The Girl? Part Five

Night One Hundred And Two

Age 1991

The Warehouse...

"Looks like it's over for you..." Reaper said letting out a tiny laugh. A massive sword made of bones formed from his body as he took a step forward. "I'd infect you, and take you over, but I don't know how your body would react to my presence. I'll just kill you instead." He stated in a simple tone.

Hero let out a small gasp as he gritted his teeth. "Alright... I'm out of options..."

"What are you babbling on about?" Reaper hissed out.

"This is my full power!" Hero announced clenching his fist. "Level Two-"


A red tendril fired out smacking into Reaper, and Viper throwing them both back, and causing the Seraphin to drop Kitsune and Lucy.

"Oh thank God I was totally bluffing and just hoping I could pull something out of my ass!" Hero sighed.

The roof to the warehouse caved in as a red blob of flesh dropped down. Red tendrils fired out wrapping around Hero, Kitsune, and Lucy. "Looks like I made it in time..." The voice of Dawson said echoing out. The form changed becoming more refined as it took shape, becoming the Red Demon, of the Enforcers...

"Mr. Blight!" Hero said with wide eyes.

"I think I'm dying." Kitsune said spitting up a glob of blood.

Lucy groaned as she smacked the fox over the head with her brief case her broken arms wrapped around it as more blood flowed from the hole in her back and stomach having been run clean through. "No..."

"Stand down Recruits," Dawson growled out turning to look at the giant skeleton who was wielding a massive bone great sword, and the snake like girl. "So... He did evolve... Weird... I thought he would be stronger. I've heard of some Enforcers who can reach level three, but it seems like you're only able to barely hold the power."

"Ahh. You're that one Enforcer." Viper muttered out as her smile changed into a frown. "Well... You seem to be alone."

"I am..." Dawson said nodding his head.




The wall behind him exploded as Sif, Emma, Irene, and Serenity came crashing in. Dawson threw Hero into Irene's arms, Lucy in Emma's arms, and Kitsune's into Serenity arms.

"You three get the recruits out of here." Sif said as she unzipped her jacket and threw it off of her body showing off several black tendrils that covered her body forming black shadow armor much like Dawson's red muscle armor. "We'll handle these two."

"How did you find us?" Hero asked letting out a tired and painful wince. He slowly got out of Irene's arms getting back up to his own to feet.

"We had some help from a friend of yours." Dawson shrugged. As he spoke Droney flew up landing on Hero's head. "He came to us after you guys went down. You're lucky we got here in time."

"Oh Lucy..." Emma frowned staring down at the broken and bruised body of the young girl. "You didn't deserve this..."

Serenity let out a small hum still holding the body of Kitsune.

"You bastard." Reaper hissed out jumping forward.

Dawson gave a small smirk as the skeleton began to fly towards him. The red tendrils around his body began to morph and change becoming a massive bladed weapon on his arm as he sliced it up meeting Reapers' own weapon in the air and sending out a large shock wave.

A large crack echoed out as a sonic boom blew everything around them back. Dawson pushed down on the blade slicing straight through Reapers sword and ripping the skeleton's arm straight off.

Reaper unleashed a yell of pain as he jumped back grabbing his severed arm. He placed it back on his stump as it began mold back into place. "Dirty bastard..." He growled.

"Hero," Dawson yelled back. "The others are on the other side of the city looking for you. Go find them along with the others."


"No buts!" Sif hissed out now. "Leave. I can't fight at full power with you idiots near by."

"You're righting Lady Sif..." Serenity asked giving a small frown. "Those poor fools are dead..."

"...Fine..." Hero said letting out a sigh. "Don't lose." He said turning away.

"I won't..." Sif snarled. "Now go."

"Good." Hero gave a smirk before finally crawling through one of the many holes in the walls as the others quickly followed leaving Viper, Reaper, Dawson, and Sif behind.

No one moved at first. Rather they all stared each other down waiting for someone else to make the first move...

Finally though one of them acted...

Reapers skull became a scowl as he walked over to one of the many metal boxes. He grabbed the lid pulling it up and opening it. Several skeletons spilled out onto the floor...

