The Robots

Night Ninety One

Age 1991

The Vault...

"You owe me one for that..." Ken shook her head as she turned back to the last door. "For now let's get through this vault and see what this guy is hiding."

"Want me to eat it or-"

Ken brought her hands up firing out a beam of red and black energy that vaporized the vault door turning it to ash.

"Well shit! I forgot you can do that."

Ken's smirk came back onto her face for a moment as they stepped past the melted vault door and into the next room ready to find what exactly this Noble was hiding in this vault...

And what they found shocked them...

"Son of B###h it's another vault!" Ken yelled when she saw a third vault at the end of a red hallway.

"Well..." Hero hummed. "The last hallway was pretty hard core... What do you think this one will be like-"

Ken slammed her hands together firing out a massive beam of spiraling red and black energy that swirled out of her hands and blew the entire room to bits and burning through the massive vault door. The entire manner shook for a moment as she dropped her arms.

"Guess we'll never know." Ken shrugged.

"We are in so much trouble after this..." Hero sighed. "Also that was loud! And the building kind of shook!"


"Don't act casually about this!"

Before either of the two Enforcer recruits could move forward a loud buzzing sound could be heard as a bright red light began to flash out and a weird scanning device washed over Ken and Hero for a moment making the two frown.

'Threat Level One...' A voice announced. There was a loud clicking sound as the roof above them began to open and several of those weird busted robots, the same kind as the ones at the hotel, dropped down. Their bodies shook and sparked slightly as they walked forward.

"Intruder..." One spoke in a broken tone as it ripped its own left arm off and took a swipe at Ken who easily dodged it. "Int-" Ken's fist smashed through the part of its head that looked like a skull, ripping it off and sending sparks flying.

'Threat Level Updated. Threat Level Two...' A new voice announced as the roof dropped down new robots, these ones looking far cleaner and fixed up wielding actual weapons which they pointed at both of the kids.

"Intruder!" The new ones announced.

"Looks like we're fighting..." Hero smirked as his right arm shifted back into his clawed hand.

"Seems like it..." Ken said a several black spikes jutted out of each of her fingers also giving her claws. "Let's see if we can fix that threat level shall we..."

"We shall!"

Hero let out a loud cry as he stabbed his right arm forward stabbing it through the chest of one of the robots. He twisted his wrist causing his hand to spin at a rapid speed as if it was on a joint sending out a large gust of spinning wind that was like a mini tornado tearing through several of the monsters.

Ken wasted no time in getting in on the action herself as she jumped into the air spinning her body around so her feet connected with the roof and she used it to kick off at a fast speed slamming into a large pile of the robots and creating a tremendous force despite her tiny body. Her new ten claws slashed out ripping them apart as she was like a whirlwind moving through the horde.

"So..." Hero said grabbing the head of another robot with his hand and squeezing on it causing it to be crushed under the force. "I couldn't help but notice you copied my style with the claws..."

"You ripped me off first with the spike!" Ken yelled out.

"Speaking of that..." Hero's arm glowed and shifted to his other form, the long spike that was red hot with heat and vibrated from all the sound bouncing around it. He pierced forward with rapid stabs so fast his arm became a blur as he shredded through more, and more, of the mechanical soldiers.

Ken let out a loud laugh as she stabbed both her hands into the chest of one robot and split it in half. "Ha! This is so easy! Can you even call this a challenge!"

"Ken! First rule of video games don't make fun of the-"

'Threat Level Raised!'

"Damn it!"

'Threat Level five.'

The roof once again opened as a single robot dropped down. All the other robots began to shut down as this one showed up. It was large standing at nearly seven feet tall and it seemed to have full armor that made it look almost like an actual knight. A large great sword, which had a giant freaking chain saw for the blade, was in its left arm, and a large shield with a mini gun on the side of it, was in its right hand. A large shoulder mounted cannon could also be seen on the robotic knight as a red glow seeped out of its visor.

"Boss fight!" Ken announced proudly taking full credit for what she did.

"God damn it Ken... You're lucky you're so cute..." Hero sighed.

"Intruders." It announced firing forward at fast speeds it appeared behind Ken in a flash slashing out with its blade. Ken managed to block it with a spike that fired out of her elbow but the force of the attack was still strong enough to send her flying back as she slammed into one of the walls.

Hero jumped into the air as his arm shifted back to his clawed hand and he stabbed out at the knight only for it to block the strike with ease as it spun around and slammed its hilt into the boys head also sending him flying back. Its cannon glowed firing out a large black beam which made Hero's eyes go wide as he opened his palm up and held it out just in time to block the laser. It still forced him back as he gritted his teeth.

