The Squad Twelve Captain

Night Sixty Seven

Age 1991

Entrance To The City Of Chrysanthemums...

On a metal dock leading out to sea six people could be seen along with two weird metal objects that looked kind of like old telephone boxes but with strange black rods coming out of them and a weird looking yellow gem on top of them.

"Jester..." One of the figures said. This one wore long white robes that covered him from head to toe, and he had on a plain looking wooden mask with a two carved into it. "We've arrived My Lady..."

"I can clearly see that One..." The figure in front of the other five said. She was a woman covered in various bandages that hid her appearance and covering her face was a glass looking clown mask.

"Why this place Jester?" Another of the figures grunted out. This one was a tall man wearing the same white Robes as One had but with a fox mask on. "This city has it bad enough. Why are we targeting this place."

"I'm glad you asked Fox." The Gesture said letting a small giggle escape her lips as she brought her arm up for a moment. "Do you think you can answer that Mr. Snow?" She asked snapping her head to the side in a quite literal manner that would have killed any other normal human.

Next to Fox was a man in pure white armor making him stand out in this dark city. Various snow flakes could be seen along his armor and he folded his arms as he nodded his head. "Yes of course I can my lady. This target was chosen for three reasons. One none of us have ties to this place so it shouldn't bother us to see it go. Two it is full of vile filth and corruption, a sinful city that must be wiped out. And three. The most important reason as to why we all picked this place. It recently got a new killer that our lady has taken a dislike of. He is ruining our game and as such must be punished."

"Then why the hell don't we just blow up this place and get it over with?" The four turned seeing their last two members Viper, and Turron. It was Viper who of course spoke as Turron simply grunted. "Why we gotta sneak in? Come on boss let me run around and have some fun." Viper laughed. She was back in her human form and was currently having a staring contest with Jester.

"No." Jester said calmly. "We won't be doing that."

"But why not!" Viper asked stomping her foot slightly. "I wanna kill!"

The Jester raised her hand up for a moment. "Oh you will sweet Viper. You will. Be patient though." She said closing her fist. "It's only a matter of time until the Enforcers start coming here... And that's when we'll strike... Oh I wonder how the look of misery will affect you my sweet Row... I can't wait to see this game through."


Oleander City...

Master Storms Office...

Master Storm could be seen with a serious look on his face as he stared out of his window and down to the cold and black city from below.

"Master Storm." The door opened and Alpha, the Shining Dragon walked in giving a half bow. "You wanted to see me sir?"

"I did..." Master Storm nodded.

"What is it sir?" Alpha asked. 'Man... I've never seen the Master so tense before... This must be serious...' He thought as he stepped back slightly. He could feel a wave of intense aura coming off of the elderly man. "Ask me anything sir. You have my word that I will fulfil that goal to the best of my abilities even if it should cost me my own life. I am your humble weapon my Master. I am your sword, and shining dragon."

"I know you are Alpha." For a moment a small smile seemed to cross onto Master Storm's face. "I need you to gather the Twelve Squads... The Enforcers are about to go on a mission and we'll need everyone."

"I see sir... Do you want me to get even him?"

"You can ask him." Master Storm chuckled. "Though I doubt the First Captain will listen to us and come when called. I miss the simpler days when Okami Otoko, or Hero Law were the first Captain. Bless that miss Hero. She was a fine Enforcer. I hope the current Row Law can follow in her footsteps... After all... He is a Dr... Well I suppose that isn't important right now. Besides he himself doesn't know about it. I wonder how much longer he's going to Dream?"

"Sir?" Alpha asked.

"Oh it's nothing. Just an old man rambling."


A Few Hours Later...

Oleander City Squad Twelve Common Room...

"Oh! Mr. Blight. How are you?" A young woman with long pink hair and bright blue eyes asked as she stared at the Red-Demon. She held a small kind smile on her face as she turned to look at the man who entered the room.

The room in question was the Squad Twelve Common room. Several other Squad Twelve members turned to look at Dawson in curiosity.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Captain Athena," Dawson said giving a slight bow to the woman out of respect. Both his arms were held up as he appeared to be holding two body shaped objects? "I was doing a bit of sparing and it kind of got a little out of hand..." He said sheepishly as he dropped the two objects down showing the unconscious, and heavily beat up, bodies of Hero, and Kitsune.

