Reaper's Final Stand

Night One Hundred And Four

Age 1991

Reaper hobbled forward moving at a slow pace due to his many injuries. His teeth were cracking as he clenched his jaw and hobbled forward.

"I need to get there... This is... This is where he hid them all... Damn those... Enforcers..." He stumbled forward at a beat up pace.

In front of him was the manner. No sign of the Organization, the Nobles, or any of the staff.

Reaper breathed out despite not having any lungs as he stepped past the doorway and into the now mostly run down Manner. His speed was at a slow rate as he hobbled to the Vault door. The entire city was so loud he could hear people running around in the streets all in a panic. He was unsure why but he guessed it had something to do with that hellish scream he had heard earlier... People were running around in the streets trying to escape...

Despite that though using his power he managed to get to the manner with some ease. Cutting off sound made it very easy to sneak around.

He bent down moving many of the Bells in the last vault away. He finally saw it... The place he had been in when he left the lab... A small hidden door could be seen in the floor of the vault. He slowly pulled it open showing a secret elevator to a further down room...

"Damn them..." Reaper growled. "Damn them all..." He slowly crawled into the elevator as it began to go down...

Meanwhile outside of the Manner...

"Are you sure he came this way?" Sif yawned shaking her head. "I can't believe you guys woke me up for this."

"I'm sure." Dawson nodded. "He was running this way... What do you think that terrible yell was... We should hurry up and kill this guy and meet back up with the group... I have a bad feeling about all of this..."

"Yeah, yeah..." Sif yawned.

"So..." Dawson asked. "How do you want us to-"

Sif brought her hand up creating a large black blade of darkness which she slashed out easily slicing the entire manner to bits. From the floor up it simply fell over leaving only a slab of metal flooring. "You think I got him?" She asked casually as the black blade vanished.

Dawson let out a small snort. "Damn... I forget how strong you are Lady Sif... Then again you are the forth strongest Captain in the Enforcers... Still we should make sure he is dead this time... He might not be a Seraphin but his bone based powers allow him to keep fighting and healing even after we rip him apart..."

"You do that..." Sif nodded her head for a moment as she slowly set down on the ground and closed her eyes drifting off to sleep.

Dawson walked forward into the metal floor as he looked around. He let out a small hum as he eyed something for a moment. "What's that-"

The ground suddenly began to shake as a massive bone arm thirty feet tall rose up from the ground lifting the entire plot of land up. Sif let out a small hum as she slowly opened her eyes...


A Few Minuets Earlier...

Several Butlers, and Maids, could all be seen in a large underground room that held the stench of blood and gore, and so much despair. It was the same room the Organization had stayed in earlier... The walls and ceiling were painted red with the blood of those who had been brought down here. Hundreds of metal beds could be seen with the homeless or commoners strapped to them with tools laid out. Several minor Nobles, the same kind Reaper had been hunting could also be seen all hiding in this strange underground cave.

"Damn that group..." One of the Butlers hissed out.

"Shh..." A Maid tried to shush him but he shook his head and let out a growl.

"No! I'll say what I want... This is that groups fault... Them and those Damn Nobles-"

"I beg your pardon?" One of the Nobles asked giving a large frown.

"You heard me!" They hissed out at the Nobles. "You fools think you are so much better than all of us, and you go around doing things like this just for fun. It is your fault that man was made."

"Don't act like we are the ones to only blame. You all stayed quiet and served many of us despite knowing what we do." The Noble sneered. "You're equally to blame."

Before another word could be said there was a quiet clicking sound as the elevator doors slowly opened...

"You're right..." A dark voice muttered. In the pit of bones they all began the shake. "You're all to blame!"


Present Time...

"Floors shaking." Sif said.

"Rising is a better word actually..."

Sif frowned as the plat form her and Dawson was on was raised up high. Reaper could be seen a massive monster made up of hundreds of bones. His arms were larger than any building in this city, and his teeth were large than a bus... But that wasn't what Sif was looking at. Rather she stared down at the pit which he had risen out of where something could be seen down in the large hole which his feet were still sticking out of.

Several homeless people could be seen running to freedom as they left the pit. They had broken chains, and many were still wounded and injured but they fled to safety. Some were even cheering for the massive skeleton.

He had left them alive...

