The Start Of The Second Mission

Night Eighty Four

Age 1991

The Enforcer Squad One Halls...

"So..." Eins said pressing his back to the wall as he folded his arms. "Did you hear about the new mission Squad Six is going on?" He asked. In halls walking along side him was his friend North Glacious, twin brother to Irene Glacious.

North stopped for a moment as he frowned. "Why would I care?"

"I heard your twin sister Irene is on that squad." Eins asked cocking his head to the side. "I figured you would care."

"Don't get me wrong. I do care. Irene is my sissy. She's one of the strongest people I know. She can take care of herself. And I've been watching her friends. I trust them. I'm not worried at all." North said shaking his head for a moment.

Eins let out a small snort. "Have you even heard about the mission they are going on? I heard it's gonna be a bad one."


"Master Storm seems to have taking a great interest in that odd group. I don't really blame him. They are an interesting group after all..." Eins brought his hand up for a moment as it glowed and a small golden ball seemed to morph into his palm spinning around at a fast speed. "You know... Jackson Storm seems to think that boy Hero Law has the Heart inside of him right..."

"You don't though do you?" North asked also folding his arms. "You doubt Hero has the Heart inside of him don't you."

"No... I don't. I believe Max is the Heart..." Eins shook his head as he closed his hand putting the golden ball of glowing light out. "I honestly doubt that he is the Heart. People thought that the Squad One Captain Hero Law also had the Heart. I guess people assume that, that boy is her brought back through the Second Generation, Project Rebirth but that isn't the case."

"But he has the same power right? I also thought he was the Hero Law before him. She was so strong. I mean I never met her but that's what everyone always says."

"Yes but there is one thing most people haven't seemed to considered." Eins said nodding his head. "A question I've been asking that no one seems to notice or thought of... One that I've taken a great interest in that makes me wonder something..."

"What's that?"

Eins was silent for a moment as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Tell me North. Are we friends? And I mean. Really good friends?"

"You know we are Eins." North nodded his head before he looked down for a moment not meeting Eins's gaze. "I would do anything for you Eins... I even would say that I might lo-"

"That's great. Because I've been worrying about something." Eins said turning back and flashing a smile to his friend cutting off whatever he was about to say. "It's a question I've always had for a while."

"What's that?" North asked not finishing whatever he had been going to say. "It isn't like you to always worry about something like this? It's got to be pretty important if you're worrying about it like this. This question doesn't have to do with the city right? You've been focused on that ever since it was destroyed. You don't need to blame yourself. You tried to save as many people as you could."

"No don't worry. My question doesn't have anything to do with that."

"Okay? So what is it about then?" North asked cocking his head to the side. For a moment Eins was silent raising his hand up and creating the tiny spark of light once again using his Equation.

"Well... It's just... Why do people think the First Captain died?"


"Mr. Licht!" A loud voice cried out.

The two men both turned for a moment seeing Shelly running towards them her eyes trained on the man who saved her Eins Licht. Her hero.

"Here comes the new recruit." Eins joked.

North felt his smile fade for a moment as he watched the pink haired girl run towards them. "You really love her don't you..."

"No. I don't. I love the thought of her though... Even with all my failures she's alive... I wonder... What if there was a way for everyone to fight for themselves... Even without Equations... What if normal people could turn into Seraphins and protect themselves... Wouldn't that be a wonderful dream..."

"Eins what are you trying to-"

"I hope you can manage to control that power later on... Rising Dawn as you call it." Eins said looking up and meeting North's icy blue eyes. "I'll need that power in the future my friend..." As he spoke he turned and walked towards Shelly holding his arms out as the young fourteen year old girl jumped into them.

And North just watched a small frown on his face.

"I will... I'll stand by your side Eins... I will... Please God... Don't make him suffer anymore..."


The Squad Six Dorm Rooms...

Katrina walked back and forth as her eyes focused on the group of five young recruits in front of her... Her eyes rolled over every one of the recruits before finally focusing on Hero. Hero froze under her gaze as he began to panic slightly. He reached out slowly sliding Light in front of him using the blind boy as a make shift shield.

'I think she found out about my talk with Master Storm...' Hero thought as the woman's gaze moved over him.

Off to the side Jackson, Dawson, and Hannah all stood by themselves as they watched their Captain pace back and forth in the room. The other Squad Six members would still be away on their important mission so this was all that they had to work with...

Katrina let out an annoyed sigh as she reached up slowly, and began pinching the bridge of her nose in a stressed off manner. The Squad six Captain finally looked up as she gritted her teeth. "So..." She said finally speaking. "It would seem we got some new orders..." She stated in annoyance.

"New orders?" Jackson questioned raising an eyebrow. "I don't remember hearing anything on that?"

"Yes..." Katrina said with clenched teeth. Her eyes focused in on Hero once more, as the boy began to whistle innocently. Now he grabbed Ken and pulled her in front of him. "Someone... Apparently talked to Master Storm, and put an idea in that old fool's head... He requested two missions from us now... You wouldn't happen to know about that, would you... Hero?"

Hero felt the sweat drip down his face as he gulped. "What!" He reached out dragging Kitsune over to him. "N...No... I don't even know what he looks like-"

"Didn't he call you to his-" Hero slapped his hand over Irene's mouth stopping her from saying anything else.

"No clue at all..."

Katrina continued to stare at the boy as he slowly backed up and hid behind Kitsune peaking over the nobles shoulder.

"Be my shield..." Hero hissed.

"What! No! No reason we both have to die!" The fox Noble said in a panic as he tried to pull away from his rival.

