The Sleeping Dream

Night Eighty One

Age 1991

Master Storm's Office

"Well Mr. Law the Squad and recruits you are with are very interesting... Having both a Seraphin, and a Fallen One, those being Irene, and Ken, I will have to take certain precautions for this weird team. From now on I would like you to talk around this. Also he seems to have taken a liking to you anyways." As Master Storm spoke he pulled a small black box out and opened it showing a tiny metal ball which began to unfold.

"Droney!" Hero said with wide eyes as it flew out of the box and landed on the boys head and began to turn his hair into a makeshift nest...

"He named it Droney?" Angel questioned. "What a stupid name..."

The old man cleared his throat getting things back on topic now that Hero had been reunited with his new friend. "Well, Hero. If you don't mind Angel here is going to run a few tests on you."

"Okay? What do I need to do?"

"Please take off your shirt."

"Not okay." Hero said with wide eyes as he leaned back slowly.

"Oh relax kid." The girl said letting out a laugh. "I'm way out of your league."

"And there goes my self-confidence boost... Weird. Most girls throw themselves at me. I'm not used to rejection..." Hero mumbled out as he took off his black T-shirt.

"Whoa." Angel said with wide eyes as she stared at Hero's body.

He had a decent build showing he often worked out but that wasn't the impressive thing. What had her attention was all the scars that covered his entire body crisscrossing back and forth. There were two really nasty ones. One was a coin that seemed to be sowed into his flesh on his back. The other was a large scar over where his heart was shaped like a 'D' that looked kind of nasty.

"Those are a lot of scars." Master Storm noted.

"Oh yeah. I got most of these from training with my Master." Hero noted. "He's a weird guy. Speaks in a backwards speech."

"I see... Master Aka huh? One of the Twenty Sacred Branches. A good friend of mine."

"He was a Noble!" Hero said with wide eyes. The drone on his head let out several clicks.

"Alright!' The girl said walking up behind him. " Now this is gonna feel a little weird..." She said slowly. She placed her hands together as a white aura suddenly surrounded her. "Fero." She spoke calmly, as the aura surrounded her eyes making them appear as if white flames were coming out of them. She slowly reached up and placed a hand on Hero's back as the white aura slowly covered his body.

"This feels weird?" He said shivering even though a warm effect shot through his body. He shivered slightly as the white flame like aura washed over him. It trailed through his many scars and began to move to his heart where a large scar in the shape of a 'D' could be seen. The scar lit up and made Hero's body shake.

"The first times always the weirdest." The old man said chuckling. "But relax. It's your first time so Angel will be gentle."

"Why is everyone in the Enforcers perverts..."

"Get your head out of the gutter!" Angel said rolling her eyes. She placed her other hand on the boys back as she stared down at him. "Welp. You were right Master... That Crest is inside of him placed over his heart... And its active... It's the 'D' Crest and the things going wild..."

"What are Crests?" Hero questioned. A small trickle of blood flowed out of his nose as he shook himself slightly.

For a moment the world faded and he stood in a black void of nothingness. He saw him in there. Yume... His Uncle... Brother of Piero.

"My, my..." Yume said with a small smirk. He had slightly tanned skin dark than most and messy silver hair and bright blood red eyes. He wore a fancy white suit and had a sly smile. "It seems the dream has returned to me once again. I wonder... When will you wake up Row?"

Hero shook his head as the void vanished and he was back in the real world.

"A Crest huh..." Master Storm said with a small hum. "Well to put it simply they are a type of an Equation known as Crest Types that were passed down by God himself back in the day. Those who held them also held the title of Dragon... Though any time a Human had a Crest it caused some major problems. The Crest within you is the 'D' Crest. From what I know it belonged to Yume. Your father Piero also had a Crest. His was the 'C' Crest."

"D... Dad was one of these Dragon people? Wait I have one so am I one?"

Master Storm let out another small hum. "Who's to say. A human shouldn't be able to have a Crest without it killing them or messing with them. I doubt you'll ever be able to use its power. But what you should know is Piero was a great help to our cause. The Dragon Clan is not one we like... He betrayed his own clan and even killed his own brother to save the humans which he was so fond of... I have no idea why that Crest is within your body or why it is active... If I were to take a guess though I would say that Crest is why you have the Equation in your hand. It's likely the Crest made that Equation."

"So other than that everything is fine?" Hero questioned. "You guys can just remove that Crest thingy and I'm good to go right?"

"Well besides some heavily messed up Equation readings and a thing said to be given out by God resting in your body than yeah. Everything else is fine." Angel said nodding.

"Okay? So can we just remove the Crest?"

"Not... Exactly..." Angel said letting out a small hiss.

Hero sighed shaking his head. "Okay... What's the problem."

