The Enforcers Versus The Organization Part Two

Night One Hundred And Seven

Age 1991

"I'll keep fighting because I'm a Hero of Justice! A Superhero!" Hero pointed his spear arm at the woman as she stepped back. It was different now. His resolve had changed. The thing was no longer a mere spear. Now it was like a large drill as green energy seeped off of it much like his clawed hand had.

"Pathetic boy... Still I'll admit... That Equation suits you..." The Jester hissed. "I could use my dragon powers on you but doing so would risk waking up Row... I want to kill you while you're Hero Law. I want to make you suffer."

"That dragon stuff wasn't your Equation?"

"No." She shook her head placing one hand on her glass mask while the other went to her bandages. She tugged on the bandages slowly showing off a small portion of her chest where a 'C' shaped scar could be seen. "You see... All Dragon Clan members have Crests, as well as Transformation Type Equations... By swallowing a Transformation Equation while your body is able to evolve to a dragon. Even a fool like you could do it though I doubt you could control that power, plus it would surely wake Row up so I wouldn't recommend it."

"So you're from the Dragon Clan!" Hero hissed.

"No. All Dragon Clan members have scales on their body as well as reddish brown skin. Normally only a member from that clan can have a Crest as in a normal human it makes them crazy..."

"Then why do I have one? And why do you? I don't have that weird skin, and Row didn't either?"

"Because like me you're the child of one. You're the son of Orion, or... As some people call him... God. Father of the Dragon Clan!"

"I'm a demi God? Suck it Fox I'm way better than a Noble!"

"Not quite..." Jester said shaking her head. "You really born. Rather you were made when they took some of Orion's DNA and tried to clone him as part of a project that would slay God. The first subject was Reaper your older brother but he was deemed a failure the DNA in him to pure driving him mad and turning his power into a Fallen One... So they took some of my DNA and made two more, one called Row, and one called Vil... So in a way... You're like my son. And it seems you do take after your mother..."

"T... That's impossible." Hero shook his head. "I would have seen you in all of Row's memories."

"Oh but you did!" Jester laughed. "You the scar I have. It was my father's Crest."


She slowly took off her mask and Hero met her bloody red eyes, and watched as her long silver hair fell down her back. She gave a small bow for a moment. "Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Hero Law. Former First Captain." She smiled. "Now... Come to mommy son."

"But your dead!"

"Am I?"

"I... Yes? I watched you die?"


"You know I can't answer that question because it's Row's memories you prick!"

Hero- Err... The girl Hero let out a small giggle as she brought her hands to her mouth. "I'm surprised you didn't catch it. After all the commenters did-"

"Hey only I can break the forth wall! And I haven't done that since Volume One. Christmas special doesn't count..."

Hero, again the girl one, shoved her fingers into her mouth causing herself to puke up a small white marble. She wiped the spit from her mouth as she picked it up and it glowed morphing into her right arm. Said arm glowed turning into a large metal arm, with feathers, heat, and sound coming off of it.

"So... Shall we continue where we left off?"


A Few Moments Before The Fight...

"Ow..." Ken groaned sitting back up as her eye twitched. "I get that you saved me but did you have to smack me upside the head so hard!" She glared.

Hero didn't say anything a small frown on his face. 'W... What was that voice I heard?' He thought.

Nick was also thinking to himself, as he stared at the back of Hero. 'Did... Did Hero actually react faster than me? No that's impossible... Even injured I'm stronger than Dawson... Did he somehow know the attack was going to happen before it did? What was that...'

"Oh One! You missed." A Voice yelled from above that made Ken suddenly shiver and wrap her arms around Hero. From up above a taller building Viper dropped down still in her monster like form and only wearing a red cloak. She flashed the group a smile as her eyes scanned over them all before finally looking over to Ken making the tiny girl shiver more. Hero put himself in front of the girl glaring back at Viper. "You know Ken. It was kind of obvious you were tracking me. After all I can smell you to so did you really not think I wouldn't notice you coming near my my darling..." She giggled.

Ken moved further back. "S... So what..."

"So... I going to devour you and make you a part of me-"

"And that's the end of this conversation!" Hero hissed bring his right arm up as it began to glow. "Goodbye you bit-"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Hero..." A voice called out from above. "After all you only have one shot with that thing, and you'll needed for the Drawer... My machine..." The group slowly looked up and this time they all felt a shiver go down their spine when they saw a woman covered in bandages wearing a glass Jester Mask... "Oh... I suppose I should introduce myself right..." She asked giving a mocking bow. "You can call me... The Jester..." Behind her a large metal machine could be seen, as well as several robed figures...

"Oh shit-" Nick managed to get out before everyone was suddenly hit with a black glow and they all vanished.

Kitsune felt the weird light hit him as he suddenly appeared somewhere else. Irene was standing next to him with wide eyes as they looked around. There was a quiet clicking sound as Droney Hero's pet drone flew down landing on Irene's head.

"Where are we?" Kitsune asked.

"Nowhere special." A voice laughed. "You just got to fight little old me." They both looked up finding Mr. Hyde standing across from them. He gave a wide grin as the darkness on him grew forming black claws. "Our Master sent us all across the city with her Crest the Clown, which allows her to bend the rules of reality in order to put on an act. She's fighting Row, while I get you two. So... Wanna fight?"

"N... No?" Irene said.

"To bad."

"Well that didn't work..." Kitsune sighed pulling his katana out. "Irene... Go on ahead."


