Vibrations Versus The Fox

Night Eighty Two

Age 1991

"So..." Kitsune said awkwardly as he shrugged slightly. "What happens now?" He said slowly.


The fox boy turned only to see a small fourteen-year-old girl flying towards him.


Ken's foot slammed into the fox teens' face launching him back across the yard.

"Whoa..." Nick said with wide eyes as he watched the Fox Noble's body get sent flying back. "Who's she... That is a lot of power in that tiny body?"

"Kitsune!" Ken said again landing on the ground. "Why'd you allow yourself to get separated from the group! We had to come and get you because you let yourself get captured! How dare you!"

Kitsune made a sour face as he slowly pushed himself back up to his feet. His eyes twitched as he managed to get back up to his feet. "Good to see you too Ken..." He muttered out as he glared at the girl. "I feel less, and less sad about you turning me down every time I see you..."

"Ken! You promised you wouldn't kick him!" Irene said with wide eyes as she walked up behind the small girl.

"Actually. She said she would think about it..." Light said helpfully as he also walked up.

"Light is right. I thought about it, and decided that I wanted to kick him." The fourteen-year-old girl stated nodding her head.

"Hello Sister Ken," Emma said with a wave.

"Hello Sister Emma." The tiny girl said greeting her Nun friend.

"You're the girl who was at the restaurant," Lucy said slowly as she stared at the small girl.

"I remember her as well!" Sera announced. "She was the one making eyes at Hero-"

"Very good Sera..."

"Who's this?" Ken questioned looking over to Nick in question. "He looks-"

"Hello. I'm Nick. I'm a Vice-Captain of Squad Seven." The man said slowly holding his hand out. He cocked an eyebrow as he stared down at Ken. "You look familiar... I think Jackson mentioned you? You wanted to learn how to use a sword or something weird like that? I was about to teach Kitsune but he seems to know what he's doing."

"Oh yeah that sword thingy." Ken said giving a small smirk as a pair of needles stabbed out her wrists and she pulled them out. The needles seemed to morph for a second turning into a pair of long curved swords.

"Since when can she do that!" Kitsune asked alarmed.

"I practiced really hard." Ken said swinging the two swords around awkwardly causing everyone to step away from her as she sliced a chunk out of one of the nearby pillars. "Pretty cool right!"

"Stupid Seraphins having stupid busted powers..." Irene, and Kitsune both muttered the two of them pouting in a corner. Light patted their heads.

Nick gave a slight smile as he reached for his hip pulling up a wooden sword. It was in the shape of a generic long sword just like how Ken's were. The wood was sharp and sturdy looking. Like it could cut you even though it was made out of wood. "We have matching swords it would seem." Nick noticed.

Ken stared at his sword for a few seconds as her dull red eyes seemed to flash with curiosity. "Are you any good with that sword?"

"I'm probably the best swordsman in the Enforcers-"

"Teach me."

"Yeah okay."

"Curses-" Ken stopped as she cocked her head at him. "What?"

"I said okay," Nick said letting out a small laugh. "I'd be happy to train you in how to use those blades. Though I only know how to use one... Anyways. Yeah. I'll teach you how to at least use one blade. I would love to see more Enforcers adopt this style but, most forgo elegance in favor of brutish weaponry. Your Vice-Captain is a great example of that. A massive brutish blade of lightning that he drops down on Bestia Macht ripping them apart. Of course, Mr. Storm does have an elegant way in which he fights with the blade swinging it around and flying through the air on his own. I believe the Nation of White had the right way to fight with these weapons. The Nation Of White doesn't use Enforcers. Rather their land is filled with Cherry Blossoms and they fight with curved blades holding the titles of Samurai."

"I love them already." Kitsune nodded.

"So you'll teach me?"

"Yeah. I'll teach you everything I know. None of my Squad members even use a sword so I'm kind of useless." Nick laughed.

"Aren't we on different Squads though?" Ken questioned as she eyed the man up with suspicion. "This isn't a trap is it?"

"Relax," Nick said letting out a small laugh as he reached out placing a hand on the small girl's head which she quickly swatted away. "Some of the other Squads might enjoy infighting but Squad Seven is usually teamed up with Squad Six. Our squad Captains have a weird love-hate relationship... Squad Seven is almost always the backup squad to squad six."

"So when can we start?" Ken questioned curiously.

"Well. If I remember correctly from a recent report Squad Six is planned to be sent off a mission soon." Nick said giving a shrug. "We could possibly start when your Squad gets back."

"I guess that settles it..." Light said letting out a small sigh. "Ken is gonna get a massive head start on us..."

"I know..." Kitsune said with a frown. "And Jackson only gave me and Irene, a vague hint on what we should do..."

"I wasn't even told anything..." Light said still frowning. "Oh well. I'll just keep following the path I used to follow when I was the other taller, older, not blind Light, and try and evolve like he could. I think I'm close to-"

"I'll find my own way to catch up..." Irene stated simply cutting the blind boy off.

"Well we should probably head back," Kitsune announced turning away.

"We can't," Ken replied shaking her head. "I told Hero we would be waiting for him over here..."

"Well great," Kitsune said letting out a sigh. "Guess we're stuck waiting then aren't we..."

"Then this would be a great time for me to practice with my new toy!" Emma announced as she pointed a finger towards Kitsune. "I demand you battle me!"

"Why me!?"

"Well if Hero isn't here I figured you'd be the second best option..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Kitsune said holding his hands up. "I am way better than Devil Arm. I'm not the second best. Irene is second best-"


"Hero's like... The third strongest." Kitsune nodded. "Power wise it goes Ken, Me, Hero, Light, and Irene."

"What? He's not the strongest?" Emma said surprised.

