Equations And A Glimpse Of The Secret

Night Eighty

Age 1991

Enforcers Elevator...

"Right... So..."

"So?" Alexander asked again.

"What's the deal with those cool portals?"

"Oh." Alexander gave a small smirk as he flipped his hat into the air. A portal opened up as it vanished into the portal. A few seconds later the portal opened above Hero's head as the hat fell out and landed on the boys head. "As I said earlier my Equation allows me to open portals... You see there is a realm beyond this world. Another world none of us can see. I call it the void. It's like a different world I guess. I can open portals to that realm and go there and store things as well as pull things out of it. I kind of live there."

"That's cool."

"If you think that is cool you should see this other trick I can do. If I focus hard enough I can do what I call the door trick where I create a door in my void and can-" Before the Captain could finish whatever he was gonna say the elevator doors opened. "Ahh never mind. You should go talk to the Master."

"Yeah... I'll do that." Hero said stepping out of the metal box. He gave a small wave to the Captain as the doors began to close.

"I'll see you down in the hall kid." Alexander said.

Hero slowly turned around and stared down the hallway he was now in. At the very back of it a pair of large iron doors rested.

"Alright... This is it..."

Hero stared at the large metal doors as a small unease went through him.

"Ha... Ha... Why am I shaking... I'm only about to talk to one of the strongest men in the world... No big deal..."

Hero gave a small gulp as he pushed the door open and stared into the room. The air instantly made him stop as he made a face.

It was like being at the very edge of the tracks, of an oncoming train. You were aware that it wouldn't hit you, but if you were to slip, forward, even by a mere inch then it would all be over.

The room was like that but on a much bigger extent...

Hero felt nervous, and yet at the same time, there was a shaking feeling in the back of his mind that he didn't have anything to worry about.

He felt that he was safe...

"Ahh Good! You arrived! Come on in my boy!" A kind elderly voice announced in a happy tone. "Come, come!"

Hero looked up as he took in the sight of the room. It was a really big room for an office. It had a pair of stairs leading up to a balcony area. A section which was filled with several bookcases. A massive window that stared out at the city. Up in the roof a mini artificial light rested giving off a blue glow, and heating the room up. A large desk rested almost up against the window as an elderly man set behind the chair. An elderly man who was staring at him with powerful, and yet kind, crackling blue eyes. Master Storm... Leader of the Enforcers. Strongest man in the world...

Off to the side, a second figure stood. A young gorgeous looking blonde woman. Hero recognized her as the girl who did the announcements a month, and a half ago, when he was first joining. One of the Four Sacred Beasts of Master Storm. Another one of the strongest people in the world.

At the foot of the desk rested the body of a Bestia Macht. The one who determined where everyone would go. It lazily looked up at Hero as it stared at him with boredom. Yet another powerful being.

"Oh, I recognize him!" The girl said letting out a laugh. "He's the one who has become the talk of the Base? He barely has a Pressure though? A total newbie. Though... He is kind of cute." The girl flashed the kid who was under aged a smile making Hero turn away with a light blush.

"Now, now Angel." Master Storm said giving out a warm grandfatherly laugh. "Don't scare him off. Besides. I'm sure this whole gossip thing will blow over in no time, as soon as someone else does something odd." The man flashed Hero a smile as he waved at a seat. "Come sit down my boy."

Hero walked forward slowly as he set in the chair awkwardly sitting there. He stared curiously at the woman as he cocked his head to the side. "Why is she here?" He asked curiously.

"Ahh! Well, the Four Sacred Beast always insist of leaving at least one of them with me at all times." Master Storm said laughing. "Today Angel was chosen."

"The Four Sacred Beast?" Hero questioned curiously.

"We're an elite subgroup dedicated specifically to guarding the Master." The woman said gesturing slightly. "As the name suggests there are four of us. Me, Ward, Zane, and Alpha. Just think of us as super Enforcers."

"So you're like really strong then?"



Master Storm cleared his throat getting the attention back on him. "So..."

"Hero Law."

"So Mr. Law." Master Storm said slowly. "I brought you here because I have a few questions I wanted to ask you regarding you, as well as your current group."

"Okay? Fire away sir."

"Hmm... Let's see what should I ask first... Ahh about you joining Squad Six... Tell me what made you want to lie, and say that was your squad?" Master Storm asked curiously as he cocked his head at the boy who was beginning to freak out slightly.

"Lie! Why! I don't know what you mean."

"You're a bad actor..." Angel said reaching out and patting Hero on the head. "Stick with the day job..."

The old man let out a chuckle. "Mr. Law... I own the Bestia Macht who determines where everyone goes. He told me the truth. You were assigned to Squad One, but when you got the chance to speak you told everyone that you were assigned to Squad Six instead. What made you want to say that?"

Hero looked down for a moment as he thought about what he should say. "Well... I just didn't want to go to Squad One... Sure it might have been the best but something just felt off to me at the time? Also Max was in that Squad and well... On top of that, all of my new friends went to Squad Six, and Jackson also seemed really cool too when I first met him and I learned he was in Squad Six so it made me want to join that Squad as well. As for my final reason and the thing that made me want to join Squad Six for sure... When I was six I was saved by my father..."

