The Enforcers Versus The Organization Part Four

Night One Hundred And Nine

Age 1991

Kitsune breathed heavily as he stared at the enemy he was fighting.

"D.... Damn I hate people with regeneration..." The Fox Noble sighed shaking his head. "Still I'll take you down no matter what."

Mr. Hyde let out a small laugh as his darkness swirled more and more. "I don't think so-"

"Red Lance!" A voice yelled as Dawson, the Red Demon, of Squad Six slammed into Mr. Hyde with a massive elbow drop that shattered the ground. "Devil Kick Of Hell!" His foot came out slamming it down on the downed mans head. "Hellish Whips!" He shouted forming two large muscle whips which be began to rapidly slash down over and over again. 'Finishing move! Level Two! Internal Hell Giga Punch!" He announced slamming his massive fist into the ground where Mr. Hyde was.

"What the hell is going on?" Kitsune asked with wide eyes.

"I think you got him Dawson!" Nick laughed jumping down. Behind him Serenity, Sea, Lucy, Emma, and a sleep walking Sif could be seen.

"Vice Captain Nick?" Kitsune asked with a shocked look.

"Hey." Nick laughed. "Good to see you. Looks like we came in the 'nick' name pun, of time, huh? After that light show I ended up having to fight that Ben fellow, and that Turron guy. Thankfully less than a minuet into the fight Dawson, and the rest of my Squad showed up so we kind of just all ganged up on them till we beat them... That Turron made the mistake of waking up Sif and it was over from there."

Kitsune nodded his head for a moment before shaking it quickly. "As cool as that sounds we need to hurry. I sent Irene on ahead to help Hero! He's been left with the big boss!"

"Oh no..." Sera muttered. "So he's dead."

"I believe so." Lucy nodded not having any emotion in her voice.

Dawson let out a grunt as his foot came out and he kicked the body of Mr. Hyde. "What about this guy?"

"I think I have a solution." Lucy stated. There was a quiet clicking sound as she opened the case up and a massive tentacle flew out wrapping around Mr. Hyde who just woke up. It dragged him kicking and screaming into the case, and Lucy silently closed it as everyone stared with horrified faces.

"Uh... Where the hell did you send him?" Kitsune shuddered.

"Hell." Was Lucy's blank response.

"Well shit."

"We need to hurry." Dawson said nodding his head. "It's time to act!"


"You're going down!" Hero yelled bringing her arm up as it began to spin and was wrapped in flames. "Hellish Cyclone!"

"No! You're going down!" Hero also yelled, bringing his arm up as it began to spin and was wrapped in flames. "Hellish Cyclone!"

The two attacks clashed in a massive fiery blast that shook the entire block. Up on his roof top One watched the battle still working on his machine. "My Great One, they even have the same terrible attack names... As it is they are nearly even... Hero got stronger so quickly doing whatever that thing he did was... His power evolved... It didn't level up, but his clawed arm has that green mist, and that dumb sword form changed to that drill... It makes me wonder what else changed and how much closer he is to reaching level two... Could he already have it?"

Hero flew back stopping his fall with his legs as his right arm glowed and morphed to his drill form. The unmasked Jester changed her arm into the spear mode firing forward and using it to somehow clash with Hero's new drill arm as they went back and forth.

"You're strong... I'll admit it." She yelled glaring at him her blood red eyes meeting his ruby red eyes.

"Or maybe you're just getting weaker." Hero smirked. "After all you said it yourself. I'm kind of like your son. Maybe you just can't bring yourself to harm your own child-"

She grabbed him by the head slamming his face down into her knee as hard as she could.

"Never mind..."

The jester fired out her right arm changing it into the spear mode as she delivered several fast moving barrages of attacks, changing her arm back into the clawed mode right before she hit so she could use the fast speed, and power of each mode. Hero was forced to use his own clawed mode, growing his wing out and using it as a large shield to block all of her jabs.

"Damn it..." He thought as he threw out a punch and changed his arm into the drill mode which she blocked with her winged arm. "My drill arm might have gotten several times stronger than my old spear, in fact I think it might be stronger than my clawed arm now, but it's so big I lost my speedy attacks... It's just barely above the speed of my clawed mode..."

