Arthur Pendragon

Night Sixty Eight

Age 1991

"Please Mr. Law. Do me the honor of battling me!"

"I heard you the first time!" Hero said smacking the blond boy on the head. Him, Kitsune, and the blonde boy currently stood within the Enforcers Training room. The one they had battled Dawson Blight in the first time, in the Squad Zero building.

"S... Sorry..." The blonde boy said a little embarrassed as he looked away.

"Anyways I'm all up for a fight, I like fighting but why me?" Hero asked curiously.

The boy scratched at his chin for a moment as he let out a sheepish laugh. "Yeah... I didn't think you remembered me." He gave a small half smile. "My names Arthur Pendragon." He said shocking Kitsune. "You saved me in my fight with Max. I never got to repay you."

"I did?"

"You're one of the Twenty Sacred Branches!" Kitsune said shocked.

Arthur nodded his head. "I am. Like all Nobles when we are born an Equation is born with us. My family has Equip Types. This is my Cursed Power! The Blade Camelot!" Arthur announced drawing his sword as a golden light began to come off of it. The blade was a pretty golden and white and seemed to shine with power. "Mr. Law. Please allow me the honors of facing you in combat."

Hero cracked his neck slightly as he gave a small smirk. "Sure. I don't mind. I feel way better. Come at me with everything you have." His right arm began to glow as it shifted to his clawed arm. "Arm Of Miracles Versus The Sword Camelot! Let's go!"

Hero and Arthur rushed forward as Kitsune watched and pouted. "I wanna fight someone too." He pouted kicking the floor. His eyes watched Hero and Arthur both of which were blurs on the battle field trying to hit one another, Arthur cutting out with his blade, and Hero throwing out rapid punches with his arm and sending out bursts of heat and sound.

Hero slashed his claw up easily deflecting a strike from Arthur as he used his massive limb to throw the boy back. Several of his feathers all lit up and fired out slashing into Arthur from various directions and causing the Noble to clench his teeth. Hero launched forward as soon as he ended the barrage and slammed his massive fist into the Noble throwing him back again.

"D... Damn." Arthur hissed. His blade was up which he had used to block the last punch. "If I hadn't blocked that I'd be down for sure... You really aren't a joke are you!"

"You aren't half bad yourself." Hero laughed shooting forward. Him and Arthur danced around each other blade meeting claws as they clashed. Hero spun his body slamming a leg into Arthur making the teen let out a hiss but he brought his blade up slamming the hilt on Hero's head as hard as he could and making the boy hiss out slightly. "Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Arthur let out a loud yell and slashed his sword out only for Hero to easily block it as the feathers on his arm formed together like an angelic wing working as a shield which blocked the sword swing with ease and deflected it.

"Blade of Seal..." Arthur announced slashing his sword out and slamming it down on Hero who once again blocked it with his right arm.

"Sorry. Better luck next-"

"I was hoping you'd do that." Arthur smirked as golden rings came out of his blade and wrapped around Hero's right arm. The limb glowed and suddenly reverted back to normal shocking Hero. "Three seconds take this!" Arthur yelled out slamming his foot into Hero as hard as he could and sending Hero flying back with a powerful kick.

Hero came to a rolling stop as the three golden rings shattered and his arm retransformed back into his clawed mode. "The hell was that!" He asked with wide eyes. He looked up seeing he was a few meters away from Arthur now having some distance after that last attack.

"That's the power of Camelot. Blade of Sealing allows me to seal another persons Cursed Powers though against strong people like you I can only seal it for one, or two seconds at most. When I fought that Max boy I was only able to keep his powers sealed for a single nano second. For you I can keep them sealed for two point one seconds."

Hero gave a small smirk for a moment as he scratched the back of his head with his left arm. "That's pretty cool. You might have even been able to beat me if you didn't reveal how it worked, and waited to use it."

"You were bound to find out about the time limit-"

"Not that." Hero said shaking his head. "The other weakness."

"I see you saw through his trick to Devil Arm." Kitsune announced nodding his head.

"Ahh shut it Fox."

"Other weakness?"

Hero's smirk came back for a moment as he pointed his arm at Arthur. His arm began to glow and seemed to change for a moment shifting into his gun form and shocking Arthur. "You had to hit my arm to use it. That's why you were glad I blocked it. Your weakness is range. As long as I don't get close you can't seal me."

The barrel of his gun lit up as it fired a wave of energy making Arthurs eyes go wide. He brought the blade up turning it around and blocking the energy with the blunt side as the beam pushed him back and made him grit his teeth.

The ground underneath Arthur began to crack as the beam fired into him and his eyes and teeth began to clench. "Blade... Of... Sealing... Full Camelot!" He yelled as his blade lit up with a powerful light and suddenly the beam was gone making Hero's eyes go wide.

"Where did it..."