Katrina let out another heavy sigh as she turned away from the two idiots. "Anyways... We are being required to go off on two separate missions. Because of this, the party will naturally be split up." The woman stated cooly still speaking in an annoyed manner.

"How are we splitting it up?" Hannah asked. "And uh... What is the mission exactly? Or rather two missions?"

"Well at first it was gonna be a simple scouting mission. Now, however, Master Storm has altered it. We are to stay in the area of the city until something suspicious happens then try to stop it. Apparently a Noble family is under attack from an assassin and we must stop him from dying... The Noble is one of the people who fund our group so we need them in good grace. Naturally, we have no idea how long this will take or how long it will be until we can solve the problem. Because of that two hotels have been booked. We will be staying at these hotels while we are in the city. They are set to last for an entire year but, I highly doubt it'll come to that... We are not to leave until we have encountered what we are looking for." Katrina stated calmly.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Dawson questioned speaking in his normally quiet yet terrifyingly deep voice that he is known for.

"Good question..." Katrina let out yet another sigh. "Some group called the Organization or some shit... That actually reminds me. Jacky catch." Katrina took the ruby ring off her finger tossing it over to the man.

"What's this?" Jackson questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"A ruby ring." Hero announced stating the obvious. Ken elbowed him getting the boy to shut up.

"Your grandfather asked me to hold onto that for some reason..." Katrina stated letting out a sigh. "I decided that I want you to be the one to actually hold onto it for me instead. That way if anything bad happens it'll be after you rather than me."

"Oh... You shouldn't have..." Jackson said with a bit of an eye twitch as he slipped it on his finger.

"So we are going to be splitting up our group?" Hannah questioned.

"Yes. We are to go to two cites. The first is Dandelion. The second is Chrysanthemums..." The woman said slowly.

There was a small gasp around the large group as Hero frowned. "Is that supposed to mean something?" He asked.

"Well... Chrysanthemum is a-"

"A Big word?"

"-city... It's actually the city of crimes some would say..." Kitsune muttered out as he gave a heavy frown. "Chrysanthemum is by far, one the worst places we could be sent to... The Nobles there who run the city are greedy and have taken it over. They give Nobles like us a bad wrap..." Kitsune hissed.

"Sounds bad." Hero said.

"Ha! I bet it isn't that bad!" Ken announced.

"Okay well Ken volunteered to go." Katrina stated.

"Wait what!" The young girls dull red eyes widened in horror as she jumped back into Hero's arms. "I take it back!"

"Ha." Hero laughed.

"Hero's going to."

"Oh God damn it..."

"So. How exactly are we going to split up the party?" Hannah questioned curiously. "Like... How are we going to pick who goes where?" She questioned.

"That'll be the easy part," Katrina said giving a simple shrug. "We will split the group into two. One group will be Dawson's side. Dawson, you will be third in command of the group going to Chrysanthemum. It will be your job to protect everyone there. I will be in charge of the group going to Dandelion. Now. Due to the fact on how we are splitting up the group a few members on Squad Seven will be helping us out. Sif, as well as her Vice-Captain, will be going with Dawson to Chrysanthemum. She is also bringing along a few recruits of hers, as well as a Reserve. After planning it out and trying to figure out what would be an ideal strategy I have decided that Jackson, and Hannah will be with me. We're gonna have a small team in Dandelion. Dawson you will be taking the five recruits we have with you. You will naturally have a much larger group as you're in charge of finding the Assassin and putting a stop to the murders. As of now several smaller Noble families have been targeted and have lost several members. You'll gain a better report once you actually arrive in the city."

"Is it really a good idea for me to take them to Chrysanthemum?" Dawson questioned. "I mean... I feel like bringing the recruits in this could be a bad idea... Has HR heard about this plan yet?"

"Not really but that seems to be what the Master wants. I guess he doesn't care if Hero, Ken, Kitsune, Light, or Irene die." Katrina shrugged.

"Ouch..." Ken muttered.

"My heart..." Hero stated falling to the ground.

"My pride!" Kitsune whined.

"Meh..." Light and Irene both just shrugged. 'We don't really care..."

"We don't know what we will be walking into..." Katrina said getting the attention back on her. "It could be anything really. We also don't know how long this mission will take. Because of that if one group finishes before the other then that group will head to the second city to help out the group that hasn't finished yet. Squad Seven can, and likely will leave us at a later time, so we can not rely on them for too long. And... By far the biggest rule I can give you. Nobody die. Don't be a hero if it means putting your life in danger. I'm looking at you Hero..."

"Isn't... Isn't that the entire purpose of us being Enforcers?" Irene questioned.

"Maybe the others will tell you that, but by God, I don't want to lose any more squad members than I have to." Katrina hissed out. "Don't do anything stupid... Especially for someone you don't know. Our lives are just as precious as the people we protect. If you're gonna die, make sure it is for something you actually care about..."

"Got it. So don't die, be awesome, and get the girl-" Jackson was saying but was stopped when Katrina smacked him across the room sending him flying into the metal wall. "...Okay... Don't get the girl-" He gasped out. "Sorry sweetheart..."

"This gonna be a very dangerous mission. We don't know how it'll be ranked, but Master Storm seems to think that this is a serious matter. No matter what... We will win." Katrina said holding her fist out.

Jackson was first touching her fist with his. After him was Dawson, then Hannah, and then all of the new recruits who raised their hands.

All five of them touched the fist of their Captain as they all announced all at once...

"Squad Six!"