One Week Later

Night Ninety Seven

Age 1991

The Hotel...

The Broken Hallway...

"Guys... Please don't fight..." Serenity asked. Waves of happiness filled the hallway as she used her power. "Don't do this... I'm begging you both... I don't want anyone else to die or get hurt..."

Dawson and Sif didn't respond to her. They simply stood there. The aura of power grew around them as Sif's entire arm was covered in the darkness and Dawson's flames formed as he jumped to level two.

"I'm gonna die..." Hero realized his head still in Sif's lap as the two got ready to strike.

It was as if a battle would go off at any second.

Finally the darkness left Sif's arm as she let out a heavy sigh. "What ever... I'll wait until the brat gets himself killed... I'm going to bed." She growled standing up and storming off.

A few seconds passed as Dawson's armor vanished and he fell back into a sitting position. "I almost died..." He said with wide eyes showing fear for the first time. "She was gonna kill me and then you."

"I am now very scared of tiny girls..." Hero sighed.

Ken let out a small gulp as she shivered and Emma reached out patting the girls head.

William the Noble had a small frown on his face for a moment as he stood up. "So..." He asked slowly. "What happens now."

"We're gonna head out to the communication tower and get back up." Serenity said pulling out a small black box that kind of looked like a walkie talkie. "Back in the day they say we had things called phones which could connect almost anywhere across the world. Well Squad Eight tried to remake those things in these versions. They don't have a large signal though meaning that in order for us to connect to another city we'd need to travel to the communication tower." She slowly pointed out at the massive hole in the wall showing the massive tower in the distance. "Like us, the Enforcers didn't think this mission would be so crazy-"

"They should have put two, and two together after our last mission..." Hero muttered.

"-because of that they aren't expecting any communications from us. These missions can sometimes take weeks, months, one even took a whole year, so chances are they would wait a full month before trying to get a hold of us." Serenity nodded.

"Oh good back up." Ken nodded. "I like back up."

"I don't." Kitsune muttered crossing his arms. "I'm a brave and powerful samurai. I should be strong enough to handle this on my own! I need to get stronger."

Emma let out a small hum. "I'm with Sister Ken... I believe we should get more help for this."

"It's only the smart thing to do." Lucy nodded speaking in her blank emotional tone.

"So Uh... Which Squad are you going to try and get?" Sera asked cocking her head to the side.

Serenity was silent for a moment as she tapped her foot on the ground. "Squad One." She said finally.

"Squad One?" Dawson let out a heavy sigh for a moment. "Talk about over kill..."

"It had to be them." Hero sighed slowly sitting down as he let out a heavy sigh. "Oh well... It's likely for the best-"


The entire city shook as an explosion rocked the area making everyone's eyes go wide.

"What the hell was that!" Hero yelled.

"That..." Serenity said slowly staring out the massive hole in the wall as she watched the metallic tower in the distance slowly be consumed by flames as it began to fall. "That 'was' our Communication Tower..."

"Oh God Damn it!"


Reaper ran away from the burning tower at a fast speed as he gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!" He hissed out. "God damn that cheating girl!" He yelled. For a moment the thought of Irene came to his mind. That snow white hair and ruby red eyes, him and his brothers used to have back when he still wore flesh. "How is it fair!'

'It's not fair is it Reaper...'

A pair of voices seemed to echo around the alleyway he stood in making the skeleton stomp his foot throwing a tantrum that went unseen due to his Crest. At the end of the alleyway they stood. The first was a young ten year old boy with snow white hair and ruby red eyes, Row... The second one was an eight year old boy with the same snow white hair and ruby red eyes, Vil...

"You two aren't real!" Reaper roared jumping at them but simply crashing through their bodies. "Get out of my head. All of you are dead!"

'But you saw me Reaper?'

"No! That wasn't you! It might have bee your body Row, but you gave up! You went to sleep!"

"My, my lost little puppy did you say Row?" A voice asked making Reaper freeze up. He whipped around dropping down onto all fours as he let out a growl. Standing on top of a trashcan in the alleyway was a small woman who was covered in long white bandages from head to toe, and wearing a simple glass like clown mask. The Jester... "I was just coming to see who blew up the Tower and I found you Reaper. You have a Crest right? The Silence Crest? There are only three that don't belong to the real Dragon Clan that worships that foolish man. If I recall the one in you was from that man-"

"Who the hell are you!" Reaper growled. He reached up as his bones became black once again and he pulled out a long black great sword. "Never mind! I changed my mind! I don't give a damn who you are!" He screamed firing forward as he jumped into the air and swung his sword down.

The Jester let out a small sigh as she brought her left arm up. The entire limb glowed and morphed becoming much larger and covered in glowing black scales and powerful iron black claws which caught the large sword and squeezed down shattering it.

"What the hell!" Reaper asked with wide eyes. "A Transformation Type in your left arm? For I second I swore you were-"

"Now, now little Reaper..." Jester said calmly as she threw him across the alleyway causing him to crash into a nearby wall. "Let's not go spoiling the game just yet... After all there is still so much you don't know... No really gets the Dragon Clan... Not even I do."

