The Device

Night One Hundred And Three

Age 1991

"My Manner..." William gave a small frown as he stood outside of the mostly destroyed. "Your damn group nearly destroyed my home God damn it..." He sighed shaking his head.

One the figure in the white robes simply gave a small shrug.

William sighed pushing what was left of the door open as he stepped into his home. "I guess it can't be helped... Your group needed to get whatever that machine was out right?"

One nodded still not saying anything.

William let out a hum. "Right... Well... Come on then. We need to get to my studies. Jester said she had a surprise for this city. I'm sure we'll see it there..."

One nodded once more still not saying a word.

William let out a small chuckle as he stepped into his Manner and saw that nearly every wall had been blown down. "I guess they didn't much care for the maze that was my house huh? I imagine it must have been tricky getting that 'thing' through all of this. I see why they blew them all down... Still part of me is sad." He bent down placing his hand on a broken down wall. "For years I lived in the manner as a part of my family's cursed Noble group... I never really got it. The dislike between Nobles and Commoners. Even now as I capture the homeless and torture them for hours on end I don't get it... The others say things like how their better but I don't see that. What really makes me better than the man, or woman I have strapped to the metal bed as I bring a whip, or knife across their flesh. My blood isn't it. A Noble will bleed just as well as a commoner. That's why I care for your silly group so much. A Noble should be superior. We have a law that states only one of the highest ranking Nobles one of the Twenty Sacred Branches can become a Noble but why so? A Noble is born with an Equation but any silly commoner can find one and become a great warrior. I see no reason to worship a Noble and that's the problem. If we really want to call ourselves Nobles then we must be superior. Don't you agree?"

William turned around waiting for an answer from One but he never got it. One was instead crouched down picking up a tiny white snake...


Somewhere In The City...

A Rooftop...

"Mr. Hyde, Sir Ben. Were you two successful? Have you gotten it to work yet?" A powerful voice asked. A wave of force seemed to come out as a figure slowly floated into view. Floated in a literal sense here. It was the Jester and currently on her back were two very powerful dragon like wings keeping her afloat. They slowly pulled back into her body as she landed on the rooftop and let out a small sigh. "Well? I'm waiting for an answer."

"Yeah, yeah give us a moment ya damn-" Mr. Hyde was cut off when his Husband Ben quickly covered his mouth.

"What Mr. Hyde is trying to say, is that it's about to run." Ben nodded.


There were currently four of them on the roof of a small metal building all standing around a large metal telephone like pole that Mr. Hyde, and Ben were working on. There was also the Jester of course and Turron who was standing behind her his arms folded behind his back as he covered his face up with more of his scarf... The device Mr. Hyde and Ben were working on was that same box they've had with them since they got here though now it seemed slightly different? Like it had gotten bigger or something... And it seemed to be glowing with a faint blue light.

"It should just be a little longer..." Mr. Hyde said the darkness of his body twisting around forming large black tendrils and needles which went into the cracks of the large box allowing him to work on it easier as he could work from the inside out.

"I see..." The Jester nodded her head. Her hand came out slowly and she lovingly touched the box. "It was hard getting this thing built you know... We didn't have that many samples left to make a body... Still we lucked out... This weapon will be more than enough. It's still loaded with Orion's energy... Also... Turron what happened to your partner?"

"Dunno." Was Turron's simple response. "Got bored. Ran off with Reaper."

"Oh well. I'm sure she'll turn back up. After all she's still wanting to meet her darling Ken."

Ben gave a nod as he scanned the device. "Alright. I think it might be starting in a second-"

There was a loud clicking sound and that was when it happened. It was quiet at first but it got loud very quickly and within seconds a massive hellish scream exploded out of the box. It was a horrible gross noise getting louder and louder. It didn't like like a human. But it didn't sound like a Bestia Macht either...

This was something else... Something far darker. The scream echoed around the city cracking several windows as it got louder and louder. It was filled with so much pain and fear. What ever was in that box must have been in pure agony as it cried out.

