Shiki The Lion

Night Seventy Two

Age 1991

Master Storm's Office...

"So... I think that went well." Master Storm said happily.

"As well as it could have gone I guess..." Angel said letting out a small chuckle. It was just her and the old man in the office now. Ward and Alpha were both out no doubt talking, or rather arguing, about something, leaving just her and the Master Of The Enforcers in his office now that the big speech was over and done with.

Angel was resting on the desk panting her nails, as her long white wings flapped back and forth at a simple speed creating small puffs of wind every now and then. Meanwhile Master Storm was standing in front of his window simply gazing out at the city below as he clicked his tongue.

"I've been alive for a long time." He said nodding his head.

"Hmm..." Was Angel's simple remark.

"I'm going to be dead in the next four years."

There was a loud smashing sound as the bottle of nail polish Angel was holding fell collapsing onto the floor and shattering spraying the pinkish liquid everywhere as her eyes went wide and she stared at the back of the old man who still had a smile on his face as he stared out at the window.

"W... What?" Angel asked slowly her voice cracking.

"I had a dream." Master Storm said chuckling slightly. "In Age 1994, or maybe it was 1995, the point being around then, I had a dream set during that event. I'm killed by a dragon. Or maybe a dragon tries to save me but fails? I guess it depends on the timeline and the events hmm..."

"This has to be a joke right..." She questioned in a low tone. "Like this is just you being a silly old man right? Please tell me you're just saying a simple goof right? You can't actually see the future? That's just some rumor so this dream is just a dream right?"

"Hmm." Was Master Storms only response.

"Master Storm-"

"We'll see." He said letting out a small laugh. "We'll see... I've been wrong before you know... Like me letting that North boy in. That was a bad idea. And then I let his sister in. That could also be a bad idea. We'll see... And then I let that Hero boy in, and Light who is a Second Generation. And also Ken, who is a Third Generation..."

"Speaking of which... Is that Hero kid a second Generation? Hero reminds me of Hero. The hot one I mean."

"Hmm... No he's not. That boy Row Law... He's something far more depressing. Though he does have ties to the first Hero. He has that 'Equation' after all... I'll need to talk to him."

"Should I go get him?" Angel asked cocking her head to the side.

"Not right now. There is always time for that later. But now I'll rest and stare out at this frozen world that I helped make. There are a lot of special recruits this year... I look forward to seeing what they will all do. I hope you can guide them forward. All of you."

"...I... I'll do my best sir..." Angel said bowing her head.

"Good... I'm gonna go lay down for a little while... I think I want to rest for a bit... I'm getting tired..."

"...Yes sir..."


The Main Enforcers Training Room...

"I want you two to fight." Max said giving a small smirk as he once again looked down on Hero. "I want to see who's stronger currently. I heard you got a new power up right? Show me in your battle with him."

"And why would I do this exactly?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow at the lava teen.

"Oh..." Max said giving a small smirk as Shiki's body began to glow and a strange power was unleashed. "You don't have a choice."

"Oh God damn it, it was a trap!"

"Yep! Get him Shiki! Let's see who is really the strongest between you two! Unleash all of your power and let your energy flow!"

"Well..." Hero sighed as his right arm began to glow and changed into his weapon. "I guess we're doing this then..."

"That's the spirit..." Max said cocking his head to the side as his smug grin grew. "Now watch... You're going to want to see this..."

"See what-" Hero was cut off when Shiki began to howl like some kind of wolf.

Shiki let out another grunt for a moment as the glow began to seep out and cover his legs. Hero watched with wide eyes as Shiki's lower half began to glow and change. From the waist down his legs seemed to morph into a pair of two powerful white metal legs that seemed to be in the shape of some kind of big cat or something. Large claws stabbed out of both of the feet and a red energy tail formed out of the rear. It was long nearly ten feet in length made out of a strange crackling red energy which began to wag back and forth. Shiki dropped down on all fours standing on the balls of his feet, and the knuckles of his fists. His eyes glared up at Hero with an animalistic rage like a predator getting ready to hunt down its next prey. Large growls came out his throat and for a second Hero was reminded of a stray cat hissing its warnings to anything that got to close to its food, the entire time his tail did not stop going back and forth, back and forth, as steam rose off of it, and it gave off heat...

This was no man but rather a wild beast...

A Lion...

"The hell!" Hero said with wide eyes. "Both of his legs changed?" He asked in shock. "I thought you could only ever Transform one limb! How can both legs change?"

Max let out a small snort as he folded his arms. "I told you Shiki was strange much like you are. He is very unique compared to other Transformation Types. His is placed in his waist and effects his entire lower half of his body... He's one of the few people in this world that can transform more than one part of their body."

Shiki let out another grunt and raised his left leg high above his head bending and twisting it around. Then in an instant he slammed it down into the ground shattering it and leaving a large crater in the floor which crackled with the same red energy as his red tail.

"As you can see he is very strong."