The beam slowly died down leaving Hero's arm badly melted. Metal began to seep out of his shoulder as he began to fix his arm. "That laser... That thing is a Cursed Power!"

"What?" Ken asked sitting up.

Far away from the action Ben Alazir could be seen staring at a monitor which showed off the current battle the two teens were in.

He gave a small smirk as he pulled out his lighter which had a single white marble in it, and he lit up a cigar.

"Looks like we meet again Mr. Law... You were able to handle my last few Dolls with ease so I did some upgrading... How will ya deal with the new one... Will you be able to save the souls that are inside of it? These killings going on in this town made it very easy to make this one. Ten souls are trapped inside of him, so he's ten times stronger than my other dolls." He laughed.

"I do hope they will put up a brilliant fight!" The shadowy form of Mr. Hyde could be seen standing behind Ben now. The darkness twisted into a large smirk as he brought his arms up and began to give his husband a back rub as he watched the fight. "I wonder how Row will do this time..."

Back over with the fight Hero glared at the beast as he fired forward.

"I'm sure of it! You're one of those things!" He yelled punching out with his massive arm and slamming the beast back.

"Wait for me!" Ken yelled jumping to her feet. She pointed her palm at the knight firing a beam at it but it countered with its own beam causing the room to once again explode and for the second time that day the manner shook.

From the smoke it fired forward slamming its metal head into Ken and making her recoil back.

"Ow! Damn it!" She hissed grabbing her nose which was broken. "Time out. I gotta heal my-" The Knight rammed its blade through her chest as it roared to life and Ken let out a cry of pain. Seconds later her body slowly dropped from the blade splattering onto the ground.

It stared down at her corpse as its head glowed. "Seraphin detected..." It brought its boot up about to slam it down but stopped when a glow covered the room.

"I'd focus on this if I were you, ya damn rust bucket! It's pretty impressive you two keep shaking the building but I think I can one up that! Rage Cannon!"

The Knight turned around just in time to see Hero's anti tank rifle fire off like a rail gun blowing the rest of the room apart as well as blasting one of the robots arms and legs off. The bullet curved going up into the air for a moment as it blasted through the roof and kept going ripping up the entire upper half of the manner.

The robot fell back unable to support itself due to half its body being a smoking pile of ash next to it. Seconds later Ken slowly groaned sitting up as the massive stab wound sealed shut.

"You asshole!" She hissed kicking the head of the downed robot.

Back over in the camera room Ben let out a small sigh as he flipped the lighter open. "Level Two..." He said calmly as a black flame came out of his lighter.

"You freaking suck ya dumb robot!" Ken yelled kicking it several times. "I! Hate! Dying!"

"Hey is it glowing?" Hero asked. "It looks like it's glowing-"

A mass of wires exploded out of its leg and arm wound as the thing began to grow in size and the wires wrapped around Ken, and Hero slamming them to the wall as they began to take the shape of tentacles.

"I've watched enough of Kitsune's shows to know where this is going!" A panicked Ken yelled.

"Oh God? Are they gonna strangle us?" Hero asked.

"Much... Much worse... Or better if you're into it..."

The robots helmet exploded off of the knight as it took the shape of a human looking head made of black wires. Its new pair of jaws opened up as a tremendous amount of black flames began to seep out of its mouth.

"Oh good it's just gonna blast us apart." Ken said giving a nod.

"How is that good?"

"I can heal?"

"But I can't!"

"Oh... I think you're about to die Hero?"

"Oh God!? I'm to good looking to die."

"Firing in three..." The robot said slowly as the beam of flames began to bubble up. "Two..."

"Whoa we can talk about this right!" Hero yelled trying to wave his arms but was unable to do so since he was still stuck to the back wall. "No need to blast either of us apart right? You know now that I think about it wouldn't the blast blow your brain apart killing you as well Ken?"

Ken's silver eyes slowly went wide as his words set in. "Oh God! Please Great One don't let me die!" She cried out trying to make a quick prayer but couldn't since her arms were also bound back.


Before the metal knight could finish a large red fist slammed into the robots chest ripping it apart and spilling wires everywhere. The two recruits looked up seeing Dawson Blight as his red armor was wrapped around his body. He opened his mouth as red flames spilled out melting the robot and burning it to ash in a single moment.

The wires snapped dropping Ken and Hero to the floor as they looked up seeing Dawson in front of them. His animalistic eyes stared back at Ken and Hero in silence.

"Oh..." Hero said looking around with wide eyes. "This isn't the bathroom..."

"Our mistake..." Ken said slowly moving to hide behind Hero. "Please don't kill us..."