"Well... For starters, like all Crests it has been placed over your heart..." Angel said nervously. "That's not good... It is placed directly over your heart so removing it would mean removing your heart... While that could be done without killing you from what I can tell this Crest is what is making you, you... Pulling it out would mean Hero Law comes undone... On top of that whatever you did to your Equation messed it up. The nerves in your right hand is nearly fired."

"I'm guessing all of that is bad?" Hero questioned.

"Kind of?" Angel replied casually as she shrugged. "I mean. If you kept pushing your powers how they are now you would have caused more force on this Crest. Due to how just bloated your Equation lines are, and how tangled they are you would probably explode in a few days if you kept using that power..."

"That sounds painful..."

"Thankfully for you. I can undo them." The woman gloated.

Hero let out a small gasp as a smile formed onto his face. "Am I gonna get access to 100% amd be able to evolve my power!"

"No... Not even close... It wouldn't change anything just stop you from feeling the pain from shifting your arm to your new forms."

Hero's smile instantly faded.

"At most maybe 50% of your power could pop up but that seems dangerous..."

"How is that dangerous!"

"Can you control your powers now?"


"So no."

"Yeah No I suck at it." Hero sighed out.

"Exactly my point." The girl stated nodding her head. "If I were to unlock it now, it could push you way to far, and pop... Although we're at what we call, a bad crossroad..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... If I don't undo them then you'll pop. Your Equation isn't working how it should. Not only did it almost become a Fallen One, it also has been snapped in half, put back together and then shifted into new forms several times. This is straining it. If I do undo them, I could probably get them to calm back down. Doing this wouldn't make you stronger or anything. Rather all it would do is lower the pain you would feel and ease that. However there is always the chance your Equation could rebreak..."

Hero let out a small hiss. "That's definitely bad."

"You're taking this rather well though all things considered."

"Well?" Hero gave a small shrug. "I decided I can't really be afraid right now. I have more important things to worry about, someone taught me that. Besides. They have to come undone no matter what right?"

"My, my... Aren't you quite the brave boy... Maybe you're my type after all."

"Umm. No thank you?"

Angel let out another laugh as she looked up towards Master Storm. "Well. What do you think we should do?"

Master Storm let out a sigh. "This is definitely a hard question... Mr. Law's Equation is simply not compatible with his body. It's a by product of his Crest... We could leave them tangled and just hope that they don't cause him to die, or we could untangle them, and just hope he finds a way to control the fluctuation of power which judging from his character and lack of skill isn't very likely..."

"Untangle them." Hero said simply. "I'll take my chances. Besides if I die by exploding that's pretty hardcore way to go out! I just hope I'm near Kitsune when it happens. I'm satisfied with that kind of death. Especially if I can grab onto the guy I'm fighting while it happens. I'll have one hell of a story to tell God when I arrive in Heaven."

Master Storm let out a small chuckle. "You're a strange kid Mr. Law... Very well Angel undo them by just a little..."

"Right." Angel nodded as her fingers began to glow. "Now remember Hero... Your power is going to really go all over the place. You'll start of at where you are, but slowly that'll be pushed up more and more, the more you fight... It's very likely you'll rip your body apart once you reach a higher percent level unless you can find some way to gain better control over your Equation... It's going to be tricky though... Good luck."

"I understand." Hero said nodding his head once again. "Trust me. I have no plans of dying. Well, at least not yet." He said sheepishly. "Maybe in a few years but I like life for now."

"That's good."

"I have one more question for you Hero." Master Storm said as a small thought crossed his mind.

"What is it grandpa Storm?" Hero questioned.

"How much do you want to be involved in serious matters..."

Hero was silent as he considered the question. "No comment... Whatever you think is best..."

The elderly man snorted for a second. "Very well... Angel go ahead and use your power..."

The girl with wings pressed her fingers to the back of Hero's neck as the glowing got brighter. It covered Hero's Equation and the large 'D' Crest scar in his heart. Once again a small trickle of blood came out of Hero's nose as his body shook once again.

Suddenly he was once again gone. No longer sitting in the office. Back in that damn void with that damn Uncle of his...

"Hello Dream..." His Uncle said giving a small smirk.

"What do you want..." Hero sighed.

"I was just wondering how long you'll keep existing... Same for me you know. After all we're both not real. Just made by that Crest."

"You never make any sense." Hero said rolling his eyes.

The void seemed to change and morph as Hero looked around with wide eyes. The room changed and took on the shape of a small boys room. His home... Where he used to live with his father Piero... In the room a small bed rested where a young boy with snow white hair and closed ruby red eyes rested quietly being fast asleep.

"So..." His Uncle said giving a slight smirk as Hero watched the young boy. "When do you think 'Row' will wake up?"