Master Storm And Squad Seven

Night Seventy Nine

Age 1991

"Oww..." Irene groaned slightly as the Bestia Macht set down on her.

"Well! That was unexpected!" Hero said speaking from behind Light's shoulder as he hid behind the blind teen. "Irene are you alright!"

"Big Brother I shall guard you with my life!" Light announced holding his arms out as he turned himself into a human shield.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Ken said laughing as Irene groaned in agony.

"Hmm... For a group dedicated to slaying these beasts, they sure do keep a lot of them around the base, letting them roam freely around..." Hero muttered poking the creature. "So are you okay Irene?"

"Please get this thing off of me..." Irene groaned in pain.

"Right... Light come give me a hand with this thing."

"As you command Big Brother!"


"Ken can you stop laughing..." Hero asked flatly.

Ken wiped a tear from her eye as she slowed her breathing. "S... Sorry ha... Ha..." She giggled a bit as Irene shot the girl a death glare. "I just found that assuming. It serves her right."

"Ken-" Hero began to protest but the tiny girl leaned forward shushing him.

"So I noticed you panicked about Irene being hurt but not Kitsune." She said in a sly tone making Hero and Irene both look away from the tiny girl. "I ship it-"

"I also ship it." Light nodded. "The sooner Big Brother can have kids, and I can be an Uncle the better."

The Bestia Macht let out a low purring sound as it stared at the three kids in front of it. It was nearly seven feet tall, and ten feet in length. It was covered in a bright red fur, and had a fluffy dark red mane around its neck. Several small scales could also be seen on its body. It had bright green eyes and four legs with very sharp claws on them, and a pair of black twisted horns popped out of its head. It had a thin, but long tail, and a pair of red-wings that came out of its back. It made a low purring sound as it studies the teens with curiosity.

"So..." Hero asked ignoring the two weird teens as he wrapped his arm around the Lion like beast and began to struggle with trying to get it to move. "Where do you think this thing came from-"

"Look out below!" A voice shouted out from above.

"Oh God, not me!" Ken shouted jumping into Hero's arms.

"If I die we all die!" Light announced also jumping into Hero's arms.

"I hate both of you... My only solace is that if it does land on us you two will die with me..." Hero said as his eye twitched and he held both teens in his arms.

The kids looked up seeing a golden flash as a man suddenly appeared falling from the sky. He let out a loud yell as he smacked into the ground below landing face-first on the ground. "I... I have got to work on my landing..." The man muttered out as he set up slowly.

The Bestia Macht let out a low growl as its hand shot out slapping the man in the back of the head and sending him flying.

"Oww... Bad Salem..." The man groaned out as he tried to get back up to his feet.

The Bestia Macht made a low growling sound as a small trickle of flame came out of its mouth.

"Stop trying to run away!" The man said rolling his eyes. He finally got back to his feet as he dusted himself off. He had short curly brown hair, and bright golden eyes. He held a smirk on his face, and had a dusty brown fedora on his head. "Hello, kids!" The man said flashing them a cheeky smile as he cocked his head to the side. "How's it hanging mates?"

"Help me!" Irene hissed out. "My spine is snapping!"

"Oh yeah! Whoops!" The man turned to the Bestia Macht as it stared at him. "Alright Salem. You had your fun. Back to your room." He stated as he held his hand up. A bright golden circle appeared underneath the creature, as a swirling portal formed dropping the creature into it. The portal closed as Irene jumped back up to her feet. "There we go lad."

"That... Sucked..." Irene hissed out rubbing her back.

"That was awesome! What was that portal thingy?" Hero questioned dropping the two kids?

"Oh, that? That's my Equations Cursed Life Power. I'm a Caster Type. I call it Rift." The man said flashing a smile. "It's pretty powerful. I mean it got me to the position of Captain after all."

"You're a Captain?" Ken questioned surprised at that remark. "You... Really don't look like one..."

"Yes. He has the same pressure coming off of him, as the other one's do..." Light muttered. "I can feel a massive wave of hidden intent just below the surface just like I do when I'm near Captain Katrina."

"What Captain are you?" Hero asked casually.

The man smirked as he gave a small bow. "My name is Alexander Gates! The eighth Captain!" He announced proudly.

"Ahh... So you're not a part of the three big one's." Hero said turning away.

"You don't have to be so mean about it!" Alexander said dropping down to his knees out of sadness. "Besides!" He instantly jumped back up. "I still outrank all of you by a lot!"

"Not for long!" Ken announced folding her arms. up as she did her trademarked Ken pose. "We're going to get a lot stronger and become super famous!"

"She's the only one who wants to get famous..." Irene, and Light both muttered.

"I'm gonna be a hero of justice!" Hero announced.

"Never mind... Both her and Hero, are the only one who want to be famous... And Kitsune also I guess... I'm the only normal one..." Irene sighed.

"Stronger huh? Is that why you guys are out here?" Alexander asked.

"Yeah. At least until our friend was dragged away by a Bestia Macht." Ken stated.

"Ahh! You're probably talking about Adolfo." Alexander said hitting his hands together. "That's Sif's, Bestia Macht!"

"Is... Is it common for people to just run around with Bestia Macht's?" Irene asked hesitantly. The Enforcers were not like how she thought they would be...

"Not really. I mean I only know five people who even have Bestia Macht's in the Enforcers!" Alexander said shrugging. "There's me, Sif, Vice-Captain Jackson, Dawson Blight, and Vice-Captain Mary." He nodded his head as he listed them all off. "It is actually really difficult to get a Bestia Macht to trust you so that's why it's rare. But if you guys are looking for your friend, just head to the Squad Seven building. He'll be there."