"Oh boo hoo you upgrade isn't what you wanted it to be!" The Jester yelled as Hero's drill pushed her back and her arm began to crack. She gritted her teeth and suddenly changed her arm back into his normal fleshy mode as she stepped forward and cocked her body to the side causing the drill to stab past her. She opened her mouth and bit down onto Hero's metal arm ripping a chunk out of it and swallowing it as her arm morphed back and she used the metal to heal.

"Hey!" Hero yelled as his arm went back to the clawed mode and he tore a metal pole out of the ground and began to eat. "Don't eat my arm! Eat the other metal stuff you cheater!"

"No." She said flatly punching out with her fist, which Hero countered with his own punch clashing with her.

Hero and her both jumped back, both still glaring at each other as they breathed heavily.

"How do you think this fight will end?" The Jester snarled. "One of us are going to die you know that right."

"I... I'm aware of that." Hero nodded. "But I'm going to save as many people as I can. I'm a hero for justice, a Superhero, and you're nothing more than my supervillain rival. If I have to crush you, if I have to destroy you, if I have to wipe you out, if I have to kill you, I will. Whenever I see someone that needs help, I'll save them, even with my own life. I'm a hero after all!"

"How brave..." She mocked.

"Don't get me wrong... I'm scared. My body won't stop shaking. But... All my friends are giving it everything they got I know that for a fact. So I'll stop you, Row, and anyone else!"

"Foolish child."

"If being a hero means being a fool, than call me the biggest fool around!" Hero yelled firing forward as his arm morphed back into his clawed form. "I will defeat you!" He threw out a massive punch as the female Hero switched hers back and countered the attack.

"Haven't you noticed! We're only evenly matched because I am deciding to fight the same way you are... If I wanted to I could level up to two, or even three and wipe you out!" She shouted as her hand wrapped around his and they both had a match of strength trying to push each other back.

"But you're not gonna do that are you?" Hero smirked as he fired his head forward and slammed into her making her lose her grip. He took that as his chance swinging her around. "That pride of yours is in the way! You want to beat me how you are! I know because I'm the same right now!" He yelled throwing her down the street.

"Damn you Row!"

"My name is Hero Law!"

She caught herself with her clawed hand as she glared back at him.

Hero met her gaze as the two of them glared back.

"It's time this ends..." Hero sighed.

"For once I agree with you..." The Jester smirked.

"Ha... Ha..." Hero said dryly. His arm glowed as he changed it into his Rage Cannon only now it looked different. Before it looked like an anti tank rifle but now it looked more like an actual cannon on his arm several times larger and with a much thicker barrel. It had some feathers around it as well as a demon on the side of it giving a thumbs up, made out of a weird black spray paint. It also had a small switch on the top of it for some reason. Hero slowly brought the massive arm up pointing it down the alleyway at the woman. It was massive nearly ten feet long now. If he had a problem with recoil before he could only imagine what this one would do...

"So this is how you want to end it? A Beam clash?" The Jester shrugged as her arm morphed back into her own anti tank rifle mode. "My gun may be smaller but let me assure you 'Hero' my rage is far greater than yours."

"I'm not powering this shot with rage..." Hero shook his head as he closed his eyes. "I'm going to put it all into this shot. My hopes, my dreams, my desire, my love, my friends, all my power is in this one blast. I'll match your endless rage with my everything!"

"Let's put that to the test than!" She screamed as her gun began to glow and she fired out at Hero a powerful shot far stronger than anything he's ever fired before.

Hero slowly opened his eyes as his cannon glowed and he fired. And the beam went right past Jester's... There was no clash. Jester's bullet slammed into Hero's left shoulder piercing through it but Hero gritted his teeth as his smirk came back on.

"I win your game."

That was all it took for the Jester to realize her mistake as the beam flew past her and fired right into the building One stood on. The boy barley had time to jump off as Hero's beam blasted right through the entire upper half of the building and vaporized the metal machine...


'We aren't going to fight them. Hero's arm can turn into a literal gun. I'm gonna get him close so he can shoot it.'

"I was never going to win in an actual fight." Hero smirked as his arm reverted to his human arm and he collapsed onto his knees holding his bleeding shoulder. "But you thought I would. Your mistake was thinking I'm you, and I was telling the truth when I said I wanted to beat you. I told you Ms. Law... I'm Hero Law, named Hero because I'm a God damn Superhero! We are not the same!"

