The Enforcers Versus The Organization Part One

Night One Hundred And Five

Age 1991

"Are we almost there?" Hero asked.

Currently, him, Nick, Ken, Irene, Light, and Kitsune, were all jumping from building to building using Ken as some kind of tracking dog, though she insisted she was a smelling cat, whatever that was? Most of the streets below were empty people wisely staying in their houses or heading towards bunkers. The entire city felt so empty... Like a ghost town...

Every now and then the city would shake, and at one point Ken swore she heard loud screaming, and saw the sky split open but it fixed itself...

"Hang on..." Ken said holding her arm out as they jumped to another building. "I smell Viper and I think others are nearby but the smell is weird... Like it's moving to fast normally. It's so weird-"

(-Save her Hero-)

Ken was interrupted by Hero who slapped her down onto the ground with his left hand and brought his right arm up changing it to his clawed form and suddenly catching a large katana. Standing in front of him now, was a young looking person clad in a black outfit with some armor, and wearing a wooden mask.

Hero's ruby red eyes met the spot of where the masked figure's eyes would have been as everyone reacted.

"When did he get here!" Kitsune yelled.

Irene and Light both fired a beam of light and ice at the figure but he suddenly flashed away appearing ahead of them on the street. The group all landed on the street below staring ahead at the figure in shock.

"So fast..." Irene hissed.

"Ow..." Ken groaned sitting back up as her eye twitched. "I get that you saved me but did you have to smack me upside the head so hard!" She glared.

Hero didn't say anything a small frown on his face. 'W... What was that voice I heard?' He thought.

Nick was also thinking to himself, as he stared at the back of Hero. 'Did... Did Hero actually react faster than me? No that's impossible... Even injured I'm stronger than Dawson... Did he somehow know the attack was going to happen before it did? What was that...'

"Oh One! You missed." A Voice yelled from above that made Ken suddenly shiver and wrap her arms around Hero. From up above a taller building Viper dropped down still in her monster like form and only wearing a red cloak. She flashed the group a smile as her eyes scanned over them all before finally looking over to Ken making the tiny girl shiver more. Hero put himself in front of the girl glaring back at Viper. "You know Ken. It was kind of obvious you were tracking me. After all I can smell you to so did you really not think I wouldn't notice you coming near my my darling..." She giggled.

Ken moved further back. "S... So what..."

"So... I going to devour you and make you a part of me-"

"And that's the end of this conversation!" Hero hissed bring his right arm up as it began to glow. "Goodbye you bit-"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Hero..." A voice called out from above. "After all you only have one shot with that thing, and you'll needed for the Drawer... My machine..." The group slowly looked up and this time they all felt a shiver go down their spine when they saw a woman covered in bandages wearing a glass Jester Mask... "Oh... I suppose I should introduce myself right..." She asked giving a mocking bow. "You can call me... The Jester..." Behind her a large metal machine could be seen, as well as several robed figures...

"Oh shit-" Nick managed to get out before everyone was suddenly hit with a black glow and they all vanished.

Only three people were left. The Jester, Hero, and One...

"W... What!" Hero asked with wide eyes. "What happened?"

"I sent them away." The Jester said calmly stepping off of the floor. "They've been sent a few blocks away, but I also sent a member with them that they'll have to fight. One... While I play with this one here would you be a dear and start up the machine?" One gave a bow before jumping up to the roof and began to work on the machine. "Let's make this fair..." Jester said walking towards Hero. "For the first minuet of our fight I'll only use my left arm. Also if any of your teammates mange to kill, knock out, or escape one of my members and make it back here, I'll allow them to jump into the fight."

"Don't worry..." Hero said shaking his head as his right arm changed back into his clawed form. "I'll be done with you before that minuet!" He yelled charging forward.

"Oh my... We'll see..."

The Jester raised her left arm as it grew in size and was wrapped in large scales and grew a pair of large claws.

"What kind of Transformation Equation is that?" Hero muttered. "An Equation just rests within a single limb, or organ, and most change it into a weapon... Equations that give the limb flesh or use Bio material like Dawson's muscles are rare..."

"Well this isn't a normal Equation... Much like yours mine is weird... By the way, tick, tock... Times running out-"

Hero fired forward twisting his body as he slashed out with his clawed hand slashing at her. True to her word she didn't even bother moving her legs, or any part of her body, just her right arm which easily came out and deflected his strike with ease. Just a mere slap of her hand was enough to send waves through his body making him grit his teeth and shake.

Hero let out a yell throwing out a powerful punch with clashed with her massive fist sending a shockwave through the street. Her power was just to much for him though and in seconds he was sent flying back across the street slamming into a building and crashing through it.

Hero heard screams and set up finding several people were in the building he had crashed through.

"...Err... Whoops... Sorry..." He said sheepishly jumping back outside and dusting the rubble off of him. "Well that didn't work... I might be in over my-"

"Twenty seconds..."

Hero fired forward once more unleashing a powerful cry as he sliced out with his claws, only for her to counter with her own bigger claws on her left arm. He spun away and slashed his claw into a building ripping chunks out of it and using his arms massive strength to throw them out like large boulders.

The Jester shook her head and brought her arm up slamming it down on the boulders and crushing them with ease.

"I expected more..."

