The Girl? Part Four

Night One Hundred And One

Age 1991

The Warehouse...

"Part of me can't help but wonder if I am somehow in the wrong for coming out here to fight someone who was able to beat me and walking into an obvious trap... Also... Why does every new person I meet always end up betraying me!" Hero shouted jumping back as the bone blade sliced through the air. "Am I cursed? Is it just the way I act?"

"Always all about you..." Kitsune sighed side stepping a black spike that Viper threw out towards the Fox Teen who managed to raise his blade up and block the spike with ease. "You just have to have the- Oh shit-"

Viper's fist slammed into him throwing him back across the warehouse as she slammed into the metal wall and breaking through the wall as he crashed down.

"We may be in trouble...." Hero sighed.

Lucy let out a small hum as she crouched down and clicked the case open. It began to glow as a black light seeped out. "I got this." She nodded.

"Got what- What the hell?" Hero, Reaper, and Viper all stopped as they turned to look at the brief case which spat out a large monster around the size of ten feet tall covered in black muscles and flaming iron spikes all along its body. It had an octopus like head and gripped a large massive black scythe. "Lucy what the actual fu-"

"My Equation is in my briefcase." Lucy said still not showing a hint of emotion in her voice as she closed the case and stood back up. "Inside of it is another Void filled with hellish creatures that I can force out and have them battle alongside me."


Viper let out a small laugh as she stared down the monster. "This might be kind of fun after all..." She grinned as black scales grew all along her body and she pulled out more of her spikes.

Kitsune let out a groan as he readied his blade and got ready to join the fight alongside the weird monster as they charged the Seraphin.

Lucy waved a small flag back and forth as she decided to just watch from the back ground where it was nice and safe.

Flames covered Kitsune's blade as he jumped into the air and spun his body around bringing the blade down at a high speed. "Fa iafaiafaiafurufokkusufaiakatto!" Kitsune announced slashing his sword out as he landed and sent out a large orange wave of flames that split most of the building in half.

Sadly Viper ducked under the blast as a large grin came onto her face. She stood back up and her smug grin only grew as Kitsune stabbed his blade forward stabbing it straight through her chest and running it through. This only seemed to make the Seraphin laugh harder though as the Fox tore his blade out of her, and the wound already closed shut.

"Sorry. You'll have to try a lot harder than that." She giggled.

"Fine! I'll show you just how hard I can get-"

"Phasing." The voice of Lucy could be heard from the back ground.

Kitsune threw his blade into the air as the entire sword was covered in flames and began to spin at high speeds whipping wind and fire which wrapped around the blade and handle. As the sword came down now looking like a giant flaming disk it landed on Kitsune's open palm as he brought his arm back and threw it forward launching the spinning fire disk out at a high speed.

"Faiafokkusu no disukufetchi!" Kitsune yelled out.

"Your attack names really suck- Oh crap!" Viper yelled realizing she wouldn't be able to doge the attack which sliced her clean in half from side to side.

The fire on the blade slowly went out as it spun back into Kitsune's hand finally stopping.

"Take that you creepy monster snake girl!" Kitsune announced. "Foxes are cooler!"

A black tendril fired out of Vipers waist wrapping around her upper half and putting herself back together. She cracked her neck as her grin came back and steam flew off of her as the wounds closed.

"W... What? How? Ken was down for the count once she was sliced in half?" Kitsune asked with wide eyes.

Viper let out a small giggle as a light blush seemed to cross her face. "My darling little snack is nowhere near my level of power. That cute kitten is to busy trying to mask the beast inside of her. And she never got rid of her Labby... Her power is held back. She's to scared of letting the power take over and holds herself back. Not like me." Viper giggled as she rocketed forward and slammed a fist into Kitsune's face sending him flying back.

"Go big Fluffers! Take her down..." The emotionless voice of Lucy called out. Viper turned around just in time to see the giant fist from the buff squid monster which slammed her into the ground shattering it.

It let out a loud and mighty roar as it began to pound on its chest. It stabbed a large fist into the ground ripping out a massive boulder the size of a small bus which it raised up and slammed into the body of Viper over and over again shaking the warehouse.

There was a bright flash as the boulder was reduced to ribbons as Viper's body came slithering out of the hole in the floor as her arms moved at a blurs speed slashing the beasts right arm off spraying yellow acidic blood out as the beast roared.

"Fluffers no..." Lucy said still not having any emotion in her voice. "Oh no... It's such a tragedy..." As she watched her beast be torn apart she reached back into her brief case grabbing something.

Viper let out a loud insane laugh as she spat out a glob of acid which ate through the beasts left leg breaking it off.

"This must tear you apart." Viper grinned ripping another arm off. The acidic blood flowed out but she simply didn't care healing over any of the burns or tears that were on her skin.

"Not really..." Lucy shrugged pulling out a small silver remote with a red button on it. "I mean I put bombs in their heads for this exact reasons."


Lucy pushed the red button as Fluffers head exploded in a massive blast which sent Viper flying back crashing through several metal pillars. Fluffers blown up corpse began to bubble up as it broke down to nothingness.

"By the love of the Great One!" Kitsune said with wide eyes. "Lucy you just blew your guy up?"

"Yes. I did."

"I think I'm in love..." Kitsune said staring at her with wide eyes.