"Holy crap he's big!" Dawson asked with wide eyes. "This might be hard..." He muttered. His red muscle rewrapped around him. "This is gonna be a fight alright."

"Dawson wait..." Sif said giving a small frown. "I think we should-"

"I'm gonna slaughter you all!" Reaper screamed throwing the massive platform up into the air as it went spinning up higher and higher.

"Never mind kill him..."

Dawson fired into the air as he spun around. "Level Two!" He announced as his red tendrils grew thicker and hotter as flames began to pour off of him. The red tendrils grew out more and more getting larger and larger as they wrapped around his right arm making a massive bus sized arm. Large red spikes stabbed out of his knuckles as he threw out a massive punch straight into the massive jaws of the skeleton...

Reapers teeth were covered in massive cracks as he began to fall back slamming down into the wall of the city. It cracked and nearly shattered as he leaned on it. The wall managed to hold up though not fully breaking. Reaper managed a loud groan which shook the entire block as he reached up and rubbed at his shattered jaw. He let out a loud growl as he shook his head.

"I'm not done yet!" Dawson yelled. A pair of large red wings sprouted out of his back as he flew up higher and higher getting further and further into the air. He brought his left arm, and right arm up as a red tendril came out tieing them together and forming what looked like a massive red hammer of tendrils. He curved his body midair as his wings sent him flying down at a fast speed. "Take this!" His arms came out as he slammed his massive arm weapon into the head of Reaper.

The entire ground shook and cracked as Reapers legs began to dig into the ground as he was pushed down to his ankles stuck in the floor.

Dawson's hands came undone forming large black claws which he stabbed into Reapers face dragging himself further down the body and leaving large gashes on it.

Reaper let out a loud cry as he swung out with his massive arm trying to hit the flying Dawson but he was just to slow unable to hit the fast moving demon. Despite that though the air was cracked and ripped from the sonic boom that came off of his massive arm.

"You might have a lot of power in that massive form of yours but you will never hit me like that." Dawson said letting out a loud hiss.

Reaper let out another loud growl as the cracks, and bruises on his bones began to slowly heal and seal shut as his body fixed back up. Large white pipes began to sprout out of his body each around six feet long. Each barrel glowed for a moment as they all began to fire out hundreds of large white bone bullets into the air.

Dawson's eyes went wide as they slammed into him and began to pierce his red armor pushing him back. A much larger barrel formed out of Reapers head firing out a massive white bullet the size of a bus which smashed into Dawson and sent him flying through several of the bullets knocking them all over.

"Ow..." Dawson hissed quietly. "Lady Sif some help..."

Sif let out a small hum as she shrugged.

"Take them down Reaper!" Some of the people from the crater yelled still crawling out. "You can do this!"

Sif frowned as her large black shadows formed massive wings. Large jet boosters also seemed to form out of the wings firing out black flames as she took flight launching into the air. Several of the barrels all turned toward her as they fired out a barrage of bullets towards the small girl, but Sif blocked them all using a black tendril which whipped around through the air at a fast speed blocking all the bullets with ease.

"Damn you!" He yelled at her his voice coming out as a thunderous boom.

"My turn." Sif nodded raising her arm up and creating a large black barrel around her arm. It glowed for a moment and fired unleashing a massive black beam of energy which she slashed up severing one of Reaper's arms off and causing the limb to fall shaking the ground when it landed with a loud thud. The black beam glowed as it separated into hundreds of black lines which then all wrapped around Reaper's barrels and pulled back ripping more, and more off as his hellish screams got louder.

"I will defeat you!" Reaper yelled as his bones began to glow. "Level wo!" His bones became black as he became even larger somehow and regrew his arm creating a sword bigger than the city which he raised up stabbing through the black clouds above. "I'll kill you!" He slammed it down as hard as he could splitting the literal sky open for a moment and for the first time ever showing off a bright blue sky, and rays of sunlight...

Sif closed her eyes for a moment as the blade flew down. It was to large to dodge. Such an attack would wipe out the city for sure. The force of t dropping down from the sky was enough to ignite the bone in flames and several people on the ground were crushed to death from the force coming off of it.

"Level Two... Black Star Devour."

"Oh no..." Dawson hissed watching as Sif was covered in black shadows. "Hit the deck!"