Reaper growled as he slowly glared at the woman. "That power... I know it... Piero?"

The woman seemed to stop taken aback by his response for a moment. She glanced down at her bandaged hands for a moment. "I guess you can say I am him... Or at least I am his will... I am the one who will bring the piece to end this game back to this world."

"What are you talking about?" Reaper spat out.

Jester brought her hand up for a moment pointing to the sky. "I am the one who will kill God!"


Three week later...

"So," Serenity said quietly. "What's the plan?" She asked.

Currently, her Sif, and Dawson were standing outside of the cites hospital.

"So far we don't know a whole lot," Dawson stated. "And we still need to buy time for a few more weeks... Nothing has happened since the destruction of the Tower... In a couple of weeks the Enforcers will try to get a status report but will hit silence... They'll likely send in Squad Eight, or Nine to check it out... Until then we need to keep guarding Irene... It's been three weeks and she still hasn't woken up..."

"Makes sense... When we get back I think it's best if we look into this Reaper and the Crests... There are so many things we still don't know..." Sif nodded her head for a moment. "I still think we could just remove the Crest from Hero..."

"Captain!" Serenity said frowning at the small girl who just kind of shrugged her shoulders. "Still it does sound smart to look into it..."

"Yeah." Dawson folded his arms as he stared at the doors to the hospital. "Hero is involved with this somehow... He's a member of Squad Six so I'll do everything I can to find out what's going on... He's family. Until than I'm going to continue to guard this Hospital and make sure Irene is safe..."

"Squad Six really calls themselves a family?"

Sif let out a snort for a moment. "Fools all of them are... Fools."

"Maybe not all of us but I do." Dawson nodded. "I'm going to protect them all..."



Back At The Hotel...

"Oh my God, I'm so bored!" Ken yelled kicking out with her tiny leg and nailing Hero in the face.

"Ouch!" Hero hissed out hitting the floor. He gave a frown as he rubbed at his face. "Why!"

"I'm bored..." Ken said simply. "It has been three whole weeks and nothing has happened! All the adults are running around and left us here being baby sitted by Nick!" Her and the other Squad Six, and Seven recruits were back at the Hotel with the injured Vice Captain.

"Actually I think we're baby sitting Nick..." Light nodded.

"Hey!' Nick said frown. He looked in better shape though his right arm was still gone nothing more than an empty sleeve. That was a bad blow. He'd be crippled in fighting for sure...

"Do you need more food Vice Captain Nick?" Emma asked holding up a spoon of apple juice. "Here comes the Flying Bestia Macht! Say ahh!"

"Ahh!" Nick opened his mouth as she put the spoon in.

"He's even starting to act like a baby..." Hero muttered as he pulled out a metal spoon and began to eat it.

"Shut up Babysitter!" The Vice-Captain let out a small sigh as he set back. "I don't like this anymore than you do..." In his hands, or rather hand, was a pile of notes on the former attacks. He was doing research and had discovered some stuff on his own. Like how every attack happened during blizzards. Blizzards were very common here... "But orders are orders. Neither of you lot seem to know how to follow them..."

Hero set back on the stone floor as he stared up at the roof. "Look, Ken. If you're so bored go do something then. Why not go read more of those dumb manga books Kitsune smuggled?"

"They aren't dumb!" Kitsune yelled.

"I already read them all... And all of your comics to." Ken sighed.

"Then go make a new attack or something." Hero said casually. He let out a sigh as he stared up at the roof. "You're good at that. Unlike me."

"You're being unusually depressed..." Nick observed.

"That skeleton man just made me mad..." Hero said giving a small shrug. "He completely beat me down, and made me feel so useless... My attacks were too flawed to even hurt him... Gah! I hate that man! I also hate myself for always making useless attacks. I couldn't even harm him with my strongest move the Rage Cannon! It sucks!"

"You're still going on about that?" Ken asked with a deadpan expression.

"You're still bored!" Hero rolled his eyes as he turned away from the group. He grabbed the zipper to his white jacket, zipping it all the way as he made his way over to the door. "I'm taking a walk." He called back.

"No, you're not!" Nick said jumping up. "I was told to make sure none of you leave! Besides you need a badge or key, to get back into the hotel. You haven't earned your badge, and you aren't rich to you definitely don't have a key!"

"There's a giant hole in building if I want back in I'll climb through that." Hero called reaching the door.

"For the last time, I said-"


The door slid open as Hero stepped out, into the frozen city.

"I hate kids!" Nick shouted.

"I'll go after him," Ken said rolling her eyes.

"No! I'm not losing another-"


Ken stepped outside into the snowstorm.

"...Kitsune... Don't even think about it..."






"Sit down Kitsune..."







"I swear to God!" Nick watched the Noble slide out the door as he stood in the entrance alone. "Great!" He shouted throwing his arms up into the air. "Now I gotta go after them." He let out a sigh as he made his way over to the door stepping out. "Man... Sif is gonna kill me... You four!" He turned back to Emma, Light, Sera, and Lucy. "You four stay here!" Nick stormed out the door leaving silence.

"So who wants to leave?" Light asked.

"We do!" All three girls announced.
