Failed Training

Night Sixty Six

Age 1991

Currently Hero, and Kitsune were having a massive all out battle with Dawson Blight the Red Demon of Squad Six, however those two weren't the only recruits who were trying to improve quickly...

All of Squad six was trying as hard as they could to get better.

They had to get better.

Meanwhile in the Squad Six Hallways...

"Teach me!" Ken announced loudly jumping from around a corner and making Jackson Storm jump slightly as he let out a yelp.

"What Ken!? Geez don't jump out at people like that you creepy midget... What do you want anyways?" Jackson questioned walking through the halls of their main Enforcer base, that Squad Six stayed at. He shot a look over his shoulder as he raised her an eyebrow at the small girl who was now following after him.

"Teach me!" Ken said again folding her arms as she followed the man. "I want to get a lot stronger! Like way, way stronger! What are those level up thing some of you guys do? And I'm a Transformation Type like Hero so can I change how my power works? Then again I don't actually use my Equation that much and just use the powers I have as a Seraphin? But could I learn how to make weapons out of my body? Should I fight Hero do you think he is strong now? Teach me how to get stronger!"

"Slow down Ken! Geez I keep forgetting that you're like fourteen and a kid... I guess you got that child like innocents huh... So you say you want to get stronger? Like a lot stronger huh? Umm... Okay... So there is this type of energy source called Plus-Equations, that comes into two forms and types and there is this thing two people can do where they bond and are able to power up in the middle of a battle to-"

"Not that!" Ken hissed out, crossing her arms as she marched after the man. "I'm not interested in all that magic mumbo jumbo." Ken said rolling her eyes.

"Well, then what do you want me to teach you?" Jackson asked frowning. "I mean that way is usually the normal way to power up?"

"Teach me how to use a cool weapon!" Ken announced proudly. "I have those Black Needles. Teach me how I can use it better!"

Jackson stopped as he turned back to look at the fourteen-year-old girl. He gave her a small smile as he shrugged. "That... Isn't how it works." He said letting out a laugh. "Sorry but I don't think I could."

"What? Explain!"

Jackson sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Well for one... I don't have a weapon as I'm a Caster. Now it is true I'm a very unique Caster... My Lightning Arsenal allows me to make weapons out of lighting, so in a way I suppose it could be similar to those black spikes you pull out of your body but sadly that is where the similarities between us end. Secondly. I have a very particular style of fighting, and I doubt you'll be able to use it, so even if you were able to create your black spikes in the same way I make my weapons, I still wouldn't be able to teach you. I use the weight of my sword to throw me around the battlefield, as well as my electricity to accelerate my own bodies speed. This is why some say I use a flying sword style. My fighting style literally involves me throwing myself around. And well. You're... Well you're so..."

"I'm what?" Ken asked in a dangerous tone as her silver eyes narrowed and she stared at the Vice Captain who gave her a nervous look. "Choose those words carefully..."

Jackson stepped back slightly. "Well... You're a bit too small-"

"I'll kill you!" Jackson ducked down dodging a beam of red light Ken fired at him as he rolled his eyes and flashed forward hitting her over the head.

"You wouldn't be able to use your own bodyweight to direct yourself. Also, you're really frail... It could cause some serious harm to you." The Vice-Captain said as he gave another shrug. "It isn't a bad idea to learn how to use those Black Spikes in newer ways, and learn how to wield them as if they were a spear or sword, but using them in the same way I use mine wouldn't work for you." He gave her a half shrug for a moment. "Sorry."

"Well can't you just teach me how to use a sword?" Ken asked cocking her head to the side. "Without the whole flying? I want to know how to make my Spikes really hurt people."

"I mean no? Not really." Jackson pointed down at her belt where two swords were strapped to. "I mean for one every sword is different and every sword has its own style. Look at Kitsune Nine as a great example of this. Him and I both use swords but he wields a Katana where as I typically use my lightning as a great sword, which I can twist around. And you usually seem to just pull out two needles and smack people with them as hard as you can? Which why two needles?"

"Well I figured if one sword is awesome, than imagine how cool two swords would be!"

"Ken... Have you been reading more of those comic books Hero has with him... Or watching those anime Kitsune has? I think it might be bad for you..."

"Mega-Ultra-Super-Man is too cool not to read!" She announced pointing up to the sky. "And I'll have you know I was already into his comics before I met Hero." She announced as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I'm guessing this Mega-Whatever uses two swords right..."

"No. He uses three!"

