Making It Back

Night Sixty Two

Age 1991

Rafflesia City...

Squad Six Enforcers Headquarters...

"Finally!" Hannah said holding her arms out. The brown haired girl gave a tired smile as she nearly collapsed onto the ground. "We're back! We're finally back!" She cried out.

"Finally!" Hero said practically collapsing to the floor as he let out a heavy sigh. "I don't think I could have walked another step..." He said sheepishly as he let out a small laugh. "At least my right arm is almost fully healed though!" Still... We've been walking for almost two week straight! I'm still so amazed that we didn't run into any Bestia Macht's on our way back... It's a shame that damn robotic horse broke though and we all had to walk back. And we didn't get into any trouble on our way back. Though if we did I feel like we could have probably handled them?" He said giving a small shrug. "Still though... A lot happened in a short amount of time... We met a lot of new people, and learned so much... And yet... I still doubt any of us know what it means to be an Enforcer... I'm still not a Hero of Justice yet-"

"Also we beat a lot of people up!" Kitsune said proudly going back to being his usual self.

"Yes... Yes, we did." Hero's smile faded as he thought back on the situation. "Although..." He said looking down at his hands. "I would rather not do something like that again... Like ever again... I don't think I could win a second time... I doubt I even really grew a lot stronger. Its weird though. I know I did get stronger, but... It still isn't enough... I still got weaker after all... Or rather I have to get used to my new powers... I'm still not fully sure what they do yet. I know I can form into those two weapons and power them with my emotions..." For a second he thought of Dawson and Max both leveling up. "When a power passes 100% it evolves if I could get past that... If I could evolve... I wonder how strong I would be?"

"Can I set you down now..." Light asked with a deadpan stare which was impressive since he was blind.

"I guess..." Ken hopped off of the blind guy's back as she stretched out her body giving a small yawn. "I'm tired. Hero hold me."


"Devilish girl..." Light muttered glaring at her. "Only I can rest in Big Brothers arms."

They had finally gotten back from their mission and stood in the entry hall. A lot had happened and they learned a lot. The mission was...


Rather they all knew it or not, Hero Law, Ken Red, Irene Glacious, Kitsune Nine, and Light No Last Name, had all grown so much by just trying that mission. Even if they failed, none of them were the same naïve Enforcer recruits who had set out. They were new.

"Oh guys your back!" A blue blur announced as Jackson suddenly appeared in front of them. He looked around wildly for a moment before he leaned in letting out a small hiss. "Good... Katrina and Dawson found out I let you guys go on that mission..." He hissed out quietly making Hannah shiver.

"Oh no..." She said worried.

"Yeah... It's bad..." Jackson said. "Especially since the recruits failed and got an Equation destroyed. She's really mad at you Hannah for letting that happen..."

Hannah let out a small hiss looking away. She had been with Ward during the final battle and didn't arrive until after Hero was falling into the death pit. Still... She should have stepped up sooner and killed the Viscount herself but it had slipped her mind.


That wasn't right. It's not that it slipped her mind. Rather she had gotten curious... Part of her wanted to know what the recruits could do... So she let the mission keep going then got side tracked by Ward...

"Okay, guys..." Jackson said whispering to the recruits. "Now... Let's all slowly head back to the Squad Six Dorms, and hope Katrina doesn't-"

"Jackson! Hannah!"

"Uh-Oh!" They both said.

There was a blue blur, as a woman suddenly appeared out of nowhere drop kicking Jackson, hard enough to send him flying across the room! He slammed into the wall behind him as he fell forward. All of the recruits were left with wide eyes as they shook. Seconds later the woman spun grabbing Hannah and slamming her into the wall as well.

"You idiots!" The woman shouted out. The recruits all stared at her as they realized she was Katrina... Their Captain... Uh-Oh indeed...

"Hey Katrina-" Jackson tried to say only for Katrina to step on his crotch as hard as she could making him cry out as tears poured from his eyes. Hero, Light, and Kitsune instantly hid behind Ken, and Irene as they stared with wide eyes at the horror as Katrina began to stomp on Jacksons crotch.

"Don't hey Katrina me!" Katrina shouted out slapping Jackson over the head. She grabbed him and began to shake him violently. "Do you have any idea what you did! And you!" She grabbed Hannah shaking her around as well. "What the hell did you do!"

"We did a mission?" Hannah tried to squeak out.

"Y... Yeah..." A still crying Jackson said. "I let them go on a mission and had Hannah watch over them..."

