Lets End This Cheater

Night Sixty

Age 1991

"I call this... Arm Of Miracles Model One Balanced Emotions!" Hero announced.

"It looks the same..." Irene trailed off.

"Wait until you see my new power." Hero smirked. The Bestia Macht let out a roar and charged forward as Hero raised up the right arm and it was suddenly covered by a red flash of black and red light and morphed. "Arm Of Miracles Model Two Rage Cannon!" From the elbow down his arm changed and morphed. It became a weird square shape and seemed to get thicker and longer. At the wrist down he no longer had a pair of claws, rather he now had a long five foot long thick barrel. It looked kind of like the barrel of an anti tank rifle. In fact his entire right arm seemed to resemble some kind of weird arm gun now. At the end of the barrel where the bullet would come out was what looked like a small devil head which had its mouth open. To the side of the arm gun was a small black pipe which Hero grabbed with his left hand in order to steady his arm. And rather then a sight, it had a single iron feather allowing him to line up shots. A red glow began to seep out of the devils mouth as Hero gave a smirk. "Fire!"


The gun fired unleashing a massive explosion in front of him that sent Hero flying as he let out a loud yell and crashed into the wall. As the beam soared towards the Bestia Macht it turned part of its body into snow but wasn't able to fully change as the bullet ripped off a huge portion of its side out making it roar in pain as it sank into the floor shifting into snow so it could hide and heal.

Kitsune stood there stunned slightly. "Was not expecting that."

"Man... I thought Hero was weak..." Irene hummed.

"Do you think he... You know killed it..."

Irene didn't say anything watching Hero talk to Ken, and Light. "Not likely... That thing is filled with hacks and broken powers..." As she said that Ken, Hero, and Light all jumped up as the beast jumped at them trying to grab them. She watched them fire at the beast which was in the air and watched the beast dodge their attacks as they all landed. "That's odd..."

"What is?" Kitsune asked. "Man that thing is so busted. Each one of us is around the level of strength of a Viscount... If not for that things power it'd have been killed long ago..."

"I think I might have an idea..." Irene said watching as it once again came out of the ground and Hero slashed its arm off with his new arm. She watched as the arm was sent flying and a small smirk came onto her face as she folded her arms. "I think I just figured out how to kill it."

"Really! Finally. Let's take this sucker down then!"

Back over with the recruits Ken was staring at Hero with a small frown.

"You totally copied my needles..." Ken frowned. "What's next you gonna have a fox arm, or an ice arm?"

"No." Hero shook his head as he pointed his sword towards the Bestia Macht which had already regrown its sliced off arm. It was healing faster than even Ken was. "I only had two new forms. Rage Cannon, and this badass spear needle thingy, I doubt I could make any new weapon forms, and if I could it'll take a while to gain enough power to do that... Truth is I shouldn't have even done this at all... This put an enormous strain on my power and my rate limit dropped. I basically have a brand new power and will have to spend time re-bonding with it, plus just using my powers like this hurts... Every time I switch modes I feel the nerves in my arm burn up and morph. Still... I'm lucky I was able to make these two new forms. Where as Rage Cannon Cannon is a giant ass gun, this is a thin sharp needle vibrating at a high speed and covered in as much heat as I could pour into it."

"What else does it do?"

"Does it need to do more?"

"So its just a really hot stick... Kind of lame?" Ken said.

Hero stuck his tongue out at the girl as he turned to face the beast once more pointing his long blade towards the growling beast. "I will find a way to beat you!" Hero announced. "Or else I-" His arm suddenly glowed and morphed back into a human arm as Hero's eyes went wide and he collapsed to his knees spitting up blood.

"Hero!" Ken yelled alarmed.

"D... Damn it... Not now..." Hero hissed. "By changing it into various forms and pushing past its limit like this... I'm having a rebound affect... D... Damn this hurts a lot... I c... I can't give up though!" Hero's arm changed back into the clawed form as he raised it up. "I have to beat this guy no matter what!"

"Speaking of which." The group turned seeing Irene, who had on her ice gloves, and Kitsune who had his sword drawn. Kitsune pointed his sword at the beast as he smirked. "Irene came up with a plan to beat that beast!"

"You did-" Hero was cut off as the beast jumped out of the snow and was about to wrap its jaws around Hero only for Kitsune to jump in the way and slash out with his flaming sword splitting the jaws of the beast off as it howled in pain and jumped away. "Whoa! Thanks for the save-"

Kitsune brought his sword down smacking Hero over the head with the handle. "You dumbass Devil Arm heroic justice idiot!" He yelled.

"That's a long insult..." Hero said rubbing his head.

Kitsune let out a small growl as he glared at the boy. "You useless idiot why the hell did you go using up all your power at the least second!" Kitsune yelled again as the flames erupted off of his body melting all the snow around them. "You babbled on and on about wanting to save us, and then go and use some super cool badass new power and change your fighting style only to have to be saved again! God do you ever change! God I hate people who pretend to be stronger then they really are, and I hate people who make promises they can't keep. You said you were Hero Law, a hero of justice, a superhero! So get your ass back up and save us all you freaking hero!" With every word he said he smacked Hero over the head again and again.

Hero bowed his head and gave a small smile. For a second his mind went back to Luna, and the old man. "You have the wrong idea..." Hero giggled wobbling up to his feet. He held his right arm out as it ignited back with his powers of heat and sound. "It's not that I've ran out of power or anything... I was just taking a short break."

