The Curious Case Of The Sixth Squad...

Night Eighty Three

Age 1991

The Masters Office...

'How much do you want to be involved in serious matters...'

That had been what Master Storm had asked the young Mr. Law. that was on Squad Six... The boy's answer hadn't shocked the old man. He knew who he was after all.


It had been so long since he had last talked to his old friend.

Even before he knew who Hero Law really was he had, had his suspicions. After all he had 'that' goal...

"Master Storm..." Angel said quietly as she frowned at the old man. "Was it really a good idea to leave that up to him... I mean he was a sixteen-year-old boy who thinks he is a lot stronger than he actually is?" She asked quietly. She knew Master Storm could be insane sometimes but that seemed to be something that was just downright foolish... Something even he shouldn't have done...

"You underestimate the newer generation Angel..." Master Storm said giving a small smile. He turned in his chair staring out the window. "Children are our next generation. I believe that they will be the ones to carry us forward. This generation is hitting its limit. That is why we recruit new Enforcers every new Age. Our group is dying. There are less than three hundred of us currently. Every day we lose more. The Enforcers are what inspires hope in the Nation of Red. For them to fall would be the biggest blow... That is why we will grow. That is why I will choose to believe in every kid we meet..."

"Then... We should get even more recruits!" Angel announced pointing up to the roof in a weird pose. "More Enforcers means more fighters and soldiers to battle the Bestia Macht! Come on. We turn down so many every year!"

"Have you been talking to Ward?" Master Storm asked curiously. "Ward has been going on about that for quite some time. He thinks we should allow anyone to join."

"Well... Yeah. But it's a good idea. We need more members." Angel stated. "I mean I hate Ward. The guys a total asshole, but he has a point. Joining the Enforcers isn't easy. We get hundreds of potential recruits, but only accept less than half of them... Getting more could really help us you know... And we need to find the Heart-"

"You seem to be forgetting. Being an Enforcer is about having that spark. I refuse to let anyone who doesn't have the spark to join. It would only slow us down and get those who lack the spark killed." Master Storm stated in a loud voice. "None of them would be able to last through even a single hard mission... That is why I let Rajin exam them. He can tell if they have that spark." The old man reached down rubbing the back of his pet which let out a quiet purring noise. "As for the Heart... Don't worry about that... Leave that to this old man to find." He chuckled.

Angel let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, sir... It was just a thought." There was a moment of silence as she stared at her leader. "Squad six has certainly been something this year... What has it been... Four Years since they last got a new recruit, and now here they are with five of the strangest recruits I've ever seen..."

"That is correct." Master Storm stated giving a nod. "I've personally looked at the files on all five of those recruits... One in particular really stands out to me. A young fourteen-year-old girl. The Seraphin... I'm sure she will be the one to carry on my will when she is gone. Ken Red... Yes... She will make a fine Enforcer and be the one to keep the Heart safe. I'm sure of it."

"That girl... Is she really that strong?"

"Yes. And she has the stench of the Order all around her." Master Storm reached up stroking a hand through his long white beard.

"The Order?"

"Ahh. It is nothing. Just a small group that has caught my interest. I doubt that they will ever be relevant. What is relevant though is a new crime syndicate that has recently popped up? They are calling themselves the Organization. As of now, we have very little data on them, but we know that they are after the Ruby ring."

"So you hid the ring somewhere safe?"

"No, I gave it to the Squad, that is the least qualified to keep it safe."


"Because I thought it would be funny?"


Master Storm cleared his throat as he looked away from the girl. "So anyways." He said changing the topic. "The Organization... I still as of now know very little about them... We have managed to capture one of their members for questioning but he's a rock-solid man... No matter what form of torture we inflict he doesn't talk. We still know nothing about them... No idea who they are working with. One thing that we need to figure out is their motivation..."

"Well? They want that ring right. What exactly is the ring?"

Master Storm let out a small sigh. He slowly raised his hand up showing off a diamond ring that was on his finger. "The five-colored rings... White Diamond, Red Ruby, Green Emerald, Blue Sapphire, and Black Coal... They are five rings made during Age 100... They were all scattered across the Nation of Red ending up in several various places. All five of them make up a Key... A key to a mysterious vault that is said to hold a great weapon..."

