice would wield.

"My, my..." A new voice comment as a figure stood in the void with Hero. They were wrapped in darkness keeping their form hidden but Hero gritted his teeth when he heard them. "Look at you changing how your powers work. That's cute."

"What do you want..." Hero asked as his mind began to race and form. It was like he was having an entire book of how to use his powers downloaded into his brain.

"Why... I just wanted to see my darling nephew..." The hand reached out of the darkness planting down on Hero's head. "I saw you almost used my power huh? Almost took the plunge into becoming a Fallen One..."

"I don't need your help. I'll save them all with my own power, and the power my friends lend me!" Hero announced. "Now! Arm Of Miracles! reform!"

Two of the outlines next to the one of his arm began to glow as Hero gritted his teeth. Suddenly he was in the real world once more as his mind finished setting up the Equation The broken pieces of Hero's right arm began to reform into something new.

"D... Did he level up!" Irene asked in shock.

"N... No..." Kitsune shook his head now standing next to her. "He didn't level up. He isn't that strong yet. This is something else... I've seen in before. It's a rare trait some Transformation Types can use... The last person who I saw do this was the Master..."

"W... What is it then!" Irene asked.

Kitsune scowled unhappy about Hero's new power up as the arm began to finish reforming. "A transformation type lies within the users body and transforms that part into an Anti Bestia Macht weapon as its power. The moment Hero's Equation became whole once again he changed it."

"C... Changed it?"

"Hero just destroyed his right arm and is rebuilding it. He's changing his weapon. Each Type is powered by something else. Equip Types are powered by the skills of the user. Caster Types are powered by the knowledge of the user. But Transformation Types... hose are powered by raw Emotions and Hero just threw all his anger and guilt into this..." Kitsune frowned as he watched Hero's arm begin to finish. 'Even so though...' He thought. 'Hero how much anger and grief did you just expel into that...'

Hero let out a loud yell as the arm finally finished and changed into its new form. It looked almost the exact same as it had before. It was fixed so all the dents and cracks were gone. The only real change was some of the feathers, and claws on it were longer, and humming coming from it was louder, as was the heat of the claws which were hotter. Other then that the arm seemed to be the exact same as it had.

"I call this... Arm Of Miracles Model One Balanced Emotions!" Hero announced.

"It looks the same..." Irene trailed off.

"Wait until you see my new power." Hero smirked. The Bestia Macht let out a roar and charged forward as Hero raised up the right arm and it was suddenly covered by a red flash of black and red light and morphed. "Arm Of Miracles Model Two Rage Cannon!" From the elbow down his arm changed and morphed. It became a weird square shape and seemed to get thicker and longer. At the wrist down he no longer had a pair of claws, rather he now had a long five foot long thick barrel. It looked kind of like the barrel of an anti tank rifle. In fact his entire right arm seemed to resemble some kind of weird arm gun now. At the end of the barrel where the bullet would come out was what looked like a small devil head which had its mouth open. To the side of the arm gun was a small black pipe which Hero grabbed with his left hand in order to steady his arm. And rather then a sight, it had a single iron feather allowing him to line up shots. A red glow began to seep out of the devils mouth as Hero gave a smirk. "Fire!"


The gun fired unleashing a massive explosion in front of him that sent Hero flying as he let out a loud yell and crashed into the wall. As the beam soared towards the Bestia Macht it turned part of its body into snow but wasn't able to fully change as the bullet ripped off a huge portion of its side out making it roar in pain as it sank into the floor shifting into snow so it could hide and heal.

Kitsune stood there stunned slightly. "Was not expecting that."

"Man... I thought Hero was weak..." Irene hummed.

"Ow!" Hero groaned from where he had slammed into the wall laying next to Ken and Light. "Note to self recoil is gonna be a problem with this one..."

"What the hell just happened!" Ken yelled. She grabbed Hero's new arm and looked it over with wide eyes. "What did you do."

"You copied my gun! Big Brother I'm so happy." Light announced.

"You can't even see how do you know!"

Ken hit Hero over the head making him recoil back. "Hero explain!"

Hero's right arm shifted changing back to the clawed arm for a moment before it changed once more back into his normal human arm. "Well. When I ate Wolfs-Bane I absorbed the Equation which was in it. I don't know how or why but the Master somehow cut my Equation in half and placed one of the halves in that sword. It doesn't make much sense though as I'm a transformation type so Wolfs-Bane shouldn't have worked at all since it was an Equip... So he somehow changed the Type to... I got a lot to ask him... But when I swallowed the sword I broke the metal down and used that to heal my right arm. Then I began to merge the Equations together. And during that process I shattered the Equation in my right arm and the one in Wolfs-Bane in order to put them back together which broke my Arm Of Miracles. Originally my Right Arm had two main powers. Producing heat, and sound. When I rebuilt the Equation I reworked it as best as I could and gave it a new power. Arm Of Miracles new power is to absorb my emotions using them to evolve into higher stages of weapons that can bend sound and heat! Light praise me!"

