The Girl? Part Three

Night One Hundred

Age 1991

"Part of me can't help but wonder if I am somehow in the wrong for coming out here to fight someone who was able to beat me and walking into an obvious trap... Also... Why does every new person I meet always end up betraying me!" Hero shouted jumping back as the bone blade sliced through the air. "Am I cursed? Is it just the way I act?"

"Always all about you..." Kitsune sighed side stepping a black spike that Viper threw out towards the Fox Teen who managed to raise his blade up and block the spike with ease. "You just have to have the- Oh shit-"

Viper's fist slammed into him throwing him back across the warehouse as she slammed into the metal wall and breaking through the wall as he crashed down.

"We may be in trouble...." Hero sighed.

Lucy let out a small hum as she crouched down and clicked the case open. It began to glow as a black light seeped out. "I got this." She nodded.

"Got what- What the hell?" Hero, Reaper, and Viper all stopped as they turned to look at the brief case which spat out a large monster around the size of ten feet tall covered in black muscles and flaming iron spikes all along its body. It had an octopus like head and gripped a large massive black scythe. "Lucy what the actual fu-"

"My Equation is in my briefcase." Lucy said still not showing a hint of emotion in her voice as she closed the case and stood back up. "Inside of it is another Void filled with hellish creatures that I can force out and have them battle alongside me."


Viper let out a small laugh as she stared down the monster. "This might be kind of fun after all..." She grinned as black scales grew all along her body and she pulled out more of her spikes.

Kitsune let out a groan as he readied his blade and got ready to join the fight alongside the weird monster as they charged the Seraphin.

Over with Hero and Reaper the two of them continued to keep up their combat.

"I feel like those three are having a way cooler battle than us!" Hero yelled slashing out with his metal arm which Reaper easily dodged.

Reaper let out a small laugh as the flesh around him pulled off and the skeleton ripped its way out of his new flesh suit as he slashed his blade around. "Don't feel too bad," Reaper yelled letting out his insane cackles. "If it'll make you feel better, it was mostly luck that we happened upon you, while she was in that form. I realized that a straight-up battle wouldn't work out against those Enforcers, the way I am right now! No! I need to evolve my style! I needed to get you all away from each other. One I can handle... That ice girl though... She's something else... I'll need to evolve more to beat her... I will defeat them all Row!"

"Evolve huh..." Hero muttered jumping away from the man's black blade as Reaper began to level back up to his second form. "That's an idea..." He frowned as he watched the skeleton's other arm morph and change becoming a second bone sword. 'Crap... I doubt I have a lot of time to think up a winning move... I'm still working on this but it'll have to do.' Hero thought as he closed his eyes for a moment. His right arm glowed as it changed into his iron needle styled form. "Alright then Reaper... Come at me."

"Oh I will little brother... I will." Reaper let out a crazed laugh as he ran forward jumping into the air, and crashing down slicing his blades out. Hero dodged the slices dancing through the air as he backed up. Reaper continued to chase Hero as the two became a blur of moving limbs.

Hero stabbed his arm out as it suddenly glowed and morphed back into his clawed hand slamming a fist into Reapers face and knocking the man's skull head back nearly snapping the bone in the neck. Hero's arm glowed and changed once more back into the spear arm as he jumped back.

Seconds later a loud snap could be heard as his head turned back down and he glared at the snow haired boy with anger and disgust feeling his eyeless sockets.

"That hurt!" Reaper growled firing forward once again. Hero blocked all his strikes with his arm and slashed his arm out to the left, a move that would normally be pointless since his arm was a thrusting weapon, however once again his arm glowed and changed into his clawed arm which he slashed into the rib cage breaking it open. "Damn it! Stop that!" He yelled.

Hero gave another smirk as his arm reverted to the spear mode. "A cool trick right. My clawed arm has a lot of power but is heavy and slow. But that spear while not dealing much damage is fast, so I figured that if I were to use its speed and change it back into my clawed arm at the last second I could use that speed and power together."

"A nice trick. But not good enough!" Reaper screamed stabbing his blade into the ground.

Hero frowned as he jumped into the air right as the ground beneath him was split apart as a black spike of bones stabbed out of it.

"Good luck dodging midair!" Reaper laughed as he ripped his sword out of the ground and threw it at Hero as hard as he could. Despite that though Hero still gave a small smirk as his arm changed into his gun form and he fired off a quick shot using the recoil to propel him to the right dodging the sword. "God damn it Row! You always were a show off!" He screamed throwing another sword out.

Hero came to a sliding stop as his arm reverted to the claws which he dug into the ground using them to stop him from sliding any further. "Why are you doing this?" Hero yelled ducking down as the bone sword sliced through a metal pillar like a hot knife through butter right behind him.

"Why am I killing? Well to put it simply it's fun! This rush is everything!" Reaper screamed. "I'm a predator hunting its prey! Our race seeks evolution. It's our goal to continuously evolve! The gift God gave us allows us to improve to infinity. Every now and then you have cases like me! A superior being of the next Equation! I do all of this to Evolve! I'll improve and gain more power! That's why I was built, that's why you were built, and that's why our dead little brother Vil was built! I'm going to replace God!"