"How do you know all this?"

"That is not important." Master Storm said giving a slight shrug. "What is important, is keeping them out of the enemies hands."

"So we should lock the rings up?"



"Because it isn't fun, if the world isn't in danger!" Master Storm announced.

"Oh my God, you are so irresponsible!"

Master Storm gave a small chuckle before his face suddenly grew serious. He reached out placing a hand on the glass of his window. "Something that boy said resonated with me. Something I seem to have forgotten in my old age."

'How much do you want to be involved in serious matters...'

Master Storm gave a small smile. "He didn't hesitate to answer..."

"Is that why you decided to send Squad Six on a new mission?" Angel asked.

"That boy... Hero Law. He was supposed to go to Squad One but choose Squad Six. Not to mention the ties to Squad One... He was trained by Master Aka a previous Squad One Captain, he also knew Okami Otoko, a previous Squad One Captain, and he shares the same name, and same powers, as a previous squad One Captain, and he was the son of Piero who worked with Squad One a lot..."

"You seem to have taken a liking to that boy sir."

Master Storm gave a small nod. "It would seem I have..."

"That reminds me, sir... We need to go over how much you spent on the-"


The window exploded as Mast Storm threw himself out of it escaping the clutches of his Angel...

"Damn it sir..."


Squad Six's Room...

"Somehow we're not dead!" Hero said collapsing forward, into the Squad Six building face down as he gasped out.

"Oh, God..." Ken moaned also falling. "Everything hurts." She cried out.

"That Captain Sif really did a number on us..." Kitsune whined. "Why are other people so strong..."

Irene and Light causally walked into the building unharmed. They were smart enough to start running immediately and got out of the danger zone before things really got bad...

"Whoa!" Hannah said raising an eyebrow. "New recruits look bad."

"Oh, they were playing with Sif or something?" Jackson said sipping some coffee and reading his official Enforcer Scroll. It was the small metallic brick he had tossed to Ken the first time she got to pick a mission. They allow Enforcers to do everything on the campus even letting them open up different doors in the buildings, as well as letting them receive updates, and select missions.

"It doesn't look like they had a lot of fun..." Hannah muttered out with raised eyebrows.

"Big Sis?" Hero said staring up at the girl. "What are you doing here?"

Hannah gave a small wave. "I just came here to chill out now that I finished my current mission. I'll be leaving soon on another one in a few hours."

"Also... Can you stop stealing my pet!" Jackson said shooting her a glare as he finally looked up at the girl.

Hannah muttered out a few choice phrases as the winged Bestia Macht pulled its self out of her body phasing through her and flying out. It landed on Jackson's shoulder as he still glared at her. The winged beast let out a kaw.

"What exactly is your power?" Kitsune asked.

Hannah gave a small shrug. "Sorry little man." She stated patting the Fox on top of the head. "You're not quite at the level where I'd trust you with information-"

"Her body is basically a door to another dimension, where she can store stuff in. Basically allowing things to phase through or out of her into this dimension or into her dimension. So in short she is basically a massive door!" Jackson said casually.

"You son of a-"

The Vice-Captain avoided the strike from the girl as he flashed away and appeared on the other side of the room. His Bestia Macht made a trademarked 'kaw' as Jackson flipped Hannah the bird while still taking a sip of his coffee.

"What is happening right now..." Irene questioned dumbfounded. "I... Why do Enforcers act this way! I wanted to join this group for Justice. Instead everyone is insane..."

Jackson gave a small smile as he shrugged. "Sorry to disappoint you. If you want to be around a serious Enforcer hang out with Dawson... He's-"

There was a loud whooshing sound as the metal doors to the downstairs floor opened up. Also apparently the Squad Six building had down stairs... Who knew? "Hey, Jackson," Dawson stated walking in now. "Claus just finished his work."

"Claus is done!" Jackson said with a bright smile. "Good... I've been waiting a whole month for this!" He said smirking.

"Who is Claus? Wait is he that Santa rip off that made us outfits?" Hero questioned in mild confusion.

"Claus is only the coolest guy ever!" Jackson announced pointing up to the roof. "Come on shitty recruits."

"Did he just call us shitty recruits-"

Jackson flashed away heading downstairs. The five recruits looked at each other as they all followed after their Vice-Captain. "Claus," Ken said making a slight face. "That sounds like a weird name..."