Ben slowly reached out grabbing a small black switch as he pulled it down shutting it off. "Well... That was..."

"That was awesome!" Mr. Hyde laughed. "Did you hear the despair in his voice? Man we should have used Row or Reaper for it. Imagine the horror they would give off hahaha!"

"It seems to be working then." Jester nodded her head for a moment. "Ben. Mr. Hyde. I will require you two to go and get One. We will need him for this next part as only he can use this machine... Turron... I'm counting on you to protect the machine as well."

"Yes my Lady!" All three men announced.

It had taken them nearly three weeks to set this dark and horrific machine up. However they did have it set up now... It was almost time...

Now it would be the time. Now would be when they would start there plan.

Now would be the time for the game to change.

That old man was such a fool... He shouldn't have let the game get to this point. What a fool he had been...

"Turron... Get the camera set up." The Jester said moving in front of the metal machine.

"Oh is it time?" Mr. Hyde asked the darkness twisting into a smile on his face. "Yay!"

Turron slowly placed a large camera up as he pointed it at the woman. "And three, two, one..."

"Hello Chrysanthemum City." The Jester said her voice coming out of every t.v, radio, speaker, or walkie talkie in the city. "My name is the Jester and I am a part of a group the Enforcers have kept secret so as to not cause panic. You can call us the Organization. That sound you all heard was from us. In less than one hour it will destroy this city leaving nothing but a glass crater. Normally you could all escape but..." She clicked a small button as a massive explosion went off. "I just got rid of the entrances and collapsed them. I will also say that, that cry will have called Bestia Macht to this city so don't think about escaping outside as it is to dangerous. Also a man not a part of our group collapsed the radio towers so no help will be coming. But fear not. There is a salvation. The Enforcers are currently in this city. So we're gonna play a little game... Will they be able to stop us before we destroy the city... Put all your hope into them so the despair will drag you back down to reality... Oh and Enforcers... Come find us... All of this is thanks to them... Well them and William the Noble who owns this city and allowed us to stay." She reached out with her hand putting it overt the camera as she squeezed down crushing it and ending the show. "It's time..." She nodded. "I gave you all your jobs."

"Yes, Master." All three men said bowing.

"Now go! Show the world that we aren't some silly little gang. We are. The Organization."


The Manner...

William stepped back as he stared at the screen with wide eyes.

"What the hell!" He growled. "Why would see say my name..." Small blood claws formed on his fingers as he let out a cry. "You idiots betrayed me-"

He whipped around and blood sprayed out in the office as his head rolled off of his shoulders. One slowly eased the blade back into his sheath.

"Darn..." He said quietly speaking in a young. "I liked him."

"Food..." The white snake slithered off of his body and began to slowly devour the corpse of Ben. With each bite it grew bigger and bigger until it managed to swallow the whole thing. Its body glowed and twisted as Viper stood up her body reformed. "So good."

One let out a grunt going back to the silent treatment as he took of his white cloak and handed it next to the woman so she could cover herself up. Under his cloak he wore a very simple black outfit as well as a black vest and small bits of armor.

He turned away and looked back at the screen watching his Lady reach out and crush the camera. "I hope she knows what she is doing..."

"She does kid." Viper said licking her lips as she picked up Williams head. Her mouth unhinged as she raised it above her head. "She does." And with that she dropped the head swallowing it whole. She gulped it down and shuddered slightly. "So good... Now... Let's hurry you back to your mommy."

"She's not my mother..."


Down In The Streets Below...

A Few Minuets Earlier...

"So where are we going?" Hero asked.

"Back to the hotel before-" Serenity was cut when a massive scream could be heard echoing out across the entire city.

"What the hell?" Kitsune asked sitting up still in Serenity's arms.

"Loud..." Lucy groaned covered her ears up with Emma. Emma just frowned and said a quick prayer as the hellish screams got louder.

Irene shivered slightly. "That sounds bad..."

Hero frowned when the yell stopped. "That... That sounded like..." He went silent when a store with several t'v's all came on.