"Wait? But Irene is older than you guys? Shouldn't she be the strongest-"

"Aren't you supposed to be challenging Kitsune to a fight." Irene said bluntly.

"Good point... Kitsune! I challenge you!"

Kitsune gave a small sigh. "Well... Why not? I mean I am bored anyways." He said giving a shrug. "Besides... This should be at least a little interesting. And as a Samurai it is my duty!" He announced drawing his blade and igniting his ears and tails.

Emma gave a small nod. "Nick! Do the thing!" She announced.

"Uhh! Yeah sure. Okay." The Squad Seven Vice-Captain said as he gave a small shrug. He bent down placing his hands on the ground. There was a silver flash and slowly the ground underneath them turned into a sharp metal. The grass, concrete, and dirt all just became a solid metal structure.

"Whoa..." Ken said raising an eyebrow.

"That's my Cursed Power." Nick said giving a smirk. "I'm a Caster Type. Anything I touch that is non-living can be converted into any solid metal of my choosing. Not too strong for combat but I manage."

"That's pretty cool!" Ken responded.

"So you made us an arena?" Kitsune said inspecting the metal floor. "Not bad."

"Alright, Fox boy!" Emma announced pointing at the noble. "Get ready!" She clicked a button causing her chainsaw to roar to life. "Let's do this!"

"Oh that's right... You fight with a freaking chainsaw... You know... On second thought. Actually I think I've changed my mind on this whole-"

Emma shot forward as she swung the chaotic weapon out sending out a wave of vibrations that quite literally shredded everything they touched. Kitsune gave a yelp. Instantly all nine of his tails shot forward wrapping around him right as the wave of vibrations hit him head-on.

The wave of vibrations pushed against his tails slowly pushing the boy back but he gritted his teeth and stood his ground blocking them with his flaming tails. He slashed his sword out sending the aura of vibrations into the air and away from him as he pointed his blade at the nun.

"Nice try but-"

Emma ran forward right as the wave disappeared. Then she pulled the craziest stunt she could possibly think of on the spot!

She jumped forward at the fox Noble, and threw her still roaring chainsaw into the air up above both of them, while she ran at Kitsune!

Kitsune watched with wide eyes as the chainsaw began to spin as it fell out of the air and towards them. Seconds later Emma struck with her own fist as Kitsune blocked it with the blunt of his blade but that was a trap as her hand wrapped around it ignoring the pain as it cut into her. All the while the roaring saw above them dropped getting lower and lower. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute you psycho Church girl, that's gonna kill us both!"

Kitsune tried to jumped back but Emma was too quick, and in a single motion managed to wrap her arms around the boy pulling him into a hug right as the saw was right about it reach them. Emma slammed her body into the man as she sent a wave of vibration through them both attacking Kitsune's insides with the force!

Both teens slipped back hitting the floor as Emma held her hand up catching her weapon by the handle as she slashed it down.

Kitsune stared up with wide eyes as it was placed inches away from his throat still roaring as he made a gulping sound.





"So do I win?"

"Yeah..." Kitsune said with a very pale face. "I give... That was so cheating though..."

Emma gave a small kind smile as she helped the boy back up and her weapon shut off. "I've been practicing."

"Whoa! Way to go Emma!" Everybody turned to see a Golden Gate open up. Seconds later Hero, and Alexander stepped out. "Cool weapon." Hero stated giving a nod to the girl as he flashed her a thumbs up.

Alexander gave a slightly sheepish grin as he shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry that I stole your friend... I'm returning him now. Turns out he's very annoying so I don't want him anymore."

"Emma's kind of scary now." Hero laughed.

"Ahh, I can take her..." Ken muttered out puffing her cheeks out.

"They all got a lot stronger." Hero said nodding his head.

"How did you guys get so strong in such a short amount of time?" Irene questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Our Captain is an insane individual..." Emma said as a shiver went down her spine. She pointed over to the figure of a sleeping Sif, who still somehow hadn't woken up despite the loud noises of combat. "The training she puts us through when she is up, is downright criminal... So many broken bones..." Emma gave a few tears as she sniffed.

"That's not bad..." Hero said shrugging. "Master's training was worse." Hero and Kitsune both shivered as they thought about their Master who spoke in a weird way.

"Well..." Nick stated giving a shrug. "Let's just say that the first day I met Sif, she broke every bone in my body, punctured almost all my internal organs, nearly ripped my leg off, burned me down to almost the bone, and then she began the training..."

"How are you still alive?"

"I don't know... Magic healing powers from the Captain..." Nick said giving a shiver of his own... "But Sif... She's a miracle worker... She is able to turn any person into an insanely powerful warrior, if given enough time. And as long as you don't wake her up she won't kill you."

"What happens when you wake her up?" Hero questioned as he peaked over Nick's shoulder. He could see Alexander was quietly walking up to the sleeping body of Sif.

"Well?" Nick said giving a shrug. "Imagine everything horrible in the world. Then multiply it by cancer. Then clone it, but the clone turns out genetically wrong. Then blend the clone. Then resurrect its blended body. Then clone that. Then multiply that by cancer. And if you're lucky it'll stop at there..."

"That sounds bad..." Hero said slowly.

"Yeah..." Nick said letting out a sigh. "Thankfully the only person dumb to wake Sif up is Captain Alexa-" Nick stopped as he blinked a few times. His eyes slowly widened with horror. "We're dead..."


The sound of the slap echoed out as Alexander's hand slammed into the unconscious body of Sif.

"Wake up!" Alexander screamed.

And then... In a single instant. Alexander vanished as he used his wrap gate to teleport out leaving the others behind to face the wrath of a pissed off Sif...