Both boys were badly beaten and bruised. They looked like they had been ran over. Then backed up over by that car. Then ran over again. Then beat up Dawson... And then thrown into a blender... The main point being that both boys looked like they were only inches away from death...

"A little out of hand?" Athena questioned raising an eyebrow. "My, my... Isn't that Kitsune Nine, heir to the family of Nine, and younger brother of Jin Nine a former Captain, and Hero Law, the boy who was named after one of the previous First Captains? Strange that someone would name this boy after a girl? I wonder how people would react when they learned you beat them both up?"

"Well... In my defense, neither of them thought to ask me to stop punching them." The Red-Demon spoke as he gave a small shrug. "Well... At least I don't think they did? It was hard to understand them after I shattered their jaws. I had to really beat that boy down." Dawson said gesturing down to Hero. "He might not be that strong but, he makes up for that in his spirit. He just does not stay down..."

"I assume you want me to heal them?" Athena questioned.

"Yes, Ma'am. Please do."

Athena gave a small nod as she slowly brought a finger to her lips. Then she opened her mouth and began to stick her entire hand into her mouth, as her arm went deeper and deeper. This went on for a disturbing, five minutes, as her entire hand vanished into her mouth. At the base of her throat a small white marble could be seen. Her Equation fused into the flesh much like every Transformation Type. Finally, she seemed to find whatever it was she was looking for as she pulled back pulling her hand out of her mouth, and dragging out a weird pink glob, that kind of looked like flesh, but was pure pink...

She pulled on it, as it was dragged out to nearly five feet, then she bit down on her end snapping it off.

"There we go." She said giving a smile as she wiped her mouth clean of all the saliva that was dripping down her face.

"Yeah... That never stops being disturbing." Dawson muttered out.

Athena ignored him as she grabbed the pink glob, and ripped it in half. She stretched one of the pieces out and placed it over Hero. Next, she did the same with Kitsune placing the second half over him.

The pink globs suddenly wrapped around the two boys, as it covered them up entirely! Then seconds later it began to bubble up, and simply faded away seemingly sinking over them as it was absorbed into the bodies of the two boys...

Both Hero and Kitsune shot up in shock as they looked around the room with wide eyes. Their wounds were fully healed, and even their clothing was now undamaged.

"What? Where are we?" Hero asked looking around the room in confusion?

"I took you guys to the best healer we have in the Enforcers," Dawson said simply as he folded his arms up. "You two are lucky she was here. Normally she's out on a mission. Thankfully every Squad was called here after I knocked you two out so it wasn't that hard to find her."

"It's a pleasure to meet you two," Athena said smiling slightly.

Hero bowed slightly as Kitsune just looked at his rival in confusion.

"What are you doing?" Kitsune asked.

"Fox!" Hero hissed out. "She's a Captain... We saw her a month ago, when we were taking the Enforcer's entrance exam!"

"Oh... Yeah."

"Why aren't you bowing now!" Hero hissed when Kitsune still stood there.

"Bowing is lame."

"I agree," Athena said letting out a small laugh. "I'm tired of people treating me differently just because I'm a Captain."

Hero slowly stood back up as he awkwardly shifted away from Kitsune, and the Captain... "Captain Katrina makes me bow when I see her..." Hero muttered a little salty.

"Thanks for healing us, Miss-Captain-lady!" Kitsune said as he threw his arms behind his head. "I feel much better now, better than how I have in a long time! How did you heal us though?"

"With my Cursed Power naturally," Athena said letting out a small laugh. "My Cursed Power is considered to be one of the top five best healing powers of all time and rests within my neck allowing me to create a type of flesh that can mend and heal things though it does have its limits."

"Wow. The Enforcers got it good then." Kitsune said nodding. "After all a Cursed Power that can heal is really rare. There are only about... Fifteen in the Red Nation."

"They're that rare?" Hero said surprised.

