What She Smelled

Night Ninety Two

Age 1991

The Nobles Office...

"Oh my!" William said nearly tripping as his entire manner shook. "They are really putting up a decent fight... I wonder what is shaking my massive manner?"

"My Lord please be careful..." The Butler said catching the Noble. "Should I go and stop them?"

"No need. After all the Dawson Blight, also known as the Red Demon of Squad Six, has already been sent out. Surely if the Enforcers are even half as good as they claim they are, they should be able to put a stop to this matter with no problems." The Noble let out a small laugh that seemed to almost mock the group as a sly smile crossed onto his face for a moment. "Still. I'm a little disappointed in this group. They went out of their way to disobey a request I had made, and that big fellow only left three of these brats behind to keep me safe."

"Brats?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow. "I'll have you know I'm pretty strong."

Irene let out a huff as her eye twitched and she crossed her arms. "I... Am... Going... To... Kill... Him..." She nodded. Behind her Kitsune, and Light could both be seen. Dawson had left going after Ken and Hero. The three of them were left behind and told to watch after the Noble and make sure nothing bad would happen. "I can't believe that idiot would actually do something as dumb as this!" Currently the spot around her was freezing over as her unstable chaotic power began to seep out due to her anger in a certain snow white haired boy.

"Damn you Devil Arm!" Kitsune yelled. "Damn you!"

"Guys!" Light said having a thought that would surely bring great insight to the situation. "The building seems to be-"

"Not in the mood Light..." Irene said flatly making the blind teen shut up.

"I can't believe he used me to escape!" Kitsune said with wide eyes as he stared down at his hands. "I've been violated by the Devil Arm!"

"That's a bit dramatic..." Light said patting Kitsune on the back.

"So your friends are causing this?" William asked curiously.

"Yeah... Sorry." Irene nodded. "Don't worry though. After Dawson is done with them I'm going to kick both of their asses."

"I wonder why they would have run off?" William said letting out a small hum as he scratched at his chin.

"I believe I may know sir." The Butler said giving a small bow.

"Yes? Spit it out."

"That girl... She had a silver lock of hair, and bright silver eyes. The signs of a Seraphin. She is one of those 'things' made by that vile man Mr. Hyde... That would mean she has a tremendous amount of smell, and hearing. It's possible she smelled 'that' thing."

William's eyes went wide for a moment as a brief flicker of panic crossed onto his face. "Oh no... I must be off then."

"What?" Irene asked with wide eyes. "We were told to keep you safe."

"Then come with me." William spat out already at the door.

Irene let out a sigh muttering some choice words about Nobles that made Kitsune fidget nervously. "What ever... I'm only going because I want to talk to Hero..." Irene huffed. "Let's go."

"Right." Kitsune, and Light both said nodding their heads as they three of them followed after the Noble.


The Vault...

"Firing in three..." The robot said slowly as the beam of flames began to bubble up. "Two..."

"Whoa we can talk about this right!" Hero yelled trying to wave his arms but was unable to do so since he was still stuck to the back wall. "No need to blast either of us apart right? You know now that I think about it wouldn't the blast blow your brain apart killing you as well Ken?"

Ken's silver eyes slowly went wide as his words set in. "Oh God! Please Great One don't let me die!" She cried out trying to make a quick prayer but couldn't since her arms were also bound back.


Before the metal knight could finish a large red fist slammed into the robots chest ripping it apart and spilling wires everywhere. The two recruits looked up seeing Dawson Blight as his red armor was wrapped around his body. He opened his mouth as red flames spilled out melting the robot and burning it to ash in a single moment.

The wires snapped dropping Ken and Hero to the floor as they looked up seeing Dawson in front of them. His animalistic eyes stared back at Ken and Hero in silence.

"Oh..." Hero said looking around with wide eyes. "This isn't the bathroom..."

"Our mistake..." Ken said slowly moving to hide behind Hero. "Please don't kill us..."

A small huff of smoke came out of Dawson's mouth as he glared at both of the kids in anger. "What... The... Hell..."

"I think he's mad..." Ken said slowly.

"What gave it away!" Hero yelled.

Before anything else could happen the door to the vault, that was in the vault, that was in the vault began to open making the three turn.

"I swear to the Great One if this is another Vault..." Ken hissed like a cat as she glared at the doors waiting for them to open.

When it finally did a room filled with gold could be seen. There must have been millions of Golden Bells, all stacked on each other. The many coins were lined all across the floor. There were some silver Bells as well as some Bronze ones but most of the coins were Golden. It was enough to fund several cities.

"It's Bells?" Hero said with wide eyes. "Like a lot of Bells! This has got to be billions of Bells. This guys rich! I'm kind of jealous..."

"Me too..." Ken muttered. "I bet I could fund the entire Red Church for years with these Bells alone..."

"I figured that is what you were looking for." Hero, Dawson, and Ken both turned finding an exhausted looking William, as well as Kitsune, Light, and a very pissed off looking Irene. "After all... That girls a Seraphin. She must have smelled the sins that cover the cash. My family like all Nobles had to do a lot of things to get to this point. I'm not surprised you smelled the despair that covered these coins. Still... You could have just asked to see this room... There was no need to do all of this and cause this much damage to my home!"

Ken frowned as she stared at the Noble. "But the smell is-"

"I am so sorry sir." Dawson said bowing. "You have my word that I will punish them."

"Uh oh..."


A few minuets later...

Outside The Manner...

