The Girl? Part One

Night Ninety Eight

Age 1991

The Train Station...

"Alright... Right this way..." Sif sighed waving her arm back and forth. 'Why the hell did I get stuck having to do this...' She thought with a heavy frown.

Currently she was at the entrance of the city and began to lead several citizens into a heavy train cart that would be leaving the city. The train would go to the nearest village which was about a two day ride. However that village like all villages didn't have any techknowledge so it would be impossible to get ahold of the Enforcers there as well. On top of that the nearest city that even had a communication device was a week and a half away.

Over the three weeks they had slowly began to evacuate most of the city to the village, but had tried their best to not alert the citizens of why they were really doing it.

"So why do we need to leave again-"

"I don't know gas leak? Get in the damn train." Sif sighed.

"What a rude little girl-"

"I said get in the damn train!" Sif yelled as black tendrils exploded out of the ground around her.

That seemed to be enough to get most people to stop asking so many questions and many got onto the train.

So far the train had left and came back six times over the course of the three weeks, and they managed to get around 30% of the population out. Each trip was able to get about 5% out each time.

The problems was they had no idea how long they had left until the battle would actually begin.

Sif let out a heavy sigh as she shook her head. "I heard that back in the day before the world was covered in ice we had metal birds we could use to travel around... That would certainly make evacuation faster, rather than this single train we have. I just hope Dawson and Serenity are going to be able to protect that girl at the hospital, and that Nick can keep the recruits safe and sound in the hotel-"

Sif suddenly stopped midsentence as she stared ahead at someone in the crowd.

"Emma?" Standing in the crowd wearing a mix of her nun uniform and her Enforcer combat jacket was Emma Vibes. "Why are you running around in the snow? I'll kill Nick for letting you all leave!"

"Actually it isn't his fault..." Emma said sheepishly. "It's Hero's fault!"

"...I should be surprised but I'm not..." Sif let out a small sigh as she folded her arms up. "So. What did that boy do this time?"

"Well he ran off, then Squad Six chased after him, so then I chased after them, and then Nick chased after me. Long story short, there was a blast of wind, and snow, and we all got separated when this blizzard began to get kicked up."

"I see." Sif let out another sigh as she folded her arms up once again. "Well. Let's go look for them. This train is almost full anyways..."

"A... Am I in trouble?"

"Did Nick ask you to stop?"


"Then yes. You are in big trouble..." Sif stated.

"Darn... Forgive me Great One..."



"Hero! Hero! Hero!" Ken called out through the massive snowstorm. The snow had really picked up now. It was almost impossible to see at this point... Most of the way in front of her was also blocked by a shield of white. "I swear to God I'm shoving one of my new swords so far up your-"

"Got you!" Nick announced jumping through the snow and tackling Ken to the ground with his one arm. The girl let out a yell but Nick reached up placing his hand over her mouth. "Shh!" He hissed at her. "Shut up..." He growled. "I did more research. Apparently that killer always strikes during these snowstorms. So stay quiet so Mr. Skeleton doesn't find us!"

Ken gave a small nod as Nick removed his hand. "But what about Hero?" She asked.

"Don't worry." Nick stood up helping the small girl up to her feet. "We're gonna find him. But it is important we all stay together."

"We all?" Ken asked.

"He kind of grabbed us to..." Sera sighed. Her and Light stood behind Nick giving the tiny girl a sheepish look.

Ken let out a hum as she nodded her head. "So a blizzard huh... It started snowing as soon as we all left the building... And you say that's when the killer strikes huh? Is that why nobody else is running around?" Ken asked looking around the open street. After the storm had kicked up everyone just vanished. All of them heading towards the nearest building. The entire city just seemed so dead?

"Yeah." Nick gave a small nod. "Apparently storms are frequent here. Every time one starts up that's when Mr. Skeleton makes his appearance. Last week when we were attacked there was also a storm. That's how he escapes. He blends in rather well in this cloud of white doesn't he..."

"I really wish you hadn't told me that..." Ken said letting out a tiny sigh as she glanced around the cloud of snow and ice. "Now I'm creeped out... Creeped out big time."

"If it makes you feel better the feeling is mutual." Sera said shivering slightly.

"We must find big Brother!" Light announced swinging his gun around. "No matter what!"

"Look kids. Stay close to me." Nick said placing his one hand over the handle of his sword. "I'm kind of freaked out to if that helps."

"Well. You're a Vice-Captain one of the twelve strongest people alive, so.. No. That doesn't make me feel better." Ken sighed shaking her head.

"...Oh... Sorry?"

"Let's just head inside God damn it... It's so cold!" She shivered.

"Well ya shouldn't have runoff then!"

"Point taken..." Ken growled out as she shivered.

"I can help a little." Sera said biting her thumb and piercing the skin. "Like my Grandfather I have an Equation inside of my very blood turning it into a weapon that I can bend... Blood Jacket..." The red liquid seeped out flowing over Ken and grossing the tiny girl out as it formed a nice red jacket around her. "It's cool right? You have my permission to praise me peasant."



Meanwhile inside the hospital where is was nice and warm...

Quiet beeps could be heard coming from one of the many rooms. Irene's body could be seen unconscious and resting in a bed.

In a chair next to her Dawson was seated his arms crossed as he watched the door carefully. His red tendrils were out by just a bit incase he need to quickly sprout his armor to protect himself or Irene. In the other seat Serenity rested reading a simple book.

"How do you think the others are doing?" She asked casually as she turned a page. A simple grunt was all that Dawson did to respond to her. "I mean we left that Noble behind with all the recruits, and an injured Vice Captain..."