Hero's red eyes went wide as he nodded his head for a moment. "Oh man that is like super cool and badass-"

Before Hero could say anything else Shiki suddenly appeared in front of Hero slamming his leg into Hero's face with a high kick and sending him flying back as he tumbled away and broke out into a small roll...

"Oww..." Blood flowed down Hero's face from a busted lip, and broken nose. "Shit... I might be in serious trouble..." He chuckled nervously. "Can't wait to see how I get out of this one!"

Shiki jumped towards Hero once more as he twisted his body around in order to slam both feet into Hero as he flew forward. Hero was fast though raising his arm up as it shifted and changed into his needle form which he used to block both the strong legs. He gritted his teeth though as Shiki's legs still pressed down on his arm and he began to get pushed back.

Shiki's feet slammed into Hero's strange arm and pushed the teen back as the Lion like man unleashed a growl and leaned back landing on both of his palms and walking forward on his hands as he unleashed a flurry of kicks with his animal like legs. They came out so fast they were practically a blur, and yet Hero some how kept up his own right arm becoming a blur as it blocked all the kicks at a rapid speed.

Shiki twisted his body still on his hands as he spun and around and twisted. His red tail fired out and slammed into Hero's face like a whip knocking the teens head back and busting the other side of his lip open.

Hero nearly fell back but managed to catch himself only for Shiki to tackle him to the ground and slam his fists into Hero over, and over again his eyes filled with rage as he fought with the force of a mad beast. He huffed and puffed steam coming out of his mouth, and his eyes had turned red with rage and anger. It wasn't like he was mad at Hero for any reason, as he didn't know who the boy was, rather he was just mad for being the sake of being mad.

A beast using its rage and anger to fuel its power...

"So that's his new arm..." Max said as he watched Shiki wail on Hero. Slowly the mad beasts fist began to slow down as he stopped unleashing blow after blow, and instead he began to breath heavily as his rage began to calm down. "I guess it is decent but I was expecting more... It just seems to be a fast moving needle... Nothing special-"

Hero's eyes fired open as he shot up slamming his head into Shiki's face and breaking the mans nose. Shiki let out a howl of anger and looked up just in time to see Hero stabbing his arm forward. The Beasts hand came out faster though catching the needle. His smug grin vanished though when he saw Hero's own smile.

Hero's arm glowed and morphed into its gun form the barrel now pressed against Shiki's chest making the Beasts eyes widen as it fired unleashing a beam of red energy.

A bullet when fired can reach the speed 2,600 feet per second. Or at least some of the fastest bullets can move that fats. That's equivalent to over 1,800 miles per hour or around twice the speed of sound. Hero's Rage Cannon takes a sharp of metal in his body and shifts it into a large shell that is spun at rapid speeds by sound and heat in the barrel and unleashed at speeds over 6100 miles per hour or nearly Mach eight.

This barrel was currently pressed to Shiki's chest and fired its shot as Hero unleashed all his rage and anger in his strongest shot yet not even considering that this could kill the boy he had his gun pointed at. This gun was firing a massive hunk of iron covering in heat and sound, at Mach Eight speeds and it was pressed right into Shiki's chest.

And Shiki dodged it.

Moving eight times faster than sound itself he leaned his body back at an impossible speed as the un fired with a massive bang throwing Hero back across the battlefield from the recoil as the entire room was blasted by the sonic boom and the back wall exploded into a hail of debris.

Max's eyes were wide as he watched Hero slam head first in another wall still being launched back by the gunshot. Shiki was still on the ground his back being twisted all the way back as his eyes were also wide with shock at what almost blew him apart.

Hero let out a small groan as he pulled his head out of the wall he had rammed into. His right arm glowed and changed back still smoking. His arm looked burnt now and busted. Blood trickled down Hero's head covering his face from the top of his head which was busted open from ramming into the wall at fast speeds. The entire room was silent as they all considered what they should do.

Finally it was Max who reacted first as he began to clap. "My, my... What an interesting show that was... The two of you did well..." He turned to the exit and began to walk away. "Come Shiki. We should be off."

Shiki jumped back up to his feet as his legs glowed and changed back to his normal human legs. He let out a grunt and began to walk away but stopped suddenly as he turned to look back at Hero who was still laying down on a pile of ruble, and a pool of his own blood. The teens face was busted up from the man punches he had received from Shiki leaving him with two black eyes, a busted jaw, a broke nose, and large bruises. His snow white hair was stained red from his blood and he was breathing heavily as more smoke came off of his right arm.

Shiki let out a grunt as he turned away from the beat up teen. "You. Are. Strong." He finally grunted making Hero's black eyes widen slightly. Then he left following after Max.

Hero felt his eyes grow heavy for a moment as he closed his eyes. He must have blacked out or something as when he opened his eyes he looked up and saw Ken standing above him.

"K... Ken?" Hero tried to say but spat up some blood from his busted jaw and shattered teeth.

"Hey Hero..." The girl sounded a bit weird but Hero still smiled when he heard her voice. "Let's get you back to the Squad Six dorm okay?"

"Okay Ken..." Hero mumbled as his eyes closed and he blacked out.