Arthur stepped forward thrusting his sword forward as he gave a smirk. "Unseal. You can have this back." The beam of energy crossed the battle field in seconds towards Hero who's eyes went wide. Hero's right arm shifted back to its clawed state and his wing sprouted just in the nick of time allowing him to fly above the attack at the last second. "So cool..." Arthur muttered seeing Hero soring above him now. The beam slammed into the wall exploding through it.

Seconds later Hero flew down at a fast speed spinning his body around. "Eventful Impact!" He yelled slamming feet first into the ground and shattering it. He didn't miss a beat slashing his clawed arm out against Arthur who blocked it.

"Blade of Sealing." He called out sealing away Hero's power once again. "That won't work on me-" Arthur was silenced when Hero slammed his fist into his face. Hero didn't stop there unleashing several fast punches with both his human arms making Arthur gasp out and jump away right as Hero's clawed arm came back.

"It doesn't matter if you can seal my powers or not." Hero said shaking his head. "I can beat you even without my powers. Sorry but you lose."

Arthur simply gave a small half smirk as he reached up and wiped at the blood that was spilling out of his nose and mouth. "You're wrong. It isn't over yet. I still have one more trick. Blade of Sealing allows me to seal a Cursed Power. Blade Of Sealing Full Camelot allows me to absorb an attack into the blade and then unleash it. Well I have one more but while using it I am unable to seal things away and it places a tremendous strain on my body burning me out, however it is my Trump Card. I created this attack after my battle with Max over the course of the Month." His blade began to glow as he closed his Eyes. "Blade Of Sealing. Sealed Limitations." He announced. His skin seemed to change into a redder color as he fired forward at an insane speed slamming into Hero and throwing the boy back several feet.

"Ah..." Kitsune nodded. "So that's what he did... He sealed away the Limitations of the human body. His body is in over drive..."

Hero gritted his teeth as he slid back. His right arm glowed and changed becoming his needle form which he brought up holding it like a rapier. "I think this will be the best choice to face a swordsmen." He smirked launching forward and slashing his arm out stabbing it so fast it became a blur.

Arthurs eyes somehow followed the attacks though as he dodged them all and slashed out with his blade which Hero quickly deflected. The two blades met over and over again as they both stabbed and slashed at one another, neither one able to get a hit until Arthur gave up the swords play and simply slammed his elbow into Hero's head throwing the boy back.

Hero came to a sliding stop and thrusted his sword arm forward so hard it stabbed through the air like a bullet sending out an air bullet which Arthur blocked. Not even a second later Arthur shot forward appearing behind Hero as he turned his body and slashed out with his sword. Hero turned and brought his arm up blocking the strike just in time but it was so strong he was once again sent flying landing on his back with a loud crack.

"Oww..." Hero groaned jumping back up to his feet. "Alright note to self... Learn how to use a sword with this arm." He fired forward once again thrusting his blade out in rapid succession and cutting into Arthurs body and cheek as the Noble did his best to avoid the many blows.

Arthur couldn't help but hiss out when ever the blade touched his skin as it vibrated so much, and was just so hot, it was was more like brushing up against a red hot chain saw than a sword. As they both kept their dance going Hero was the one who broke the sword play this time slamming his left arm into Arthurs face for yet another punch.

Arthur managed to deflect a follow up stab and quickly jumped away getting room between the two once again. "I... I am glad I decided to ask you for a fight." Arthur said hissing out slightly as his body began to throb. 'D... Damn... My body is reaching its limit... I need to end this fast...' He thought.

"Me to." Hero said giving a large grin. "I'm glad you asked me to do this as well. I'm having a blast!" He announced as his smile grew. He to was breathing heavily and now had some cuts and bruises on his body as well. 'Man... I still haven't gotten the hang of changing my arm into these forms. Every time I shift it, it feels like trillions of red hot needles are stabbing into my nerves...' He thought as he scowled from the pain. 'Gotta end this quick.'

"Let's end this!" Both boys yelled jumping at each other. They met mid air as their blades met and they both unleashed a fury of slashes at rapid speeds cutting into one another. They both continued to yell as they both attempted to get the other one to fall first when-

"Fire Fox Fight On!" Kitsune yelled.

A massive fox made of fire, wearing samurai armor also made of fire, slammed its giant katana, which was also made out of fire into both of the boys slamming them into the ground.

"I win! I bet you both!" Kitsune cheered. "I was secretly a part of this battle all along suckers!" He launched folding his arms. His katana was out and both is ears and tail could be seen, and he had the smuggest grin on his face.

The dust slowly settled showing Hero, and Arthur standing in a mini crater. They both looked at each other for a moment as their eyes met. Then slowly they both turned back to a nervous looking Kitsune who realized that both boys were still conscious.

"Truce..." They both said as they fired towards the Fox Noble.

"Wait it was just a joke!"