"I know your worried about Hero... You're weaker than me anyways. You'll get in my way. Go help the show off Devil Arm. I got this guy."

Irene gave a small smile. "You're a good friend Kitsune... Don't die..." She leaned in kissing him on the forehead making him blush and fumble. "Good luck." She turned creating a large ice stairway and quickly got up to a building.

"You're not gonna try to stop her?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow when Mr. Hyde didn't move at all.

"Nah. Not really a fighter ya see. I'd rather fight one on one, that two on one, so she can leave."

Kitsune gave a small grin as he lowered his katana. "Well... You picked the wrong opponent. I'm not going to hold back."

"You're a Nine correct... I'm partly interested in how I'll do against one of you."

Kitsune's flames formed his ears, and tails, as his blade was covered in the flames. "Well then. Come at me!" He yelled firing forward and slashing his sword down into Mr. Hyde's black needle, and with that their battle began.

Kitsune was fast his flames growing bigger, and hotter as he used his enhanced speed and skills delivering powerful bursts of slashes, every swing of his sword sending out large waves of flames filled with foxes made out of fire that hissed, clawed, and bit at Mr. Hyde leaving small marks in his shadowy skin which in turn seemed to ripple and shift around his body in strange ways.

Kitsune threw himself back slashing his sword out and firing out a massive fox head which opened its mouth firing out its own attack, a large beam of flames. "This is my improved attack... Behold my Fox-Flare!" He yelled out as the beam rippled forward.

"Oh dear..." Mr. Hyde hissed out as he raised his right arm up the darkness seeping out and forming some kind of tower-like shield blocking the beam which easily blasted most of the city block away in one burst blast. "Sorry kid not good enough-"

Kitsune crashed down from the sky slashing his sword out and severing Mr. Hyde's right arm clean off sending out a blackish blood from the wound and making Mr. Hyde scream out in pain. "You sure about that?" Kitsune asked giving a cocky grin as he sliced up and left a large burning slash on the man's chest.

Mr. Hyde jumped away letting out a loud hiss. "Prick! You know how long it'll take me to heal that damage."


"Like right away..." A new arm sprouted out of the darkness, as black goo covered the large cut and eased the wound.

"Don't tell me you're also a Seraphin..." Kitsune sighed.

"Not exactly." Mr. Hyde laughed. "I'm something else. A different being." For a moment the darkness dropped around him showing a horribly burnt corpse. No way it was alive... Its flesh was nearly burned cleaned off and its bones were cracked and old. Small pieces of rotten flesh hung to him, and several of Ben's Dolls, these one super small, could be seen sticking out of him. His head was nearly a skull with small droplets of flesh, a ruby red eye, and patches of snow white hair...

"What the hell?"

"Cue right." Mr. Hyde sneered. The darkness formed around his body covering him up once again. "It's kind of hard to explain what I am... I used to be a Scientist named Mr. Hyde who was in Love with Ben Alazir. I worked on project God Slayer."

"God Slayer?"

"Oh you don't know? That man those silly red Nuns worship. His name's Orion and he's real... Master Storm wanted him gone though so around age 1960-1970, we worked our asses off making new warriors. The first hoped to replace dead Enforcers. The Second Generation Program. It left a portion of the persons soul in the Equation, and brought a dead Enforcer back in a new body, usually those bodies were a homunculus artificially made bodies, but rare cases like Light happened where the Equation was placed in a living body. In cases like this the users mind becomes mostly damaged and fractured, but in return their body gains a healing power, and immunity to the Bestia Macht virus. Next was Project Seraphin artificially created warriors using DNA from a Bestia Macht but it shut down as most hosts went insane, or turned into actual Bestia Macht's... Later I improved this one by using a thing called Labby but it was still shut down..."

"I get... So... You're the one who turned Ken into a Seraphin..." Kitsune growled.

"I'm not done yet so shut up! You see we weren't the only ones making warriors. Orion was as well. He made the Dragon-Clan powerful monster like people with Crests who could turn into Dragons and bend reality. Over time though his group got a traitor who took some of his DNA..."

"Oh no..."

"That's right! Using it we made several clones of him! However the first batch wasn't able to work. The only one that could speak and talk we called Reaper and he was deemed a failure... Later we talked to Hero Law and used some of her DNA for she was the daughter of a member of the Dragon Clan and would allow us to make the clones more stable!"


"I don't know some science shit..."

"Makes sense to me..."

"With her DNA we made two more... Row and Vil... Sadly Reaper, Row, and Vil, were the only ones who could actually work. Any other one failed."

"Okay but how does that explain what the hell you are?" Kitsune asked.

"I'm getting to that! You see in time Piero went mad from his 'C' Crest the Clown. His mind broke and he betrayed us... I died that day. As did so many others... But my loving Husband Ben managed to place most of my soul in my Equation. Sadly there was no time to find a good body so we had no choice but to place me in one of the failed clones, also giving it the Bestia Macht DNA to make it more stable. It still wouldn't work though, but with my soul added I was able to barely get it functioning. Sadly most of it had been to damaged in the flames, and even with the Seraphin DNA Orion's DNA as well as my soul hindered it so my regeneration is slower and far weaker."

"I get it... So you're a Second Generation, placed into a failed cloned body of God, that had been badly burned, and given Bestia Macht DNA? That's confusing... This is aa damn twist right out of Devil Arms dumb comic books..." Kitsune muttered shaking his head.

"So now that you know what do you think?"

"I think I'm gonna kick your ass!"