The Enforcers Versus The Organization Part Three

Night One Hundred And Eight

Age 1991

"Ow..." Ken groaned sitting back up as her eye twitched. "I get that you saved me but did you have to smack me upside the head so hard!" She glared.

Hero didn't say anything a small frown on his face. 'W... What was that voice I heard?' He thought.

Nick was also thinking to himself, as he stared at the back of Hero. 'Did... Did Hero actually react faster than me? No that's impossible... Even injured I'm stronger than Dawson... Did he somehow know the attack was going to happen before it did? What was that...'

"Oh One! You missed." A Voice yelled from above that made Ken suddenly shiver and wrap her arms around Hero. From up above a taller building Viper dropped down still in her monster like form and only wearing a red cloak. She flashed the group a smile as her eyes scanned over them all before finally looking over to Ken making the tiny girl shiver more. Hero put himself in front of the girl glaring back at Viper. "You know Ken. It was kind of obvious you were tracking me. After all I can smell you to so did you really not think I wouldn't notice you coming near my my darling..." She giggled.

Ken moved further back. "S... So what..."

"So... I going to devour you and make you a part of me-"

"And that's the end of this conversation!" Hero hissed bring his right arm up as it began to glow. "Goodbye you bit-"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Hero..." A voice called out from above. "After all you only have one shot with that thing, and you'll needed for the Drawer... My machine..." The group slowly looked up and this time they all felt a shiver go down their spine when they saw a woman covered in bandages wearing a glass Jester Mask... "Oh... I suppose I should introduce myself right..." She asked giving a mocking bow. "You can call me... The Jester..." Behind her a large metal machine could be seen, as well as several robed figures...

"Oh shit-" Nick managed to get out before everyone was suddenly hit with a black glow and they all vanished.

Ken felt the weird light cover her as both her and Light suddenly stood somewhere else Viper across from them.

"Hero?" Ken asked with a pair of wide eyes.

"Big Brother no!"

Viper giggled as she licked her lips for a second making Ken shiver. "Sorry. Your boyfriend isn't here-"

"Big Brother isn't my boyfriend!"






"Why the hell is he here?" Ken asked.

"No clue..." Viper sighed. "Now as I was saying..." Large black spikes stabbed out of her fingers. "No Hero here. Just me. You want him... Get past me then."

Ken squeezed her hands for a moment as she took a deep breath. "I can do this..." She nodded. "I can beat you. I'm not scared!"

"I'm gonna devour you."

"Okay maybe I'm a little scared..."

"Ken." Light said throwing his arm out in front of her. "Stay back at first... I'd never forgive myself if I let someone hurt Big Brothers, Best Girl-"

"The hell did you just call me..."

"I'll take her on."

"That's a terrible idea Light..." Ken sighed.

"Yep!" The blind teen smirked as he raised his gun and charged forward. "In my past life I fought you Seraphins when you went mad. Allow me to show you how I dealt with them!"

"Someone's feisty! Alright little boy!" Viper grinned a shark tooth grin as more spikes, stabbed out of her, as her scales began to grow and acid dripped out of her mouth. "I'll devour you first!" She laughed jumping into the air.

Light raised his crossed shape massive gun up, using his advanced smell, and hearing, he had to track her jump as he placed his finger on the trigger. "Blind Justice... Rapid fire mode!" He announced as the barrel of the gun seemed to get larger for a moment and several golden bullets fired out into the air all of them easily piercing Viper's flesh and blasting through it.

Despite that though she simply let out a loud laugh as she fell forward letting the bullets hit her. She landed on the ground and raised her hand up creating a large black spike which she jutted forward towards the blind teen. Light was clever though easily blocking the strike with his big gun using it as if it was some kind of shield and deflecting her strike away. He didn't stop there though slamming the large gun into her chin with a devastating upper cut that was so strong it caused Viper's lower jaw to shatter and snapped her neck as she was sent into the air.

Light's glowing gun got brighter as he pointed it at her falling body. "Blind Justice. Burst Beam." He pulled the trigger firing out a large beam that blasted a hole right through her body. He kept the beam going slicing her head straight off. Her body hit the ground with a loud splat as her head landed on the ground a few feet away from him a shocked expression on its face. "I'm not taking any chances." Light announced pointing the gun down at the head. "You're dead!"

"Wow..." Ken said with wide eyes. "Light is actually really strong huh? I guess I forgot since he doesn't fight as much as the rest of us do. Still he's kind of cool- Light look out!"