"God do you always have to try and pretend to be so cool..." Kitsune asked rolling his eyes.

"I see the kettle is calling the pot black Mr. Samurai." Hero said gritting his teeth as his arm ignited fully and it morphed into the Rage Cannon once more. "Just give me one more shot. Equation Cursed Life Power! Let's take this guy down guys."

Irene gave the smallest hint of a smile as she folded her arms. "In that case... Everyone follow my lead. I know how to kill this thing now."

"Really now?" Ken asked. "That's great. I'm ready to kill this thing so what do we-"

Irene picked Ken up with one arm as she threw the girl into the air sending her spinning through the air as the small girl let out a loud yell. "Go for it Viscount!" Irene yelled. "Try and swallow her whole if you can."

"Irene!" Hero said in shock.

"Trust me..." Irene said. "If what I'm correct about what Ken is, then the Bestia Macht won't be able to resist trying to eat her. It tracked us all the way here off of the scent of her blood. Ken is... Like a five star meal to these guys."

Ken let out a loud scream of mild fear as she began to fall down towards the beast as it opened both its jaws and jumped into the air after her. "Oh my God I'm gonna die! Save me Hero I'm to pretty and young to die!" She cried out as the beast was in the air about to reach her as it opened its jaws only for Irene to stomp on the ground and send up a large pillar of ice which smacked into the monsters side sending it flying into the air up even higher as it flew past Ken. The creature slammed up into the roof and let out a growl as its skin began to turn into snow.

"I noticed its weakness the second time you hit it Hero..." Irene said calmly as the creature moved from the roof stabbing its claws in the roof. A second later Ken landed in the snow face down. "And again when Light, Ken, and you all fired your attacks at it..."

"I don't follow..." Hero, and Kitsune both said blankly.

Light nodded his head for a moment. "I think I get what you're saying..." Light said. "And your plan is correct since you just hit it with that ice pillar. Come to think of it I also hit..."

"I need to be filled in..." Kitsune muttered.

"An idiot like you would need to be filled in..." Hero laughed.

"You also don't know!" The fox yelled hitting Hero over the top of the head.

Irene watched the beast as her smirk came back. The beast clawed its way on the roof moving down towards the wall and clawing its way down towards Ken. "Three times... It can be hit three times... The first is when it is not paying attention just like when Light blasted it. The second is when it comes up out of the ground in an attack like how Hero, and Kitsune have cut it. And the final time was when it dodged Ken's attack. It's so simple. It turns into whatever it touches so the best time to attack it is..."

"When it's in the air!" Hero, and Kitsune both said with wide eyes.

Ken slowly pulled her tiny body out of the snow as she pulled the snow out of her hair. "Irene you asshole-" Ken looked up just in time to see the Bestia Macht jumping towards her as it once again opened its massive jaws. "Oh no-"

"This is it! Give it everything you've got! We can't give it time to heal!" Irene announced stomping down the ground and shooting a pillar out from under Ken throwing her back into the air as she let out a loud scream once again. The Bestia Macht followed her as it hit the ground and jumped up after her for the second time. "Now!"

"Faiafokkusu no saishū sutoraiki!" Kitsune yelled slashing his flaming sword out and sending out a massive wave of flames with his weeby attack names.

"Hero Beam!" Light said firing out a large golden beam with his own attack.

Hero raised up his new gun as he gritted his teeth. "I got one more shot left in me. Let's end this!" He announced as he poured all of his emotions, all his rage, all his suffering, and all his pain, into the attack firing out a massive explosion of heat and sound.

All three attacks formed together as they swirled around and fired off in a massive pain. The Viscount managed to turn its head just in time as the massive wave flew over it blasting it apart in an instant. Its head flew through the air as it howled loudly.

"Shit! We have to destroy its brain or else it will heal-" Irene began only to turn and see Light, Kitsune, and Hero were face down in snow.

"Tired..." They all groaned.

"God damn it guys..."

The head dropped down about to touch the snow only to be blow apart by a red and black beam that came out of Kens hand. The brain matter flew every where mostly covering Irene. "I... Hate... All... Of... You..." Ken said blankly.

"Let's just say we're even..." Irene said reaching up and pulling off chunks of brain matter off of her.

"Is it over..." Hero asked slowly sitting up.

"Please God let the answer be yes..." Kitsune sighed.

"I think I'm about to puke..." Light sighed.

"Light puke on Kitsune."

"Yes big brother- Blahhh!"

"Good God it's everywhere!"

Irene stepped away from the three boys as she shook her head and moved over to Ken. "Well." She said standing next to the small girl as she placed her hands on her hips. "Not to bad right."

"No... We did terrible." The two girls turned seeing Hero was walking towards something. He bent down and picked it up showing off a tiny blank, and heavily cracked marble that was empty. Hero slowly walked over to the broken doll of Luna as he bent down and placed the tiny broken Equation back into the doll. "Thank you for keeping him company all this time..." Hero said bringing his hands up in a prayer. "I hope the two of you are happy together on the other side."

"Hero..." Irene said placing her hand on the boys shoulder. "Let's leave... It's time to head back-"

Before she could say a word the entire cave began to suddenly shake causing Ken to trip. "Why!" The tiny girl yelled. "What did I do! I've been so good!"

"What's happening!" Hero yelled with wide eyes.

"Shit!" Light cursed shaking his head. "The cave is collapsing..."

"Of course it is!" Kitsune yelled.