"A C-Class mission!" Katrina shouted out still shaking her Vice-Captain. "They aren't supposed to do that yet! The number of rules you broke!"

"Yes... Indeed. It really is quite sad that he went and broke such an important rule..." Everyone stopped what they were doing as they slowly stared over at the guy who spoke. He wore a shiny white suit, that looked like it was covered in gems, as it lit up reflecting the light in all directions. He had blonde hair that was styled up, and a pair of golden eyes that seemed to almost shine. There was a smug smile on his face, and even his teeth seemed to sparkle. "And yet... Despite breaking, such an important rule he has only received a mild slap on the wrist-"

"Listen Jackass!" Katrina said shooting the man a dirty look. "Before you interrupted us, I was about to shove my foot so far up Jackson's ass! I would not call what I'm about to do to him as 'a slap on the wrist.'" She growled out. "So how about you beat it Alpha!"

"Hmph... Typical of a Squad that does nothing but break the rules..." The sparkling man said as he gave a smirk.

"Why you little..." Katrina let go of Jackson dropping him to the floor as she turned to glare at the man. She picked Hannah up and threw her at the guy but he simply side stepped it.

"Umm... Who is that guy?" Ken asked curiously. Her nose twitched slightly as she reached up blocking it. "That man... He smells? No. Not him. He's been around someone I know, but who?"

"Oh him..." Jackson said dusting himself off. "That's Eins. He's harmless... Mostly... Bit of a punk..."

"Why is he casually talking back to our Captain?" Irene questioned nervously.

The argument between Alpha, and Katrina was slowly getting more, and more heated...

"Oh... He's one of those Four Sacred Beasts." Jackson said simply.

"What are the four sacred beasts exactly?" Ken asked.

"Well..." Jackson gave a small shrug. "I guess the best say to explain it... So you know how there are Twelve Captains. And there are Twelve Vice-Captains. Well. There is an even higher rank that has four people on it. They are even stronger than the rank of Captain. Well not stronger than the rank of the First Captain but every other Captain the four sacred beasts are stronger. That one is Alpha the shining dragon. You've also met Ward the Green Turtle, and Angel the White Bird. They work directly for Master Storm and should he pass on one of them is the New Master. Alpha is the strongest Sacred Beast, and next in line to lead the Enforcers though Ward is trying to get that position himself."

"I get it," Kitsune said nodding. "So that glowing guy is a member of this ultra strong group, and that's why he is able to backtalk our Captain-"

"No, he's just batshit insane!" Jackson said shaking his head. "Trust me... None of the other Four Sacred Beasts try to backtalk, Katrina... They're smarter than that..."

There was a loud ringing sound as Alpha looked down at his watch, which was naturally very glowy. "Hmm... I'm afraid I must take my leave. Master Storm is skipping out on work once again and I must chase him down." He said quietly as he turned away. He stopped for a second as his eyes focused in on Ken's silver eyes. "Ahh... A Seraphin... Really Katrina... Taking in foul beasts now? An unfit weapon like her has no right calling herself an Enforcer." His words made Ken flinch and caused Hero to grit his teeth and step forward but he was stopped by Katrina who placed a hand on his shoulder and shook her head. Before he could respond though, Alpha turned away already walking off.

"Hey get back here you jerk!" Katrina yelled out picking Hero up who let out a loud yelp as she threw him.

Irene sighed flashing ahead of him and catching Hero.

"Thank you..."

The man didn't bother turning around as he flipped The Squad Six Captain the bird pissing her off even more, and walked off.

"I... Am... Going... To... Kill... Him..." Katrina said through gritted teeth as the ground around her began to crack.

"Oh good..." Jackson said letting out a sigh of relief.

"That is good..." Hannah said walking back as she dusted herself off after her fall.

"How is that good?" Irene questioned stepping away from her Captain as she set Hero down.

"Her rage isn't focused on me..." Jackson said smirking. "I don't have to worry about getting beat up for-"

"Jackson! Hannah!"

"Oh crap!"

There was a red blur as Jackson was kicked by a heavily beat up looking Dawson Blight who came flying through the air! Dawson landed on the ground as he crossed his arms. A red tendril fired out of his back also slapping Hannah to the ground. "What's this I'm hearing about you taking the new recruits on a dangerous mission!" He questioned.

"How the hell did word get around about that so fast!" Hannah yelled out.

"Master Storm told everyone..." A sobbing Jackson said. "He thought it would be funny. And if it wasn't happening to me it would be..."