Light turned just in time to see a large black spike stabbed straight through his gut making his eyes go wide. Viper's headless body had just jumped at him and stabbed him...

"E... Even with no head the bodies a threat?" Light gasped spitting up some blood.

Viper's arm flew out slamming a fist into his face and knocking him back. her other hand bent down picking her head back up and placing it back on her neck. There was a small puff of steam as it reattached.

"Taddah!" She smirked. "Cool trick right."

"D... Damn you-"

Before Light could react she opened her palm firing out a red beam through one of his legs leaving a large hole in it and dropping it as he let out a scream of pain.

"Well it was fun." Viper smiled. "Goodbye little boy-" She held her hand up just in time catching Ken's fist as the small girl came crashing in. "Oh my darling it's so cute that you think you can hurt me like that." Viper laughed. "My bodies getting so hot just from being near you." Her smirk grew as she squeezed down on Ken's fist snapping the bone and making the girl yell out. "You see Ken. I'm in an evolved state of a Seraphin. You're still in your human mode. You have to let the power out and push it to the next level. Stop holding back my darling! You'll never hurt me like that-"

Viper was forced to stop talking when Ken slammed her head into Viper's face smashing her nose and causing her grip to lessen. Blood flowed out of Viper's mouth and nose as her face fixed itself.

"That hurt."

"Good." Ken growled. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time!"

"Oh don't be like that." Viper laughed. "What happened to the past. What happened to our love? You used to let me touch you, hold you, bite you, kiss you, bleed you... Whatever happened to that. We were in love."

"I found my humanity." Ken hissed. "I wasn't in love with you, and you weren't in love with me. You were just a beast abusing me, and hurting me for your sick pleasure."

"You seemed to like it. After all you always begged me to hit, or bite you harder?"

"S... Shut up!"

Ken jumped at the much stronger Seraphin her emotions clouding her as Viper side stepped the attack with ease wrapping her hands around Ken's hair and slamming the poor girls face into the ground as hard as she could. "How many times have you died now? You stink of death." Viper giggled letting go of Ken's hair and slamming her foot into the girls gut so hard Ken was lifted into the air. As she fell back down Viper made a large black spike and rammed it through Ken's chest making the girl let out a gasp of pain and spit up blood. Viper let out a small giggle planting a kiss on Ken's jawline. "You're cute..."

"I... I... I always hated you." Ken hissed out tears streaming out of her as she pulled her self onto Viper's spear more so her arms could reach the vile snake girl and bash her fist into the older girls jaw. "You're just some mindless monster and now that I real friends, people who like me, people I care about and love you come and do this! I hate you so much!"

"Hate?" Viper grinned even as Ken punched her face over and over again , simply healing the damage caused. "You hate me huh. I get it. So because you found some new love you think you can just leave me alone? What's her name, I'll devour her too? Or maybe it's a body, and it's that Hero fellow. I want to eat him to. He smells just like-"

"Shut up!" Ken screamed but was silenced when Viper threw her off of the spear and into the wall of a house.

"No you shut up." Viper hissed. "I'm trying to be nice darling, but you're starting to really piss me off. Maybe I'll just devour your brain and kill you for good? I was trying to be fateful wife, but you left and joined that silly religious group. I hate that God, that's why I'm on the Jester's side. We're gonna kill him you know! But you joined that stupid group getting those thoughts of that human love, and 'friends' and now you're some dumbass Enforcer, and hanging around that stupid fox, that damn blind kid, that frozen ice bitch, and that fucking snow haired bastard! I'll just devour all those God damn bastards, and your damn church!" She yelled. 'I'm being so nice to you, and you're behaving so wrong! You're just a damn cat! You don't even deserve my love! You're lucky I loved you at all. I'm gonna make you watch as I devour everyone you think you love until I'm all that's left!"

"N... No..." Ken gasped dropping down. Steam rolled off of her body as her head hit the floor and her wounds slowly began to seal. "I... I'll stop you!" She cried out. "I'll stop you!" Her body began to change as each of her hands turned black and large razor sharp claws formed out. Her teeth grew sharper and her hair got longer as her eyes took on a feline like quality. A large black cat tail seemed to jut out of her rear, as well as a pair of black cat ears. "I'll stop you!" Ken cried out.