"How the hell do you wield three swords..." Jackson muttered as he shook his head. "Anyways that's off-topic! What I was saying is. We are using two completely different sword types. It would be like asking a master gunslinger to teach a novice archer how to fire a bow. Also. I would recommend using one needle you are all over the place with those two and just kind of swinging them around at high speeds..."

"Or... Maybe I can get a third sword... Than I can hold that one in my mouth, and duel wield the other-"

"Stop being a nerd!" Jackson said chopping the girl on the head. "Go back to being hotheaded and yelling insults. Nerd Ken sucks! Let Hero, and Kitsune be the big nerds spouting on and on about those crappy comic books, and those damn animes."

"Oww..." Ken pouted slightly as she pulled away from him. "Whatever you jerk." She pouted.

"That's better."

"I hate you."

Jackson let out a laugh as he shrugged. "Speaking of hate. Have you seen Kitsune? Also Irene?"

"Well. Ice Queen was in our room reading a book. I think Kitsune went off to train with Hero or something? And Light... I have no idea where he is but he's likely following Hero around and taking pictures of Hero in the shower? Not like it matters since he's blind but I have seen some of the pictures so I don't stop him. Why do you ask?" Ken questioned curiously?

"Well. Their Cursed Life Powers are like mine. Elemental based. I wanted to go over a few tips, as well as teach them how to better control their powers, and energy supply so they can fight longer and harder."

"Oh, so you'll train them..." Ken said slightly annoyed.

"I already told you! I can't be the one to teach you how to wield those black needles as swords okay!"

"Well... Since you can't teach me how to use a sword what can you teach me?" Ken asked.

Jackson let out a sigh. "Well... How about this. You should start off by eating more nutritious food. Also, lay off using your Cursed Powers for a while since all you're doing is draining your body of proper resources. You're likely so short from mild malnourishment which thankfully due to our medical care we can fix pretty easily. So just eat some food, and exercise for a bit, and train your body without using your Cursed Powers so much. Mastering one's Equation is definitely important, but your body has to be able to handle it. You could just strengthen your body up which in turn could power up your powers. Other things you could do is maybe learn how to fire out that crackling black aura better, and maybe learn how to freeze the area around you more? Just a few thoughts. Never had to train a Seraphin before and I am unsure how to do that... I honestly don't even really know how those things work really so I guess you're on your own."

Ken let out an annoyed sigh as she bowed her head in slight embarrassment. "Alright..."

"And if you're lucky you might be able to hit 5 feet-" Jackson dodged a swipe from Ken as he jumped away with a laugh. "Okay, okay. I'll stop teasing you." He laughed. His face grew serious for a moment as he looked down at the small girl. "But why do you want to get stronger anyways? I mean you are already pretty strong? I mean you aren't the weakest by any means Ken?"

"Reasons..." Ken said flatly. Her mind raced slightly as she thought back to that strange dream of Viper. Her mind also drifted back to her battle with the Bestia Macht. She had gotten killed twice, and was used as bait for the Bestia Macht, while everyone else fought off the beast. She might have gotten the final kill but when she thought back to how much effort the others had put into that fight. How much they had tried. "I just... Want to get stronger... I want to pull more wait than anyone else. I like fighting. I don't know if that's just who I am or if it's because I am a Seraphin, a weapon built for combat. I don't know if that's why I like combat or not but I do. I've always loved combat ever since I was a little girl. Even before I joined the Red Church... But now I've seen how many stronger people there are out in the world. The Captains, the Vice Captains, and the Bestia Macht... Even Hero, Irene, Kitsune, and Light... Shelly, Emma, Max, that Shiki boy. They are all so strong... And I know I'm strong to but I want to be stronger. Way stronger. Strong enough to save people I care about." For a moment she placed her hand over her heart where she had been run through by the black spike. "I mean I can come back from the dead as long as my brain is intact but everyone else... If that had happened to Hero, or Irene, or Kitsune, or Light..."

"I get it." Jackson said giving a small half smile. "You want to protect the things you love right? Because you love your Squad Mates right?"

"I... I do not!" Ken said as her face flushed red. "I just... I don't want to see them get hurt... Is that so bad!"

Jackson let out a small laugh as he reached his hand out placing it on Ken's head and rubbing her hair. "You know Ken. You really are a human." He turned away as he gave a small wave to the girl. "Anyways. If you bump into Irene, or Kitsune tell them to meet me in the cafeteria of Squad Six." He said with a small wave.

Ken turned away as well as she crossed her arms. "Yeah... Whatever." She muttered out walking away. As soon as she was out of his sight she reached up and touched the spot on the top of her head where he had rubbed her head. "I... I don't love them... I don't think... What even is love. All I know is Viper would hate this feeling..."