"I see... Normally I would have removed you from Squad Six immediately and placed you back where you belong, or just have kicked you out, but I decided against it at the time. I wanted to see how it turned out for a little while. I think I'm proud to say that I feel like you chose the right Squad though for the wrong reasons."

"What does that mean?"

"I think Squad Six would be the best Squad for you simply because of their track record and who you are... But choosing it for your friends wasn't the best idea... Being an Enforcer it can be hard to maintain friendships."

Hero frowned slightly. "I'll keep that in mind sir?"

The old man gave another laugh. "Back on topic... On to my next question. Do you know a group who is calling themselves The Organization? You had a run in with two members of them."

"That sounds like a very unoriginal name..."

"I'll take that as a no?"

"Nope. Sorry, grandpa Storm. I don't know a group by that name." Hero said sheepishly as he ran his hand through his hair. "I could have heard the name from somewhere but off of the top of my head I'm blanking."

"That is quite alright." The old man said laughing slightly. "I doubted that you did, but I needed to double-check though. These next few questions may be a bit personal." He warned.

"I'll answer them as best as I can."

"Do you know a man by the name of Okami Otoko?"

"...Y... Yeah... I met him a few years ago when I was a kid... He's gone now though..."

"I thought so... Well... Mr. Law by any chance... Have you ever met a woman named Hero as well? Silver hair and crimson eyes?"

"Yeah... I kind of know who she is I think... She's also dead though isn't she... She died in the lab..." Hero said sadly.

"I see." Master Storm nodded. "When did you meet Miss Law for the first time?"

"I don't remember fully... It was in the lab I grew up in though. I know she took care of me, while I was in the facility. She also helped out my little brother Vil who is also gone." He replied.

"Do you know who your biological parents are?" Master Storm asked.

"Not really? I mean I know my 'dads' name is apparently 'Orion' or at least that's what he goes by, and thats, what my father Piero told me, but I don't know who my real mother is... Piero said I didn't have a mom though?" Hero said giving a small shrug. "For me, the woman in the Tavern was my mother. She took care of me, and helped me. Same as Piero. He raised me and gave me his dream. I like to think that he is still with me even to this day. Do you know more about the first Hero chick though? I heard she was an Enforcer in Squad One right?"

"Yes... Miss Law was always quite the friendly girl..." Master Storm said quietly as a small bit of emotion entered his voice.

"Did you know her well?"

"We all did..." The girl said speaking up. "Hero is... Sorry. Was an amazing woman... She was actually the Squad Captain for Squad One for several years ago... However she ended up getting captured by a rogue nation at the time. And her father Piero... He was strong."

"You knew dad?" Hero asked frowning.

"Yes..." Master Storm nodded his head for a moment. "Piero was never in the Enforcers... Nor was his brother. Tell me Hero... Where did you get your name?"

Hero frowned slightly as he let out a hum. "I don't know. I'm just Hero Law. Son of Piero. A Hero of Justice. A superhero..."

"I see..." Master Storm gave a small nod of his head. "A dream huh... So that's what you are..."


"Do you know who Row is?" Master Storm asked.

"I kind of do?" Hero frowned as he gave a shrug. "I have memories of being called Row but they always feel off I guess... Like they aren't mine but someone else's, kind of like trying to remember a dream... But I know for a fact that I am not one of those Second Rebirth thingys... I'm not really sure what I am?" He said staring down at his hands for a moment.

"There, there..." Angel said patting the boy on the shoulder.

Master Storm let out a small hum as he nodded his head for a moment. "Thank you Mr. Law... This has greatly helped me confirm something that I had been wondering about. Now. Onto a few of the bigger questions. I plan on calling Ms. Red here but while I have you here let me ask you. Do you think Ms. Red is a Seraphin?"

"Yeah. I guess? A few people are calling her that, I know that? Her powers are not normal for sure though, I know that for a fact. She's weird..."

"Yes I assumed she would be. Tell me Mr. Law has she ever acted weird?"

"She can came back from the dead once. That was pretty wild."

Master Storm nodded his head for a moment as he ran his hands through his beard. "Do you know a man who goes by the name of Mr. Hyde?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

Hero let out a small wince as he nodded his head. "Yeah... I know who that is... Not a big fan of him though."

"I see. What is your connection with this man?"

I first met him when I was younger but now I think it could actually be even further back... Anyways I know he once talked to me when I was a kid? He also called me Row. I think he made me? But from what I should know I met him a few years later when my father Piero had died. I had tried to bring him back and Mr. Hyde told me he could help... Later on I fought him again with a girl named Leena."

"I see... That must have been a lot to go through huh?" Master Storm asked.

"Yeah... It sucked..."

"Well Mr. Law the Squad and recruits you are with are very interesting... Having both a Seraphin, and a Fallen One, those being Irene, and Ken, I will have to take certain precautions for this weird team. From now on I would like you to talk around this. Also he seems to have taken a liking to you anyways." As Master Storm spoke he pulled a small black box out and opened it showing a tiny metal ball which began to unfold.

"Droney!" Hero said with wide eyes as it flew out of the box and landed on the boys head and began to turn his hair into a makeshift nest...

"He named it Droney?" Angel questioned.

The old man cleared his throat getting things back on topic now that Hero had been reunited with his new friend. "Well, Hero. If you don't mind Angel here is going to run a few tests on you."

"Okay? What do I need to do?"

"Please take off your shirt."

"Not okay."