Hero's frown faded as he felt a bit of hot anger rush through his body. "Okay..." He muttered out jumping back. He twisted his body grabbing one of the pillars, with it he twisted around slamming it up and smashing it into the skeleton echoing out a massive bang throughout the warehouse. Reaper was picked up off the ground and slammed through a row of pillars as he crashed down. "But that wasn't what I meant." Hero said raising the pillar up. "I was actually asking why you are attacking me!" He screamed throwing the pillar as hard as he could.

A loud sonic boom echoed out as the pillar slammed forward. Reaper let out a small gasp as he ducked down just in time. The pillar flew over his skull and flew straight through the wall leaving a massive hole in the warehouse as the entire building shook.

"I... I am getting really pissed off at all you God damn villain's who want to bring forth despair. Well... I'm a Hero of Justice, a Superhero! I'm going to carry on Piero's legacy and bring forth an era of hope and peace!"

"Geez..." Reaper muttered slowly getting back up as he began to dust himself off. "Pretty destructive? Still... You're dead little brother... After I kill you I'll rip you open and slowly use your bones and Crest to power up. Much like that woman I'll become a Dragon!"


"Tell me little brother..." Reaper said slowly giving a grin. "What do you know about Equations exactly?"

"Less than I should..."

"You see Equations weren't made by God... They were made by the pale skinned man who came from the stars... They were made to harness the power of an entire Solar System from the tiniest little cell to the largest star... God later on made the Crests after these... The Equations can evolve past everything... When an Equation reaches a high enough level it is able to level up..."

"Right. Level two." Hero said rolling his eyes. "The form you're in. All Captains are required to be able to level up to level two."

"That's right... But you see my little brother... There is another level... Level... Three..." Reaper breathed out as a pitch black glow covered his body as he suddenly began to grow in size getting bigger and bigger as the bones covered his armor.

"What the actual hell!"

"I told you I'd evolve! I'm gonna kill you!" Reaper shouted as he grew to ten feet tall and began to gain massive boney armor that grew around his body. Spikes began to sprout out of him as his arms began to shift, and gain a dangerous edge to them... "Roar!" Reaper shouted as a massive boney tail sprouted from him. "Behold your reckoning Enforcer!" He shouted picking up a massive metal box. "Take this!"

The skeletal monster threw the box at the snow haired boy! It soared through the air as Hero tried to jump away. He was to slow, though, as the box slammed into him throwing him back and smashing him straight through a pillar and slamming into a wall.


Hero tried to get back up but seconds later Kitsune and Lucy slammed into the wall next to him.

"Ow..." Both kids said.

"Die!" Reaper announced punching through the box and grabbing Hero by the face as Viper flew down and landed on Kitsune and Lucy. Reaper twisted his body and smashed the boy into the floor and began to sprint forward dragging Hero's face through the stone floor leaving a trail of destroyed ground in his wake, as Hero's face grinded on the floor as Reaper finally stopped and forced the teen up. He pulled his arm back and threw Hero forward throwing him towards the back of the wall.

Hero let out a small groan as he tried to stand back up. "Well, that hurt..." He muttered out as he tried to stay standing. "Damn it... I was struggling against his normal state. Now I got to fight him like this... Man, this sucks... I have bad luck... Hey Kitsune can we trade?"

Kitsune didn't say anything as he was currently being held up by the throat, from a pissed off Viper who was glaring at him as she squeezed down.

"Oh boy..."

"Looks like it's over for you..." Reaper said letting out a tiny laugh. A massive sword made of bones formed from his body as he took a step forward. "I'd infect you, and take you over, but I don't know how your body would react to my presence. I'll just kill you instead." He stated in a simple tone.

Hero let out a small gasp as he gritted his teeth. "Alright... I'm out of options..."

"What are you babbling on about?" Reaper hissed out.

"This is my full power!" Hero announced clenching his fist. "Level Two-"


"Oh thank God I was totally bluffing and just hoping I could pull something out of my ass!" Hero sighed.

The roof to the warehouse caved in as a red blob of flesh dropped down. Red tendrils fired out wrapping around Hero, Kitsune, and Lucy. "Looks like I made it in time..." The voice of Dawson said echoing out. The form changed becoming more refined as it took shape, becoming the Red Demon, of the Enforcers...

"Mr. Blight!" Hero said with wide eyes.

"I think I'm dying." Kitsune said spitting up a glob of blood.

Lucy groaned as she smacked the fox over the head with her brief case. "No..."

"Stand down Recruits," Dawson growled out turning to look at the giant skeleton who was wielding a massive bone great sword, and the snake like girl. "So... He did evolve... Weird... I thought he would be stronger. I've heard of some Enforcers who can reach level three, but it seems like you're only able to barely hold the power."

"Ahh. You're that one Enforcer." Viper muttered out as her smile changed into a frown. "Well... You seem to be alone."

"I am..." Dawson said nodding his head.




The wall behind him exploded as Sif, Emma, Irene, and Serenity came crashing in. Dawson threw Hero into Irene's arms, Lucy in Emma's arms, and Kitsune's into Serenity arms.

"You three get the recruits out of here." Sif said as she unzipped her jacket and threw it off of her body showing off several black tendrils that covered her body forming black shadow armor much like Dawson's red muscle armor. "We'll handle these two."