"Oh my God you're so cool and amazing big brother!"

"I know."

"Glad to see you're out of your pity party..." Ken muttered. She frowned staring at Hero. 'Row...' She thought. 'I see why Labby told me to be weary of you... I'm a Monster and you're a human... More human than anyone else in this world... And humans are far scarier than any Devil, God, or Monster...'

"Oh that's because I can't feel mad right now!" Hero announced happily. "That gun you saw Rage Cannon absorbs all my anger and rage firing it off in a massive burst of heat and sound! The more pissed off I am when I fire it the more damage I deal, and it makes me lose all that built up anger." Hero shifted his arm back into his clawed form and it glowed changing back into the cannon arm. "Anyways... Get ready here it comes!"

Hero, Ken, and Light all jumped up as the Bestia Macht, now fully healed, came crashing out of the ground.

"Light are you ready!" Hero yelled pointing his new gun at it.

"I always wanted to do this with you big brother!" Light announced raising his gun up.

The two fake siblings both fired, though Hero's was far weaker this time, and nowhere near the level of power, Lights gun had. The gold and red beam mixed together as they fired straight through the beast still unable to harm it due to it turning into snow once again.

"God this thing is a cheater!" Ken yelled raising her own hands up and firing out a wave of red and black energy which the beast jumped over. The beast hit the ground and began to mold into snow as it vanished from sight once more.

"Tell me about it..." Hero muttered as the three kids all landed on the ground. "Even so though..." Hero's gun arm began to glow as it seemed to change once again. "It isn't over yet!" He yelled slashing it out as the Bestia Macht raised out of the ground.

Blood sprayed the air as the beasts arm was ripped off and it let out a loud roar.

"Hero's arm changed again!" Ken said in shock as Hero smirked now standing behind the beast. Ken frowned as her eye twitched. "Now he's copying me..." She muttered.

"Arm Of Miracles Model Three Sorrowed Skills." Hero's arm was no longer the massive clawed arm, nor was it the bulky cannon. Now it was smaller and thin. His arm from the elbow down was made out of metal but it didn't look longer or bulkier than it should have been. At the wrist instead of a hand had a round guard that was made out of several of his iron feathers. It looked like the round guards you would see on a fencing sword, or some rapiers. Coming out of it was a slick black needle that was glowing red hot and vibrating at a high speed as heat and sound coursed through it.

"You totally copied my needles..." Ken frowned. "What's next you gonna have a fox arm, or an ice arm?"

"No." Hero shook his head as he pointed his sword towards the Bestia Macht which had already regrown its sliced off arm. It was healing faster than even Ken was. "I only had two new forms. Rage Cannon, and this badass spear needle thingy, I doubt I could make any new weapon forms, and if I could it'll take a while to gain enough power to do that... Truth is I shouldn't have even done this at all... This put an enormous strain on my power and my rate limit dropped. I basically have a brand new power and will have to spend time re-bonding with it, plus just using my powers like this hurts... Every time I switch modes I feel the nerves in my arm burn up and morph. Still... I'm lucky I was able to make these two new forms. Where as Rage Cannon Cannon is a giant ass gun, this is a thin sharp needle vibrating at a high speed and covered in as much heat as I could pour into it."

"What else does it do?"

"Does it need to do more?"

"So its just a really hot stick... Kind of lame?" Ken said.

Hero stuck his tongue out at the girl as he turned to face the beast once more pointing his long blade towards the growling beast. "I will find a way to beat you!" Hero announced. "Or else I-" His arm suddenly glowed and morphed back into a human arm as Hero's eyes went wide and he collapsed to his knees spitting up blood.

"Hero!" Ken yelled alarmed.

"D... Damn it... Not now..." Hero hissed. "By changing it into various forms and pushing past its limit like this... I'm having a rebound affect... D... Damn this hurts a lot... I c... I can't give up though!" Hero's arm changed back into the clawed form as he raised it up. "I have to beat this guy no matter what!"

"Speaking of which." The group turned seeing Irene, who had on her ice gloves, and Kitsune who had his sword drawn. Kitsune pointed his sword at the beast as he smirked. "Irene came up with a plan to beat that beast!"