"What the hell were you thinking!" Dawson shouted right as soon as they exited the Noble's property. He had a pissed off look on his face as he glared at the two Enforcers in front of him. Hero, and Ken stood there nervously looking away. Kitsune, and Light were behind Dawson unable to meet the kids eyes, and Irene was next to the Red Demon glaring at the kids with him.

"...W...We wanted to investigate something..." Ken said quietly as she hung her head in shame.

"I was just bored and wanted to go on an adventure like a real superhero..." Hero said giving a small shrug. Ken gave him a look for a moment elbowing him in the ribs.

The two stood there fidgeting under the intense gaze Dawson was giving the two of them.

"Sorry..." Both kids said.

"You two are dumb..." Irene sighed shaking her head. "I trusted you not to do something as dumb as this Hero." Irene sighed smacking Hero over the head for a moment nearly knocking him over. "And Ken! I know you somehow got Hero to go along with this plan too!" She said through gritted teeth smacking Ken over the head now.

"Ow..." They both whined.

"Yeah not the smartest plan." Kitsune shrugged shaking his head for a moment.

"I'm more pissed off about the fact that you two almost got yourself killed!" Dawson hissed out. "If I hadn't shown up you both would have died. Not to mention the amount of damage you caused to the Manner and the fact that you disobeyed me and it was all just to see the Nobles vast fortune so it wasn't even worth it in the end. I'm not surprised Hero would do something this stupid, honestly I was expecting him and Kitsune to run off, but you Ken? You've really disappointed me."

Ken gave a small nod as she reached down handing it over slowly. "I'm sorry..." She said again even quieter this time. She looked like she was about to cry, reminding Dawson that the person he was yelling at, was still a small child...

"You're still a fourteen-year-old kid, with a false sense of what is right and wrong. Still, though I can't let you get off with just a warning." Dawson said sternly. "Same goes for you Hero. I'll be letting Sif know when we get back. She'll be the one to punish you. Poor bastards."

"Ahh, crap..." Both kids said shaking their heads as they remembered what Sif did to them last time they got her mad. "We're dead..."

"Still..." Irene let out a sigh as her eye twitched for a moment as she stared back at both of the kids. "What exactly were you thinking..."

"Ken smelled something weird so we went to go check it out." Hero shrugged. "I knew there was no way to talk her out of it and I was just really bored so I wanted to go along with them."

"That room was filled with so much sin..." Ken said shaking her head as she covered up her nose. "I could smell it all over that Gold but that wasn't what got my-"

"Yes. I'm sure a lot of people in this city would hate the rich. I bet just as many hate us as well..." Dawson said giving another shrug. "As the Noble said... His family likely did some shady things back in the day. That isn't our problem though. We need to stay on this Nobles good side. He helps fund the Enforcers. We do have a bit of the budget the Red Nations Emperor gives us, since we work for the Government, but that usually isn't enough hence the need for outside funding..."

"So we're really just gonna forget about all of this?" Ken questioned. "The gold wasn't what got my attention. It was part of it but once the doors were opened I smelled something else. There was something past that room... That asshole had another secret, room in his secret heavily guarded room! I'm sure of it. Are we just gonna ignore that?"

"I kind of agree with Ken." Hero said nodding.

"Hero!" Irene said smacking Hero over the head.

"Ow!" The Snow haired boy let out a loud hiss as he rubbed the many bumps that were forming on his head as she smacked him again. "There's hiding your money, and then there's what that guy was doing! Crazy hallways filled with lasers, anti tank machine guns, and robots! Not the mention the vault itself is stuck in a massive maze of hallways, and the doors are massive! No normal human could even get past the first door so he's going out of his way to make sure he can try and keep out people with Equations. On top of that, the last robot... That was no robot. I'm certain that was one of the Dolls I fought... The Organization is tied to that Noble somehow! Are we just gonna ignore that?"

"Yes, we are." Dawson said nodding. "Firstly we aren't after the Organization right now we're here to put a stop to the murders. Now if they are the Organization then we'll go after the Organization to stop it. Until then we need to focus on this mission. Also... We have no idea if there is another door, and even if there isn't they are Vaults. He's likely just hiding more Bells or other treasures. The fact is we don't know what it is they are optionally hiding-"


The many Enforcers went silent as they all turned to stare at Ken.

"What..." Dawson questioned staring at the girl.

"Yeah what?" Hero asked with wide eyes. "What do you mean Corpses?"

"Corpses..." Ken said again. She reached up placing a hand over her nose. "They're hiding Corpses behind that door. Judging by the intense smell I'd say a lot. I've never even smelled this much death on a Bestia Macht's breath... You want to know what they're hiding? Well, that's it. Underneath that mansion is a mountain of death. And from what I could tell from the smell, it is recent."

"How do you know that?" Dawson muttered in confusion as he stared at the girl with slightly wide eyes. "What do you mean? That's a massive accusation Ken..."

"I smelled it." Ken said shaking her head. "I have extremely enhanced senses... Although now I kind of wish I didn't. That stench... It was just wrong... I've never smelled so much blood." She said shivering slightly as she grabbed Hero's arm. "That Noble is covered in death."

Dawson frowned for a moment as he looked back at the Manner that was behind them.

"So..." Hero asked slowly. "What now?"


The Nobles Office...

William stared out the window down to the snow below. "They caused me a lot of damage today..." He sighed.

He slowly looked up and turned around seeing the man in the white robes and wooden mask.

William smirked as he stared at the man. "It seems for now I will be siding with you all. I trust my funding to the Organization will go well this time... All you need to do is keep me safe until you can all finish that little project of yours..."