
Night Sixty One

Age 1991

Three Days Later...

Oleander City...

Enforcers H.Q...

Master Storm's Office...

"So..." Master Storm said giving a slight smirk. "You managed to finish the mission with little success huh?" In his hands he held a small metal flip phone which he had used to call the Squad that was away on a mission they shouldn't have been on.

"...Yeah..." The voice of Hannah said letting out a small sigh from over the phone. "We should be coming back today. I was just giving the recruits time to heal..."

"Ahh I see. So how did the mission go?"

"I assume you already know..."

Master Storm gave a small smile as he reached his hand out patting a small metal drone that rested on his desk. "Yes after the battle Droney returned here to show me everything that had happened."


"That's the name the Drone decided to go with. He likes that little brother of yours. Speaking of which... How is the healing going?"

Hannah was silent for a moment as she seemed to consider what to say. "Well... Row, Kitsune, and Irene are gonna be out of it for a few days still. Row especially... I don't know what he did or how he changed his weapon, but it seems to put a massive strain on his body and uses up a little to much power... As for Ken, and Light. Ken's body is fully healed. Same for Light."

"Ahh yes. I expected as much. Second Generations, and Third Generations aren't quite humans any more so I'm not shocked they are moving around again. Still... A Seraphin, a Reborn, a Noble, a Fallen One, and a Demi... What a weird team... Though I look forward to seeing how well they will all do in the upcoming Tournament. Not just them either though... We got a lot of interesting recruits this year..." For a moment Master Storms mind drifted over to the others who had joined the Squads. Max, Shelly, Emma, as well as several others. This years was certainly going to be interesting.

"I know what a Noble is but uh what are the rests?" Hannah asked. "Fallen One? Seraphin? I've heard of those but I don't know what they are? And a Demi, and a Reborn? Never heard of those?"

Master Storm let out a small laugh as he rubbed his finger over the drone. "Ahh it's not important... I'm sure the plot will eventually get around to explaining it some day... Or not we'll see? What is important is how jealous I am!"

"Jealous What the hell are you on about this time, you crazy old man?"

Master Storm had tears streaming out of his eyes as his lips came out and the old man began to pout slightly. "You guys got three days off of no work! I'm super jealous! Alpha and Ward won't let me take a break at all!"

Miles away across the frozen lands lies the Village of Lillies...

Within a small wooden hut Hannah could be seen holding the phone as her eye twitched. "You literally run one of the most important organizations in the entire Nation! Also we didn't just decide to take a break! I told you Row, Kitsune, and Irene are still recovering since they can't heal!" The girl let out a sigh as the door to the room she was in opened and Ken, and Light walked in. She motioned for them to be silent for a moment as she turned back to the phone. "Speaking of misery... Katrina and Dawson aren't back yet are they?"

The giggle Master Storm let out didn't help her fear. "Oh they're back. And they are pissed that you took the recruits on a mission."

"Oh no..."

Master Storm let out another laugh. "You should hurry back. Each day she thinks of new ways to punish you." He laughed giving an evil laugh.

"Right... Well... I gotta go... We'll be heading back today..." Hannah sighed hanging up the phone. She turned to Ken and Light. "So I assume everyone is ready?"

"Yep!" Ken nodded. "Everyone is back in the carriage! So we aren't gonna be in big trouble or anything for failing right?"

"Oh no we're all screwed!" Hannah said with wide eyes. "Katrina is gonna kill us."

"Oh... Well I can come back from the dead as long as my brains survives so..." Ken trailed off. "Good luck to you guys I guess?"

"Well Clown..." Light said talking to himself as he folded his arms. "We got a long painful road ahead of us don't we..."

The three walked out of the hut finding the same carriage they had rode in on resting outside of the village. Ace the Black Coat was resting on it waving to the ground. A tired looking Irene, and Kitsune could be seen, as well as a beat up Hero. Hero had several bandages all along his body as well as his right arm which was in a cast.

"Well?" Hero asked giving a small smirk. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Yeah." Kitsune said smiling.

"Oh you poor, poor kids..." Hannah sighed shaking her head. "You have no idea of the pain that awaits us..."


Three days Earlier...

The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri...

The Underground Cave...

"What's happening!" Hero yelled with wide eyes.

"Shit!" Light cursed shaking his head. "The cave is collapsing..."

"Of course it is!" Kitsune yelled. "This would be the end to this mission wouldn't it! Screw you Ken!"

"What did I do!" Ken yelled over the shaking.

"You picked this God damn mission! When we die it is all your fault!"

"I'm starting to think I have done something unforgivable to be punished this much-" Ken began only to be silenced as the ground underneath them began to crack and break showing a massive pitch black pit as the group began to fall into the massive hole. "Oh come on!"