Dawson turned away as he marched over to the recruits. "Geez... Look at them!" He said pointing at the five kids. Their clothing was badly torn, and they were covered in sweat, bruises, dirt, blood, snow... Ice... They traveled through a blizzard for almost a week straight with no way of taking a bath, so they all smelled terrible as well... Kitsune had a black eye, Hero's hands were covered in bandages, Irene had a busted lip, and Light, and Ken... Well they were covered in as much filth, as the others, but they didn't actually look injured at all, benefits of having regeneration, though Ken's healing power was far greater than Lights. "They... Well, they look like they have some experience now at least..." Dawson muttered. He held his hand up as he placed it on Ken's chin looking down at her.

"Umm..." The fourteen-year-old girl said stepping away. She took a hold of Hero's arm hiding behind him as Dawson let out a hum

Dawson frowned as his eyes glanced down at all of them. "I suppose it isn't that bad... But.. Did a C-Class mission really push you all this much?"

"Well actually it turned into a B-Class- Why the hell am I saying that!" Hannah said freezing up as Katrina, and Dawson both slowly turned to look at her and Jackson.




"A... A B... A B Class..." Katrina said slowly.

"You took the new inexperienced Recruits, on... On a B-Class mission..." Dawson said blinking a couple of times.

"Uhh... Well... Looking back on it... I mean... It was C-Class... I mean... The Viscount did most of it?"


"I should stop talking..."

"Nice going Hannah... You killed us." Jackson said shooting the girl a dirty look as Dawson and Katrina glared at them both.

"Get them..." Katrina said slowly as both her and Dawson shot forward.

"No, wait!"

The recruits all stood frozen with wide eyes as they watched the two adults go to town on beating their Vice-Captain, and Hannah into the ground.

"I'm scared..." Irene said slowly. "This is a first for me..."

Katrina stopped as she let out a sigh. She slowly turned back over to the group of new recruits as she gave an innocent smile that could rival Ken's. If not for the blood on her face it might have worked. "Kids..." She said sending a shiver down all of their spines. "We are gonna be busy for a little while. Why don't all of you run, and get cleaned, and redressed, while me and Dawson teach, your Vice-Captain, and Hannah a valuable lesson!" She said innocently.

All of the recruits wisely ran away, back towards the Squad Six dorms.

Dawson watched them leave as he turned back to his friend. "So... A B-Class mission? How did they do?" He asked curiously?

"Ask Hannah..." Jackson sighed.

"Well... They did well." Hannah said smiling as Dawson helped her up. "They failed but... They tried their best. Honestly I don't know if I could have beaten it if I was their age doing the same mission..."

"Is... Is there anyone we should drop." Katrina asked glancing at her Vice-Captain. "You realize that after today... That's it. They'll be Enforcers. Are you sure you can inflict that on all of them..."

Jackson was quiet for a moment but finally, he nodded his head. "I can..." He said smiling again. "I know that all of them... All of them have potential... If any of the recruits deserve to be Enforcers it is them."

Katrina gave a small smile as she shrugged. "Well... I'll take your word for it."

"So... Ken's a Seraphin huh?" Dawson said slowly.

"Yeah... Kind of shocked me too." Jackson nodded.

"What's a Seraphin?" Hannah asked.

"I had a sneaking suspicion about that fact..." Dawson said sighing. "You know... The Master is gonna wanna see her now right?"

"Seriously what's a Seraphin!" Hannah asked.

Jackson let out a small sigh as he bowed his head for a moment. "Well... As you know there aren't very many Equations in this world anymore... And now there is one less after that mission... So a few people got to work trying to find a solution on how to fight a Bestia Macht... Do you know what kills Bestia Macht?"

"Yeah an Equation? So what?"

"What else?" Katrina asked cutting in.

Hannah frowned as she thought for a moment. "Bestia Macht? They can kill each other?"

Katrina nodded her head. "There's your answer. That little girl. Believe it or not... She's a Bestia Macht."


"Think about it... All Viscount and above can grow black spikes, and fire out beams of dark matter same as Ken. And she freezes the world around her too. A Seraphin. A human infused with the power of a Bestia Macht. Granted she does have an Equation, as her Equation is in her heart but most of its powers have shifted becoming a Fallen One. As such she just uses that power of hers to heal, which combined with the healing powers of a Viscount makes her pretty hard to kill... This project was shut down though. It had a side affect..."

"And what was that?" Hannah asked frowning.

Katrina let out a small sigh as she turned to look out the window. "All the Seraphins turned into Bestia Macht and killed everyone they loved..."