"Damn it!"


"I get it!" Hero fired forward once more yelling even louder as more heat and sound came off of him. "Get ready for this!" He hissed out as a black energy seeped out of his arm and he brought it up stabbing it into the ground. "Lot's Salt!"


The pillar of energy blasted up swirling around and turning most of the street into a fine powder that looked like salt as it washed over the woman who somehow blocked it with one arm.


Hero jumped into the air spinning around and firing out a barrage of flaming feathers which she still blocked. "Devil's Feathers!"


"David's Trumpet!" Hero yelled slamming his fist down and unleashing a sonic boom which she caught with her own hand.


She used her own arm still gripping his and slammed him into the ground raising him up and slamming him down again, and again into the stone floor.


She turned her shoulder slamming him straight through another building as it collapsed on top of him burring him in a thick rubble...


Hero groaned slowly pulling himself off as he breathed heavily.


His arm glowed as more heat and sound began to pour off of it and the entire arm began to spin at a rapid speed. "I didn't want to use this yet..." His arm got bigger becoming the size of a large car as it spun so fast the wind and heat twisted around it casting it in a flaming tornado.


"If you can block this then I don't I stood a chance..." Hero said bringing the arm back as it somehow grew even bigger, spinning even faster, as so much heat was produced the ground they stood on began to melt and be covered in flames. "This is my everything!"


"I call this!" Hero fired forward making Jester's eyes go wide for a moment as he moved at speeds far faster than any bullet could hope to reach as she slammed his arm straight into her as hard as he could unleashing a barrage of wind, sound, heat, metal, feathers, and even salt, as a massive explosion went off in front of him. "Hellish Cyclone!"

The entire city block was reduced to less than ash in a single second, the only building still standing being the building One was on still working on the machine.

Hero breathed heavily as his arm reverted back to normal and he nearly collapsed. "Please tell me she's dead-"

"My... That was close." Jester said reaching out of the dust cloud and grabbing Hero by the throat with her right arm.

"G... God... D... Damn... It..." Hero gasped as she squeezed down. Her right arm slowly shifted into the same arm as her left making Hero's eyes go wide. She turned throwing him across the street once more letting out a laugh. Hero stood back up in shock as he stared at her. "But how? A Transformation Type can only change one body part? There are people like Dawson who change their muscles and wrap their body up like armor, but your arms changed?"

"Oh little Hero..." Jester said cocking her head to the side. Her body seemed to glow as she got larger... "I can affect my whole body... I can turn it into..." Her body was suddenly much larger now standing on two powerful legs covered in black scales. She stood at nearly twelve feet tall incased in a massive suit covering her from head to toe. A large black tail, two powerful wings, mighty clawed arms, and a long neck with rows of razor sharp teeth and flames coming out of them. In the center of her chest her upper body could be seen molded into this new form. "A Dragon..." She hissed as her body was slowly pulled into the chest covered up by those thick black scales.

"What the actual f##K!"

The beast let out a loud roar as its wings came down sending out blades of wind from all directions which sliced through several buildings and made more people scream out as their homes came down. It opened its mouth and fired out a massive beam of green light into the air.

"I give up-"

Hero tried to say but was cut off when the freaking sound barrier exploded and the beast slammed its open palm into his face gripping his head tightly.

"I knew you were nothing Hero!" Jester's voice laughed coming out of the beast. It raised him up and smashed him into the ground making him scream out in pain. "You're nothing compared to Row you know that!" She laughed. She turned her body and slammed her tail down. "You may have his body but you sure as hell don't have his power! Now... Wake up Row!" She yelled.

Hero gasped as the tail came down on his body once again and he was pushed in to the ground deeper. 'I... I can't... I can't my body...' He thought with terror realizing he was out of power. 'Am I gonna die?' His vision blurred as everything began to get darker, and darker... His hearing began to slowly go out as his mind began to panic. 'N... No... I don't want to... I don't want to die!'

"Wake up!" Jester screamed slamming her tail down again and again, and again. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Hero was pushed deeper and deeper down. 'I can't hear or see...'

"Wake up!"

'it's so dark...'

"Wake up!"


"Wake up... Wake up... Wake..."

'ken... kitsune... light... emma... sera... lucy... dawson... jackson... katrina... sif... nick... leena... I... Irene? Why can't I remember any of their faces... Did I... Ever exist?'

(I'm up...)

The dragon gritted its teeth as it raised its fist up above its head. "I said wake up!"

Over with One he let out a small sigh. "I pity. I thought he would put up more of a fight... Oh well... I guess I should turn this on and-"

"Will you shut the Hell up you Bitch." A voice cried out. There was a flash of green light as the Dragon's body literally exploded in a hail of gore and Jester was ripped out of the beast. The entire alleyway seemed to suddenly be clouded in a bright green energy as One stared in shock at Hero?

He was out of the crater his wounds slowly shutting. His look was different though. Those kind heroic eyes were gone. His left arm was wrapped around Jesters neck having easily ripped her out of her dragon armor like it was nothing. His chest glowed showing a glowing 'D' shaped scar...

His grip got tighter as he pulled the Jester closer glaring into her glass mask and staring at his reflection. "I... Was... Trying... To... Sleep..."

"R... Row?"