"Hello Chrysanthemum City. My name is the Jester and I am a part of a group the Enforcers have kept secret so as to not cause panic. You can call us the Organization. That sound you all heard was from us. In less than one hour it will destroy this city leaving nothing but a glass crater. Normally you could all escape but... I just got rid of the entrances and collapsed them. I will also say that, that cry will have called Bestia Macht to this city so don't think about escaping outside as it is to dangerous. Also a man not a part of our group collapsed the radio towers so no help will be coming. But fear not. There is a salvation. The Enforcers are currently in this city. So we're gonna play a little game... Will they be able to stop us before we destroy the city... Put all your hope into them so the despair will drag you back down to reality... Oh and Enforcers... Come find us... All of this is thanks to them... Well them and William the Noble who owns this city and allowed us to stay."

And then it just ended.

"Oh no..." Serenity hissed. "This bad..."

"What are we gonna do-" Irene began but was stopped when Hero shifted his arm back to his clawed form.

"We stop them."

"Hero." Irene shook her head. "We can't-"

"I can!" Hero nodded. "And I will. They're trying to devour Hope. I'll show them how impossible that is. That messaged was to the entire city! We weren't able to evacuate everyone so I won't just sit down and let them die."

"Hero think! You aren't strong enough-"

"Than I'll borrow power from a future me. I'll take his power and use that to become strong enough!"

"Devil Arm... Try and think..." Kitsune sighed. "Let Dawson and Sif handle it..."

"Hero please..." Emma said.

"I'm not letting you run off." Serenity said shaking her head.

"I think he can do it." The group all turned seeing Ken? Behind her Light, Sera, and Nick could all be seen.

"Hey guys." Nick nodded. "We heard that scream so I gave Sif to Dawson and we came back to meet up with you guys. But... Sadly I think Ken might be right..." He laughed.

"What?" Serenity shook her head. "You can't be serious-"

"I'm not... But..." Nick frowned as he let out a sigh. "We don't have much of a choice right now... Sif and Dawson are in a part of the city that has no power so they didn't hear that bit. And they said they would meet back up in an hour. We really don't have time to wait for them. It's not that I think the recruits can beat them. I don't think they can... But we don't need to beat them. We just need to destroy that machine."

"Three of them can't even fight." Serenity arugured.

"I can fight..." Hero grumbled. Irene reached out and easily pushed him over due to his wounds. "...This proves nothing..."

"We aren't going to fight them." Nick said shaking his head. He pulled out several bottles of Life passing them to Hero, Kitsune, and Lucy. "Hero's arm can turn into a literal gun. I'm gonna get him close so he can shoot it."

"I can also shoot things!" Light cheered waving his gun around.

"See. It's full proof!"

"And if that doesn't work?" Serenity asked frowning.

"...Well... Than I'm gonna try to fight them." Nick shrugged with his one arm. "We just need to get to the machine..."

Hero gulped the juice down and crushed the bottle in his clawed hand. "Well I'm going. You can stop me, or you can come to."

"I think Hero can win." Ken nodded. "He's strong. He's a future Hero Of Justice!"

"I'm telling you this plan won't work..." Serenity sighed. "It's to dangerous... We should instead go get Dawson and Sif."

"Who knows how long that'll take." Nick augured. "Plus we still need to find the machine."

"Actually I know where the machine is..." Ken muttered getting everyone to turn to her. "Err... I think I do at least... I can smell Viper... I assume she could be near it..."

Serenity let out a sigh as she thought for a moment. "Okay... But I'm going to take Sera, Lucy, and Emma, and we're going to find Sif, and Dawson just in case... Only destroy the machine and run."

"How will you find us then?" Nick asked.

"I assume I'll just have to go to the sounds of battle..." Serenity said flatly. "Because this plan is going to go wrong right away..."

"I mean... Based on track records she isn't wrong..." Irene sighed. "I really don't think this is a good idea but I'll go along if Hero's going."

"Then it's settled." Hero nodded. "We're gonna save this City!"