The Past

Night Seventy Three

Age ???

'Where am I...'

Hero's mind began to slowly turn back on and wake up as his eyes fluttered open.

'Oh... This is... A memory...'

He could see an old event that once placed out. He saw two people. The first was the pretty girl with silver hair and blood red eyes. Hero was her name. The second was the same scientist as the one he had seen earlier. In the girls arms was a small white dog. The scientist had a large grin on his face as well as messy brown hair and brown eyes.

"Oh he's adorable." The scientist said petting the dog. "What's his name."

The girl let out a small snort as she pet the dog. "My dad was kind of lame when picking the name. He called it Hero naming it after me. He has a problem with naming things after me I guess..." She laughed. She turned staring at 'him' for a moment. "Oh Row? Do you want to hold Hero?" She asked slowly handing the small dog down to the little boy with snow white hair and ruby red eyes.

"Thank Ms. Hero!" The boy said happily as he was handed the dog.

"You're a good kid." She grinned patting his head. She stood back up and folded her arms. A small white marble could be seen in her right hand for a moment as she let out a small sigh. "So... How is he handling it... You know... My power? And my Uncles Crest?"

The scientist let out a small grunt for a moment as he stared down at a small paper. "Well... Thanks to the D-Crest that was placed inside of him we were able to use the power to copy your Equation... The Dragon clan has some rare abilities indeed, being the children of God... We also plan on using it to make an Equation for the little one. We call him Vil. I guess you can say he is Row's little brother if you wanted to get technical..."

"Interesting..." The female Hero bent down and began to look Row over. She raised his shirt up and nodded her head when she saw a large scar where his heart should have been. The scar was shaped out in the letter 'D' somehow. She nodded her head for a moment as she placed her hand over the heart. "I'm surprised he was able to handle the power of a Crest... After all everyone else who had it placed in them died, or went mad..."

"Well... To be fair young Row here isn't exactly a human now is he..." The scientist chuckled.

"I guess not... So do you think he can use it?"

"Use what?"

"You know... The power of the Dragons? Can he use that-" She was cut off as the dog she had with began to bark loudly. Seconds later the entire room shook as a loud explosion could be heard. "What the hell!" She yelled. Her right arm glowed and changed becoming a large clawed arm with iron feathers coming off of it. "What's happening-"

The wall suddenly exploded and collapsed as a man walked in. He wore a glass like clown mask that covered his upper face but everyone in the room recognized him instantly. Piero...

Hero stared at the man as her eyes went wide for a moment and she moved her way in front of Row keeping the little boy safe. "D.. Dad..." She asked staring back at the man.

Piero ignored her as he turned to look at the scientist who seemed to be freaking out now. "Mr. Hyde..." Piero said bowing his head for a moment. "You must die-"

The image began to glow and change as the memory ended.

'Wait... When did this happen... I don't...'


Age 1991

"So..." Max and Shiki both stopped in the hallways as they looked up seeing the form of Alpha, one of the Four Sacred Beasts of the Master... Alpha gave a small smile for a moment as he nodded his head. "How did he do?"

Max gave a small shrug as he turned to Shiki. "Well? How do you think he did?" He asked.

Shiki let out a small grunt and unbuttoned his shirt showing off a large burn mark around his chest in the shape of a circle from where the barrel had been pressed down on him. "He... Is... Strong... If not... For instincts... I die..." He grunted out speaking in broken English. "He... Strong... Strong. Real Strong..." The mad beast nodded his head for a moment as if it made sense to him. "Strong... Strong... Strong... He strong..."

"It was quite a battle..." Max said nodding his head for a moment. "You should have seen it. That new power of his is crazy... At the end of this year there will be a Tournament held right... I know I'll fight him then... I won't fight Hero until then... We'll have our rematch at that point. I'll test out his limits and see how far I can push him. Then I'll beat him for sure."

"Hmm... Hero Law huh..." Alpha said letting out a sigh. is arms were folded and his back was pressed up against the wall for a moment. "And what of the information I told you to ask him? Did you find out if he is Hero, the previous First Captain of Squad One?"

"He says he isn't the previous Hero but there are so many things similar to him and that girl I have a hard time believing him... Still it's hard to think about him being a girl in a previous life... Especially one that good looking. He did say he met the girl though."

"Really... He claims he met my Hero huh..." Alpha frowned for a moment. The image of a silver haired girl with blood red eyes came to his mind. It changed to the snow haired boy with ruby eyes. "Same power, name and way of acting... I swore he was her brought back through the Second Generation Program... Oh well... It doesn't change my mind on the matter. I've decided."

"What matter?" Max asked raising an eyebrow. "What did you decide?"

Alpha gave a small smirk as he brought his arm up and pointed his thumb back at himself. "I've decided... I'm going to train Hero Law..."