"Injured or not Vice Captain Nick is still stronger than me." Dawson nodded. "He only lost because the opponent he fought could seemingly teleport... I would hardly call that a fair fight..."

"Right..." Serenity was silent once again as she stared at Dawson and the body of Irene. "You really care for her huh?"

"Not as much as Hero does. That boy's been bothering me daily about her condition... I still don't know what that thing she did was..."

Serenity let out a small giggle for a moment. "The boys a kid in love. It's nice to see them so happy and smiling... Tell me Mr. Blight... Have you ever thought about lo... Never mind? Forget I said anything..."

Dawson simply let out another hum for a moment as the silence seeped back in.


Meanwhile back out in the cold...

"Geez, it's cold!" Kitsune muttered as a shiver went down his spine. He let out a sigh as his cold breathe became visible. "Hey. That's pretty cool. My air can be seen! Now that I think about it... I know just what I need to do to keep myself warm!" He closed his eyes for a moment as his flaming tails, and ears, formed back on his body melting some of the snow around him. "Ha... Kitsune Nine, Ace Enforcer, Badass Samurai, and Sexy Swordsmen you are a genius."

"You're a total dumbass..."

Kitsune jumped letting out a yell as he turned and saw Hero... The snow haired boy was walking along side him now wearing his little drone on his head once more.

"Devil Arm! Why do you have that drone with you again?"

"Why wouldn't I have Droney?" Hero asked giving a small shrug. "I wanna remember what I'm about to do to that skeleton guy everyday. I'm gonna upload his ass beating on the internet for all to see."

"You stupid fool."

"That's rich coming from you fox..."

"You think you can beat him?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow. "Hero... It's been three weeks... No way in hell you got strong enough to beat that guy. We don't have some magic time chamber that lets us power up a lot in such a short amount of time because it makes one day a year."

"Is that a reference?"

"It is a reference." Kitsune shook his head for a moment getting back on topic. "The point is... No way you're that strong in such a short amount of time."

"You're right. I'm not. I've been training nonstop these three weeks but I doubt I've powered up that much yet. But that's why I came to get you."


Hero reached into his heavy jacket pulling out a small black box. "This is the secret weapon. I bet that if we use it, and we team up, and we can corner that guy on our own terms we can win."

"This seems way to risky... You normally don't do things like this..." Kitsune frowned. "But... I do want to beat the crap out of him, and on top of that, I could become super famous if we took that guy down... Let's do it! Fox and Devil Arm!"

"Samurai and Superhero!"

"And Lucy Case..." An emotionless voice said making both boys jump and turn seeing Lucy from Squad Seven had been walking behind them the entire time.

"Lucy?" Hero asked with a frown. "How long have you been there?"

"Since you startled Kitsune."

"Wow you're quiet." Kitsune noted.

"That is correct." The girl said nodding her head. "Also Hero. You will be crashing into someone... Now."


Hero felt himself collide with someone as he fell back hitting the floor as Kitsune and Lucy both stopped in their tracks.

"Oww... Thanks for the warning Lucy..."

"You are welcome."

"God damn it I was being sar... You know what never mind."


"I hate her..." Hero sighed. "Hey are you okay? Sorry I crashed into you." He said to whoever he had slammed into.

"Hey! Watch it you idiot-" The voice suddenly stopped dead in their tracks. "You're..."

Hero rubbed his head as he dusted himself free of the snow and looked up. "Sorry?" He said sheepishly. "I was deep in thought, and was dealing with those two." He said pointing a thumb at Kitsune and Lucy.

"Hello..." Lucy said blankly.

"Wow she's pretty." Kitsune said with wide eyes.

It was a young woman that Hero had slammed into at high speeds. In her very, very early twenties. She had short brown hair, and light brown eyes. She also wore a very basic outfit. Not something you would wear during a blizzard. She had an annoyed look on her face as she stared at him, Lucy, and Kitsune who had hearts in his eyes, that only went away when Lucy raised her briefcase up and hit him over the head with it.

"Bad Fox." She said still not having any emotion in her voice.


"As you can see... I have to deal with a lot." Hero sighed slowly standing back up and pulling the woman back up to her feet as well. "Anyways. As much fun as it was to crash into you and cut my palms open on the stone floor I have to be off-"

"Wait!" The woman said loudly making the three recruits all jump.

"Uh... What?" Hero asked slowly moving back.

"W... Well... You know... It's snowing! A blizzard is going on..." She said quickly. "...Shouldn't an Enforcer like you offer me help?"

"I guess I should?" Hero said shrugging. "I'm not sure though. I'm really bad at this job..."

"Let's do it!" Kitsune said nodding his head.

"I do not care either way." Lucy said nodding her head.

"Oh for the love of... Take me someplace warm! And... And alone-"

"I have a girlfriend." Hero said flatly.

"I'm straight." Lucy nodded.

"This is my moment to shine." Kitsune announced proudly.

"W... What?" The woman let out a heavy sigh as she shook her head. "I didn't mean it like that." She said as her eye twitched. "What I'm trying to hint at is that the murders take place in blizzards. I want to be safe-"

"Then why the hell are you running around in the first place you dumb-" Hero sighed and shook his head. "Umm... Okay? Sure... Why not... We'll take you back home. I thought you would have had more common sense as to not run around during the ice cold blizzard."

"It's a curse Hero." Kitsune sighed. "Pretty people like me and her get rid of intelligence for good looks."

"I think you got ripped off then."

"You asshole!"

"So where do you live?" Lucy asked cocking her head to the side as the two boys behind her began to break out into a fight.

The woman let out a small hiss for some reason before putting on another smile. "Right. Well! Follow me!"

"Oh... Okay?"