"I spent five nights, slowly digging up every, body in the cemetery," Reaper stated slowly reaching down. "They are just bones of a normal human, so they won't be to impressive but..." His hand went over one, as the bones began to rattle. They were slowly pulled in as they began to mold over Reaper making him even bigger... He was absorbing them. "Add them onto to myself..." He rapidly grew becoming eighteen feet, tall. A second pair of arms grew out of his back, as his armor became thicker. His legs began to morph and began to sprout out more limbs, stretching out and making him resemble a centaur. Of course, the word centaur was an old legend most people didn't know what that was... All of the skeletons were pulled into him as he reached a new transformation. "Behold my max power!" He announced.

"So you grew bigger?" Dawson questioned. "You know all you've done is make yourself slower right?"

"I don't need speed! One hit and you're dead!" He roared out making a massive bone lance the size of a small bus.

"You're a fool if you think I'll let you touch me." Dawson said. He stepped forward vanishing as he moved at speeds to fast for the eye to follow.

"What! Where did he-" Reaper felt a massive wave of force slam into the back of his skull as he was sent flying back. Dawson vanished once again appearing to the right of Reaper, as he raised his arm up, and slammed it down as hard as he could smashing the Skeleton straight into the floor.

Dawson's body quickly grew, as his right arm was wrapped by more of his tendrils becoming several times bigger, similarly to when Hero used his clawed arms big mode for that super attack Lot's Salt. Dawson's now-massive fist slammed up into the jaw of Reaper upper cutting him into the air and through the roof.

"I Got this one Lady Sif! You take down the other one!" Dawson announced loudly.

The giant skeleton spun as he crashed through the roof up above. Gravity kicked in as he began to fall right as Dawson got ready for his next attack.

Over with Sif the small girl let out a small yawn as dark black tendrils made of darkness and shadow flowed off of her body. "Let's get this over with..." She yawned.

"So you're a Captain huh..." Viper asked a large grin slowly coming onto her face. "I wonder how you'll taste... You know you might want to level up..."


"You see we Seraphins are unable to level up our Equations. In fact we can barley use them. Mine is in my throat and allows me to spit up that glob of acid but that's all I can do with it. My darling Ken's is inside of her heart. A mostly pointless power as all it does if give her a healing factor something she has already as a Seraphin... Much like a Bestia Macht we give off dark energy thyat corrodes and weakens Equations. All Seraphins look like a human and how the power of a Viscount having the healing, and black needles, as well as dark matter beams. However I am in an evolved state. Rather than level up we can evolve the Bestia Macht within us. As such it wouldn't be far off to say I'm Earl level. A Level of power only Level Two Equations can deal with. As such you stand-"

"You're boring." Sif flicked her hand out as hundreds of black tendrils fired out in seconds wrapping around Viper's body. "Die."


The tendrils squeezed down and ripped off the woman's limbs as they began to tear her apart throwing limbs and organs everywhere. Viper's armless and legless body dropped to the ground as Sif let out a small hum.

"Oh yeah..." Sif nodded as the tendrils formed a massive black tentacle. "I need to wipe out your brain..." The tentacle dropped down crushing whatever was left of the body as it flattened the corpse into a red paste on the ground. "My fights done. How about you- I don't care I'm going to bed..." She sighed as her head cocked to the side and she closed her eyes.

'Geez...' Dawson thought for a moment. 'Hard to think she's only like sixteen or seventeen years old...' Dawson's arm changed gaining a pointed end, as it shifted around becoming a red lance, as he raised his new weapon arm up. "Lance-It-Strike!" Dawson announced stepping forward and stabbing his arm forward right into Reapers face as hard as he could.



A massive wave of wind exploded out, as the sonic boom went off and the sound barrier shattered. The entire warehouse was ripped in half, as the walls collapsed, and the roof was blown off reaching the sky. The ground beneath the two men shattered and collapsed as the stone began to crack, as a wave of heat flashed out from the kinetic force of the attack and stone actually began to slowly melt.

The snow fell covering the ground, as what was left of the warehouse broke away falling to the ground.

There was only a single melted, and steaming stone slab left, on the ground, where Dawson was standing. All around him was a large pile of rubble as well as the sleeping figure of Sif who was still standing up right with her head cocked to the side.

A moment of silence passed through the air as Dawson slowly pulled his arm back. The rubble hit the ground as the dust settled...

"Get up," Dawson said calmly. "I know you're still alive. That was just a love tap after all Mr. Level Three. Keep it up and I might actually start trying."