"You evolved?" Viper asked in shock before her grin came back. "I've never been more attracted to you Ken! Come give me a hug-"

Ken fired forward beyond hyper sonic speeds as the entire block was blown to bits as she literally slammed straight through Viper letting out a beast like roar. "I'm gonna devour you!" Ken screamed her consciousness slowly fading as her teeth dug into Viper's neck and she tore a large chunk out of it swallowing it and staining her face with red.

Viper giggled wrapping her arms around Ken as the girl continued to rip pieces off of her. "You can't control it can you? The need to eat? It's hard at first. Eat me darling! devour me like the beast you are! Grow! Grow!" With every bite Ken grew larger and larger gaining more fur and losing flesh as she turned into a Bestia Macht...

Threat Level Marquees...


The Void...

"Oh boy..." Labby sighed bowing the closest thing he had to a head. "Poor... Poor... Ken... In the end it wasn't the urge of battle that drove you to this form, but the want and need to protect your friends... I'm so sorry but... I have to put you down... Your mind has snapped... You're a Bestia Macht... Goodbye... Little Ken-"

"Hold on a moment will ya." A voice called out.

"What the hell?" Labby turned around in shock seeing two figures in the void with him. "W... Who the hell are you two? Wait? No... I know you..."

"You can call me Yume! Uncle of Hero, Vil, Hero again, and Row! And of course amazing twin brother of Piero, and former holder of the Dreamer Crest!" Yume announced giving a bow. "Though I'm not the real Yume! He's dead! Much like the male Hero Law, I'm a personality that Row is making with his Dreamer Crest!"

"The other one though? You're Hero?" Labby said in shock.

The second figure snorted for a moment. "Don't call me by that losers name." He hissed. He had snow white hair, and ruby red eyes that were currently closed as he was still asleep... Row Law...

"But you should be asleep?" Labby asked in confusion.

"I am..." Row sighed. "That Bitch Hero tried to wake me up... The nerve of her... She wasn't even able to finish the job that failure. No wonder father left her. I'd leave her to. She's even still fighting that pathetic version of me calling himself Hero. I can't wait to get rid of them both..."

"What? But you... You made Hero? He's your dream?" Labby asked.

"He's a failure." Row hissed. "When I wake up he'll go away. He isn't a hero of justice. Just a naive boy playing pretend. Pathetic scum... I was wrong to leave him behind."

"Well can't you just wake up then? And how are you even here."

"I can't just wake up..." Row sighed shaking his head. "I went to sleep with the intention of it being forever. I figured that new me could handle it... When Hero began to wake me up I stopped her but I found I was in a weird limbo state. I'm at that point where the mind is starting to wake back up, but I'm still dreaming... I can't force myself to wake up due to the other me's power suppressing me himself... However now that I'm half up I was able to see his memories and see how much of a failure he is. Now I see I should have never left. He must vanish. It may take a few years, but I'll wake up... And when I do he's gone... I'll follow fathers dream myself. As for how I'm here. I'm using my Dream Crest to dream myself into this Void."

"Fascinating? But why are you here?"

Row was silent as he stared past the lab coat. "I'm here... To have a good and fun dream... That's why I think it would be more fun to let Ken go on a rampage. Plus her death will bring the other me despair if he has to kill her due to her being a beast. Such a good dream..."

"I can't allow that." Labby said sternly. "Now leave."

Row turned his gaze to the lab coat sneering at him. "I'm the clone of Orion. I. Am. A. God. I wasn't asking for your permission. Now. Be gone."

"What-" There was a bright green flash of light and in a single second Labby ceased to be.

"How pathetic. He's what they used to guard the mind of a Seraphin." Row sneer. "I'll need to fix this world right away. It needs a new God..."


The Real World...

Ken hit the ground no longer human. She looked like a massive black lion freezing the world around her. She let out a loud cry as her nose twitched and she smelled new prey running off...

"Where are you going sweetie!" Viper yelled her body healing from all of its bite marks. "Eat me? Ken? Come on?" She pouted as she watched the lion run off. "You tease... I'll have to chase her down then-"

"What the hell did you do..."

"Hmm..." Viper asked. She slowly stood back up and turned seeing Light was standing up his own healing powers as a Second Generation fixing him.

"I said... What the hell did you do to Ken!" He screamed.

"Oh that? Don't worry. She'll calm down soon enough."

Light bowed his head for a moment as he raised his gun. "It was hard you know..."

"What was?"

"Getting back my old power... I had to hold back so much you know..."

"What are you saying-"

A golden light covered Light's gun as his white iris's lit up with a golden light. "I'm saying... Your dead. Level Two."