Hero lept forward grabbing onto the doll and throwing it to safety so it wouldn't fall into the death pit that had opened up. "Oh crap!" Hero yelled as the ground underneath him began to split open and he started to slip down into the crack.

"I got you!" Irene yelled jumping down after him.

"Why!" Ken cried falling into the pit. "Ahh! Hero please don't let me fall! I'm sorry for being full of sin Great One, I promise I'll be really good now and follow all the rules and stop biting and hitting people when they call me small!"

Kitsune felt the ground underneath him and Light begin to give out as they began to fall forward. "Oh shit not us to-"

Before the blind boy and the fox could fall in a pair of hands fired out grabbing onto the two boys. Light and Kitsune both looked up seeing Ace!

"Looks like I missed a lot huh!" He hissed as he gritted his teeth and pulled back dragging Kitsune and Light out of the hole. "I won't let you all fall! No one else is dying today!" He yelled using all his power. He was just a normal but he had been training his entire life to help people. He used all his might dragging them both back onto the ground as he let out a loud sigh and hiss. "T... There we go... Ow by the way..."

"What about Big Brother and the others?" Light asked in a panic. "They fell into the death pit!"


"Seriously what did I miss?" Ace asked.

Irene and Hero began to fall into the pit but Irene wrapped her arm around Hero as she kicked out creating a massive ice pillar underneath them that jutted out of the wall stopping their fall. The two stood on the edge as they watched Ken fall into the pit.

"Hero please don't tell me you're gonna-" Irene began but Hero already lept off the ice pillar as he fell down towards Ken. "Of course you wouldn't even hesitate..." Irene sighed biting her lip.

"Ken!" He yelled falling down to her faster and faster. "Give me your hand!" He yelled holding his arm out.

"Please save me! I think I'm scared of heights now!" The small girl cried grabbing onto Hero's arm. Hero spun his body around twisting himself and throwing Ken up and into the arms of Irene. Hero kept falling though as he fell into the darkness below.

"Hero!" Irene and Ken both yelled as he fell down being absorbed by the darkness below.

"We have to go!" Kitsune yelled as the cave kept shaking. He grabbed Irene and Ken pulling them out of the hole.

"But Hero-" Irene began.

"Trust me! That guy will be fine." Kitsune yelled.

Hero fell spinning around through the dark as he crashed down slamming into the stone floor and snapping his arm and one of his legs. "Ahh! Damn it..." He yelled. He slowly turned over laying on his back as he looked up into the massive hole that was above him. He couldn't see the top. "Ow. I don't think I can move..." His eyes slowly drifted down to his right arm which was bent and twisted. "Damn this hurts... At least it isn't worse-"

A small growl hissed out making Hero freeze.

Hero looked over seeing a small Baron level Bestia Macht that seemed to resemble a large white wolf which began to slowly crawl towards him. Behind it several other Baron's could also be seen as they glared back at Hero.

"Oh come on! Why do I suddenly have Ken's luck!"

One of the beasts jumped at Hero as its jaws opened. And then it flew past Hero landing on the ground not moving. Seconds later all the other Bestia Macht dropped to the ground all of them dead.

"Whoa! I know I got stronger but I didn't think I got that stronger!"

"Uh actually... I saved you." The voice of Hannah said. She rose out of the ground holding several red things in her arms which she dropped making them splat on the ground. "You're welcome by the way." She smirked.

"What are those?" Hero asked staring down at the red things she had been holding.

"The Bestia Macht hearts." Hannah shrugged. "I phased into their bodies and pulled them all out killing them all." She smirked.


Hannah smiled as she held her arm out to the boy. "How about we get out of here." Hero smiled taking the hand as she pulled him up but seconds later he nearly fell due to his twisted ankle. Hannah caught him before he could hit the ground though. She let out a small snort as she picked him up holding him on her back. "You know... This reminds me of long ago..." She thought picking him up as she began to walk forward.

"Oh yeah?" Hero asked resting his head on her shoulder. His eyes felt heavy as the exhaustion began to kick in. He had done a lot in one day.

"Yeah..." Hannah smiled. "I carried you like this once..."

She walked forward slowly as memories coursed through her. For a second she remembered the time with Okami Otoko. The Enforcer that had started all of this so long ago. She remembered the day Hero and her were kidnapped by the bandit and he threw them both into the black ocean. That was the same day Hero and her activated their powers for the first time. After the events had ended Hero had been to weak to walk so like a good older sister she carried him.

'He's gotten heavier...' Hannah frowned. 'He needs to go on a diet...' A small smile crossed onto her face for a moment as she bowed her head for a second. "Hey Hero?"

"Yeah?" Hero asked looking up for a second.

Hannah's smile came back for a second as they reached a large slope that led higher up into the cave. "I know Okami Otoko would be so proud of you."