"W... What!" Max said with wide eyes. Shiki let out a small grunt for a moment.

Alpha gave a small snort as he folded his arms back and nodded his head. "Yes it makes perfect sense."

"Uh... It does?"

"It does!" Alpha let out a loud deep belly laugh as his shiny suit began to glow and the out line of a dragon seemed to morph around him for a moment. "I knew the previous Hero. She was a powerful Enforcer and my inspiration for joining. I swore I would help her but she eventually died before I could ever try... This new Hero... I am certain he is her brought back. He might not actually be her reincarnated but he still has her will and spirit... I'm sure even if he isn't actually her he as inherited her will. That's why I shall train him and teach him how to be a great hero of justice! A superhero..."

"God damn it..." Max sighed.

"This makes perfect sense!"

Shiki let out a small grunt and shrugged.


Squad Six Common Room...

"Oh Irene you're- Holy crap!" Kitsune yelled with wide eyes when he saw the blonde girl walking in with Hero's body thrown over her back. "Hero?"

"What's wrong with big brother! Why do I smell blood?" Light asked with wide blind eyes.

Ken folded her arms and stared at the beat up body of Hero. By now Irene was covered in most of his blood that soaked her body and hair. "Geesh... What the hell happened to him?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"Training gone wrong I guess..." Irene said as she stared at Ken for a moment.

"What?" Ken asked when she noticed the blonde girl was staring at her. "Look I know I'm cute Irene but I didn't think you swung that way. I'm flattered and maybe a little curious, but I don't like you so..."


Those had been the words Hero had seen when he had looked up. Irene remembered the scowl that covered her face when the boy called her that name. He was so beat up he had mistaken who picked him up.

"Here." Irene said tossing the body of Hero over to Ken who barley caught it. Hero's head was placed over the small girls shoulder and she felt her face heat up slightly when his arms wrapped around her waist and he held onto her. "He called your name out." Irene said in a mocking tone. "I guess he wants you."

"Oh boy..." Kitsune said already seeing where this was going. He slowly moved behind Light getting out of the splash zone of the battle that was to come. "Mind if I use you as a shield."

"Yes I do mind actually..." Light said flatly.

"It's what your big brother would have wanted..."

"Big bro hated your guts and tells me to spit at you while you're asleep."

"That's why I wake up wet all the time!"

Ken frowned as she slowly set Hero down on one of the beds. "Are you still on about that?" Ken asked making a face. "I already told you. Hero is cute, and good looking, but he's to much for me. I'm not interested in any of the boys on this Squad."

"Neither am I." Irene said flatly. "In fact this made my decision far easier than I thought it would have."

Ken placed her hands on her hips as she glared at the girl with ice powers. "Oh you drama queen..."

"I'm serious..."

"So am I you idiot!" Ken said rolling her silver eyes. "I could careless what you think but I don't love Hero. It isn't my fault if he loves me. I'm very cute after all. Everyone loves me. It's just a shame that the only two decent people in this Squad are you and Hero, and Hero is to much of a heroic idiot for my taste, and you're just an Ice Cold Drama Queen."

The entire room seemed to slowly freeze over as Ken, and Irene both began to use their frozen powers, their frozen souls, seeping out and cooling off the entire room. The windows were quickly covered in frost and a white mist hung in the air. Both girls seemed to glare at one another silver eyes, on icy blue ones. They seemed like they were about to square off which would be bad...

"S... So..." Kitsune said slowly getting the two girls to snap their heads over to him. He let out a squeak and hid behind Light holding the blind boy in front of him as if he was some kind of shield. "D... Do you know who did that to him?"

'Does it matter?" Irene asked letting out a sigh as all the ice and snow vanished from the room.

"Well yeah!" Ken rolled her eyes as she let out a snort. "Of course it matters... If someone could do that to Hero than they're pretty strong... I wanna fight them! I bet I would get so much stronger if I won!" She smirked.

"Is fighting all you think about..." Kitsune sighed.

"Fighting is a great way to stay calm." Light nodded. "Or at least that's what Clown says all the time." He shrugged.

Everyone ignored the blind teen as Irene turned away from the group and walked over to the door. "You should let Hero rest. He's pretty banged up right now. I'm sure you can get him some Life to drink to heal him back up." She said as she began to open the door to the dorm room.

"And where are you going." Ken sighed placing her hands on her hips and glaring at the blonde girl.

Irene was silent for a moment as everything went through her mind for a moment. She remembered everything her brother had said to her, and everything that happened in the first mission they went on, the time her village was attacked and Snow was hurt and her mind went over and over replaying the scene of Ken being stabbed and dying, and Hero nearly snapping and using that dark aura power, and the image of the Dragon that she had seen.

'Fear' was how her brother described it.

"I'm just..." Irene stopped as she considered her words. "Just going to take a bit of a walk okay..."