There was a rumbling sound as the rubble moved and Reaper pulled himself out from under it. He no longer had his armor, or his extra limbs. Now he was just a normal beat up white skeleton nearly out of power after the attack. He was missing an arm, was normal size, and was covered in cracks, and he looked really pissed off.

"Fuck you!"

Dawson folded his arms up as his tendrils cracked out cutting at the air around him. "You lost the moment you decided to fight me..." He stated calmly. "I'm not only stronger than you, but I'm faster, have way more experience, am a master of my Equation, and my demon armor prevents you from touching me. Then again it was either you fight me or fight Sif so..." He said calmly. "You never stood a chance."

Reapers jaws clenched as he took a deep breath. "..Damn... Damn... Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn! Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!" He stopped taking another calming breath. "If I had better bones... Using the bones of normal humans is pathetic... If I only had access to more I could have beaten you!"

"No, you couldn't. Sif is still here..."

Reaper let out another growl. The snow around then quickly grew as the blizzard began to surround them. The skeleton slowly turned over but was stopped when Dawson took a step forward.

"Don't even think about it! I know you plan to use the blizzard to escape..." Dawson said stepping forward again. "You take one more step, and I won't hesitate to kill you."

"...Damn it... Damn it... Damn it... Damn..."

"You can stop with the childish attitude," Dawson said in a small hiss. "It's over. We're sending you to Nightshade, the prison country. You'll be forced into steel holding cell, forced under constant watch, unable to move until the day you die. Your reign of death is over. But before then answer me something... Who is Row... How do you know him... What are Crests... Tell me now and I'll consider going easy on you."

"No! No! No!"

"Yes." Dawson folded his arms once more as he stared the skeleton down. "It's over! You've-"

"Dawson!" The voice of Ken yelled out causing the man to turn.

"Ken! What the hell are you-"

Reaper jumped forward twisting his body as he grabbed onto a metal pillar, he twisted his body throwing it back, launching himself forward.

Ken's eyes widened as the skeleton flew forward. He used the pillar to circle back as he jumped behind her and raised his arm up placing it at her throat as it shifted into a small bone blade.

"Reaper stop!" Dawson screamed.

"Not a step!" Reaper screamed pulling the blade up. "As for you girl. You move and I take your head off. I know how to kill you Seraphins..." Ken froze unmoving as Reaper watched the Red Demon glare at him. "I knew I'd get my hands on you girl... Thanks for showing up... I would have lost..."

"You won't get away with this..." Ken hissed out.

"Oh, you're completely right... But if I'm going to hell, you can bet I'm taking at least one of you with me!" He cackled. The skeleton turned back to look at Dawson as he smirked. "Well, Enforcer. What's it going to be? Do you think you can reach me before I slit her throat?"

Dawson stared at Reaper for a moment, before he suddenly looked past the man? "Tell me? Do you know how strong a Vice Captain is?"

"What about them?" Reaper asked.

"Well... One could probably kill you in one hit." Dawson said calmly.



A metal hand, fired forward slamming into Reaper, hitting him faster than the speed of sound as the skeleton exploded! His body was thrown forward ripping apart as he was sent flying across the entire city from the force of the strike. A massive crater was left in the ground as the skeleton hit the floor rolling across it. In the end, it was the walls of the city that broke his fall, as he was now only a skull, on the other side of the city.

"Sorry," Nick said calmly stepping forward. "I came as fast as I could when I heard the explosion. Ken ran off but we followed after her." Light, and Sera stood behind him also running up.

"You came just in time," Dawson said smirking.

"Are you okay Ken?" Nick questioned.

"Yeah." The small girl said nodding as she rubbed her throat. "I'm fine. He didn't pierce the skin so I'm not infected with whatever he is."


"We shouldn't stand around," Dawson called out turning to where Reaper was thrown. "I don't want to risk him surviving, and getting away."

"I agree," Nick said calmly as he moved over to Sif picking the sleeping girl up with his one arm. "Let's move out!"

"Right!" The Enforcers said nodding.

The group all turned none of them noticing a small tiny white snake which crawled out of Viper's corpse...

"That wasss clossse..." Viper's voice hissed out of the tiny snake. "A few sssecondsss later and I would have been killed... Luckily I managed to place most of my brain in thisss tiny form at the lassst sssecond..."

The Snake slithered forward slowly moving out of the ware house.

"I mussst get back... It'sss time to act..."