Hero karate chopped her on the head. "Bad Ken..."


Ken slammed her fist on Hero's head.

"Ok, you win..." Hero yelled out clutching his bruised head.

The group walked down a large flight of stairs as they descended into an underground room beneath the building. As they got closer a sound began to become more clear.





It was like someone was slamming a metal object against another metal thing... It echoed out, again and again, getting louder and louder all the while a wave of heat was built up. With every step, they got more intense as the heat grew, and the sounds echoed more.

Irene gave a heavy frown as she reached up unzipping her jacket by just a little. "It's getting hot in here..." She muttered out.

The group continued walking down as an orange light got brighter, and brighter. Finally, they stepped into a large open room. The entire room itself was made out of a brownish looking stone? There was a massive red metal anvil in the center with what looked like a large flaming forge behind it. Molten metal bubbled up in the forge as a large burly man held up a massive metal hammer up as he prepared to bring it down. He had long white hair, and a massive white beard. Sparkling blue lights filled his eyes, and he wore a red fur coat, and red pants that looked like they would cause you to have a heat stroke from the room.

"Ha, ha, ha!" The man said in a booming cheery voice.

"I feel like it should be ho-"

"Yo Claus!" Jackson announced waving his hand at the big man.

"Ahh Jackson!" Claus gave a cheery smile as he waved at the man. "I just finished the projiect!"

"Yeah. Dawson told me!" Jackson said giving a nod. "Let's see them!"

"I looked over some of the graphs you gave me and tried to make it as close as I could to what you desired." The man reached down picking up a black box. "I present to you..." He tossed it over as Jackson caught the object. There was a click as it instantly began to fold open and get bigger. "The new and improved Combat uniforms."

Jackson was now clad in the Enforcers combat uniforms, the weird mix of clothings but his had a bit more metal now.

"Made out of the finest Rivion I had!" Claus said letting out a booming laugh.

"Rivion?" Hero questioned raising an eyebrow.

"It's a powerful metal," Kitsune stated. "It is as light, and durable as iron, but it has a unique effect about it. We aren't sure how it works but, Rivion is about to channel a user's Equation allowing them to use their abilities through it. Most weapons are made out of it as it is basically suicide to attack someone with a normal weapon."

"That is correct," Claus announced as he played with his bushy beard. "You wouldn't happen to be Kitsune Nine would you?"

"You know my name?"

"Of course I do! I made your brother his weapon after all... Jin was a good Enforcer, though he did have an odd choice for his weapon... Quite brutal he was. He talked about you a lot... I'm sorry for what happened to him."

Kitsune gave a small nod of appreciation.

"You kids are gonna be off on another mission soon..." The blacksmith stated. He turned away from the kids as he went to grab something. "Our Captain, Captain Katrina, came to me and requested I make these for you all now that you're officially on our Squad." He turned back to the group now holding several large black boxes. There was a total of five of them... He tossed one over to Kitsune who caught it. "Click that button..." He ordered. "I improved all of your uniforms now that I saw how you fight through the Drone." The Drone on Hero's head let out a loud clicking sound. "These new outfits are made to go with your powers. For example Kitsune's is fire proof, and Ken's allows her to pull out her needles easier." As he spoke he tossed everyone their own black box.

Everyone clicked the buttons as their armor took form. They all mostly looked like how they had but with a few key changes. On their hoods they used to block out the snow, Kitsune's now had small slits that allowed his fox ears to pop out. Same for his pants so his fire tails now had a place to go. Irene's was mostly the same just a little warmer looing to make up for her ice. Ken's showed off a bit more skin since she could heal and it would allow for her to pull her needles out a lot easier. Light's was also mostly the same just his now had a holster for his big gun, and finally Hero's could now pull his right sleeve up allowing him to shift his arm without having to worry about the long sleeve.

Other than that the outfits was still mostly the same.

"Nice!" Hero, Kitsune, Light, and Jackson all high fived thinking they looked really cool. Irene, and Ken just rolled their eyes at the four boys.

"Still heavy..." Ken muttered.

"Well. Get used to it." Jackson smirked placing his hands on his hips. "Because tomorrow we're going out on our mission!"