"What the hell-" Reaper was cut off as a massive black ball of darkness formed out of Sif hundreds of miles big as black flames formed on it. For a moment she was a literal black star of heat, darkness, and death, sending out a beam of black light that more than easily ripped the massive sword in half and blasted Reapers arms clean off drilling a massive hole in the center of his body and recovering the sky in a pitch black void.

And then it was gone...

The black star simply vanished as Sif fell from the sky sleeping. She landed in the arms of Dawson who jumped up and caught her. "You may be one of the scariest sixteen year olds ever..." Dawson sighed. Sif snuggled into his arms snoring quietly.

A loud growl echoed out making Dawson look back up with wide eyes. Reaper was still standing slowly re-growing his arms. "I can't lose... I'm going to save them-" Reaper's voice was cut off when he looked down seeing the rows of dead bodies from him bringing his sword down. The entire block was destroyed leaving only Dawson and Sif still standing... Reaper had killed everyone else without realizing it.

There was a quiet cracking sound as Reapers body came undone and a small skeleton slowly dropped to the ground landing on his back.

"I... I didn't mean to kill... I wanted them to escape..." He was silent as he stared up at the black void up above.

"It's over Reaper..." Dawson said shaking his head. "It's over..."

Reaper was silent for a moment as he slowly stood up. "I'm the older brother of Row, and Vil... Though calling us brothers is technically wrong." He said. "Rather all three of us are the same being just made at different times. We grew up in a lab and were designed to one day kill God. Row was the strongest one of us now."


Reaper told Dawson everything he knew. He told Dawson about the lab he grew up in, everything he knew about the Crests, his brothers, and how Piero destroyed and burned the lab down killing everyone inside of it... He even told him about how they used a thing called the Dream Crest in order to make Three Equations.

"The first they made was modeled after Hero Law's Equation that she had... It was placed in Row's right arm since he was the strongest one of us... They got the Dream Crest from a man named Yume... Yume is twin brother of Piero you see... They are both people known as Dragons... A group that worships God. There are twenty six of them in total... Each one has a Crest modeled after the Alphabet. Piero betrayed the other Dragons and killed his own brother as well as a man named Chinmoku who was also a Dragon... Chinmoku's Crest was the Silence... It was going to be given to Vil but was instead placed in me... The Dreamer Crest was given to Row... It's powers allow the user to make a Dream a reality and is considered the third strongest Crest... Piero had the Clown Crest but being that he is dead it is possible it could end up in someone else's hands... I know nothing about the other Dragons or their Crest... I do know there is another power that all Crest users can do becoming a Dragon but I know not how it is done..."

"Why are you telling me all this..." Dawson asked.

"Because... It doesn't matter..." Reaper said pulling out a large bone blade as he stood back up. "Vil is dead. Row is sleeping. I might as well not exist. I'm silent, something that will be forgotten... This is the way I saw it ending."

Dawson stared at the skeleton as he frowned. "What?" He asked. He saw Reapers mouth moving but he heard nothing coming out. He slowly set Sif down as his red Tendrils formed a large red sword on his arm.

"I was always resentful of him..." Reaper nodded though Dawson still heard nothing. "My little brother Row... He was always..."

Reaper charged forward his movement being silent as he jumped at Dawson bringing his sword down.

" sad..."

Reaper saw it as he fell.

He saw them both.

Row and Vil. They both gave him a sad smile and turned away.

"I never was able to keep up with you two... Little Brothers..."

It was over in an instant as Dawson's blade sliced through Reapers and he split the skeleton in half giving him a silent death. Normally a cracking would have been heard but it was silent as the Equation in Reaper's forehead shattered and a normal skeleton landed on the ground no longer moving.

A small black box the size of a pebble fell out of his remains. An 'S' was carved into it...

Dawson picked it up watching at the box cracked and shattered. One down... Twenty Five left...

"You... You must have had a hard life huh." Dawson asked looking up to the black sky. "I don't pity you for you did horrible things, but I think I understand... Rest now Reaper. Your fight is over. Your silence is gone. I'll remember."


The Enforcer turned staring up the crater finding Emma, Lucy, Sera, and Serenity all staring down at him.

"What... What happened?" Serenity asked.

Dawson ignored the question as he picked up the little body of the sleeping Sif. "Come on... We have to get back to work... Our fight isn't done."