A Rematch

Night Sixty Five

Age 1991

Squad Six Training Room...

Dawson let out a small grunt as he jumped to the side avoiding the wave of flames easily as he slid back. He tilted his head to the left dodging a fast paced punch from Hero's weapon arm. Thinking fast he reached out grabbing the boy, and spun throwing the sixteen-year-old away from him in one motion.

"Nice try..." Dawson said simply as he gave a large smirk. "But it's still not good enough."

Kitsune jumped into the air as he brought his sword up and slashed it down as hard as he could sending another ball of flames down towards the man.

Dawson reached up and backhanded the fire away from him sending it straight at Hero, who let out a loud, and panicked yell as the ball of flames slammed straight into him, and blew him back.

"Oww..." Hero said flatly making a face as all the flames began to come off of him.

"Watch your friendly fire," Dawson yelled out still giving a smirk. "You'll need to be a little more careful."

Kitsune simply frowned as he landed on the ground. "Nah... I don't worry about that. Hero has resistance to heat based attacks due to his power-"

"It still hurts!" Hero shouted out in pain. "Also! My heat resistance isn't good enough to avoid being burned by flames as hot as yours asshole! Also, also! It still takes a ton of energy to prevent serious wounds like that from those attacks! I don't want to blow all my energy preventing all the damage that you cause to me you crappy team mate!"

Kitsune simply shrugged as he looked away. "Doesn't sound like a me problem. That's a you problem."

Dawson watched both boys yell back and forth at each other as he rolled his eyes. "Well... I was gonna teach you two how a method that makes two warriors stronger when they fight alongside each other, but it requires you two being friends and not hating each other so I doubt it would work..."

"He started it!" Hero yelled pointing a clawed finger at Kitsune. "It's always Fox's fault!"

"That's bullshit and you know it Devil Arm!"

Dawson let out an annoyed sigh as he shook his head. "Why in The Great One's sake did I agree to this..." He muttered out, as he resisted the urge to facepalm. "These two are both idiots.... I guess they might have gotten a little stronger over the course of the month but God do they fight way to much..."

The three of them, Dawson, Hero, and Kitsune, were currently back in the Squad six training room. The room was set to a comfortable level five which was just enough to pose the smallest bit of challenge to the two recruits, while still keeping the fight fair. The fight wasn't really going to well for the recruits though.

The two recruits had asked Dawson Blight to spar with them both, as they wanted to see if they had improved at all. So far though Dawson was having an easier time, than when he first fought all five of them at once... Even if the two of them had improved a little, the previous five on one had pushed him way more than the two of them were able to do now.

It had been around a month since the mission they failed on, but the five recruits had been training as hard as they could improving and getting better by the day.

But it just wasn't enough...

"Here I come!" Dawson yelled.

"What?" Both recruits asked turning back to the fight.

Dawson fired towards Hero as he engaged the young teen in a fistfight. The two brawled for a few seconds as Dawson easily began to take the upper hand thanks to him actually knowing how to fight. "You still lack any skill!" Dawson hissed out as he slammed his fist right into Hero's face. Hero slid back as he gritted his teeth and jumped forward throwing out a powerful right hook. Dawson caught the fist as he pulled his body back, turned, and then proceeded to easily throw Hero off of him and across the room. "If you are going to insist on fighting without any kind of weapon, you should at least know some basic martial arts. Or at least any form of hand to hand combat. Just throwing out your basic punches doesn't help but rather it hinders you! It's to easy to see what you are going to do next. It doesn't matter how much power you have, if you don't have the skill to go with..."

Hero flew through the air as he spun his body around so his feet faced the wall. "I'll show you skill..." Hero said smirking as he crashed into the wall. Instantly he kicked off of it the moment his feet touched it as he fired forward using his right arm to fire forward. "Eventful-Impact!" He bellowed as he dive kicked straight down to Dawson. White bone-like pipes shot out of his right arm as a wave of condensed flames fired out of the thin holes that lined the white pipes, pushing him forward at a rapid speed, causing him to become a blur as he dropped down towards the man below him spinning down as a wave of air rolled over him.

Dawson let out a sigh as he shook his head. "What did I just say..." He easily caught Hero's foot stopping the boy's spin tactic. He twisted the teen slamming him to the ground. Then still holding Hero's leg he pulled his arm back, punched his fist into Hero's right arm. His red tendrils fired out of his arm wrapping around the arm snapping the bone as Hero let out a scream of agony. "Now then... While you're busy healing up your broke arm I'll deal with the other one." Dawson announced throwing Hero by his broken arm straight at Kitsune.

"Uh-Oh!" Kitsune said ducking down as Hero's body soared over him. "Wow! That was-" He looked back up only to see the fist of Dawson, as seconds later the fist slammed straight into his head so hard he face-planted into the metal floor below, with enough for to actually dent it.

Dawson reached out grabbing Kitsune by the hair as he pulled the teen up. "As for you!" He lifted the teen's body up with his other hand, as he held Kitsune up above his head. "You." He said calmly as he got his knee into position. "Need to stop being an idiot and pay better attention. You're good with that sword but it doesn't matter if the enemy catches you off guard like this you fool."