"Thanks," Ken said nodding. "We should go get him... Unless... You know... Anyone wants to do literally anything else?"

"Well you three can go but he-" Alexander said pointing at Hero. "He's coming with me..."

"Uh oh..." Hero said backing up but was stopped when Irene grabbed his ear. "Ow, ow, ow! Irene why!"

"What the hell did I say about worrying me! Also... What. Did. You. Do." She asked slowly staring at him as he let out a sheepish laugh.

"No... Clue..."



"I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!"

The Bestia Macht crashed into the ground kicking up all the dirt and stone. Kitsune still screamed even after the beast dropped him to the ground.

"I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!"

"Oh! You brought us something back!" A voice said in a confused tone.

"I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I- Oh I'm on the ground?" Kitsune snapped out of his stupor as he looked around. He spotted a massive building with a seven in it. "Whoa! That thing really dragged me far."

"Yeah. Must have been one hell of a ride for you!" Kitsune looked up spotting an outstretched hand. He took it and was helped back up to his feet. "You're not hurt are you? Sorry about this... I guess the wolf dragged you around huh?"

"Umm? No, I'm fine?" Kitsune said looking himself over. "Not a scratch on me." He looked up at the person who had helped him up. It was a young man who looked to be nineteen or twenty. He had red hair, and bright blue eyes. He held a wooden sword at his side and had on what looked like plastic gloves, and boots?

Behind the man was a leaned back chair. In it, a figure set sleeping quietly. Next to them, Kitsune saw Emma, Sera, and Lucy. Squad Seven's three new recruits.

But the thing that really got his attention was a massive metallic cannon that was still smoking!

"Is that the thing that shot at me?"

"Oh, that!" The man who helped him up said as he gave a sheepish smile. "Yeah. Sorry about that. We were playing a game of fetch." He said sheepishly as he reached out to pet the Bestia Macht on the nose.

"Oh. Hello Kitsune!" Emma said walking up as she gave a small wave. She looked around for a few moments as she frowned. "Where's Hero?"

"Well unlike me he didn't get picked up by a giant monster," Kitsune replied shrugging.

"Darn! I really wanted to fight him and see how I do." She sighed out folding her arms up. "I know I can beat him if I get my match. He asked me on the first day of the test to fight him and I turned him down. I feel kind of bad about it."

"Ahh, he'll probably be here soon?" Kitsune said shrugging. "My whole Squad will be. I'm a valuable member of the team after all."

"That is a lie." Lucy said nodding.

"Yeah it's a lie, they hate me..." Kitsune said sadly.

"Oh cool." The nice man said. "I wanted to check you guys out. I'm Nick by the way." He stated holding his hand out. "I'm the Squad Seven Vice-Captain. Over there's my Captain. She's sleeping. She put me in charge of training the new recruits." He said proudly.

"Nick's a much better teacher than Sif!" Emma whispered out. "He actually teaches us stuff. Sif just tries to get us killed!"

"Well... It's better than our guys... We haven't even had a chance to see how Captain Katrina is, and Jackson has been busy, so he has just barely trained us... And the other Enforcers are all away on missions..."

"Sounds hectic."

"You have no idea... I just hope we can get stronger before the next big mission..."

"It seems our Squad is the lucky one then." Sera hummed as a small smile crossed onto her face and she pulled out a fan fanning herself off.



Hero stood in the elevator awkwardly as it slowly rose up. "So..."

"So..." Alexander said raising an eyebrow.

The two of them went back into silence as the elevator began to go up passing the first floor.

"Alright, I'll just ask it? So Master Storm wanted to see me?" Hero questioned.

"Yep. Master Storm asked that you be brought to him. I'm not 100% sure why, but I have a pretty good idea."

"And that is?"

Alexander was quiet for a moment as he seemed to try to figure out what to say. "You're Hero Law right? You have an Equation of a Captain in the first Squad... Not to mention you're friends with a Seraphin, a Nine, a man who came back from the dead, and a Fallen One... What a weird team..."

"Oh... I see. So he wants to talk to me about my powers huh?" Hero asked staring down at his hand for a moment. He looked down at the white Marble in his hand. "I'd like to answer any question I can but honestly I likely don't know much more than you guys do... I have trouble remembering some of my past events..."

"I see." Alexander nodded his head for a moment. "Still the old man will want to have a word for you and talk to you about some things, and some of the past events."

"Right... So..."

"So?" Alexander asked again.

"What's the deal with those cool portals?"

"Oh." Alexander gave a small smirk as he flipped his hat into the air. A portal opened up as it vanished into the portal. A few seconds later the portal opened above Hero's head as the hat fell out and landed on the boys head. "As I said earlier my Equation allows me to open portals... You see there is a realm beyond this world. Another world none of us can see. I call it the void. It's like a different world I guess. I can open portals to that realm and go there and store things as well as pull things out of it. I kind of live there."

"That's cool."

"If you think that is cool you should see this other trick I can do. If I focus hard enough I can do what I call the door trick where I create a door in my void and can-" Before the Captain could finish whatever he was gonna say the elevator doors opened. "Ahh never mind. You should go talk to the Master."

"Yeah... I'll do that." Hero said stepping out of the metal box. He gave a small wave to the Captain as the doors began to close.

"I'll see you down in the hall kid." Alexander said.

Hero slowly turned around and stared down the hallway he was now in. At the very back of it a pair of large iron doors rested.

"Alright... This is it..."