"Yeah. Which is why Ken's so lucky she has one." Kitsune stated. "Although hers isn't as rare since hers heals only herself while this Captains is able to heal anybody."

"I didn't know there are rare kinds of Cursed Powers..." Hero said sheepishly.

"Well, there are," Kitsune said shrugging. "Like Transformation Types are usually rare among the other types as they often have several powers rather than just one, but are the hardest to Master since they take over a body part of yours. Equip Types are the most common, and caster Types while not rare, aren't common either."

"This is all a little confusing..." Hero said grabbing his head. "Is this how you always feel?"

"It really isn't that important," Athena said laughing. "I find the kinds of people far more interesting than the many kinds of Cursed Power. The two of you are a great example of that. A Noble from the family of Nine, and a Law. Both of you have been the talk of the town, ever since you all got back on the mission."

"How does it keep spreading!"

"Neither one of you have to worry." Dawson said placing a hand on the two boys' shoulders. "Squad Twelve isn't like the others. I doubt any of them will want to attack you."

"Is... Is it common for other Squads to attack each other?" Hero said hesitantly.

"Kind of," Dawson said shrugging. "We all work together on the battlefield but a rivalry is encouraged. It isn't unusual for other Squad members to challenge you to a duel. It is also considered rude to turn down a challenge request. Unfortunately for us... Squad Six seems to always attract attention and we get several, requests all the time... It actually kind of sucks. We think it's because the other Squads don't really like us too much... Katrina is a hard woman to work with... She punched the previous Squad Six Captain saying she could do better and just kind of took the job over when she was thirteen..."

"Well," Athena said letting out another small laugh. "That's what happens when you become famous."

"I'd say it's more infamous, than famous..."

"Wait. If it's so common for a person to get a challenge than how come it hasn't happened to us yet?" Kitsune asked.

"Remember. It's only the first month." Dawson said shrugging. "Many of the new recruits are all just now getting done with their first missions. Also. It's likely the other Squads are getting their recruits, ready for real missions, which will be happening soon. Very soon if us all being called back to Oleander is anything to go on, many of the Gold Badges, who are training the new recruits will begin to encourage them to start battling other Squads. It could even be happening now. When it does you two should be aware of the target you'll have painted on your backs... A Noble of one of the twenty sacred branches, and a Law are both bound to get attention from everybody. Though not near the amount Ken will get... Poor girl..."

Hero and Kitsune both looked at each other for a moment as they shared a shrug.

"Don't worry," Athena said gently. "You guys won't have to worry about it too much. A lot of the recruits will be away on their first real missions. And there's always the chance you guys will have to leave as well. Although I would say it is important to challenge others at some point... After all by battling them not only will both of you improved you'll also get to know them better, which is important if you ever are required to do a mission with them."

"She's right," Dawson said nodding. "Like it or not, sooner or later you'll be forced to team up with someone you might not like. If that happens you'll have to suck it up and work with them. When on the battlefield you can't worry about who you are teaming up with. You'll have to come up with a plan to work with them. Letting a petty rivalry get in the way between you, could resort in the death of everyone..."

"Right... I think I get it." Hero nodded. "I'm gonna go beat the snot out of Max than make him my friend!"

A few minutes later...

Hero and Kitsune, as well as Dawson, all stepped out of the building and back into the courtyard outside all of the towers.

"I'll be heading back now," Dawson said peaking over his shoulder. "Oh... Jackson called by the way. He said he wanted to see you Kitsune."

"Really! Great." Kitsune nodded his head. "I'll go right away." He announced.

"I don't care..." Dawson said walking off. "Be back in the Squad Six common rooms we have at this base in a few hours. We'll likely be getting a call from Master Storm soon."

Hero was silent as he and Kitsune got ready to leave only for the Squad Twelve door to open. "Excuse me Sir. But do you have a moment?"

Hero and Kitsune both turned finding a blonde haired boy with blue sapphire eyes staring at them. He was one of the people in the Squad Twelve common room a few moments ago. He was dressed in the Enforcers Battle uniform and suddenly bowed making Hero and Kitsune a little freaked out.

"Please Mr. Law. Do me the honor of battling me!"