"That's some good advice-" Kitsune was beginning to say right as Dawson slammed his body down! Dawson brought his knee up and Kitsune's body down as he slammed the two into each other. Kitsune's mouth opened in shock but he was in so much pain he couldn't even let out a scream. Dawson let go of the body as he fell forward and collapsed straight into the metal floor.

"I hope that wasn't the best you guys could do..." Dawson hissed out. "Hannah told me how you all learned something from the reckless mission... So far all I've seen is stupidity..."

"Ha. You haven't seen nothing yet!" Hero boasted as he jumped back up now fully healed. In his left hand he held a block of iron which he was eating in order to heal his right arm.

"Hero..." Kitsune gasped out from on the ground as he tried to stand back up. "I... I don't think that you know what you just said."

Hero gave a simple shrug as he faced Dawson. "Well... They need a little work, but I have a new power that I can use!" He bragged.

"I heard about this..." Dawson nodded. "I haven't seen it yet, but from what I've been told you unlocked some new forms right?" Dawson asked.

"That's right." Hero announced. "I become a lot stronger with it after that mission though my Equation's Synchronization Rate Limit got smaller... I went from around 70% to 60% so I don't have as much control over my powers as I once did. That wasn't the only crazy thing that happened during that cursed mission though. That entire mission was just weird. Ken came back from the dead at one point which was really weird!"


"Yeah. And Kitsune cried like a bitch-"

"Did not!"

"He did."

"Cool... I'll pat her on the head after I take you guys to the hospital." Dawson said simply as he cracked his knuckles. "But Hero. You usually do stupid things without thinking too well. You're not an idiot but you don't take fights as seriously as you could and try and reenact those damn comic books so this better-"

Hero took a deep breath as his right arm shifted and changed from his claw form into the cannon arm. "It's go time!" He announced. And with that, he shot forward. Hero jumped into the air as he pulled his arm back and readied a shot.

"A new form huh... This one looks kind of like a gun? Let me guess. You're gonna try and fire a beam at me?" Dawson said frowning. "I've told you already that-"

"Rage Cannon! Max Fire" Hero screamed as he put his everything into the attack sending everything he had at the Red Demon.

"-Oh shit!" Dawson had time to say.

Hero slammed his massive gun arm straight into Dawson with enough force to actually push the man back as his legs stabbed into the ground from the sheer weight of the arm, and Hero unleashed all of heat and sound directly into the body of Dawson. Dawson gritted his teeth as he tried to hold his spot and not be pushed back but it was simply too much. A wave of wind, fire, and sound, fired out from the barrel of the gun that stuck out of Hero's arm as they pushed Dawson back as the man did his best to stop the strike. Hero gritted his teeth as his stomach began to growl and he could feel the metal and rage in his body being used up at an incredible speed making him grit his teeth, but he held his ground and screamed out as he fired everything he had. 'Not good...' Hero thought as an even greater wave of energy fired out of the barrel. 'The more I use this power the more stress it places on my body. This gun takes so much energy and power just to fire out a single blast... But I won't give up!" Hero gasped out as his face began to get pale.

Dawson gritted his teeth as his feet were pushed deeper into the metal floor. His yellow eyes flashed as he pushed his body to the limit leveling up to his second stage, forcing the beam of energy back as Hero gave an even harder push. Hero gave a small yell as his arm fell back and it reverted back to normal causing Hero to fall back.

"Kitsune!" Hero shouted as he plummeted from the air. "Do the thing! Go for it Fox!"

Dawson's eyes went wide as he turned his head just in time to see Kitsune was in the air above him falling towards him with his sword. 'D... Damn! Hero was just a diversion?'

Kitsune gave small smirk as he raised his blade up and the blade began to cover the edge of his blade in a thin line. "Get ready fowl demon beast, for you face the blade of Kitsune Nine heir to the mighty Nine family, and a proud and powerful Samurai warrior-"

"Less weeb talk, more powers!" Hero yelled.

"Faiafokkusu no abatā!" Kitsune yelled slashing his sword down as the flames exploded out and began to form into a giant fire fox in flaming Samurai armor, wielding a giant flaming Katana. "Fire Fox fight on!" Kitsune yelled stabbing the sword forward. The giant fox raised its own sword up and then stabbed it towards the Red Demon sending out a massive beam of fire.

The beam slammed straight into the figure of Dawson, as his eyes widened. "Oh son of-" Then the beam exploded in a hail of fire as it washed over Dawson making him let out a loud yell.

"Yeah-" Hero and Kitsune both let out a cheer only to stop as Dawson jumped out of the flames decked out in his full Demon Mode armor in his level two state. "Oh boy..." Both boys muttered out in panic.

Dawson reached up and began to crack his knuckles and neck, as the flames began to pour out of his red muscles. "I'm about to F##K you two up!" He growled. "Red Demon Fight On!"

It was time for the real fight to begin.