Silence passed over them all for a moment as the woman began to fume. Finally she took a sigh. "This was my fault... I'll end you here and now... No more fun and games Mr. Law..." She held her arm up as it began to glow. "Level... Two..."

"Oh shit..."

The female Hero's arm glowed for a moment as it changed. It got smaller? As in the size of a normal arm... It was still made out of that silver metal their clawed arm was but the entire limb was normal size. Three golden rings covered it one at the wrist, one at the elbow, and one at the shoulder. The golden disks seemed to be made out of a strange energy. She got a big smile on her face as she cocked her head to the side.

"You know it's almost funny..."

"What is?" Hero asked slowly.

"Well... You're a clone of Orion, the man we call God, and this Level Two mode of mine... Well..." A black shadow loomed over Hero as he slowly looked up and his eyes went wide. "I call it Hand Of God." In the air above the boy floating was a massive fifty foot tall hand which slowly balled into a fist. "Dodge this." She said balling her own hand into a fist. The massive arm followed any thing her right arm did as she raised it up and began to slam it down.

"Oh no you don't! Full Risen-Dawn!" A voice yelled.

Jester raised her right arm up as one of the rings glowed and seconds later the massive hand shrunk down to a ten foot tall hand and appeared in front of her blocking the fist of a giant ice dragon.

Irene landed next to Hero her pointer finger covering in ice as it snapped off and shattered...

"I... Irene? Your finger just-"

"Yeah... I know... It's the price for this power..." She nodded. "Why does that girl look at you."

"Oh that's my mom."


"She's also the previous first Captain and named Hero Law as well, and she can turn into a Dragon, also I'm the son of God, and have another me living in my head. Your caught up now."

"What the hell did I miss?" Irene frowned.

The female Hero sneered as she glared at the ice dragon. "I know you... You're the daughter of that damn man who worked with Mr. Hyde to try and improve Equations."

"You knew my dad?" Irene asked.

"Of course I do. Who do you think sent the Bestia Macht after him?" The female Hero gave a smirk as the second disk glowed and her massive metal arm opened up and began to change. "Cerberus armor." She said simply. The metal arm turned into a large three headed white metal dog before it opened up and wrapped around The Jester's body cladding her from the neck down in the white armor. One of the head's was placed at the center of her chest white the other two were on each arm giving both her arms large dog heads.

"Wow I have something to look forward to!" Hero said with wide eyes staring at her badass armor.

"I modeled this armor after the Dragon Clans dragon shifting powers, as well as God's own armor." The Jester smirked as one of the dog heads opened up and blade of flame formed out of its mouth giving her a flaming sword. "It's cool."

Irene frowned as she moved herself in front of the injured Hero. "Hero... Stay behind me... I'll keep you safe-"

Hero jumped forward his right arm changing into his clawed mode as for the second time that day he caught the katana of One. "Nice try." Hero smirked. "I can see through that trick easily... I always could Vil." He said slamming his left arm into the wooden mask and shattering it.

A young fourteen year old boy, with messy snow white hair, and ruby red eyes jumped back landing next to the Jester.

"H... Hero is that..." Irene asked.

Hero just nodded his head. "Yeah... Vil... My baby brother."

"How... How long did you know?" Vil asked slowly.

"Since I caught your blade the first time." Hero nodded.

"I see... I'm glad then." Vil smiled. "Now you can see my face when I gut you like the filthy pig you are."

"Holy shit Hero your family life is fucked." Irene said with wide eyes.

"You're telling me..."

"So are we going to do this or not?" The Jester asked.

"Yeah..." Hero nodded. "We are. Vil... I'm going to save you-"

"Don't make me laugh." Vil hissed. "Shut the hell up and just fight us... I want to kill you."

"And I want to save you-"

Hero was cut off when Vil vanished suddenly now standing on a turned over building. "Than come find me!" He shouted.


"Hero." Irene said placing a hand on his shoulder. "Go get him."

"But you-"

"I can handle this woman." Irene nodded as a small smile formed on her head. "I'm going to keep you safe from her. I'll use this power to protect you always."

"I... Irene..."

"Go... I got her."

"T... Thanks..." Hero turned away running towards the building.

"I don't think so-" Jester yelled but was stopped when the ice dragon slammed into her.

"Your fight is with me!" Irene yelled her eyes lighting up with power.