"Not interested. But if you could get Hero to-"

"God damn it!"

The pile of rubble shook as Viper pulled her body out of it already healing over the damage. "Well..." Viper said a small frown on her face as she snapped her arm back into place. "I didn't see that coming... But I guess it's over now-"

"Go second Fluffers. I choose you." Lucy said blankly as she opened her suitcase up and a second monster pulled itself out.

This one wasn't very big. It looked like a small squid beast with ten tentacles and a large eye. It was only about three feet tall and let out a cute cry.

"What the actual hell..." Viper asked with wide eyes.

"Bubble beam..." Lucy said blankly pointing forward.

The squid beast opened its mouth as a tiny beak poked out and fired out a fast speeding string of water that was so fast Viper barely had time to register the fact that it sliced her left arm clean off.

"Those aren't bubbles Fluffers bad Fluffers..." Lucy said kicking the beast a few times.

"Lucy you scare me..." Kitsune sighed.

Viper regrew her arm as Fluffers the second fired out several more beams of water that sliced through nearly everything like a sun through butter.

Viper growled as one of the beams sliced her cheek. "I can't risk one of them getting lucky and slicing my head off. That thing dies now." She hissed as a black spike rose out of her shoulder and she threw it forward stabbing it through the eye of the beast making it cry out in pain. The black spike glowed and Lucy and Kitsune jumped back just in time as the black spikes grew out of the single spike stabbing through the beast from all angles resembling a black branch covered in the monsters blood.

Lucy let out a small hum as she reached into her case and pulled out a remote hitting the button and blowing the creature up again.

"Time for the third-" Viper suddenly appeared behind Lucy slamming a fist into the back of the girls head and smashing her head into the ground. Lucy finally let some emotion into her voice as she cried out in fear and pain as Viper snapped both of her arms breaking them both and ripping the case out of her arms. She threw the suit case at the wall and picked Lucy up throwing her into the same wall.

Lucy slammed into the wall landing next to Hero as she hit the floor in a rough way.

"Lucy!" Kitsune cried out jumping at Viper as she sliced out with his sword.

Viper blocked the strike with her hand allowing the blade to stab through it and get caught inside of her as her jaw unhinged and she bit down onto Kitsune's left shoulder pulling up and ripped a chunk out of it making him scream in pain.

Viper gulped the flesh down as she licked her lips and stabbed a black spike through his gut punching him in the face and sending him flying back into the same wall next to Hero and and Lucy.

"Ow..." Both kids said.

"Die!" Reaper announced punching through the box and grabbing Hero by the face as Viper flew down and landed on Kitsune and Lucy. Reaper twisted his body and smashed the boy into the floor and began to sprint forward dragging Hero's face through the stone floor leaving a trail of destroyed ground in his wake, as Hero's face grinded on the floor as Reaper finally stopped and forced the teen up. He pulled his arm back and threw Hero forward throwing him towards the back of the wall.

Viper grew a large spike out of the bottom of her foot and slammed it down into the back of Lucy making the girl scream out in pain once again as the Seraphin grinder her foot deeper into the girls back sending the spike all the way through her.

"I... It hurts..." Lucy cried out.

Kitsune let out a hiss and jumped up to his feet swinging his blade down but was stopped when Viper wrapped her hand around his neck and raised him up squeezing down. Off to the side Hero said something but it was hard to make out from Lucy's cries, and Kitsune's gurgles.

"I'm glad you two fought me." Viper giggled as she raised her foot up and slammed it back down into the form of Lucy once again making the downed girl scream out. Her grip got tighter around Kitsune's neck as she brought him closer and licked his face. "I love fear and the two of you are drowning in it... You're gonna both taste so good-"


A red tendril fired out smacking into Reaper, and Viper throwing them both back, and causing the Seraphin to drop Kitsune and Lucy.

"Oh thank God I was totally bluffing and just hoping I could pull something out of my ass!" Hero sighed.

The roof to the warehouse caved in as a red blob of flesh dropped down. Red tendrils fired out wrapping around Hero, Kitsune, and Lucy. "Looks like I made it in time..." The voice of Dawson said echoing out. The form changed becoming more refined as it took shape, becoming the Red Demon, of the Enforcers...

"Mr. Blight!" Hero said with wide eyes.

"I think I'm dying." Kitsune said spitting up a glob of blood.

Lucy groaned as she smacked the fox over the head with her brief case her broken arms wrapped around it as more blood flowed from the hole in her back and stomach having been run clean through. "No..."

"Stand down Recruits," Dawson growled out turning to look at the giant skeleton who was wielding a massive bone great sword, and the snake like girl. "So... He did evolve... Weird... I thought he would be stronger. I've heard of some Enforcers who can reach level three, but it seems like you're only able to barely hold the power."

"Ahh. You're that one Enforcer." Viper muttered out as her smile changed into a frown. "Well... You seem to be alone."

"I am..." Dawson said nodding his head.




The wall behind him exploded as Sif, Emma, Irene, and Serenity came crashing in. Dawson threw Hero into Irene's arms, Lucy in Emma's arms, and Kitsune's into Serenity arms.

"You three get the recruits out of here." Sif said as she unzipped her jacket and threw it off of her body showing off several black tendrils that covered her body forming black shadow armor much like Dawson's red muscle armor. "We'll handle these two."